Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a copy of this data from a date, to a date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">Date to start from</param>
        /// <param name="end">Date to end at</param>
        /// <returns>New object with the data from the requested dates</returns>
        public TickerData SubSet(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            TickerData copyData = new TickerData(TickerAndExchange);

            int copyStartIndex = -1;
            int copyEndIndex   = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Dates.Count; i++)
                if (copyStartIndex == -1 && Dates[i] >= start)
                    copyStartIndex = i;
                if (copyEndIndex == -1 && Dates[i] >= end)
                    copyEndIndex = i;

                if (copyStartIndex > -1 && copyEndIndex > -1)

            if (copyStartIndex != -1)
                if (copyEndIndex == -1 && end > Dates.Last())
                    copyEndIndex = Dates.Count - 1;

                int amountToCopy = (copyEndIndex - copyStartIndex) + 1;
                copyData.Dates.AddRange(Dates.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));
                copyData.Open.AddRange(Open.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));
                copyData.Close.AddRange(Close.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));
                copyData.High.AddRange(High.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));
                copyData.Low.AddRange(Low.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));
                copyData.Volume.AddRange(Volume.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));

                // Extras
                copyData.Typical.AddRange(Typical.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));
                copyData.Median.AddRange(Median.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));
                copyData.HigherTimeframeTrend.AddRange(HigherTimeframeTrend.GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));

                for (int i = 0; i < HigherTimeframeValueStrings.Length; i++)
                    string key = HigherTimeframeValueStrings[i];
                    copyData.HigherTimeframeValues[key].AddRange(HigherTimeframeValues[key].GetRange(copyStartIndex, amountToCopy));

                copyData.Start   = copyData.Dates[0];
                copyData.End     = copyData.Dates[copyData.Dates.Count - 1];
                copyData.NumBars = copyData.Dates.Count;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an object of ticker data from the stream passed in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">String of ticker data</param>
        /// <param name="ticker">Ticker name for this data string</param>
        /// <param name="isFromDisk">True if this string is loaded from our disk, saves a lot of calculation time</param>
        /// <param name="start">Start date of the data</param>
        /// <param name="end">End date of the data</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an object created from the ticker data string</returns>
        private TickerData CreateTickerDataFromString(string data, TickerExchangePair ticker, bool isFromDisk, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                throw new Exception("No ticker data to parse.");

            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(data))
                string line = string.Empty;

                // Strip off the headers if the are present
                if (reader.Peek() == 68)                 // "D"

                TickerData tickerData = new TickerData(ticker);

                // Value for an invalid date.
                DateTime invalidDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

                // Read each line of the string and convert it into numerical data and dates.
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line != null)
                        string[] splitData     = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        DateTime lineDate      = DateTime.MaxValue;
                        long     lineDateDigit = 0;
                        if (long.TryParse(splitData[0], out lineDateDigit))
                            lineDate = UtilityMethods.ConvertFromUnixTimestamp(splitData[0]);
                            lineDate = DateTime.Parse(splitData[0]);

                        // Because of the way google returns data, we don't always get our exact dates.
                        // What we get is an interval of dates containing the ones we asked for, so
                        // we'll filter that data down to just the dates we want.
                        if (start != invalidDate && lineDate < start)
                        if (end != invalidDate && lineDate > end)

                        // Sometimes google has random 0's or 0.01 values for things so we'll just skip those bars.
                        if (!IsDataFieldValid(splitData, 1) ||
                            !IsDataFieldValid(splitData, 2) ||
                            !IsDataFieldValid(splitData, 3) ||
                            !IsDataFieldValid(splitData, 4) ||
                            !IsDataFieldValid(splitData, 5))

                        // Add the data to our object.
                        double open   = Convert.ToDouble(splitData[1]);
                        double high   = Convert.ToDouble(splitData[2]);
                        double low    = Convert.ToDouble(splitData[3]);
                        double close  = Convert.ToDouble(splitData[4]);
                        long   volume = Convert.ToInt64(splitData[5]);

                        tickerData.NumBars = tickerData.Dates.Count;

                        // If this data is from the disk we don't need to calculate the extra fields since
                        // we've already saved them in the file.
                        if (isFromDisk)

                            for (int i = 0; i < TickerData.HigherTimeframeValueStrings.Length; i++)
                                string        key          = TickerData.HigherTimeframeValueStrings[i];
                                List <double> higherValues = tickerData.HigherTimeframeValues[key];
                                higherValues.Add(Convert.ToDouble(splitData[(int)DataFields.HigherValuesStart + i]));
                            // Extra non-downloaded data.
                            high  = tickerData.High[tickerData.NumBars - 1];
                            low   = tickerData.Low[tickerData.NumBars - 1];
                            close = tickerData.Close[tickerData.NumBars - 1];
                            tickerData.Typical.Add((high + low + close) / 3);
                            tickerData.Median.Add((high + low) / 2);

                            // Calculate the higher momentum state for this bar. This is a pretty
                            // time consuming function since it has to loop back through all the
                            // bars before (and including) this one.
                            double lastValue = tickerData.HigherTimeframeTrend.Count > 0 ? tickerData.HigherTimeframeTrend[tickerData.HigherTimeframeTrend.Count - 1] : Order.OrderType.Long;
                            tickerData.HigherTimeframeTrend.Add(GetHigherTimerframeExtras(tickerData, lastValue));
                } while (line != null);

                tickerData.Start = tickerData.Dates[0];
                tickerData.End   = tickerData.Dates[tickerData.Dates.Count - 1];
