Пример #1
        public static async Task UpPersonaldata(string regdata)
            int     index = 0;
            int     i = 0;
            Decimal PayAssetprice = 0;
            Decimal TotalAssetprice = 0;
            string  NameMulti = "";
            string  TrgetWord = null, TrgetWord1 = null, TrgetWord2 = null;

            // UTF8のファイルの読み込み Edit.
            string responce = regdata;// await mainViewModel.PCLLoadCommand();//登録データ読み込み

            //var resPrice = await PasonalGetserchi();//登録件数設定
            List <Price> prices = Finance.Parse(responce);

            foreach (Price price in prices)
                NameMulti = NameMulti + price.Name + ",";

            string url        = "https://info.finance.yahoo.co.jp/search/?query=" + NameMulti;//6758%2C9837%2C6976%2C%2C%2C%2C"
            var    httpClient = new HttpClient();
            string str        = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url);

            foreach (Price price in prices)
                string searchWord = "slk:stock_price;pos:" + Convert.ToSingle(prices.Count); //最初の検索する企業
                int    foundIndex = str.IndexOf(searchWord);                                 //始めの位置を探す

                int nextIndex = foundIndex + searchWord.Length;                              //現在値の検索開始位置
                    string pricesearchWord = "price yjXXL";
                    foundIndex = str.IndexOf(pricesearchWord, nextIndex);
                    if (foundIndex != -1)
                        i = foundIndex + pricesearchWord.Length + 2; //pricedata to point 14209
                        for (; Convert.ToString(str[i]) != "<"; i++)
                            TrgetWord = TrgetWord + str[i]; //current value 現在値
                        //price[0] = "Error";

                    string searchWord1 = "strong greenFin";        //検索する文字列前日比
                    int    foundIndex1 = str.IndexOf(searchWord1); //始めの位置を探す
                    int    i1          = searchWord1.Length + 2;

                    for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1]) != "<"; i1++)
                        TrgetWord1 = TrgetWord1 + str[foundIndex1 + i1];//previous 前日比? ¥

                    if (Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1 + 1]) == "-")//(-)下落
                        price.Polar = "-";
                        price.Polar = "+";


                    string searchWord2 = "strong greenFin";                                          //検索する文字列前日比
                    int    foundIndex2 = str.IndexOf(searchWord2, foundIndex1 + searchWord2.Length); //始めの位置を探す
                    int    i2          = searchWord2.Length + 2;

                    for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex2 + i2]) != "<"; i2++)
                        TrgetWord2 = TrgetWord2 + str[foundIndex2 + i2]; //previous 前日比? %
                    prices[index].Name      = NameMulti;                 //Code Namber
                    prices[index].Stocks    = 123;
                    prices[index].Itemprice = 1111;
                    prices[index].Realprice = Convert.ToDecimal(TrgetWord);//現在値
                    prices[index].RealValue = 1212;
                    prices[index].Percent   = "%";
                    prices[index].Prev_day  = TrgetWord1; //前日比±
                    prices[index].Percent   = TrgetWord2; //前日比%

                    TrgetWord  = "";
                    TrgetWord1 = "";
                    TrgetWord2 = "";
                    //Pasonalresponce[index] = price.Name + ","+ Convert.ToString(price.Stocks) + "," + Convert.ToString(price.Itemprice);
                    index = index + 1;
                catch (Exception e)
                    //var accepted = await DisplayAlert(e.Message, "市場が開始していません。", "Ok", "Cancel");
                    MessagingCenter.Send(e, "progress_dialog", true);
                    //if (accepted == true)
                    //    Application.Current.MainPage = new WebSerchi();
                    //    //Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new WebSerchi(), this);
                    //    //buttonDialog1.Text = "Accepted!";
                    //    //break;

                /// }
                // return prices;//polarity;

                ///  foreach (Price price in prices)
                ///  {
                price.PayAssetprice = PayAssetprice + Convert.ToDecimal(price.Stocks) * Convert.ToDecimal(price.Itemprice); //保有数*購入価格=投資総額

                price.Investmen = (price.PayAssetprice);                                                                    //投資総額

                if (price.Realprice.ToString() != "---")
                    TotalAssetprice  = TotalAssetprice + Convert.ToDecimal(price.Stocks) * Convert.ToDecimal(price.Realprice); //保有数*時価=時価総額
                    price.TotalAsset = Convert.ToDecimal(TotalAssetprice);                                                     // Convert.ToString(TotalAssetprice);//時価総額
                    price.TotalAsset = 0;

                if (price.Polar != "-")
                    //UptoButtons[i].BackgroundColor = Color.Red;//各銘柄
                    //UptoButtons[i].BackgroundColor = Color.Green;

                //AddGoingprice[i].Text = price.Realprice;//時価
                i     = i + 1;
                index = index + 1;

            //price.RealValue = Convert.ToInt64(TotalAssetprice - PayAssetprice);

            //price.TotalAsset = String.Format("{0:#,0}", Convert.ToInt64(TotalAssetprice - PayAssetprice));//利益総額

            //Decimal pasent = Convert.ToInt16((TotalAssetprice / PayAssetprice) * 100);
            //string pasenttext = Convert.ToString(pasent) + "%";

            //if (PayAssetprice <= TotalAssetprice)//
            //    //UptoAsset.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;//総合銘柄
            //    //UptoAsset.BackgroundColor = Color.Green;

            //return price;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Pasonals the getserchi.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The getserchi.</returns>
        public static async Task <List <Price> > PasonalGetserchi()//企業名を設定して現在値を取得する
            string Value        = null;
            string YenRatio     = null;
            string PercentRatio = null;
            int    index        = 0;

            // UTF8のファイルの読み込み Edit.
            string responce = await StorageControl.PCLLoadCommand();//登録データ読み込み

            List <Price> prices = Finance.Parse(responce);

            foreach (Price price in prices)
                string url = "http://stocks.finance.yahoo.co.jp/stocks/detail/?code=" + price.Name;// +".T";

                var    httpClient = new HttpClient();
                string str        = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url);

                string searchWord = "stoksPrice";            //検索する文字列 ="stoksPrice">
                int    foundIndex = str.IndexOf(searchWord); //始めの位置を探す
                int nextIndex = foundIndex + searchWord.Length;
                    foundIndex = str.IndexOf(searchWord, nextIndex);
                    if (foundIndex != -1)
                        int i = searchWord.Length + 2;//pricedata to point
                        for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex + i]) != "<"; i++)
                            Value = Value + str[foundIndex + i];//current value 現在値
                        //price[0] = "Error";

                    string searchWord1 = "yjMSt";                  //検索する文字列前日比
                    int    foundIndex1 = str.IndexOf(searchWord1); //始めの位置を探す
                    int    i1          = searchWord1.Length + 2;

                    for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1]) != "("; i1++)
                        YenRatio = YenRatio + str[foundIndex1 + i1];//previous 前日比? ¥

                    if (Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1 + 1]) == "-") //(-)下落
                        price.Polar = "Green";                              //(-)
                        price.Polar = "Red";//(+)

                    for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1]) != ")"; i1++)
                        PercentRatio = PercentRatio + str[foundIndex1 + i1];//previous 前日比? %

                    if (Value == "---")
                        price.Realprice = 000;
                        price.Realprice = Convert.ToDecimal(Value);                           //現在値
                    price.Prev_day      = YenRatio;                                           //前日比±
                    price.Percent       = PercentRatio;                                       //前日比%
                    price.PayAssetprice = price.Stocks * price.Itemprice;                     //株数*購入単価
                    price.Gain          = (price.Realprice - price.Itemprice) * price.Stocks; //損益
                    price.RealValue     = (price.Stocks * price.Realprice);                   //個別利益

                    Value        = "";
                    YenRatio     = "";
                    PercentRatio = "";
                    index        = index + 1;
                catch (Exception)
                    price.Prev_day = "Close";
                    price.Polar    = "Gray";

        }//class to end