private static async void Update(Task<string> result) { if (result.Result == null || result.Result != "1") return; try { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(@"", "NoelPush")) { var updates = await mgr.CheckForUpdate(); if (updates.ReleasesToApply.Any()) { var lastVersion = updates.ReleasesToApply.OrderBy(x => x.Version).Last(); await mgr.DownloadReleases(updates.ReleasesToApply); await mgr.ApplyReleases(updates); var latestExe = Path.Combine(mgr.RootAppDirectory, string.Concat("app-", lastVersion.Version), "NoelPush.exe"); mgr.Dispose(); RestartAppEvent(); UpdateManager.RestartApp(latestExe); } mgr.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error(e.Message); } }
private async void CheckForAppUpdates() { using (var updateManager = new UpdateManager(APP_UPDATE_URL, APPLICATION_ID, FrameworkVersion.Net45)) { await updateManager.UpdateApp(); } }
public async Task UpgradeRunsSquirrelAwareAppsWithUpgradeFlag() { string tempDir; string remotePkgDir; using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out tempDir)) using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out remotePkgDir)) { IntegrationTestHelper.CreateFakeInstalledApp("0.1.0", remotePkgDir); var pkgs = ReleaseEntry.BuildReleasesFile(remotePkgDir); ReleaseEntry.WriteReleaseFile(pkgs, Path.Combine(remotePkgDir, "RELEASES")); using (var fixture = new UpdateManager(remotePkgDir, "theApp", tempDir)) { await fixture.FullInstall(false, new ProgressSource()); } await Task.Delay(1000); IntegrationTestHelper.CreateFakeInstalledApp("0.2.0", remotePkgDir); pkgs = ReleaseEntry.BuildReleasesFile(remotePkgDir); ReleaseEntry.WriteReleaseFile(pkgs, Path.Combine(remotePkgDir, "RELEASES")); using (var fixture = new UpdateManager(remotePkgDir, "theApp", tempDir)) { await fixture.UpdateApp(); } await Task.Delay(1000); Assert.False(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempDir, "theApp", "app-0.2.0", "args2.txt"))); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempDir, "theApp", "app-0.2.0", "args.txt"))); var text = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tempDir, "theApp", "app-0.2.0", "args.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); Assert.Contains("updated|0.2.0", text); } }
private async void ScheduleApplicationUpdates(Object o) { var location = UpdateHelper.AppUpdateCheckLocation; var appName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name; using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(location, appName, FrameworkVersion.Net45)) { try { UpdateInfo updateInfo = await mgr.CheckForUpdate(); if (updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry != null) { if (updateInfo.CurrentlyInstalledVersion.Version == updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry.Version) return; await mgr.UpdateApp(); // This will show a button that will let the user restart the app Dispatcher.Invoke(ShowUpdateIsAvailable); // This will restart the app automatically //Dispatcher.InvokeAsync<Task>(ShutdownApp); } } catch (Exception ex) { var a = ex; } } }
async static void SquirrellUpdate() { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(@"C:\DHT\TsunamiLocal\GUI_WPF\bin\x64")) { await mgr.UpdateApp(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the App class. /// </summary> static App() { Logger.Info( "Popcorn starting..."); var watchStart = Stopwatch.StartNew(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (sender, args) => UpdateManager.Dispose(); Directory.CreateDirectory(Helpers.Constants.Logging); DispatcherHelper.Initialize(); LocalizeDictionary.Instance.SetCurrentThreadCulture = true; UpdateManager = new UpdateManager(Helpers.Constants.UpdateServerUrl, Helpers.Constants.ApplicationName); watchStart.Stop(); var elapsedStartMs = watchStart.ElapsedMilliseconds; Logger.Info( $"Popcorn started in {elapsedStartMs} milliseconds."); Task.Run(async () => { await StartUpdateProcessAsync(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Squirrel check and update. /// </summary> private async Task CheckAndUpdate(bool checkOnly = false) { // 6/27/15 - Task.Wait always times out. Seems to be an issue with the return of Squirrel's async methods. try { AddMessage("Start of CheckAndUpdate"); using (var updateManager = new UpdateManager(Program.PackageUrl, Program.PackageId)) { // Check AddMessage(String.Format("UpdateManager: {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateManager, Formatting.Indented))); AddMessage("Calling UpdateManager.CheckForUpdate"); var updateInfo = await updateManager.CheckForUpdate(); AddMessage(String.Format( "UpdateManager.CheckForUpdate returned UpdateInfo: {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateInfo, Formatting.Indented))); if (checkOnly) { return; } // Update if (updateInfo.ReleasesToApply.Count > 0) { AddMessage("Calling UpdateManager.UpdateApp"); var releaseEntry = await updateManager.UpdateApp(); AddMessage(String.Format( "UpdateManager.UpdateApp returned ReleaseEntry: {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(releaseEntry, Formatting.Indented))); } else { AddMessage("No updates to apply"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error("Exception in CheckAndUpdate", exception); throw; } }
public async Task InitialInstallSmokeTest() { string tempDir; using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out tempDir)) { var remotePackageDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(tempDir, "remotePackages")); var localAppDir = Path.Combine(tempDir, "theApp"); new[] { "Squirrel.Core.", }.ForEach(x => File.Copy(IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", x), Path.Combine(remotePackageDir.FullName, x))); using (var fixture = new UpdateManager(remotePackageDir.FullName, "theApp", FrameworkVersion.Net45, tempDir)) { await fixture.FullInstall(); } var releasePath = Path.Combine(localAppDir, "packages", "RELEASES"); File.Exists(releasePath).ShouldBeTrue(); var entries = ReleaseEntry.ParseReleaseFile(File.ReadAllText(releasePath, Encoding.UTF8)); entries.Count().ShouldEqual(1); new[] { "ReactiveUI.dll", "NSync.Core.dll", }.ForEach(x => File.Exists(Path.Combine(localAppDir, "app-", x)).ShouldBeTrue()); } }
public async void ProcessStaging() { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager("https://path/to/my/update/folder")) { await mgr.UpdateApp(); } }
private void App_OnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { if (e.Args.Length > 0) { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager("")) { // Note, in most of these scenarios, the app exits after this method // completes! SquirrelAwareApp.HandleEvents( onInitialInstall: v => { mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(); Shutdown(); }, onAppUpdate: v => { mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(); Shutdown(); }, onAppUninstall: v => { mgr.RemoveShortcutForThisExe(); Shutdown(); }, onFirstRun: () => { MessageBox.Show("Success", "Installation successful", MessageBoxButton.OK); Shutdown(); }); } } }
private static async Task Update() { try { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager("")) { Logger.Info("Checking for updates."); if (mgr.IsInstalledApp) { Logger.Info($"Current Version: v{mgr.CurrentlyInstalledVersion()}"); var updates = await mgr.CheckForUpdate(); if (updates.ReleasesToApply.Any()) { Logger.Info("Updates found. Applying updates."); var release = await mgr.UpdateApp(); MessageBox.Show(CleanReleaseNotes(release.GetReleaseNotes(Path.Combine(mgr.RootAppDirectory, "packages"))), $"Casual Meter Update - v{release.Version}"); Logger.Info("Updates applied. Restarting app."); UpdateManager.RestartApp(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { //log exception and move on HandleException(e); } }
public App() { InitializeComponent(); AppearanceManager.Current.ThemeSource = AppearanceManager.DarkThemeSource; Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => { AboutViewModel.Instance.State = "Updater process started"; await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); while (true) { try { AboutViewModel.Instance.State = "Ready for the first check..."; using (var updateManager = new UpdateManager(Releases)) { AboutViewModel.Instance.State = "Updating..."; await updateManager.UpdateApp(); AboutViewModel.Instance.State = "Updated!"; } } catch (Exception x) { AboutViewModel.Instance.State = x.Message; return; } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)); } }); }
public async Task CallingMethodTwiceShouldUpdateInstaller() { string remotePkgPath; string path; using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out path)) { using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out remotePkgPath)) using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(remotePkgPath, "theApp", path)) { IntegrationTestHelper.CreateFakeInstalledApp("", remotePkgPath); await mgr.FullInstall(); } using (var mgr = new UpdateManager("http://lol", "theApp", path)) { await mgr.CreateUninstallerRegistryEntry(); var regKey = await mgr.CreateUninstallerRegistryEntry(); Assert.False(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)regKey.GetValue("DisplayName"))); mgr.RemoveUninstallerRegistryEntry(); } // NB: Squirrel-Aware first-run might still be running, slow // our roll before blowing away the temp path Thread.Sleep(1000); } var key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default) .OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"); using (key) { Assert.False(key.GetSubKeyNames().Contains("theApp")); } }
public async Task CleanInstallRunsSquirrelAwareAppsWithInstallFlag() { string tempDir; string remotePkgDir; using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out tempDir)) using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out remotePkgDir)) { IntegrationTestHelper.CreateFakeInstalledApp("0.1.0", remotePkgDir); var pkgs = ReleaseEntry.BuildReleasesFile(remotePkgDir); ReleaseEntry.WriteReleaseFile(pkgs, Path.Combine(remotePkgDir, "RELEASES")); using (var fixture = new UpdateManager(remotePkgDir, "theApp", tempDir)) { await fixture.FullInstall(false, new ProgressSource()); // NB: We execute the Squirrel-aware apps, so we need to give // them a minute to settle or else the using statement will // try to blow away a running process await Task.Delay(1000); Assert.False(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempDir, "theApp", "app-0.1.0", "args2.txt"))); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tempDir, "theApp", "app-0.1.0", "args.txt"))); var text = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tempDir, "theApp", "app-0.1.0", "args.txt"), Encoding.UTF8); Assert.Contains("firstrun", text); } } }
public ShellViewModel( EndpointsViewModel endpoints, MessageListViewModel messageList, MessageViewerViewModel messageViewer, HeadersViewModel headers) { Version = GetType().Assembly .GetCustomAttributes(false) .OfType<AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>() .First() .InformationalVersion; RefreshCommand = ServiceControl.Instance.IsValid.ToCommand(p => DoRefresh()); Anchorables = new IContainerViewModel[] { endpoints, messageList }; Documents = new IContainerViewModel[] { messageViewer, headers }; Task.Run(async () => { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(@"")) { await mgr.UpdateApp(); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Execute when app is uninstalling /// </summary> /// <param name="version"><see cref="Version"/> version</param> private static void OnAppUninstall(Version version) { using (var manager = new UpdateManager(Constants.UpdateServerUrl)) { manager.RemoveShortcutsForExecutable("Popcorn.exe", ShortcutLocation.Desktop); manager.RemoveShortcutsForExecutable("Popcorn.exe", ShortcutLocation.StartMenu); manager.RemoveShortcutsForExecutable("Popcorn.exe", ShortcutLocation.AppRoot); manager.RemoveUninstallerRegistryEntry(); } }
private async void CheckForUpdates() { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager("", "iNGen")) { SquirrelAwareApp.HandleEvents( onInitialInstall: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), onAppUpdate: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), onAppUninstall: v => mgr.RemoveShortcutForThisExe()); try { UpdateInfo updateInfo = await mgr.CheckForUpdate(); if (updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry != null) { if (updateInfo.CurrentlyInstalledVersion != null) { XElement xelement = XElement.Load(""); StringReader reader = new StringReader(xelement.ToString()); System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Models.AppUpdates)); Models.AppUpdates appUpdates = (Models.AppUpdates)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(reader); string changes = MakeChangeLog(appUpdates); if (updateInfo.CurrentlyInstalledVersion.Version == updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry.Version) return; var updateDialog = new Views.AppUpdate(updateInfo, changes) { Owner = this }; var result = updateDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == false) return; await mgr.UpdateApp(); var oldPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(mgr.RootAppDirectory, "app-" + updateInfo.CurrentlyInstalledVersion.Version.ToString(), "UserData"); var newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(mgr.RootAppDirectory, "app-" + updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry.Version.ToString(), "UserData"); DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(oldPath); var files = d.GetFiles(); foreach (var file in files) { file.CopyTo(System.IO.Path.Combine(newPath, file.Name), true); } MessageBox.Show("iNGen Has been Updated. Please Re-Launch It."); Application.Current.Shutdown(0); } else { await mgr.UpdateApp(); MessageBox.Show("iNGen Has been Updated. Please Re-Launch It."); Application.Current.Shutdown(0); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Checking for Updates Failed: " + ex.Message); } } }
private void RegisterSquirrelEvents() { var location = UpdateHelper.AppUpdateCheckLocation; var appName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name; using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(location, appName, FrameworkVersion.Net45)) { SquirrelAwareApp.HandleEvents( onInitialInstall: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), onAppUpdate: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), onAppUninstall: v => mgr.RemoveShortcutForThisExe() ); } }
static void Main() { try { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager("")) { // Note, in most of these scenarios, the app exits after this method // completes! SquirrelAwareApp.HandleEvents( onInitialInstall: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), onAppUpdate: v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), onAppUninstall: v => mgr.RemoveShortcutForThisExe(), onFirstRun: () => ShowTheWelcomeWizard = true); } } catch { // Not using a squirrel app } // run the program only once if (PriorProcess() != null) { MessageBox.Show("Another instance of the app is already running."); return; } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Manifest man = Manifest.GetManifest(); if(man.FirstRun) { // Install VC++ Redist and wait new InstallRedistribForm().ShowDialog(); if (man.Entries.Count > 0) { // Already has accounts, just run Application.Run(new MainForm()); } else { // No accounts, run welcome form Application.Run(new WelcomeForm()); } } else { Application.Run(new MainForm()); } }
public static void OnAppUninstall(Version version) { var exePath = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location; string appName = Path.GetFileName(exePath); var updatePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UpdatePathFolder"]; var packageId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PackageID"]; using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(updatePath, packageId, FrameworkVersion.Net45)) { // Remove Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts mgr.RemoveShortcutsForExecutable(appName, DefaultLocations); } }
private async void toolStripButtonCheckForUpdates_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // NB: For this version, always say your app is using .NET 4.5, even if it's // totally not using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(textBoxPathForUpdate.Text)) { var release = await mgr.UpdateApp(); if (release != null) { MessageBox.Show("New App Version Installed " + release.Version + " \n Close and reopen to load new version."); } } }
private async void ButtonUpdateQuestion_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UpdatePath"])) { var release = await mgr.CheckForUpdate(); this.UpdateQuestionResult.Text = "Possible Update: " + release.FutureReleaseEntry.Version.ToString(); } } catch (Exception test) { this.UpdateQuestionResult.Text = test.Message; } }
private static void Main() { Task.Run(async () => { var upgraded = false; while (!upgraded) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); using ( var mgr = new UpdateManager(@"", "metrothing", FrameworkVersion.Net45)) { SquirrelAwareApp.HandleEvents( v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), v => mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(), onAppUninstall: v => mgr.RemoveShortcutForThisExe()); // Try the update try { var updateInfo = await mgr.CheckForUpdate(); if (updateInfo != null && updateInfo.ReleasesToApply.Count > 0) { #if !DEBUG await mgr.UpdateApp(); #endif upgraded = true; Singleton<InstallationManager>.Instance.Updated( updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry.Version.ToString(), String.Join("", updateInfo.FetchReleaseNotes().Values)); } } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Squirrel update failed: " + e.Message); } } if (!upgraded) await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromHours(12)); } }); MetroThing.Program.Main(); }
private static void OnAppUninstall(Version version) { try { Log.InfoFormat("OnAppUninstall for version {0}", version); using (var updateManager = new UpdateManager(Program.PackageUrl, Program.PackageId)) { updateManager.RemoveShortcutsForExecutable("Nuts.exe", ShortcutLocation.Desktop); } } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error("OnAppUninstall encountered and exception", exception); throw; } }
private async void ButtonUpdateDo_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UpdatePath"])) { var release = await mgr.UpdateApp(); this.UpdateDoResult.Text = release.EntryAsString; } } catch (Exception test) { this.UpdateDoResult.Text = "Updated to: " + test.Message; } }
public InteractiveModule(HostControl hostControl) { StaticConfiguration.DisableErrorTraces = false; Get["/version"] = _ => { var updateManager = new UpdateManager(null); return Response.AsJson(updateManager.CurrentlyInstalledVersion()?.ToString()); }; Post["/stop"] = _ => { Task.Run(() => hostControl.Stop()); return HttpStatusCode.OK; }; }
async void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { do { try { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(@"C:\dev\helloworld\HelloWorld\Releases", "HelloWorldSquirrel")) { var updateInfo = await mgr.CheckForUpdate(false, progress => { }); if (updateInfo != null && updateInfo.ReleasesToApply.Count != 0) { await mgr.UpdateApp(); Restart = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } Console.WriteLine("I am running"); Thread.Sleep(2000); } while (true); }
private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Task.Run(async () => { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(@"")) { try { await mgr.UpdateApp(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("From Update Manager : " + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } }); }
private void CheckForUpdate(long x) { #if !DEBUG Task.Run(async () => { try { using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(UpdateFolder)) { var release = await mgr.UpdateApp(); if (release.Version > mgr.CurrentlyInstalledVersion()) { OnNewVersionAvailable(release); } } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error(e, "Failed checking for updates: {0}", e.Message); _crashManager.Report(e, "squirrel"); } }); #endif }
static void Update(UpdateManager mgr) { mgr.CreateShortcutForThisExe(); RunVcRedist(); }
private async Task <Boolean> githubCheck() { Boolean isSquirrelInstall = false; isBusy = true; try { //*** Only required for final ClickOnce offboarding release - remove afterwards! if (!System.IO.File.Exists("..\\Update.exe") && System.IO.File.Exists("Update.exe")) { log.Debug("Copying Update.exe to parent directory..."); System.IO.File.Copy("Update.exe", "..\\Update.exe"); } using (var updateManager = new Squirrel.UpdateManager(null)) { //This just checks if there is an Update.exe file in the parent directory of the OGCS executable isSquirrelInstall = updateManager.IsInstalledApp; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { log.Error("Failed to determine if app is a Squirrel install. Assuming not."); OGCSexception.Analyse(ex); if (this.isManualCheck) { MessageBox.Show("Could not retrieve new version of the application.\n" + ex.Message, "Update Check Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } log.Info("This " + (isSquirrelInstall ? "is" : "is not") + " a Squirrel " + (Program.IsClickOnceInstall ? "aware ClickOnce " : "") + "install."); if (isSquirrelInstall) { log.Debug("Checking for Squirrel update..."); UpdateManager updateManager = null; try { String installRootDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nonGitHubReleaseUri)) { updateManager = await Squirrel.UpdateManager.GitHubUpdateManager(""); } else { updateManager = new Squirrel.UpdateManager(nonGitHubReleaseUri, "OutlookGoogleCalendarSync", installRootDir); } UpdateInfo updates = await updateManager.CheckForUpdate(); if (updates.ReleasesToApply.Any()) { log.Info("Found " + updates.ReleasesToApply.Count() + " new releases available."); foreach (ReleaseEntry update in updates.ReleasesToApply.OrderBy(x => x.Version).Reverse()) { log.Info("Found a new " + update.Version.SpecialVersion + " version: " + update.Version.Version.ToString()); if (update.Version.SpecialVersion == "alpha" && !Settings.Instance.AlphaReleases) { log.Debug("User doesn't want alpha releases."); continue; } DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("A " + update.Version.SpecialVersion + " update for OGCS is available.\nWould you like to update the application to v" + update.Version.Version.ToString() + " now?", "OGCS Update Available", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { /* * new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadFile("", "OutlookGoogleCalendarSync-2.5.0-beta-full.nupkg"); * String notes = update.GetReleaseNotes(""); * //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notes)) log.Debug(notes); */ log.Info("Beginning the migration to Squirrel/github release..."); var migrator = new ClickOnceToSquirrelMigrator.InClickOnceAppMigrator(updateManager, Application.ProductName); log.Info("RootAppDirectory: " + updateManager.RootAppDirectory); await migrator.Execute(); log.Debug("Moving the Update.exe file"); System.IO.File.Move("..\\Update.exe", updateManager.RootAppDirectory + "\\Update.exe"); log.Info("The application has been successfully updated."); MessageBox.Show("The application has been updated and will now restart.", "OGCS successfully updated!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); log.Info("Restarting OGCS."); restartRequested = true; restartUpdateExe = updateManager.RootAppDirectory + "\\Update.exe"; } else { log.Info("User chose not to upgrade."); } break; } return(true); } else { log.Info("Already running the latest version of OGCS."); if (this.isManualCheck) //Was a manual check, so give feedback { MessageBox.Show("You are already running the latest version of OGCS.", "Latest Version", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return(false); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex, true); if (ex.InnerException != null) { log.Error(ex.InnerException.Message); } } finally { isBusy = false; updateManager.Dispose(); } } isBusy = false; return(false); }
/// <returns>True if the user has upgraded</returns> private async Task <Boolean> githubCheck() { log.Debug("Checking for Squirrel update..."); UpdateManager updateManager = null; isBusy = true; try { String installRootDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nonGitHubReleaseUri)) { updateManager = await Squirrel.UpdateManager.GitHubUpdateManager("", "OutlookGoogleCalendarSync", installRootDir, new Squirrel.FileDownloader(new Extensions.OgcsWebClient()), prerelease : Settings.Instance.AlphaReleases); } else { updateManager = new Squirrel.UpdateManager(nonGitHubReleaseUri, "OutlookGoogleCalendarSync", installRootDir); } UpdateInfo updates = await updateManager.CheckForUpdate(); if (updates.ReleasesToApply.Any()) { if (updates.CurrentlyInstalledVersion != null) { log.Info("Currently installed version: " + updates.CurrentlyInstalledVersion.Version.ToString()); } log.Info("Found " + updates.ReleasesToApply.Count() + " newer releases available."); foreach (ReleaseEntry update in updates.ReleasesToApply.OrderBy(x => x.Version).Reverse()) { log.Info("Found a new " + update.Version.SpecialVersion + " version: " + update.Version.Version.ToString()); if (!this.isManualCheck && update.Version.Version.ToString() == Settings.Instance.SkipVersion) { log.Info("The user has previously requested to skip this version."); break; } String releaseNotes = ""; if (nonGitHubReleaseUri != null) { releaseNotes = update.GetReleaseNotes(nonGitHubReleaseUri); } else { //Somewhat annoyingly we have to download the release in order to get the release notes, as they are embedded in the .nupkg upgrade file(s) try { updateManager.DownloadReleases(new[] { update }).Wait(30 * 1000); System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <ReleaseEntry, String> allReleaseNotes = updates.FetchReleaseNotes(); releaseNotes = allReleaseNotes[update]; } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex); log.Error("Failed pre-fetching release notes. " + ex.Message); releaseNotes = null; } } DialogResult dr = DialogResult.Cancel; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseNotes)) { log.Debug("Release notes retrieved."); } var t = new System.Threading.Thread(() => new Forms.UpdateInfo(update.Version.Version.ToString(), update.Version.SpecialVersion, releaseNotes, out dr)); t.SetApartmentState(System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); t.Join(); String squirrelAnalyticsLabel = "from=" + Application.ProductVersion + ";to=" + update.Version.Version.ToString(); if (dr == DialogResult.No) { log.Info("User chose not to upgrade right now."); Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel, Analytics.Action.upgrade, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";later"); } else if (dr == DialogResult.Ignore) { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel, Analytics.Action.upgrade, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";skipped"); } else if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { log.Debug("Download started..."); if (!updateManager.DownloadReleases(new[] { update }).Wait(60 * 1000)) { log.Warn("The download failed to completed within 60 seconds."); Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";timedout"); if (OgcsMessageBox.Show("The update failed to download.", "Download timed out", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Retry) { if (!updateManager.DownloadReleases(new[] { update }).Wait(60 * 1000)) { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";retry-timedout"); if (OgcsMessageBox.Show("The update failed to download again.\nTo download from the project website, click Yes.", "Download timed out", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";from-website"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } else { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";gave-up"); } break; } } else { if (OgcsMessageBox.Show("Would you like to download directly from the project website?", "Go to OGCS website", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";from-website"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } else { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";gave-up"); } break; } } try { log.Debug("Download complete."); Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";successful"); log.Info("Applying the updated release..."); updateManager.ApplyReleases(updates).Wait(); log.Info("The application has been successfully updated."); OgcsMessageBox.Show("The application has been updated and will now restart.", "OGCS successfully updated!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); restartUpdateExe = updateManager.RootAppDirectory + "\\Update.exe"; return(true); } catch (System.AggregateException ae) { foreach (System.Exception ex in ae.InnerExceptions) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex, true); ex.Data.Add("analyticsLabel", squirrelAnalyticsLabel); throw new ApplicationException("Failed upgrading OGCS.", ex); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex, true); ex.Data.Add("analyticsLabel", squirrelAnalyticsLabel); throw new ApplicationException("Failed upgrading OGCS.", ex); } } break; } } else { log.Info("Already running the latest version of OGCS."); if (this.isManualCheck) //Was a manual check, so give feedback { OgcsMessageBox.Show("You are already running the latest version of OGCS.", "Latest Version", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, ex.Data["analyticsLabel"] + ";failed"); throw; } catch (System.AggregateException ae) { log.Fail("Failed checking for update."); foreach (System.Exception ex in ae.InnerExceptions) { OGCSexception.Analyse(OGCSexception.LogAsFail(ex), true); throw; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse("Failed checking for update.", OGCSexception.LogAsFail(ex), true); throw; } finally { isBusy = false; updateManager.Dispose(); } return(false); }
/// <returns>True if the user has upgraded</returns> private async Task <Boolean> githubCheck() { log.Debug("Checking for Squirrel update..."); UpdateManager updateManager = null; isBusy = true; try { String installRootDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nonGitHubReleaseUri)) { updateManager = await Squirrel.UpdateManager.GitHubUpdateManager("", "OutlookGoogleCalendarSync", installRootDir, new Squirrel.FileDownloader(new Extensions.OgcsWebClient()), prerelease : Settings.Instance.AlphaReleases); } else { updateManager = new Squirrel.UpdateManager(nonGitHubReleaseUri, "OutlookGoogleCalendarSync", installRootDir); } UpdateInfo updates = await updateManager.CheckForUpdate(); if ((Settings.Instance.AlphaReleases && updates.ReleasesToApply.Any()) || updates.ReleasesToApply.Any(r => r.Version.SpecialVersion != "alpha")) { if (updates.CurrentlyInstalledVersion != null) { log.Info("Currently installed version: " + updates.CurrentlyInstalledVersion.Version.ToString()); } log.Info("Found " + updates.ReleasesToApply.Count() + " newer releases available."); log.Info("Download directory = " + updates.PackageDirectory); DialogResult dr = DialogResult.Cancel; String squirrelAnalyticsLabel = ""; String releaseNotes = ""; String releaseVersion = ""; String releaseType = ""; foreach (ReleaseEntry update in updates.ReleasesToApply.OrderBy(x => x.Version).Reverse()) { log.Info("New " + update.Version.SpecialVersion + " version available: " + update.Version.Version.ToString()); if (!this.isManualCheck && update.Version.Version.ToString() == Settings.Instance.SkipVersion) { log.Info("The user has previously requested to skip this version."); break; } String localFile = updates.PackageDirectory + "\\" + update.Filename; if (updateManager.CheckIfAlreadyDownloaded(update, localFile)) { log.Debug("This has already been downloaded."); } else { try { //"" if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nonGitHubReleaseUri)) { String nupkgUrl = "" + update.Version + "/" + update.Filename; log.Debug("Downloading " + nupkgUrl); new Extensions.OgcsWebClient().DownloadFile(nupkgUrl, localFile); } else { String nupkgUrl = nonGitHubReleaseUri + "\\" + update.Filename; log.Debug("Downloading " + nupkgUrl); new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadFile(nupkgUrl, localFile); } log.Debug("Download complete."); } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse("Failed downloading release file " + update.Filename + " for " + update.Version, ex); ex.Data.Add("analyticsLabel", "from=" + Application.ProductVersion + ";download_file=" + update.Filename + ";" + ex.Message); throw new ApplicationException("Failed upgrading OGCS.", ex); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseNotes)) { log.Debug("Retrieving release notes."); releaseNotes = update.GetReleaseNotes(updates.PackageDirectory); releaseVersion = update.Version.Version.ToString(); releaseType = update.Version.SpecialVersion; squirrelAnalyticsLabel = "from=" + Application.ProductVersion + ";to=" + update.Version.Version.ToString(); } } var t = new System.Threading.Thread(() => new Forms.UpdateInfo(releaseVersion, releaseType, releaseNotes, out dr)); t.SetApartmentState(System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); t.Join(); if (dr == DialogResult.No) { log.Info("User chose not to upgrade right now."); Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel, Analytics.Action.upgrade, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";later"); } else if (dr == DialogResult.Ignore) { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel, Analytics.Action.upgrade, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";skipped"); } else if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { try { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, squirrelAnalyticsLabel + ";successful"); log.Info("Applying the updated release(s)..."); //updateManager.UpdateApp().Wait(); int ApplyAttempt = 1; while (ApplyAttempt <= 5) { try { updateManager.ApplyReleases(updates).Wait(); break; } catch (System.AggregateException ex) { ApplyAttempt++; if (OGCSexception.GetErrorCode(ex.InnerException) == "0x80070057") //File does not exist //File does not exist: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\OutlookGoogleCalendarSync\packages\OutlookGoogleCalendarSync-2.8.4-alpha-full.nupkg //Extract the nupkg filename { String regexMatch = ".*" + updates.PackageDirectory.Replace(@"\", @"\\") + @"\\(.*?([\d\.]+-\w+).*)$"; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(ex.InnerException.Message, regexMatch); if (match?.Groups?.Count == 3) { log.Warn("Could not update as missing file " + match.Groups[1]); String nupkgUrl = "" + match.Groups[2] + "/" + match.Groups[1]; log.Debug("Downloading " + nupkgUrl); new Extensions.OgcsWebClient().DownloadFile(nupkgUrl, updates.PackageDirectory + "\\" + match.Groups[1]); log.Debug("Download complete."); } } else { throw; } } } log.Info("The application has been successfully updated."); OgcsMessageBox.Show("The application has been updated and will now restart.", "OGCS successfully updated!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); restartUpdateExe = updateManager.RootAppDirectory + "\\Update.exe"; return(true); } catch (System.AggregateException ae) { foreach (System.Exception ex in ae.InnerExceptions) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex, true); ex.Data.Add("analyticsLabel", squirrelAnalyticsLabel); throw new ApplicationException("Failed upgrading OGCS.", ex); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex, true); ex.Data.Add("analyticsLabel", squirrelAnalyticsLabel); throw new ApplicationException("Failed upgrading OGCS.", ex); } } } else { log.Info("Already running the latest version of OGCS."); if (this.isManualCheck) //Was a manual check, so give feedback { OgcsMessageBox.Show("You are already running the latest version of OGCS.", "Latest Version", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { Telemetry.Send(Analytics.Category.squirrel,, ex.Data["analyticsLabel"] + ";failed"); throw; } catch (System.AggregateException ae) { log.Fail("Failed checking for update."); foreach (System.Exception ex in ae.InnerExceptions) { OGCSexception.Analyse(OGCSexception.LogAsFail(ex), true); throw; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse("Failed checking for update.", OGCSexception.LogAsFail(ex), true); throw; } finally { isBusy = false; updateManager.Dispose(); } return(false); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Starting application..."); var pathToUpdateFolder = @"\\mindelo\KohortClientRelease\" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppName"]; using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(pathToUpdateFolder)) { var updateInfo = mgr.CheckForUpdate().Result; if (updateInfo.ReleasesToApply.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Updating..."); var result = mgr.UpdateApp().Result; Console.WriteLine("Update complete, press enter to exit and then you can start the application anew!"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } Console.WriteLine("MyTestApplication has started (version {0}).", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("My sample app setting key has currently \"{0}\" as value.", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySampleSetting"]); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }