public SettingsForm(Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; InitializeComponent(); tbJiraBaseUrl.Text = this.settings.JiraBaseUrl; numIssueCount.Value = this.settings.IssueCount; cbAlwaysOnTop.Checked = this.settings.AlwaysOnTop; cbMinimizeToTray.Checked = this.settings.MinimizeToTray; cbTimerEditable.Checked = this.settings.TimerEditable; cbSaveTimerState.DisplayMember = "Text"; cbSaveTimerState.ValueMember = "Value"; cbSaveTimerState.DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "Reset all timers on exit", Value = SaveTimerSetting.NoSave }, new { Text = "Save current timetracking, pause active timer", Value = SaveTimerSetting.SavePause }, new { Text = "Save current timetracking, active timer continues", Value = SaveTimerSetting.SaveRunActive } }; cbSaveTimerState.SelectedValue = this.settings.SaveTimerState; cbPauseOnSessionLock.DisplayMember = "Text"; cbPauseOnSessionLock.ValueMember = "Value"; cbPauseOnSessionLock.DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "No pause", Value = PauseAndResumeSetting.NoPause }, new { Text = "Pause active timer", Value = PauseAndResumeSetting.Pause }, new { Text = "Pause and resume on unlock", Value = PauseAndResumeSetting.PauseAndResume } }; cbPauseOnSessionLock.SelectedValue = this.settings.PauseOnSessionLock; }
public IssueControl(JiraClient jiraClient, Settings settings) : base() { InitializeComponent(); Comment = null; EstimateUpdateMethod = EstimateUpdateMethods.Auto; EstimateUpdateValue = null; this.settings = settings; this.jiraClient = jiraClient; this.WatchTimer = new WatchTimer(); }
public SettingsForm(Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; InitializeComponent(); // Mono for MacOSX and Linux do not implement the notifyIcon // so ignore this feature if we are not running on Windows cbMinimizeToTray.Visible = CrossPlatformHelpers.IsWindowsEnvironment(); tbJiraBaseUrl.Text = this.settings.JiraBaseUrl; cbAlwaysOnTop.Checked = this.settings.AlwaysOnTop; cbMinimizeToTray.Checked = this.settings.MinimizeToTray; cbAllowMultipleTimers.Checked = this.settings.AllowMultipleTimers; cbAllowManualEstimateAdjustments.Checked = this.settings.AllowManualEstimateAdjustments; cbSaveTimerState.DisplayMember = "Text"; cbSaveTimerState.ValueMember = "Value"; cbSaveTimerState.DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "Reset all timers on exit", Value = SaveTimerSetting.NoSave }, new { Text = "Save current timetracking, pause active timer", Value = SaveTimerSetting.SavePause }, new { Text = "Save current timetracking, active timer continues", Value = SaveTimerSetting.SaveRunActive } }; cbSaveTimerState.SelectedValue = this.settings.SaveTimerState; cbPauseOnSessionLock.DisplayMember = "Text"; cbPauseOnSessionLock.ValueMember = "Value"; cbPauseOnSessionLock.DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "No pause", Value = PauseAndResumeSetting.NoPause }, new { Text = "Pause active timer", Value = PauseAndResumeSetting.Pause }, new { Text = "Pause and resume on unlock", Value = PauseAndResumeSetting.PauseAndResume } }; cbPauseOnSessionLock.SelectedValue = this.settings.PauseOnSessionLock; cbPostWorklogComment.DisplayMember = "Text"; cbPostWorklogComment.ValueMember = "Value"; cbPostWorklogComment.DataSource = new[] { new { Text = "Post only as part of worklog", Value = WorklogCommentSetting.WorklogOnly }, new { Text = "Post only as a comment", Value = WorklogCommentSetting.CommentOnly }, new { Text = "Post as both worklog and comment", Value = WorklogCommentSetting.WorklogAndComment } }; cbPostWorklogComment.SelectedValue = this.settings.PostWorklogComment; tbStartTransitions.Text = this.settings.StartTransitions; cbLoggingEnabbled.Checked = this.settings.LoggingEnabled; }
public SettingsForm(Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; InitializeComponent(); rbNoSave.Tag = SaveTimerSetting.NoSave; rbSavePause.Tag = SaveTimerSetting.SavePause; rbSaveRunActive.Tag = SaveTimerSetting.SaveRunActive; tbJiraBaseUrl.Text = this.settings.JiraBaseUrl; numIssueCount.Value = this.settings.IssueCount; cbAlwaysOnTop.Checked = this.settings.AlwaysOnTop; RadioButton choice = gbSaveTimerState.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>().FirstOrDefault(x => (SaveTimerSetting)x.Tag == settings.SaveTimerState); choice.Checked = true; }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); settings = new Settings(); jiraClient = new JiraClient(); cbFilters.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbFilters.DisplayMember = "Name"; LoadSettings(); ticker = new Timer(); // First run should be almost immediately after start ticker.Interval = firstDelay; ticker.Tick += ticker_Tick; }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); settings = new Settings(); jiraClient = new JiraClient(); cbFilters.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbFilters.DisplayMember = "Name"; LoadSettings(); ticker = new Timer(); // First run should be almost immediately after start ticker.Interval = firstDelay; ticker.Tick += ticker_Tick; Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += new Microsoft.Win32.SessionSwitchEventHandler(SystemEvents_SessionSwitch); }
public MainForm() { settings = new Settings(); settings.Load(); Logger.Instance.LogfilePath = Path.Combine(Application.UserAppDataPath, "jirastopwatch.log"); Logger.Instance.Enabled = settings.LoggingEnabled; restRequestFactory = new RestRequestFactory(); jiraApiRequestFactory = new JiraApiRequestFactory(restRequestFactory); restClientFactory = new RestClientFactory(); restClientFactory.BaseUrl = this.settings.JiraBaseUrl; jiraApiRequester = new JiraApiRequester(restClientFactory, jiraApiRequestFactory); jiraClient = new JiraClient(jiraApiRequestFactory, jiraApiRequester); InitializeComponent(); Text = string.Format("{0} v. {1}", Application.ProductName, Application.ProductVersion); cbFilters.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbFilters.DisplayMember = "Name"; ticker = new Timer(); // First run should be almost immediately after start ticker.Interval = firstDelay; ticker.Tick += ticker_Tick; }