Пример #1
        public bool AddInherit(string text)
            //HACK CITY!
            //first, we need to find where to put the inherit command. We are assuming
            //the code file already has at least one inherit command (dangerous) or
            //some meta-comment that singlas where they should go (also dangerous) so we'll
            //insert our new one after that
            for (int index = 0; index < this.Tokens.Count; index++)
                Parser.Token insertPoint = this.Tokens[index];

                if (insertPoint != null)
                    if (insertPoint.Type == Parser.TokenType.CommentLine &&
                        insertPoint.Code.Trim() == Globals.Generator.InheritCode)
                        //stick 'er in there!
                        Parser.Token newline = new Parser.Token("\n");
                        Parser.Token token   = new Parser.Token(text);
                        this.Tokens.Insert(index, newline);
                        this.Tokens.Insert(index, token);


Пример #2
        public void AddLine(string line, string bodyName)
            const int FUNC_BODY = 1;

            Parser.Token body = this.Code.GetFunctionBody(bodyName);
            body.InsertTextAsTokensBeginning(line, FUNC_BODY);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains values from parsed LPC code and applies them to
        /// the room model's data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        private void PullDataFromCode()
            //first, find main function
            Parser.Token body = this.Code.GetFunctionBody("create");
            if (body == null)
                MessageBox.Show("DEBUG ERROR: Room model's code failed to load properly. The 'create' function body was not found.");

            //don't assume we have children in the function body
            if (body.Children.Count < 2)
                MessageBox.Show("DEBUG ERROR: Missing function body for 'create'. The Parser has mismatched token children.");

            //build a list of all function calls found in the LPC object
            Dictionary <string, Parser.Token> list = this.Code.GetAllFunctionCalls(body);

            //update all function call controls if they have matching info from the aforementioned list
            foreach (string dataCall in list.Keys)
                const int FUNCTION_PARAMS = 0;
                if (list.ContainsKey(dataCall))
                    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("");

                    //can't use foreach because some children may be null
                    for (int index = 0; index < list[dataCall].Children.Count; index++)
                        if (list[dataCall].Children != null && list[dataCall].Children[FUNCTION_PARAMS] != null)
                    this.FunctionCalls.DefineCall(dataCall, str.ToString());

            //update exists and enters list
            if (this.FunctionCalls.CallList.ContainsKey("SetExits"))
                this.EditorState.ExitsList = ParserTools.StringIntoMap(this.FunctionCalls.CallList["SetExits"], "SetExits");
            if (this.FunctionCalls.CallList.ContainsKey("SetEnters"))
                this.EditorState.EntersList = ParserTools.StringIntoMap(this.FunctionCalls.CallList["SetEnters"], "SetEnters");

            //check for evidence that the room supports day/night settings for light or long descriptions
            if (this.FunctionCalls.CallList.ContainsKey("SetDayLong") ||
                this.FunctionCalls.CallList.ContainsKey("SetNightLong") ||
                this.FunctionCalls.CallList.ContainsKey("SetDayLight") ||
                this.EditorState.UseDayNight = true;
Пример #4
        public Dictionary <string, Parser.Token> GetAllFunctionCalls(Parser.Token root)
            //List<Parser.Token> calls = new List<Parser.Token>();
            Dictionary <string, Parser.Token> calls             = new Dictionary <string, Parser.Token>();
            Dictionary <string, int>          FuncInstanceCount = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (Parser.Token token in root.Children[1])
                if (token.Type == Parser.TokenType.FunctionCall)
                    string funcName = "";
                    //gotta find out the form of the function call with respect to
                    //the scope resolution operator
                    for (int index = 0; index < token.Lexmes.Count; index++)
                        Lexer.Lexme lexme = token.Lexmes[index];

                        if (lexme.Data.ToString() == "::")
                            funcName = token.Lexmes[index + 1].Data.ToString();
                        if (lexme.Type == Lexer.LexmeType.Identifier)
                            //look ahead
                            if (token.Lexmes[index + 1].Data.ToString() == "::")
                                funcName = token.Lexmes[index + 2].Data.ToString();
                                funcName = lexme.Data.ToString();

                    if (funcName.Length < 1 || funcName == "")
                        throw new Exception("Unidentifiable form for function name.");
                    if (calls.ContainsKey(funcName))
                        calls.Add(funcName + Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol + FuncInstanceCount[funcName], token);
                        FuncInstanceCount[funcName] += 1;
                        calls.Add(funcName, token);
                        FuncInstanceCount.Add(funcName, 1);

Пример #5
        public void DeleteFunctionsInCode(string bodyName)
            const int FUNC_PARAMS = 0;
            const int FUNC_BODY   = 1;

            Parser.Token body = this.Code.GetFunctionBody(bodyName);
            Dictionary <string, Parser.Token> list = this.Code.GetAllFunctionCalls(body);

            body.Children[FUNC_BODY] = new List <Stellarmass.LPC.Parser.Token>();
Пример #6
        public bool AddInclude(string fileName)
            //search through every token until the end of the file.
            //if we didn't already file the included file we do it at the top
            foreach (Parser.Token t in Tokens)
                if (t.Type == Stellarmass.LPC.Parser.TokenType.Include)
                    if (t.Code.Contains(fileName))

            Parser.Token newline = new Parser.Token("\n");
            Parser.Token token   = new Parser.Token("#include <" + fileName + ">");
            this.Tokens.Insert(0, newline);
            this.Tokens.Insert(0, token);

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the room model's data back into parsed LPC.
        /// </summary>
        private void PushFunctionDataToCode(FunctionCallsCollection functions)
            //first, find main function
            Parser.Token body = this.Code.GetFunctionBody("create");
            if (body == null)
                MessageBox.Show("DEBUG ERROR: Item model's code failed to update properly. The 'create' function body was not found.");

            //assume we have children in the function body
            if (body.Children.Count < 2)
                MessageBox.Show("DEBUG ERROR: Missing function body for 'create'. Parser mismatched token children.");

            //build a list of all function calls that already exist and just need to be changed
            Dictionary <string, Parser.Token> list = this.Code.GetAllFunctionCalls(body);
            List <string> remaining = new List <string>(functions.CallList.Keys);

            //build list of relevant function calls within body
            foreach (string codeCall in list.Keys)
                foreach (string dataCall in functions.CallList.Keys)
                    if (dataCall == codeCall.Trim())
                        //edit currently existsing data within the parsed LPC object
                        if (list[dataCall].Type == Parser.TokenType.FunctionCall)
                            //make sure hash symbol is removed before adding
                            string[] temp         = dataCall.Split(Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol.ToCharArray());
                            string   functionName = temp[0];

                            //edit exiting function
                            const int FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS = 0;
                            list[dataCall].SetTextAsTokens(functions.CallList[functionName], FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS);

            //now deal with all the remaining function calls from
            //the model that aren't in the LPC parse map yet.
            List <string> removedFunctions = new List <string>();

            foreach (string dataCall in remaining)
                 * const int FUNCTION_BODY = 1;
                 * //make sure hash symbol is removed before adding
                 * string[] temp = dataCall.Split(Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol.ToCharArray());
                 * string functionName = temp[0];
                 * //add functiuons that don't exist within the parsed LPC
                 * //but do exist within the model
                 * body.InsertTextAsTokensEnd("\t" + functionName + "();\n",FUNCTION_BODY);

                const int FUNCTION_BODY = 1;
                //make sure hash symbol is removed before adding
                string parameters = functions.CallList[dataCall];
                if (parameters.Length > 0 && parameters != null && parameters != "({})" && parameters != "([])" && parameters != "\"\"")
                    string[] temp         = dataCall.Split(Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol.ToCharArray());
                    string   functionName = temp[0];

                    //add functiuons that don't exist within the parsed LPC
                    //but do exist within the model

                    body.InsertTextAsTokensEnd("\t" + functionName + "();\n", FUNCTION_BODY);

            //loop through again to fill in the parameters for everything we just created
            list = this.Code.GetAllFunctionCalls(body);

            //HACK ALERT!!!
            //when we entered the functions with the hash symbol they used whatever value was tagged onto the end of them
            //However, now they are using a number count assigned by the 'GetAllFunctionCalls()' which will inevitably make
            //the results turn sour. So we need to convert all hashed function values to a numeric system, while
            //also keeing in mind that the first function with a given name is not given a hash symbol by 'GetAllFunctionCalls()'.
            //Basically we are going to tack on a numbered count after each instance of a function call except the first.
            Dictionary <string, int> funcHashCount = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (string dataCall in remaining)
                string functionKey = dataCall;

                if (!removedFunctions.Contains(dataCall))
                    //hack alert: see above
                    if (functionKey.Contains(Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol))
                        string[] temp = functionKey.Split(Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol.ToCharArray());
                        functionKey = temp[0];
                        //don't add hash to first instance of a function call
                        if (!funcHashCount.ContainsKey(functionKey))
                            funcHashCount.Add(functionKey, 0);
                            functionKey = functionKey + Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol + funcHashCount[functionKey];
                    //end hack alert

                    const int FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS = 0;
                    if (functionKey != null && functionKey.Length > 0 && list[functionKey].Type == Parser.TokenType.FunctionCall)
                        //make sure hash symbol is removed before adding
                        string[] temp         = functionKey.Split(Globals.Generator.FunctionHashSymbol.ToCharArray());
                        string   functionName = temp[0];

                        list[functionKey].SetTextAsTokens(functions.CallList[dataCall], FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS);
                }                        //end if not in removed

            foreach (string file in functions.AdditionalIncludes)

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        private void RemoveFunctionCallFromCode(string name, Parser.Token root)
            const int FUNC_BODY_TOKENS = 1;

            //foreach(Parser.Token token in root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS])
            for (int count = 0; count < root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS].Count; count++)
                Parser.Token token = root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS][count];

                if (token.Type == Parser.TokenType.FunctionCall)
                    string funcName = "";
                    //gotta find out the form of the function call with respect to
                    //the scope resolution operator
                    for (int index = 0; index < token.Lexmes.Count; index++)
                        Lexer.Lexme lexme = token.Lexmes[index];

                        if (lexme.Data.ToString() == "::")
                            funcName = token.Lexmes[index + 1].Data.ToString();
                        if (lexme.Type == Lexer.LexmeType.Identifier)
                            //look ahead
                            if (token.Lexmes[index + 1].Data.ToString() == "::")
                                funcName = token.Lexmes[index + 2].Data.ToString();
                                //found the name of the currently investigated grammar token.
                                //is it the one we are looking for?
                                funcName = lexme.Data.ToString();
                                if (name == funcName)
                                    Parser.Token funccall = root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS][count];
                                    Parser.Token pretab = null, newline = null;

                                    if (count > 0)
                                        pretab = root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS][count - 1];
                                    if (root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS].Count - 1 <= count + 1)
                                        newline = root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS][count + 1];

                                    //WARNING - hackish!
                                    //This parameter is used to remove the tab token and newline token that were
                                    //placed after the function back in 'PushDataToCode'. It should only be set
                                    //if you knoew for sure there is a tab before this function and a newline after.
                                    //It is used to remove all that exra space generated when a new function is created and then never used.

                                    //if(pretab != null)	{root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS].Remove(pretab);}
                                    //if(newline != null)	{root.Children[FUNC_BODY_TOKENS].Remove(newline);}
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the room model's data back into parsed LPC.
        /// </summary>
        private void PushDataToCode()
            //first, find main function
            Parser.Token body = this.Code.GetFunctionBody("create");
            if (body == null)
                MessageBox.Show("DEBUG ERROR: Room model's code failed to update properly. The 'create' function body was not found.");

            //assume we have children in the function body
            if (body.Children.Count < 2)
                MessageBox.Show("DEBUG ERROR: Missing function body for 'create'. Parser mismatched token children.");

            //build a list of all function calls that already exist and just need to be changed
            Dictionary <string, Parser.Token> list = this.Code.GetAllFunctionCalls(body);
            List <string> remaining = new List <string>(this.FunctionCalls.CallList.Keys);

            //build list of relevant function calls within body
            foreach (string codeCall in list.Keys)
                foreach (string dataCall in this.FunctionCalls.CallList.Keys)
                    if (dataCall == null || dataCall.Length < 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Warning! A function with no name was produced for '" + this.RawFileName + "'. The flawed data has not been written but you you should verify the contents of the file.");
                        if (dataCall == codeCall.Trim())
                            //edit currently existsing data within the parsed LPC object
                            const int FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS = 0;

                            string parameters = this.FunctionCalls.CallList[dataCall];
                            if (parameters.Length < 1 || parameters == "({})" || parameters == "([])" || parameters == "\"\"")
                                //don't remove if it's the create function
                                if (dataCall == "create")
                                    list[dataCall].SetTextAsTokens(parameters, FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS);
                                    RemoveFunctionCallFromCode(dataCall, body);
                                string encodedText = parameters;
                                list[dataCall].SetTextAsTokens(encodedText, FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS);

            //now deal with all the remaining function calls from
            //the model that aren't in the LPC parse map yet.
            List <string> removedFunctions = new List <string>();

            foreach (string dataCall in remaining)
                const int FUNCTION_BODY = 1;
                string    parameters    = this.FunctionCalls.CallList[dataCall];
                //add functiuons that don't exist within the parsed LPC
                //but do exist within the model.  But only add them it the
                //the parameters aren't empty
                if (parameters.Length > 0 && parameters != null && parameters != "({})" && parameters != "([])" && parameters != "\"\"")
                    body.InsertTextAsTokensEnd("\t" + dataCall + "();\n", FUNCTION_BODY);

            //loop through again to fill in the parameters for everything we just created
            //if the parameters are empty remove that function call from the code
            list = this.Code.GetAllFunctionCalls(body);
            foreach (string dataCall in remaining)
                if (dataCall == null || dataCall.Length < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Warning! A function with no name was produced for '" + this.RawFileName + "'. The flawed data has not been written but you you should verify the contents of the file.");
                    if (!removedFunctions.Contains(dataCall))
                        const int FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS = 0;
                        string    parameters           = this.FunctionCalls.CallList[dataCall];
                        list[dataCall].SetTextAsTokens(parameters, FUNCTION_CALL_PARAMS);

            foreach (string file in FunctionCalls.AdditionalIncludes)