private void ReadDefineClass(Int64 timeStamp, int eventLength, IBinaryLogDataStream stream) { UInt32 classId = stream.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 numElements = stream.ReadUInt32(); byte[] descBytes = stream.ReadBytes(eventLength - 8); IIntervalSink sink = m_sinks[classId]; Type propType = sink.PropertiesType; EventPropertyDesc[] properties = new EventPropertyDesc[numElements]; int p = 0; for (UInt32 elementIdx = 0; elementIdx < numElements; ++elementIdx) { byte typeId = descBytes[p++]; int nullTermIdx = Array.IndexOf <byte>(descBytes, 0, p); string name = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(descBytes, p, (nullTermIdx >= 0 ? nullTermIdx : descBytes.Length) - p); p = nullTermIdx + 1; // Find a field with the same name in the C# type FieldInfo field = propType.GetField(name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public); properties[elementIdx] = new EventPropertyDesc((EFrameElementType)typeId, field); } m_classDescs[classId] = new EventClassDesc(propType, properties); }
private void ReadModifyIntervalBit(Int64 timeStamp, int eventLength, IBinaryLogDataStream stream) { UInt64 ivId = stream.ReadUInt64(); UInt32 classId = stream.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 field = stream.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 fieldId = field & 0x7fffffff; UInt32 splitInterval = field & 0x80000000; byte[] values = stream.ReadBytes(eventLength - 16); if (m_pendingIntervals.ContainsKey(ivId)) { EventClassDesc classDesc = m_classDescs[classId]; PendingInterval pi = m_pendingIntervals[ivId]; Interval iv = pi.iv; if (splitInterval != 0) { iv.EndUs = timeStamp; Interval ivClone = (Interval)iv.Clone(); pi.sink.OnFinalisedInterval(ivId, iv, true); iv = ivClone; pi.iv = iv; iv.StartUs = timeStamp; iv.EndUs = Int64.MaxValue; } EEndian srcEndian = stream.Endianness; object valMask = null, valOr = null; switch ([fieldId].type) { case EFrameElementType.Int: valMask = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(values, 0, srcEndian); valOr = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(values, 4, srcEndian); break; case EFrameElementType.Int64: valMask = EndianBitConverter.ToInt64(values, 0, srcEndian); valOr = EndianBitConverter.ToInt64(values, 8, srcEndian); break; default: throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled property type"); } if ([fieldId].field != null) { object oldVal =[fieldId].field.GetValue(iv); switch ([fieldId].type) { case EFrameElementType.Int:[fieldId].field.SetValue(iv, ((int)oldVal & (int)valMask) | ((int)valOr)); break; case EFrameElementType.Int64:[fieldId].field.SetValue(iv, ((long)oldVal & (long)valMask) | ((long)valOr)); break; } } if (splitInterval != 0) { pi.sink.OnBegunInterval(ivId, iv); } } else { //throw new ApplicationException("Unknown interval"); } }
private void ReadModifyInterval(Int64 timeStamp, int eventLength, IBinaryLogDataStream stream) { UInt64 ivId = stream.ReadUInt64(); UInt32 classId = stream.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 field = stream.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 fieldId = field & 0x7fffffff; UInt32 splitInterval = field & 0x80000000; byte[] values = stream.ReadBytes(eventLength - 16); if (m_pendingIntervals.ContainsKey(ivId)) { EventClassDesc classDesc = m_classDescs[classId]; PendingInterval pi = m_pendingIntervals[ivId]; Interval iv = pi.iv; if (splitInterval != 0) { iv.EndUs = timeStamp; Interval ivClone = (Interval)iv.Clone(); pi.sink.OnFinalisedInterval(ivId, iv, true); iv = ivClone; pi.iv = iv; iv.StartUs = timeStamp; iv.EndUs = Int64.MaxValue; } EEndian srcEndian = stream.Endianness; object val = null; switch ([fieldId].type) { case EFrameElementType.Float: val = EndianBitConverter.ToSingle(values, 0, srcEndian); break; case EFrameElementType.Int: val = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(values, 0, srcEndian); break; case EFrameElementType.String: { int nullTerm = Array.IndexOf <byte>(values, 0, 0); string s = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(values, 0, nullTerm); val = s; } break; case EFrameElementType.Int64: val = EndianBitConverter.ToInt64(values, 0, srcEndian); break; default: throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled property type"); } if ([fieldId].field != null) {[fieldId].field.SetValue(iv, val); } if (splitInterval != 0) { pi.sink.OnBegunInterval(ivId, iv); } } else { //throw new ApplicationException("Unknown interval"); } }
private void ReadBeginInterval(Int64 timeStamp, int eventLength, IBinaryLogDataStream stream) { UInt64 ivId = stream.ReadUInt64(); UInt32 classId = stream.ReadUInt32(); EventClassDesc classDesc = m_classDescs[classId]; var pi = new PendingInterval(); Interval iv = (Interval)Activator.CreateInstance(classDesc.propertiesType); iv.StartUs = timeStamp; iv.EndUs = Int64.MaxValue; pi.classId = classId; pi.sink = m_sinks[classId]; byte[] values = stream.ReadBytes(eventLength - 12); int p = 0; for (int i = 0, c =; i < c; ++i) { object val; switch ([i].type) { case EFrameElementType.Float: val = EndianBitConverter.ToSingle(values, p, stream.Endianness); p += 4; break; case EFrameElementType.Int: val = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(values, p, stream.Endianness); p += 4; break; case EFrameElementType.String: { int nullTerm = Array.IndexOf <byte>(values, 0, p); string s = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(values, p, nullTerm - p); p = (nullTerm + 4) & ~3; val = s; } break; case EFrameElementType.Int64: val = EndianBitConverter.ToInt64(values, p, stream.Endianness); p += 8; break; default: throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled property type"); } if ([i].field != null) {[i].field.SetValue(iv, val); } } pi.iv = iv; m_pendingIntervals[ivId] = pi; pi.sink.OnBegunInterval(ivId, iv); }