Пример #1
        private void TentacleSpike()
            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                Tentacle tentacle = tentacles[k].modNPC as Tentacle;

                if (AttackTimer == k * 100 || (k == 0 && AttackTimer == 1)) //teleport where needed
                    int adj = (int)Main.player[npc.target].velocity.X * 60; if (adj > 200)
                        adj = 200;
                    tentacles[k].Center = new Vector2(Main.player[npc.target].Center.X + adj, tentacles[k].Center.Y);
                    tentacle.SavedPoint = tentacles[k].Center;
                    tentacle.MovePoint  = tentacles[k].Center + new Vector2(0, -1000);

                    for (int n = 0; n < 50; n++)
                        Dust.NewDustPerfect(tentacles[k].Center + new Vector2(0, -n * 25 + Main.rand.NextFloat(5)), DustID.Fireworks, Vector2.Zero, 0, default, 0.5f);
Пример #2
        public override void AI()

            if (Phase == (int)AIStates.SpawnEffects)
                Phase = (int)AIStates.SpawnAnimation;

                npc.damage = 0;
                foreach (NPC npc in Main.npc.Where(n => n.active && n.modNPC is IcePlatform))

                spawnPoint = npc.Center;

                string title = Main.rand.Next(10000) == 0 ? "Sentient Rainbow Sex Toy" : "Aurora Calamari";
                StarlightRiver.Instance.textcard.Display("Auroracle", title, null, 600);
                Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <StarlightPlayer>().ScreenMoveTarget = npc.Center;
                Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <StarlightPlayer>().ScreenMovePan    = npc.Center + new Vector2(0, -600);
                Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <StarlightPlayer>().ScreenMoveTime   = 600;

                int i = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y - 1050, NPCType <ArenaBlocker>(), 0, 800);
                arenaBlocker = Main.npc[i];

            if (Phase == (int)AIStates.SpawnAnimation)
                if (GlobalTimer < 200)
                    npc.Center = Vector2.SmoothStep(spawnPoint, spawnPoint + new Vector2(0, -600), GlobalTimer / 200f); //rise up from the ground
                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)                                                                             //each tenticle
                    if (GlobalTimer == 200 + k * 50)
                        int x;
                        int y;
                        int xb;

                        switch (k) //I handle these manually to get them to line up with the window correctly
                        case 0: x = -370; y = 0; xb = -50; break;

                        case 1: x = -420; y = -100; xb = -20; break;

                        case 3: x = 370; y = 0; xb = 50; break;

                        case 2: x = 420; y = -100; xb = 20; break;

                        default: x = 0; y = 0; xb = 0; break;

                        int i = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X + x, (int)npc.Center.Y + 550, ModContent.NPCType <Tentacle>(), 0, k == 1 || k == 2 ? 1 : 0); //middle 2 tentacles should be vulnerable
                        (Main.npc[i].modNPC as Tentacle).Parent    = this;
                        (Main.npc[i].modNPC as Tentacle).MovePoint = new Vector2((int)npc.Center.X + x, (int)npc.Center.Y - y);
                        (Main.npc[i].modNPC as Tentacle).OffBody   = xb;

                if (GlobalTimer > 600) //tentacles returning back underwater
                    foreach (NPC tentacle in tentacles)
                        Tentacle mt = tentacle.modNPC as Tentacle;
                        tentacle.Center = Vector2.SmoothStep(mt.MovePoint, mt.SavedPoint, (GlobalTimer - 600) / 100f);

                if (GlobalTimer > 700)
                    Phase = (int)AIStates.FirstPhase;

            if (Phase == (int)AIStates.FirstPhase) //first phase, part 1. Tentacle attacks and ink.

                //passive movement
                npc.position.X += (float)Math.Sin(GlobalTimer * 0.03f);
                npc.position.Y += (float)Math.Cos(GlobalTimer * 0.08f);

                if (AttackTimer == 1)
                    if (tentacles.Count(n => n.ai[0] == 2) == 2) //phasing logic
                        Phase       = (int)AIStates.FirstPhaseTwo;
                        GlobalTimer = 0;
                    else //else advance the attack pattern
                        if (AttackPhase > (Main.expertMode ? 4 : 3))
                            AttackPhase = 1;

                switch (AttackPhase)
                case 1: TentacleSpike(); break;

                case 2: InkBurst(); break;

                case 3: PlatformSweep(); break;

                case 4: ArenaSweep(); break;

            if (Phase == (int)AIStates.FirstPhaseTwo) //first phase, part 2. Tentacle attacks and ink. Raise water first.
                if (GlobalTimer == 1)
                    savedPoint = npc.Center;

                if (GlobalTimer < 325) //water rising up
                    Main.npc.FirstOrDefault(n => n.active && n.modNPC is ArenaActor).ai[0]++;
                    npc.Center = Vector2.SmoothStep(savedPoint, spawnPoint + new Vector2(0, -750), GlobalTimer / 325f);
                    if (GlobalTimer % 10 == 0)
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Splash, npc.Center);

                if (GlobalTimer == 325) //make the remaining tentacles vulnerable
                    foreach (NPC tentacle in tentacles.Where(n => n.ai[0] == 1))
                        tentacle.ai[0] = 0;

                if (GlobalTimer > 325) //continue attacking otherwise

                    //passive movement
                    npc.position.X += (float)Math.Sin(GlobalTimer * 0.03f);
                    npc.position.Y += (float)Math.Cos(GlobalTimer * 0.08f);

                    if (AttackTimer == 1)
                        if (tentacles.Count(n => n.ai[0] == 2) == 4) //phasing logic
                            Phase       = (int)AIStates.SecondPhase;
                            GlobalTimer = 0;
                        else //else advance the attack pattern
                            if (AttackPhase > (Main.expertMode ? 4 : 3))
                                AttackPhase = 1;

                    switch (AttackPhase)
                    case 1: TentacleSpike(); break;

                    case 2: InkBurst(); break;

                    case 3: PlatformSweep(); break;

                    case 4: ArenaSweep(); break;

            if (Phase == (int)AIStates.SecondPhase) //second phase
                if (GlobalTimer < 300)              //water rising
                    Main.npc.FirstOrDefault(n => n.active && n.modNPC is ArenaActor).ai[0]++;
                    if (GlobalTimer % 10 == 0)
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Splash, npc.Center);
                    arenaBlocker.position.Y -= 1f;

                if (GlobalTimer == 300) //reset
                    npc.dontTakeDamage = false;
                    AttackPhase = 0;

                if (GlobalTimer > 300)
                    if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax / 4)
                        npc.dontTakeDamage = true;                             //health gate

                    if (AttackPhase != 2 && AttackPhase != 4 && !(AttackPhase == 3 && variantAttack)) //when not lasering, passive movement
                        npc.velocity += Vector2.Normalize(npc.Center - (Main.player[npc.target].Center + new Vector2(0, 200))) * -0.2f;
                        if (npc.velocity.LengthSquared() > 20.25f)
                            npc.velocity = Vector2.Normalize(npc.velocity) * 4.5f;
                        npc.rotation = npc.velocity.X * 0.05f;

                    if (AttackTimer == 1)
                        if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax / 4) //phasing logic
                            Phase       = (int)AIStates.ThirdPhase;
                            GlobalTimer = 0;
                            AttackPhase = 0;

                            platforms.RemoveAll(n => Math.Abs(n.Center.X - Main.npc.FirstOrDefault(l => l.active && l.modNPC is ArenaActor).Center.X) >= 550);
                            arenaBlocker.ai[1] = 1;


                        variantAttack = false;
                        if (AttackPhase == 3)
                            variantAttack = Main.rand.Next(3) >= 1;
                        if (AttackPhase == 4 && Main.expertMode)
                            variantAttack = Main.rand.NextBool();

                        if (AttackPhase > 4)
                            AttackPhase = 1;

                    switch (AttackPhase)
                    case 1: Spew(); break;

                    case 2: Laser(); break;

                    case 3: if (variantAttack)
                        } break;

                    case 4: if (variantAttack)
                        } break;

            if (Phase == (int)AIStates.ThirdPhase)
                if (GlobalTimer == 1) //reset velocity + set movement points
                    npc.velocity *= 0;
                    npc.rotation  = 0;
                    savedPoint    = npc.Center;

                if (GlobalTimer < 240)
                    npc.Center = Vector2.SmoothStep(savedPoint, spawnPoint + new Vector2(0, -1400), GlobalTimer / 240f); //move to the top of the arena
                if (GlobalTimer == 240)                                                                                  //roar and activate
                    npc.dontTakeDamage = false;
                    foreach (Player player in Main.player.Where(n => n.active))
                        player.GetModPlayer <StarlightPlayer>().Shake += 40;
                    Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Roar, npc.Center, 0);

                if (GlobalTimer > 240) //following unless using ink attack
                    if (AttackPhase != 3)
                        npc.velocity += Vector2.Normalize(npc.Center - (Main.player[npc.target].Center + new Vector2(0, -300))) * -0.3f;
                        if (npc.velocity.LengthSquared() > 36)
                            npc.velocity = Vector2.Normalize(npc.velocity) * 6;
                        npc.rotation = npc.velocity.X * 0.05f;


                    if (GlobalTimer % 6 == 0)
                        Main.npc.FirstOrDefault(n => n.active && n.modNPC is ArenaActor).ai[0]++;                       //rising water

                    if (AttackTimer == 1)
                        if (AttackPhase > 3)
                            AttackPhase = 1;

                    switch (AttackPhase)
                    case 1: TentacleSpike2(); break;

                    case 2: StealPlatform(); break;

                    case 3: InkBurst2(); break;