Пример #1
        public IPluginViewSettings Add2DView(EventType eventType, Panel hostControl)
            IPluginViewSettings pluginViewSettings = null;

            if (eventType == EventType.Monitor)
                pluginViewSettings = new AudioPlugin2DViewSettings(this);

        private AudioPlugin2DViewSettings(AudioPlugin2DViewSettings source)
            : base(source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            if (source.options != null)
                this.options = source.options.Clone() as bool[];
        private AudioPlugin2DViewSettings(AudioPlugin2DViewSettings source)
            : base(source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

            if (source.options != null)
                this.options = source.options.Clone() as bool[];
        public IPluginViewSettings Add2DView(EventType eventType, Panel hostControl)
            IPluginViewSettings pluginViewSettings = null;

            if (eventType == EventType.Monitor)
                pluginViewSettings = new AudioPlugin2DViewSettings(this);

            return pluginViewSettings;
Пример #5
        public void Render2D(EventType eventType, IPluginViewSettings pluginViewSettings, viz.Context context, viz.Texture texture, float left, float top, float width, float height)
            if (eventType == EventType.Monitor)
                lock (this.lockObj)
                    if (this.frameTime == TimeSpan.MinValue)

                    AudioPlugin2DViewSettings audioPluginViewSettings = pluginViewSettings as AudioPlugin2DViewSettings;
                    if (audioPluginViewSettings != null)
                        float x      = 10;      // margin on left
                        float chartX = x + 100; // offset to chart rendering
                        float y      = 10;      // margin on top
                        float deltaY = 24;      // height of each row

                        // chart window size
                        float chartHeight = 20;
                        float chartWidth  = 600;

                        // max value in chart, bigger ones got capped
                        float chartValueCap = 0.02f;

                        // special color for current frame in time line
                        viz.Vector currentFrameColor = new viz::Vector(1, 0, 0, 1);

                        viz.Vector?color = null;

                        if ((audioPluginViewSettings.RenderBeam) && (this.font != null))
                            string str;
                            if (this.beamConfidence > 0.0f)
                                str = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.Audio_Beam_Label_Format, this.beamAngle); // TODO: option for other display? like degrees?
                                str = Strings.Audio_Beam_Invalid_Label;
                            this.font.DrawText(str, x, y, color);
                        y += deltaY;

                        if (this.sharedAudioFrame != null)
                            if (this.sharedAudioFrame.Size >= cAudioFrameSizeMinimum)
                                IntPtr bufferPtr = this.sharedAudioFrame.Buffer;

                                    nui.AUDIO_FRAME *   pFrame    = (nui.AUDIO_FRAME *)bufferPtr.ToPointer();
                                    nui.AUDIO_SUBFRAME *pSubFrame = &(pFrame->FirstSubFrame);

                                    ulong currentFirstFrameTimeStamp = (ulong)this.frameTime.Ticks;
                                    ulong timeStampOffset            = currentFirstFrameTimeStamp - pSubFrame->TimeCounter;
                                    ulong currentLastFrameTimeStamp  = pSubFrame[pFrame->SubFrameCount - 1].TimeCounter + timeStampOffset;

                                    if ((this.timelineBegin != 0) || (this.timelineEnd != 0))
                                        // timeline rendering

                                        if (this.timelineDirty)
                                            this.timelineData->Sort(new System.Comparison <TimelineEntry>(TimelineEntry.Compare));
                                            timelineDirty = false;

                                        if (audioPluginViewSettings.RenderOutput)
                                            if (this.font != null)
                                                this.font.DrawText(this.outString, x, y, color);

                                                for (int i = 0; i < this.timelineData.Count; i++)
                                                    ulong timeStamp = this.timelineData[i]->TimeStamp;
                                                    if (timeStamp < this.timelineBegin)
                                                    if (timeStamp > this.timelineEnd)

                                                    float       normalizedValue = (float)(Math.Min(chartValueCap, Math.Abs(this.timelineData[i].Output)) / chartValueCap);
                                                    float       topLeftX        = chartX + (timeStamp - this.timelineBegin) * chartWidth / (this.timelineEnd - this.timelineBegin);
                                                    float       topLeftY        = y + (1 - normalizedValue) * chartHeight / 2;
                                                    float       chartBarHeight  = Math.Max(normalizedValue * chartHeight, 1.0f);
                                                    bool        isCurrentFrame  = (timeStamp >= currentFirstFrameTimeStamp && timeStamp <= currentLastFrameTimeStamp);
                                                    float       barZ            = isCurrentFrame ? 0 : 0.01f;   // put current frame at a smaller z so it's always visible
                                                    float       barWidth        = isCurrentFrame ? 2.0f : 1.0f; // make current frame tick bold
                                                    viz::Vector?barColor        = isCurrentFrame ? currentFrameColor : null;

                                                    if (this.overlay != null)
                                                        this.overlay->DrawColor(topLeftX, topLeftY, barWidth, chartBarHeight, barZ, barColor);
                                            y += deltaY;

                                        for (int iMIC = 0; iMIC < NUIP_AUDIO_NUM_MIC; iMIC++)
                                            if ((int)renderOptionType == (int)RenderOptionType::MIC0 + iMIC)
                                                _font->DrawText(renderOptionName, x, y, color);

                                                for (int iSample = 0; iSample < _timelineData->Count; iSample++)
                                                    UInt64 timeStamp = _timelineData[iSample]->TimeStamp;
                                                    if (timeStamp < _timelineBegin)
                                                    if (timeStamp > _timelineEnd)

                                                    float normalizedValue = min(chartValueCap, fabs(_timelineData[iSample]->MIC[iMIC])) / chartValueCap;
                                                    float topLeftX        = chartX + (timeStamp - _timelineBegin) * chartWidth / (_timelineEnd - _timelineBegin);
                                                    float topLeftY        = y + (1 - normalizedValue) * chartHeight / 2;
                                                    float chartBarHeight  = max(normalizedValue * chartHeight, 1.0f);
                                                    bool  isCurrentFrame  = (timeStamp >= currentFirstFrameTimeStamp && timeStamp <= currentLastFrameTimeStamp);
                                                    float barZ            = isCurrentFrame ? 0 : 0.01f;
                                                    float barWidth        = isCurrentFrame ? 2.0f : 1.0f;
                                                    Nullable <Xbox::Kinect::Viz::Vector> barColor;
                                                    if (isCurrentFrame)
                                                        barColor = currentFrameColor;

                                                    _overlay->DrawColor(topLeftX, topLeftY, barWidth, chartBarHeight, barZ, barColor);
                                            y += deltaY;

                                        for (int iSPK = 0; iSPK < NUIP_AUDIO_NUM_SPK; iSPK++)
                                            if ((int)renderOptionType == (int)RenderOptionType::SPK0 + iSPK)
                                                _font->DrawText(renderOptionName, x, y, color);

                                                for (int iSample = 0; iSample < _timelineData->Count; iSample++)
                                                    UInt64 timeStamp = _timelineData[iSample]->TimeStamp;
                                                    if (timeStamp < _timelineBegin)
                                                    if (timeStamp > _timelineEnd)

                                                    float normalizedValue = min(chartValueCap, fabs(_timelineData[iSample]->SPK[iSPK])) / chartValueCap;
                                                    float topLeftX        = chartX + (timeStamp - _timelineBegin) * chartWidth / (_timelineEnd - _timelineBegin);
                                                    float topLeftY        = y + (1 - normalizedValue) * chartHeight / 2;
                                                    float chartBarHeight  = max(normalizedValue * chartHeight, 1.0f);
                                                    bool  isCurrentFrame  = (timeStamp >= currentFirstFrameTimeStamp && timeStamp <= currentLastFrameTimeStamp);
                                                    float barZ            = isCurrentFrame ? 0 : 0.01f;
                                                    float barWidth        = isCurrentFrame ? 2.0f : 1.0f;
                                                    Nullable <Xbox::Kinect::Viz::Vector> barColor;
                                                    if (isCurrentFrame)
                                                        barColor = currentFrameColor;

                                                    _overlay->DrawColor(topLeftX, topLeftY, barWidth, chartBarHeight, barZ, barColor);
                                            y += deltaY;
                                        // live rendering
                                        float  barWidth = 1;
                                        UInt64 timeSpan = 2 * 10 * 1000 * 1000; // in 100ns unit

                                        if (audioPluginViewSettings.RenderOutput)
                                            if (this.font != null)
                                                this.font.DrawText(this.outString, x, y, color);

                                            if (this.outChart != null)
                                                this.outChart.RenderBar(chartX, y, chartWidth, chartHeight, 0, barWidth, color, currentLastFrameTimeStamp, timeSpan, 0, chartValueCap);

                                            y += deltaY;

                                        if (this.micCharts != null)
                                            for (int i = 0; i < this.micCharts.Length; ++i)
                                                if (audioPluginViewSettings.GetTrackOption((AudioTrack)(AudioTrack.Mic0 + i)))
                                                    if (this.font != null)
                                                        this.font.DrawText(this.micStrings[i], x, y, color);

                                                    this.micCharts[i].RenderBar(chartX, y, chartWidth, chartHeight, 0, barWidth, color, currentLastFrameTimeStamp, timeSpan, 0, chartValueCap);

                                                    y += deltaY;

                                        if (this.speakerCharts != null)
                                            for (int i = 0; i < this.speakerCharts.Length; ++i)
                                                if (audioPluginViewSettings.GetTrackOption((AudioTrack)(AudioTrack.SpeakerL + i)))
                                                    if (this.font != null)
                                                        this.font.DrawText(this.speakerStrings[i], x, y, color);

                                                    this.speakerCharts[i].RenderBar(chartX, y, chartWidth, chartHeight, 0, barWidth, color, currentLastFrameTimeStamp, timeSpan, 0, chartValueCap);

                                                    y += deltaY;