Пример #1
        public void Export(string assetFileName, bool exportOBJ)
            if (!ValidateGeometry())

            assetFileName = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + assetFileName;

            var objects = SceneExporter.GetDynamicGameObjectsForExport(this);

            Vector3[]  vertices        = null;
            Triangle[] triangles       = null;
            int[]      materialIndices = null;
            Material[] materials       = null;
            SceneExporter.GetGeometryAndMaterialBuffers(objects, ref vertices, ref triangles, ref materialIndices,
                                                        ref materials, true, exportOBJ);

            // TODO: Make the log callback function accessible from any class.
            var context = IntPtr.Zero;
            var status  = PhononCore.iplCreateContext(null, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, ref context);

            if (status != Error.None)
                throw new Exception();

            var computeDevice = IntPtr.Zero;
            var sceneType     = SceneType.Phonon;

            var scene = IntPtr.Zero;

            status = PhononCore.iplCreateScene(context, computeDevice, sceneType, materials.Length, materials,
                                               null, null, null, null, IntPtr.Zero, ref scene);
            if (status != Error.None)
                throw new Exception();

            var staticMesh = IntPtr.Zero;

            status = PhononCore.iplCreateStaticMesh(scene, vertices.Length, triangles.Length, vertices, triangles,
                                                    materialIndices, ref staticMesh);
            if (status != Error.None)
                throw new Exception();

            if (exportOBJ)
                PhononCore.iplSaveSceneAsObj(scene, Common.ConvertString(assetFileName + ".obj"));
                var size = PhononCore.iplSaveScene(scene, null);
                var data = new byte[size];
                PhononCore.iplSaveScene(scene, data);

                File.WriteAllBytes(assetFileName, data);

            PhononCore.iplDestroyStaticMesh(ref staticMesh);
            PhononCore.iplDestroyScene(ref scene);
            PhononCore.iplDestroyContext(ref context);

            var exportedFileName = (exportOBJ) ? assetFileName + ".obj" : assetFileName;

            Debug.Log(string.Format("Steam Audio Dynamic Object [{0}]: Exported to {1}.", name, exportedFileName));