תבשיל This object describes entry in restaurant menu, home dish that was cooked on previous holliday
Наследование: BaseSearchableEnabledItem
Пример #1
        public void DishCompareTest_ShouldFindSameDishes()
            var dish1 = new Dish()
                Name = "חציל בלעדי",
                Description = "חציל בלעדי בטחינה"
            var dish2 = new Dish()
                Name = "חציל בלעדי",
                Description = "חציל בלעדי בטחינה"
            var dish3 = new Dish()
                Name = "חציל",
                Description = "חציל בלעדי בטחינה"
            var dish4 = new Dish()
                Name = "חציל בלעדי",
                Description = "חציל בלעדי"

            //var result1 = dishCompare.Compare(dish1, dish2);
            //var result2 = dishCompare(dish1, dish2);
            //var result3 = dishCompare(dish1, dish2);
            //var result4 = dishCompare(dish1, dish2);
Пример #2
 public override DishModel ToDishModel(Dish dishData, string restId, int MenuPId, string lang = DefaultLang, RestaurantModel restaurantModel = null)
     if (restaurantModel == null)
         restaurantModel = new RestaurantModel();
     if(restaurantModel.GetType() == typeof(RestaurantModelBackOffice))
         return ((RestaurantModelBackOffice)restaurantModel).GetDishModel(dishData, restId, MenuPId, false, lang);
     return restaurantModel.GetDishModel(dishData, restId, MenuPId, false, lang);
     //return dishData.ToDishModel(restId, MenuPId, false, lang, restaurantModel);
Пример #3
        public void ToBaseLineViewModelTest_IfBaseLineIsNullShouldReturnRegularCarbohydrateLevel()
            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Name = "dish1",
                Description = "description1",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts() { TotalCarbohydrate = 2 }

            ToViewModelConverter converter = new ToBaseLineViewModel();

            DishModel dishModel1 = converter.ToDishModel(dish1, "111111");

            Assert.IsTrue(dishModel1.NutritionFacts.TotalCarbohydrate == 2);
Пример #4
        public void ToBaseLineViewModelTest_IfBaseLineSuspiciousStateMustBeZero()
            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Name = "dish1",
                Description = "description1",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts() { TotalCarbohydrate = 2 }

            ToViewModelConverter converter = new ToBaseLineViewModel();

            DishModel dishModel1 = converter.ToDishModel(dish1, "111111");

            Assert.IsTrue(dishModel1.State.Index == 0);
Пример #5
        public void ToBaseLineViewModelTest_ShouldConverToViewModelWithBaseLineCarbohydrateLevel()
            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Name = "dish1",
                Description = "description1",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts() { TotalCarbohydrate = 2 },
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts() { TotalCarbohydrate = 1 }

            ToViewModelConverter converter = new ToBaseLineViewModel();

            DishModel dishModel1 = converter.ToDishModel(dish1, "111111");

            Assert.IsTrue(dishModel1.NutritionFacts.TotalCarbohydrate == 1);
Пример #6
        public void ToBaseLineViewModelTest_ShouldConverWithMenuPartIdParameter()
            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Name = "dish1",
                Description = "description1",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts() { TotalCarbohydrate = 2 },
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts() { TotalCarbohydrate = 1 }

            ToViewModelConverter converter = new ToBaseLineViewModel();

            DishModel dishModel1 = converter.ToDishModel(dish1, "111111", 3);

            Assert.IsTrue(dishModel1.MenuPartId == 3);
        public void GetDishModelTest_ShouldReturnDishModelBackOfficeIfCalledFromRestaurantModelBackOffice()
            RestaurantModelBackOffice restBO = new RestaurantModelBackOffice();
            Dish dish = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 1,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()
            dish.NutritionFacts.TotalCarbohydrate = 20;
            dish.BaseLineNutritionFacts.TotalCarbohydrate = 33;
            DishModel dishModel = restBO.GetDishModel(dish, "111", false, "he");

            var type = dishModel.GetType();
            Assert.IsTrue(type == typeof(DishModelBackOffice));
        public void GetDishModelTest_ShouldReturnDishModelBackOfficeWithBaseLineNutritionFacts()
            RestaurantModelBackOffice restBO = new RestaurantModelBackOffice();
            Dish dish = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 1,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()
            dish.NutritionFacts.TotalCarbohydrate = 20;
            dish.BaseLineNutritionFacts.TotalCarbohydrate = 33;
            var dishModel = (DishModelBackOffice)restBO.GetDishModel(dish, "111", false, "he");

            Assert.IsTrue(dishModel.BaseLineNutritionFacts.TotalCarbohydrate == 33);
        public DishModel GetDishModel(Dish dishData, string restId, bool baseLine, string lang)
            DishModelBackOffice returnValue = new DishModelBackOffice()
                Id = dishData.Id,
                OrderBy = dishData.OrderBy,
                Name = dishData.Name,
                Language = lang,
                Description = dishData.Description,
                ItemLocation = new LocationModel(dishData.ItemLocation),
                RestaurantId = restId,
                //MenuPartId = MenuPId,
                RecipeId = dishData.RecipeId,
                //Images = item.Images,
                //OverrideIngredients = item.OverrideIngredients,
                CreatedAt = dishData.CreatedAt.ToLocalTime(),
                UpdatedAt = dishData.UpdatedAt.ToLocalTime(),
                State = baseLine ? new SuspiciousState() : dishData.State,
                IsItPublic = dishData.IsItPublic,
                DishState = dishData.DishState,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFactsViewModel(dishData.NutritionFacts),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = dishData.BaseLineNutritionFacts != null ? new NutritionFactsViewModel(dishData.BaseLineNutritionFacts) : new NutritionFactsViewModel(dishData.NutritionFacts),
                ImageUrl = dishData.ImageUrl
            if (dishData.Image != null)
                returnValue.LocalUrl = "/Restaurant/GetImage/" + dishData.Image.Id.ToString();
            if (dishData.DefaultWeight != null) returnValue.DefaultWeight = dishData.DefaultWeight.ToWeightTypeModel(lang);

            if (dishData.LocalizedName != null)
                string locName = dishData.LocalizedName.GetDescription(lang);
                if (locName != null) returnValue.Name = locName;
            if (dishData.LocalizedDescription != null)
                string locDesc = dishData.LocalizedDescription.GetDescription(lang);
                if (locDesc != null) returnValue.Description = locDesc;
            return returnValue;
Пример #10
        public void DishTranslate_ShouldTranslateNameAndDescriptionToSpecificLanguage()

            Dish dish = new Dish()
                Id = 111,
                Name = "אורז לבן",
                Description = "אורז לבן מבושל",
                LocalizedName = new Localized("he", "אורז לבן"),
                LocalizedDescription = new Localized("he", "אורז לבן מבושל")
            //dish.LocalizedName.AddDescription("en-US", "white rice");
            //dish.LocalizedDescription.AddDescription("en-US", "cooked white rice");

            var translatedDish = serviceLayer.TranslateDish(dish, "he", "en-US");

            Assert.AreEqual(translatedDish.LocalizedName.GetDescription("en-US"), "White rice");
            Assert.AreEqual(translatedDish.LocalizedDescription.GetDescription("en-US"), "Cooked white rice");
Пример #11
        public void TestDownloadImage_dishImageDataShouldReturnImage()
            ImageData imageData = new ImageData();
            Dish dishWithImages = new Dish();

            MongoGridFSFileInfo uploadedFile;
            using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))

                uploadedFile = dishWithImages.UploadImageToDish(m_Testdb.GridFS, fs, fileName);


            //Example for controller - File(fileStream, ("image/jpg")

            Stream fileStream = GetImageStream(dishWithImages.Image, m_Testdb.GridFS);

            Assert.IsTrue(fileStream.Length > 0);
Пример #12
 public int AddNewDishBasic(string restId, int menuPartId, Dish dish)
     log.InfoFormat("[AddNewDishBasic] RestaurantId={0}, MenuPartId={1}, Dish={2}.", restId, menuPartId.ToString(), dish.ToString());
         dish.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now;
         dish.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
         RestaurantBasicData tempRest = GetRestaurantBasicById(restId);
         if (tempRest.Menu.MenuParts.FirstOrDefault(mp => mp.Id == menuPartId).Dishes.Count == 0)
             dish.Id = 0;
         if (tempRest.Menu.MenuParts.FirstOrDefault(mp => mp.Id == menuPartId).Dishes.Count > 0)
             dish.Id = tempRest.Menu.MenuParts.FirstOrDefault(mp => mp.Id == menuPartId).Dishes.Max(c => c.Id) + 1;
         dish.ItemLocation = tempRest.ItemLocation;
         tempRest.Menu.MenuParts.FirstOrDefault(mp => mp.Id == menuPartId).Dishes.Add(dish);
         return dish.Id;
     catch (Exception ex)
         log.InfoFormat("[AddNewDish] Exception={0}, RestaurantId={1}, MenuPartId={2}, Dish={3} ", ex.ToString(), restId, menuPartId, dish.ToString());
         return -1;
Пример #13
        public static GeneralDish IngredientToGeneralDish(this Ingredient ingredient, string language = "en-US")
            log.InfoFormat("[IngredientToGeneralDish] Ingredient.USDA_NDB_No={0}, language={1}", ingredient.USDA_NDB_No, language);
            // return null if LongDesc is null or LongDesc has no translation to this language
            string ingrName;
            string ingrDescription;
            if (ingredient.LongDesc == null || ingredient.LongDesc.GetDescription(language) == null)
                log.WarnFormat("[IngredientToGeneralDish] There is no translation, Ingredient.USDA_NDB_No={0}, language={0}, add default(en-US) value.", ingredient.USDA_NDB_No, language);
                ingrName = ingredient.LongDesc.GetDescription();
                ingrDescription = "100gr " + ingredient.LongDesc.GetDescription();
                ingrName = ingredient.LongDesc.GetDescription(language);
                ingrDescription = "100גרם " + ingredient.LongDesc.GetDescription(language);

            Dish dish = new Dish()
                CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 100 },
                IsItPublic = true,
                Name = ingrName,
                Description = ingrDescription,
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>() { ingredient },
                NutritionFacts = ingredient.NutritionFacts != null ? ingredient.NutritionFacts : new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location(0, 0),
                DefaultWeight = new WeightType()
                    Desc = "100גרם",
                    Amount = 1,
                    GmWgt = 100

            GeneralDish generalDish = new GeneralDish()
                Dish = dish

            return generalDish;
Пример #14
        public Dish TranslateDish(Dish dish, string fromLang, string targetlang)
            log.InfoFormat("[TranslateDish] dish={0}, Id={1}, fromLang={2}, targetlang={3}.", dish.Name, dish.Id, fromLang, targetlang);
            //Dish dish = GetDishBasic(menuPartId, restaurantId, Id);
            if (dish != null && fromLang != null && targetlang != null)
                bool translatedFlag = false;
                if (dish.LocalizedName != null)
                    string nameFrom;
                    if (fromLang == "Default") nameFrom = dish.Name;
                    else nameFrom = dish.LocalizedName.GetDescription(fromLang);
                    if (nameFrom != null)
                        string translatedName = GoogleTranslate(nameFrom, targetlang);
                        if (translatedName != null && translatedName != nameFrom)
                            dish.LocalizedName.UpdateDescription(targetlang, translatedName);
                            translatedFlag = true;
                else //dish.LocalizedName == null
                    string nameFrom;
                    if (fromLang == "Default")
                        nameFrom = dish.Name;
                        if (nameFrom != null)
                            string translatedName = GoogleTranslate(nameFrom, targetlang);
                            if (translatedName != null && translatedName != nameFrom)
                               dish.LocalizedName = new Localized(targetlang, translatedName);
                               translatedFlag = true;
                        log.WarnFormat("[TranslateDish] dish.LocalizedName == null && fromLang != Default");

                if (dish.LocalizedDescription != null)
                    string descriptionFrom;
                    if (fromLang == "Default") descriptionFrom = dish.Description;
                    else descriptionFrom = dish.LocalizedDescription.GetDescription(fromLang);
                    if (descriptionFrom != null)
                        string translateDesc = GoogleTranslate(descriptionFrom, targetlang);
                        if (translateDesc != null && translateDesc != descriptionFrom)
                            dish.LocalizedDescription.UpdateDescription(targetlang, translateDesc);
                            translatedFlag = true;
                else //dish.LocalizedDescription == null
                    string descriptionFrom;
                    if (fromLang == "Default")
                        descriptionFrom = dish.Description;
                        if (descriptionFrom != null)
                            string translateDesc = GoogleTranslate(descriptionFrom, targetlang);
                            if (translateDesc != null && translateDesc != descriptionFrom)
                                dish.LocalizedDescription = new Localized(targetlang, translateDesc);
                                translatedFlag = true;
                        log.WarnFormat("[TranslateDish] dish.LocalizedDescription == null && fromLang != Default");
                if (translatedFlag) return dish;
                else return null;
                log.ErrorFormat("[TranslateDish] Dish does not exist or can't get dish from DB.");
                return null;
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Only for update dish image functions and Localized translateions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dish"></param>
 /// <param name="restaurantId"></param>
 /// <param name="menuPartId"></param>
 public void UpdateDish(Dish dish, string restaurantId, int menuPartId)
     RestaurantBasicData rest = GetRestaurantBasicById(restaurantId);
     Dish dbDish = rest.Menu.MenuParts.FirstOrDefault(mp => mp.Id == menuPartId).Dishes.First(d => d.Id == dish.Id);
     if (dbDish != null && dish != null)
         dbDish.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
         dbDish.Image = dish.Image;
         if (dish.ImageUrl != null && dish.ImageUrl != "" && dish.ImageUrl != dbDish.ImageUrl)
             dbDish.ImageUrl = dish.ImageUrl;
         if (dish.LocalizedName != null)
             dbDish.LocalizedName = dish.LocalizedName;
         if (dish.LocalizedDescription != null)
             dbDish.LocalizedDescription = dish.LocalizedDescription;
        public void TestUpdateDishesLocation_shouldChangeLocationOfAllDishesToRestaurantLocation()
            RestaurantBasicData restaurant = new RestaurantBasicData()
                Id = ObjectId.Parse("50ae8b2a3720e80d085376db"),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32.279296, Longitude = 34.860367 },
                Menu = new Menu()

            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Id = 1,
                Description = "סלט ירקות עם חתיכות חזה עוף",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "סלט קיסר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 30, Longitude = 27 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqKcIkvCQDkCNQkXq0TWtiqRSF5ryYK7NYB79ZBVebpjKBVPcA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                RecipeId = 10,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish2 = new Dish()
                Id = 3,
                Description = "שניצל מוגש עם צ'יפס",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "שניצל",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 31, Longitude = 29 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX5WBzP336hF8Q0FQpk5TdX8m7GI7ymVqJMtyrzSA3afEkqfU8CA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                RecipeId = 28,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish3 = new Dish()
                Id = 15,
                Description = "המבורגר 220גר עם צ'יפס בצד",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "המבורגר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32, Longitude = 30 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmEsDLKjW9dj_Vl8SMdESJkTBGncjY5QDt0sqK77txEUwSi2RzUA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
                        Dish dish4 = new Dish()
                Id = 4,
                Description = "חזה עך עם תוספת",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "חזה עוף",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32.89654, Longitude = 31.321 },
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 45.5 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 45.5 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            MenuPart menuPart1 = new MenuPart(){Name = "עיקריות"};
            MenuPart menuPart2 = new MenuPart(){Name = "מנה ראשונה"};




            int dishCount = 0;
            foreach (var part in restaurant.Menu.MenuParts)
                foreach (var dish in part.Dishes)
                    Assert.AreEqual(restaurant.ItemLocation, dish.ItemLocation);
            //Chech if all dishes saved
            Assert.AreEqual(dishCount, 6);
        public void TestCopyAllDishesInMenuPart_shouldCopyToOtherMenuPart_andSaveAllProptertiesIncludeDishId()
            MenuPart copyFrom = new MenuPart();
            MenuPart copyTo = new MenuPart();

            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Description = "סלט ירקות עם חתיכות חזה עוף",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "סלט קיסר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 30, Longitude = 27 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqKcIkvCQDkCNQkXq0TWtiqRSF5ryYK7NYB79ZBVebpjKBVPcA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                RecipeId = 10,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish2 = new Dish()
                Description = "שניצל מוגש עם צ'יפס",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "שניצל",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 31, Longitude = 29 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX5WBzP336hF8Q0FQpk5TdX8m7GI7ymVqJMtyrzSA3afEkqfU8CA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                RecipeId = 28,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish3 = new Dish()
                Description = "המבורגר 220גר עם צ'יפס בצד",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "המבורגר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32, Longitude = 30 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmEsDLKjW9dj_Vl8SMdESJkTBGncjY5QDt0sqK77txEUwSi2RzUA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()

            //Create copy from data




            Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Name, copyFrom.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.AvailableFrom, copyFrom.AvailableFrom);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.AvailableTill, copyFrom.AvailableTill);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.OrderBy, copyFrom.OrderBy);

            foreach (var item in copyFrom.Dishes)
                Assert.IsNotNull(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == item.Name));
                Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == item.Name).Id, item.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == item.Name).OrderBy, item.OrderBy);
                //check all other properties

Пример #18
 public void CopyFrom(Dish copyFrom)
     this.Description = copyFrom.Description;
     if (copyFrom.LocalizedDescription != null) this.LocalizedDescription = copyFrom.LocalizedDescription;
     this.DishState = copyFrom.DishState;
     this.CreatedAt = copyFrom.CreatedAt;
     this.UpdatedAt = copyFrom.UpdatedAt;
     this.Name = copyFrom.Name;
     if (copyFrom.LocalizedName != null) this.LocalizedName = copyFrom.LocalizedName;
     this.NutritionFacts = copyFrom.NutritionFacts;
     this.ItemLocation = copyFrom.ItemLocation;
     this.Image = copyFrom.Image;
     this.Images = copyFrom.Images;
     this.ImageUrl = copyFrom.ImageUrl;
     this.IsItPublic = copyFrom.IsItPublic;
     this.MappedState = copyFrom.MappedState;
     this.RecipeId = copyFrom.RecipeId;
     this.State = copyFrom.State;
     this.OverrideIngredients = copyFrom.OverrideIngredients;
        public void TestCopyPartialDishesListToNewMenuPart_shouldCopyOnlySpecificDishesToOtherMenuPart_andSaveAllProptertiesIncludeDishId()
            MenuPart copyFrom = new MenuPart()
                Id = 13,
                OrderBy = 2,
                Name = "מנות עיקריות"
            MenuPart copyTo = new MenuPart();

            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Id = 1,
                Description = "סלט ירקות עם חתיכות חזה עוף",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "סלט קיסר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 30, Longitude = 27 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqKcIkvCQDkCNQkXq0TWtiqRSF5ryYK7NYB79ZBVebpjKBVPcA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                RecipeId = 10,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish2 = new Dish()
                Id = 3,
                Description = "שניצל מוגש עם צ'יפס",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "שניצל",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 31, Longitude = 29 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX5WBzP336hF8Q0FQpk5TdX8m7GI7ymVqJMtyrzSA3afEkqfU8CA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                RecipeId = 28,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish3 = new Dish()
                Id = 15,
                Description = "המבורגר 220גר עם צ'יפס בצד",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "המבורגר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32, Longitude = 30 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmEsDLKjW9dj_Vl8SMdESJkTBGncjY5QDt0sqK77txEUwSi2RzUA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            CopyList copyList = new CopyList()
                CopyFromId = "11111",
                MenuPartsCopyList = new List<MenuPartCopy>()
            //CopyFromList menuCopyFrom = new CopyFromList()
            //    RestaurantId = "11111",
            //    CopyMenuPartList = new List<MenuPartCopy>()
            copyList.MenuPartsCopyList.Add(new MenuPartCopy() { MenuPartId = 1, DishesIdsList = new List<int> { 1, 15 }, PartialCopy = true });
            //CopyList copyList = new CopyList() { CopyFrom = menuCopyFrom };

            //Create copy from data


            copyTo.CopyPartialMenuPart(copyList, copyFrom);


            int tempDishId;
            for(int i=0; i < 2 ; i++)
                tempDishId = copyList.MenuPartsCopyList[0].DishesIdsList[i];
                string tempDishName = copyFrom.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == tempDishId).Name;
                int newDishId = copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == tempDishName).Id;

                Assert.IsNull(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == 3));
                Assert.IsNotNull(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == tempDishName));
                Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == newDishId).Description, copyFrom.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == tempDishId).Description);
                Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == newDishId).RecipeId, copyFrom.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == tempDishId).RecipeId);
                Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == newDishId).State, copyFrom.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == tempDishId).State);
                //check all other properties

        public void TestCopyPartialDishesListToMenuPart_shouldCopyOnlySpecificDishesToOtherMenuPart_LeaveExistingDishes_updateIdsForInsertedDishes()
            MenuPart copyFrom = new MenuPart()
                Id = 13,
                OrderBy = 2,
                Name = "מנות עיקריות"
            MenuPart copyTo = new MenuPart();

            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Id = 1,
                Description = "סלט ירקות עם חתיכות חזה עוף",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "סלט קיסר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 30, Longitude = 27 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqKcIkvCQDkCNQkXq0TWtiqRSF5ryYK7NYB79ZBVebpjKBVPcA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                RecipeId = 10,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish2 = new Dish()
                Id = 3,
                Description = "שניצל מוגש עם צ'יפס",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "שניצל",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 31, Longitude = 29 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX5WBzP336hF8Q0FQpk5TdX8m7GI7ymVqJMtyrzSA3afEkqfU8CA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                RecipeId = 28,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish3 = new Dish()
                Id = 15,
                Description = "המבורגר 220גר עם צ'יפס בצד",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "המבורגר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32, Longitude = 30 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmEsDLKjW9dj_Vl8SMdESJkTBGncjY5QDt0sqK77txEUwSi2RzUA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish4 = new Dish()
                Id = 4,
                Description = "חזה עך עם תוספת",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "חזה עוף",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32.89654, Longitude = 31.321 },
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 45.5 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 45.5 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish5 = new Dish()
                Id = 7,
                Description = "סטייק פרגית עם תוספת",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "סטייק פרגית",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 31.2222, Longitude = 30.3333 },
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 35},
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 35 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            CopyList copyList = new CopyList()
                CopyFromId = "11111",
                MenuPartsCopyList = new List<MenuPartCopy>()
            copyList.MenuPartsCopyList.Add(new MenuPartCopy() { MenuPartId = 1, DishesIdsList = new List<int> { 1, 15 }, PartialCopy = true });

            //Create copy from data


            copyTo.CopyPartialMenuPart(copyList, copyFrom);


            Assert.AreEqual(4, copyTo.Dishes.Count);
            //Checks if copy function does not deleted existing dishes
            Assert.IsNotNull(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "חזה עוף"));
            Assert.IsNotNull(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "סטייק פרגית"));

            int tempDishId;
            for (int i = 0; i < copyList.MenuPartsCopyList[0].DishesIdsList.Count; i++)
                tempDishId = copyList.MenuPartsCopyList[0].DishesIdsList[i];
                string tempDishName = copyFrom.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == tempDishId).Name;
                int newDishId = copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == tempDishName).Id;
                //There is no Dish with id=3, which is not in CopyList
                Assert.IsNull(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "שניצל"));

                Assert.IsNotNull(copyTo.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == tempDishName));
                //check all other properties

            foreach(var dish in copyTo.Dishes)
                //There is no Dishes with same Id
                Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Dishes.Where(c => c.Id == dish.Id).Count(), 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(copyTo.Dishes.FindAll(c => c.Name == dish.Name).Count, 1);
        public void TestCopyDish_shouldAllPropertiesToOtherDishBeEquale()

            //string copyFromRestaurantId = "111";
            //int copyFromMenuPartId = 1;
            //string copyToRestaurantId = "222";
            //int copyToMenuPartId = 2;

            Dish copyFrom = new Dish()
                Description = "סלט ירקות עם חתיכות חזה עוף",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "סלט קיסר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location(){ Latitude = 30, Longitude = 27 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqKcIkvCQDkCNQkXq0TWtiqRSF5ryYK7NYB79ZBVebpjKBVPcA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState(){ Index = 7.77},
                RecipeId = 10,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()

            Dish copyTo = new Dish();

            //Create copy from data



            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.Description, copyTo.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.DishState, copyTo.DishState);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.CreatedAt, copyTo.CreatedAt);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.UpdatedAt, copyTo.UpdatedAt);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.Name, copyTo.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.NutritionFacts, copyTo.NutritionFacts);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.ItemLocation, copyTo.ItemLocation);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.Image, copyTo.Image);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.Images, copyTo.Images);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.ImageUrl, copyTo.ImageUrl);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.IsItPublic, copyTo.IsItPublic);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.MappedState, copyTo.MappedState);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.RecipeId, copyTo.RecipeId);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.State, copyTo.State);
            Assert.AreEqual(copyFrom.OverrideIngredients, copyTo.OverrideIngredients);
Пример #22
        // If conversion for new created dishModel then creat new Dish Object
        // If conversion for existing dish then update changed attributes
        public static Dish ToDish(this DishModel item, Dish dish = null)
            IServicesLayer m_serviceLayer = new ServiceLayerImpl();
            if (dish == null)
                dish = new Dish();
            dish.Id = item.Id;
            dish.OrderBy = item.OrderBy;
            if (item.Language == null || item.Language == DefaultLang)
                dish.Name = item.Name;
                dish.Description = item.Description;
            if (dish.LocalizedName == null && item.Language != null) dish.LocalizedName = new Localized(item.Language, item.Name);
                if (item.Language != null) dish.LocalizedName.UpdateDescription(item.Language, item.Name);

            if (dish.LocalizedDescription == null && item.Language != null) dish.LocalizedDescription = new Localized(item.Language, item.Description);
                if (item.Language != null) dish.LocalizedDescription.UpdateDescription(item.Language, item.Description);

            if (item.ItemLocation == null)
                var restaurnat = m_serviceLayer.GetRestaurantBasicById(item.RestaurantId);
                dish.ItemLocation = restaurnat.ItemLocation;
                dish.ItemLocation = item.ItemLocation.toLoaction();
            dish.RecipeId = item.RecipeId;
            //dish.Images = item.Images;
            //dish.OverrideIngredients = item.OverrideIngredients;
            dish.CreatedAt = item.CreatedAt.ToUniversalTime();
            dish.UpdatedAt = item.UpdatedAt.ToUniversalTime();
            dish.State = item.State;
            dish.IsItPublic = item.IsItPublic;
            dish.DishState = item.DishState;
            dish.NutritionFacts = item.NutritionFacts.ToNutritionFacts();
            dish.ImageUrl = item.ImageUrl;

            if (item.GetType() == typeof(DishModelBackOffice) && ((DishModelBackOffice)item).BaseLineNutritionFacts != null)
                dish.BaseLineNutritionFacts = ((DishModelBackOffice)item).BaseLineNutritionFacts.ToNutritionFacts();
                Dish dbDish = m_serviceLayer.GetDishBasic(item.MenuPartId, item.RestaurantId, item.Id);
                if (dbDish != null)
                    if (dbDish.Image != null) dish.Image = dbDish.Image;
                    if (dbDish.Images != null) dish.Images = dbDish.Images;
                    if (item.DefaultWeight != null) dish.DefaultWeight = item.DefaultWeight.ToWeightType(dbDish, item.Language);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.ErrorFormat("[ExtensionMethods: ToDish] Exception={0}", ex.ToString());
            return dish;
        public void GetDishModelTest_ShouldReturnRestaurantModelWithDishModelBackOfficeIfCalledWithRestaurantModelBackOfficeParameter()
            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish1",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 1,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()
            Dish dish2 = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish2",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 2,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()
            Dish dish3 = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish3",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 3,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()
            Dish dish4 = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish4",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 4,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()

            var dishList1 = new List<Dish>();
            var dishList2 = new List<Dish>();

            MenuPart menuPart1 = new MenuPart()
                Name = "TestMenuPart",
                Id = 1,
                OrderBy = 1,
                Dishes = dishList1
            MenuPart menuPart2 = new MenuPart()
                Name = "TestMenuPart",
                Id = 2,
                OrderBy = 2,
                Dishes = dishList1
            List<MenuPart> menuPartsList = new List<MenuPart>();
            Menu menu = new Menu();
            RestaurantBasicData restBasic = new RestaurantBasicData()
                Name = "TestRest",
                Id = new ObjectId(),
                Menu = menu

            RestaurantModelBackOffice restBO = new RestaurantModelBackOffice();
            var restModel = restBasic.ToRestaurantModel(true, "he", restBO);
            foreach (var menuPart in restModel.Menu.MenuParts)
                foreach (DishModel dishModel in menuPart.Dishes)
                    Assert.IsTrue(dishModel.GetType() == typeof(DishModelBackOffice));
Пример #24
        public void CopyAllMenuPart(MenuPart copyFrom)
            this.Name = copyFrom.Name;
            if (copyFrom.LocalizedName != null) this.LocalizedName = copyFrom.LocalizedName;
            this.AvailableFrom = copyFrom.AvailableFrom;
            this.AvailableTill = copyFrom.AvailableTill;
            this.OrderBy = copyFrom.OrderBy;

            foreach (var Dish in copyFrom.Dishes)
                Dish tempDish = new Dish();
                tempDish.Id = Dish.Id;
                tempDish.OrderBy = Dish.OrderBy;
Пример #25
        public void TestSaveImage_dishImageDataShouldBeSavedInFile()
            var newFileName = @"C:\Users\Vadik\Dropbox\Work\Downloaded_AlGauchoIcon.jpg";
            ImageData imageData = new ImageData();
            Dish dishWithImages = new Dish();

            MongoGridFSFileInfo uploadedFile;
            using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
                uploadedFile = dishWithImages.UploadImageToDish(m_Testdb.GridFS, fs, fileName);

            //save image to file
            var file = m_Testdb.GridFS.FindOne(Query.EQ("_id", dishWithImages.Image.Id));

            using (var stream = file.OpenRead())
                var bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
                stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length);
                using (var newFs = new FileStream(newFileName, FileMode.Create))
                    newFs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            //open source and saved files
            var source = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
            var savedFile = new FileStream(newFileName, FileMode.Open);
            //Example for controller - File(fileStream, ("image/jpg")

            Assert.AreEqual(source.Length, savedFile.Length);
        public void TestMenuClone_shouldCloneFullMenuFromOtheRestaurantAndInsteadOldMenu_OldMenuDeletted()
            RestaurantBasicData restaurant1 = new RestaurantBasicData()
                Id = ObjectId.Parse("50ae8b2a3720e80d085376db"),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32.279296, Longitude = 34.860367 },
                Menu = new Menu()
            RestaurantBasicData restaurant2 = new RestaurantBasicData()
                Id = ObjectId.Parse("507d8f943720e807c045c442"),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32, Longitude = 31 },
                Menu = new Menu()

            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Id = 1,
                Description = "סלט ירקות עם חתיכות חזה עוף",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "סלט קיסר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 30, Longitude = 27 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqKcIkvCQDkCNQkXq0TWtiqRSF5ryYK7NYB79ZBVebpjKBVPcA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                RecipeId = 10,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 7.77 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish2 = new Dish()
                Id = 3,
                Description = "שניצל מוגש עם צ'יפס",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "שניצל",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 31, Longitude = 29 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQX5WBzP336hF8Q0FQpk5TdX8m7GI7ymVqJMtyrzSA3afEkqfU8CA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                RecipeId = 28,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 8.88 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish3 = new Dish()
                Id = 15,
                Description = "המבורגר 220גר עם צ'יפס בצד",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "המבורגר",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32, Longitude = 30 },
                ImageUrl = "https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmEsDLKjW9dj_Vl8SMdESJkTBGncjY5QDt0sqK77txEUwSi2RzUA",
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 50 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            Dish dish4 = new Dish()
                Id = 4,
                Description = "חזה עך עם תוספת",
                DishState = DishStateEnum.Active,
                Name = "חזה עוף",
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                ItemLocation = new Location() { Latitude = 32.89654, Longitude = 31.321 },
                IsItPublic = true,
                MappedState = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 45.5 },
                RecipeId = 169,
                State = new SuspiciousState() { Index = 45.5 },
                OverrideIngredients = new List<Ingredient>()
            MenuPart menuPart1 = new MenuPart() { Name = "עיקריות" };
            MenuPart menuPart2 = new MenuPart() { Name = "עיקריות" };



            Assert.IsNull(restaurant2.Menu.MenuParts[0].Dishes.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name=="חזה עוף"));
            foreach (var dish in restaurant1.Menu.MenuParts[0].Dishes)
                Assert.IsNotNull(restaurant2.Menu.MenuParts[0].Dishes.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == dish.Name));

            foreach (var dish in restaurant2.Menu.MenuParts[0].Dishes)
                Assert.AreEqual(dish.ItemLocation, restaurant2.ItemLocation);
Пример #27
        public void TestUploadImage_should_beSavedDishImageIdShouldHaveSameId()
            ImageData imageData = new ImageData();
            Dish dishWithImages = new Dish();

            MongoGridFSFileInfo uploadedFile;
            using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
                uploadedFile = dishWithImages.UploadImageToDish(m_Testdb.GridFS, fs, fileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(uploadedFile.Id, dishWithImages.Image.Id);
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Function copy partial MenuPart (dishes which Ids in CopyList)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="copyList"></param>
 /// <param name="copyFrom"></param>
 public void CopyPartialMenuPart(CopyList copyList, MenuPart copyFrom)
     int tempDishId;
     //count of dishes to copy
     int copyCount = copyList.MenuPartsCopyList[0].DishesIdsList.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; i++)
         tempDishId = copyList.MenuPartsCopyList[0].DishesIdsList[i];
         Dish tempDish = new Dish();
         tempDish.CopyFrom(copyFrom.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == tempDishId));
         tempDish.Id = this.MaxDishId() + 1;
         tempDish.OrderBy = tempDish.Id;
Пример #29
        public void TestDownloadImage_should_existInStorage()
            ImageData imageData = new ImageData();
            Dish dishWithImages = new Dish();

            MongoGridFSFileInfo uploadedFile;
            using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))

                uploadedFile = dishWithImages.UploadImageToDish(m_Testdb.GridFS, fs, fileName);

            var file = m_Testdb.GridFS.FindOne(Query.EQ("_id", dishWithImages.Image.Id));

        public void GetDishModelTest_ShouldReturnListOfDishModelBackOfficeIfCalledWithRestaurantModelBackOfficeParameter()
            RestaurantModelBackOffice restBO = new RestaurantModelBackOffice();
            Dish dish1 = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish1",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 1,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()
            Dish dish2 = new Dish()
                Name = "TempDish2",
                Description = "description",
                Id = 2,
                NutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts(),
                BaseLineNutritionFacts = new NutritionFacts()
            var dishList = new List<Dish>();

            List<DishModel> dishListModel = dishList.ToDishModel("111", 1, "he", restBO);

            foreach (DishModel dishModel in dishListModel)
                Assert.IsTrue(dishModel.GetType() == typeof(DishModelBackOffice));