Пример #1
        public override void Initialize()
            MaxEnemies      = 0;
            KilledEnemies   = 0;
            CometsRemaining = 0;

Пример #2
        private void SpawnComets()
            int maxSmallComets = savedComets["Small"] == -2 ? 3 : savedComets["Small"] + 1;             //Use cached values if respawning comets
            int maxMedComets   = savedComets["Medium"] == -2 ? 2 : savedComets["Medium"] + 1;
            int maxLargeComets = savedComets["Large"] == -2 ? 1 : savedComets["Large"] + 1;

            const float MaxDist = 450;
            const float MinDist = 80;

            float FindDistance()
                float maxComets = maxLargeComets + maxMedComets + maxSmallComets;

                return(MathHelper.Lerp(MaxDist, MinDist, comets.Count / maxComets));

            void SpawnComet(int type)
                Vector2 spawnPos = npc.Center + Vector2.UnitX.RotatedByRandom(MathHelper.TwoPi) * FindDistance();

                int id = NPC.NewNPC((int)spawnPos.X, (int)spawnPos.Y, type, npc.whoAmI, npc.whoAmI, comets.Count * 2, 0, -1);

                Main.npc[id].Center         = spawnPos;
                Main.npc[id].dontTakeDamage = true;

                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.SinglePlayer)
                    NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.SyncNPC, -1, -1, null, id);

                if (comets.Count <= 0 && (savedComets["Small"] != -1 || savedComets["Medium"] != -1 || savedComets["Large"] != -1))
                {                 //Kinda ugly but it makes sure the respawned comet is next up
                    if (Main.npc[id].modNPC != null && Main.npc[id].modNPC is SmallComet comet)
                        comet.nextUp = true;

                npc.netUpdate = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxSmallComets; i++)
                SpawnComet(ModContent.NPCType <SmallComet>());

            for (int i = 0; i < maxMedComets; i++)
                SpawnComet(ModContent.NPCType <MediumComet>());

            for (int i = 0; i < maxLargeComets; i++)
                SpawnComet(ModContent.NPCType <LargeComet>());

            savedComets["Small"] = savedComets["Medium"] = savedComets["Large"] = -2;             //clear out cache

            StarjinxEventWorld.SetComets(comets.Count);      //Set comet amount for ui purposes
            StarjinxEventWorld.SetMaxEnemies(1);             //Initialize max enemies as well, in case of potential edge cases
Пример #3
 public override void PostUpdate() => StarjinxUI.Update();