public SubmeshedMesh GenerateMesh(SubmeshedMeshInstructions meshInstructions)
        var smartMesh = doubleBufferedSmartMesh.GetNextMesh();
        var mesh = smartMesh.mesh;

        int submeshCount = meshInstructions.submeshInstructions.Count;

        var instructionList = meshInstructions.submeshInstructions;
        float zSpacing = this.zSpacing;
        float[] attVertBuffer = this.attachmentVertexBuffer;
        Vector2[] uvs = this.meshUVs;
        Color32[] colors32 = this.meshColors32;
        Color32 color;

        // Ensure correct buffer sizes.
        Vector3[] vertices = this.meshVertices;

        bool newVertices = vertices == null || meshInstructions.vertexCount > vertices.Length;
        int instructionVertexCount = meshInstructions.vertexCount;
        if (newVertices) {
            this.meshVertices = vertices = new Vector3[instructionVertexCount];
            this.meshColors32 = colors32 = new Color32[instructionVertexCount];
            this.meshUVs = uvs = new Vector2[instructionVertexCount];
        } else {
            var zero =;
            for (int i = instructionVertexCount, n = this.meshVertices.Length; i < n; i++)
                vertices[i] = zero;

        bool newSubmeshBuffers = submeshBuffers.Count < submeshCount;
        if (newSubmeshBuffers) {
            for (int i = submeshBuffers.Count; submeshBuffers.Count < submeshCount; i++) {
                submeshBuffers.Add(new SubmeshTriangleBuffer(instructionList.Items[i].triangleCount));
                //submeshBuffers.Items[i] = new SubmeshTriangleBuffer(tc);
                //submeshBuffers.Count = i;

        Vector3 meshBoundsMin;
        Vector3 meshBoundsMax;

        int attachmentCount = meshInstructions.attachmentList.Count;

        // Initial values for manual Mesh Bounds calculation
        if (meshInstructions.attachmentList.Count <= 0) {
            meshBoundsMin = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            meshBoundsMax = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        } else {
            meshBoundsMin.x = int.MaxValue;
            meshBoundsMin.y = int.MaxValue;
            meshBoundsMax.x = int.MinValue;
            meshBoundsMax.y = int.MinValue;

            if (zSpacing > 0f) {
                meshBoundsMin.z = 0f;
                meshBoundsMax.z = zSpacing * (attachmentCount - 1);
            } else {
                meshBoundsMin.z = zSpacing * (attachmentCount - 1);
                meshBoundsMax.z = 0f;

        bool structureDoesntMatch = newVertices || newSubmeshBuffers || smartMesh.StructureDoesntMatch(meshInstructions);

        if (structureDoesntMatch) {

            if (submeshCount == sharedMaterials.Length)
                this.sharedMaterials = meshInstructions.GetNewMaterialArray();

        int vertexIndex = 0;

        // For each submesh, add vertex data from attachments.
        for (int submeshIndex = 0; submeshIndex < submeshCount; submeshIndex++) {
            var currentSubmeshInstruction = instructionList.Items[submeshIndex];
            var skeleton = currentSubmeshInstruction.skeleton;
            var skeletonDrawOrderItems = skeleton.DrawOrder.Items;
            float a = skeleton.a * 255, r = skeleton.r, g = skeleton.g, b = skeleton.b;

            for (int slotIndex = currentSubmeshInstruction.startSlot, endSlot = currentSubmeshInstruction.endSlot; slotIndex < endSlot; slotIndex++) {
                var slot = skeletonDrawOrderItems[slotIndex];
                var attachment = slot.attachment;
                float z = slotIndex * zSpacing;

                var regionAttachment = attachment as RegionAttachment;
                if (regionAttachment != null) {
                    regionAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices(slot.bone, attVertBuffer);

                    float x1 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.X1], y1 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.Y1];
                    float x2 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.X2], y2 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.Y2];
                    float x3 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.X3], y3 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.Y3];
                    float x4 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.X4], y4 = attVertBuffer[RegionAttachment.Y4];
                    vertices[vertexIndex].x = x1; vertices[vertexIndex].y = y1; vertices[vertexIndex].z = z;
                    vertices[vertexIndex + 1].x = x4; vertices[vertexIndex + 1].y = y4; vertices[vertexIndex + 1].z = z;
                    vertices[vertexIndex + 2].x = x2; vertices[vertexIndex + 2].y = y2; vertices[vertexIndex + 2].z = z;
                    vertices[vertexIndex + 3].x = x3; vertices[vertexIndex + 3].y = y3;	vertices[vertexIndex + 3].z = z;

                    color.a = (byte)(a * slot.a * regionAttachment.a);
                    color.r = (byte)(r * slot.r * regionAttachment.r * color.a);
                    color.g = (byte)(g * slot.g * regionAttachment.g * color.a);
                    color.b = (byte)(b * slot.b * regionAttachment.b * color.a);
                    if ( == BlendMode.additive) color.a = 0;
                    colors32[vertexIndex] = color; colors32[vertexIndex + 1] = color; colors32[vertexIndex + 2] = color; colors32[vertexIndex + 3] = color;

                    float[] regionUVs = regionAttachment.uvs;
                    uvs[vertexIndex].x = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.X1]; uvs[vertexIndex].y = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.Y1];
                    uvs[vertexIndex + 1].x = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.X4]; uvs[vertexIndex + 1].y = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.Y4];
                    uvs[vertexIndex + 2].x = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.X2]; uvs[vertexIndex + 2].y = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.Y2];
                    uvs[vertexIndex + 3].x = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.X3]; uvs[vertexIndex + 3].y = regionUVs[RegionAttachment.Y3];

                    // Calculate min/max X
                    if (x1 < meshBoundsMin.x) meshBoundsMin.x = x1;
                    else if (x1 > meshBoundsMax.x) meshBoundsMax.x = x1;
                    if (x2 < meshBoundsMin.x) meshBoundsMin.x = x2;
                    else if (x2 > meshBoundsMax.x) meshBoundsMax.x = x2;
                    if (x3 < meshBoundsMin.x) meshBoundsMin.x = x3;
                    else if (x3 > meshBoundsMax.x) meshBoundsMax.x = x3;
                    if (x4 < meshBoundsMin.x) meshBoundsMin.x = x4;
                    else if (x4 > meshBoundsMax.x) meshBoundsMax.x = x4;

                    // Calculate min/max Y
                    if (y1 < meshBoundsMin.y) meshBoundsMin.y = y1;
                    else if (y1 > meshBoundsMax.y) meshBoundsMax.y = y1;
                    if (y2 < meshBoundsMin.y) meshBoundsMin.y = y2;
                    else if (y2 > meshBoundsMax.y) meshBoundsMax.y = y2;
                    if (y3 < meshBoundsMin.y) meshBoundsMin.y = y3;
                    else if (y3 > meshBoundsMax.y) meshBoundsMax.y = y3;
                    if (y4 < meshBoundsMin.y) meshBoundsMin.y = y4;
                    else if (y4 > meshBoundsMax.y) meshBoundsMax.y = y4;

                    vertexIndex += 4;
                } else {
                    var meshAttachment = attachment as MeshAttachment;
                    if (meshAttachment != null) {
                        int meshVertexCount = meshAttachment.vertices.Length;
                        if (attVertBuffer.Length < meshVertexCount) this.attachmentVertexBuffer = attVertBuffer = new float[meshVertexCount];
                        meshAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices(slot, attVertBuffer);

                        color.a = (byte)(a * slot.a * meshAttachment.a);
                        color.r = (byte)(r * slot.r * meshAttachment.r * color.a);
                        color.g = (byte)(g * slot.g * meshAttachment.g * color.a);
                        color.b = (byte)(b * slot.b * meshAttachment.b * color.a);
                        if ( == BlendMode.additive) color.a = 0;

                        float[] attachmentUVs = meshAttachment.uvs;
                        for (int iii = 0; iii < meshVertexCount; iii += 2) {
                            float x = attVertBuffer[iii], y = attVertBuffer[iii + 1];
                            vertices[vertexIndex].x = x; vertices[vertexIndex].y = y; vertices[vertexIndex].z = z;
                            colors32[vertexIndex] = color; uvs[vertexIndex].x = attachmentUVs[iii]; uvs[vertexIndex].y = attachmentUVs[iii + 1];

                            if (x < meshBoundsMin.x) meshBoundsMin.x = x;
                            else if (x > meshBoundsMax.x) meshBoundsMax.x = x;

                            if (y < meshBoundsMin.y) meshBoundsMin.y = y;
                            else if (y > meshBoundsMax.y) meshBoundsMax.y = y;

                    } else {
                        var weightedMeshAttachment = attachment as WeightedMeshAttachment;
                        if (weightedMeshAttachment != null) {
                            int meshVertexCount = weightedMeshAttachment.uvs.Length;
                            if (attVertBuffer.Length < meshVertexCount) this.attachmentVertexBuffer = attVertBuffer = new float[meshVertexCount];
                            weightedMeshAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices(slot, attVertBuffer);

                            color.a = (byte)(a * slot.a * weightedMeshAttachment.a);
                            color.r = (byte)(r * slot.r * weightedMeshAttachment.r * color.a);
                            color.g = (byte)(g * slot.g * weightedMeshAttachment.g * color.a);
                            color.b = (byte)(b * slot.b * weightedMeshAttachment.b * color.a);
                            if ( == BlendMode.additive) color.a = 0;

                            float[] attachmentUVs = weightedMeshAttachment.uvs;
                            for (int iii = 0; iii < meshVertexCount; iii += 2) {
                                float x = attVertBuffer[iii], y = attVertBuffer[iii + 1];
                                vertices[vertexIndex].x = x; vertices[vertexIndex].y = y; vertices[vertexIndex].z = z;
                                colors32[vertexIndex] = color;
                                uvs[vertexIndex].x = attachmentUVs[iii]; uvs[vertexIndex].y = attachmentUVs[iii + 1];

                                if (x < meshBoundsMin.x) meshBoundsMin.x = x;
                                else if (x > meshBoundsMax.x) meshBoundsMax.x = x;
                                if (y < meshBoundsMin.y) meshBoundsMin.y = y;
                                else if (y > meshBoundsMax.y) meshBoundsMax.y = y;


            // Push triangles in this submesh
            if (structureDoesntMatch) {
                smartMesh.mesh.Clear(); // rebuild triangle array.

                var currentSubmesh = submeshBuffers.Items[submeshIndex];
                bool isLastSubmesh = (submeshIndex == submeshCount - 1);

                int triangleCount = currentSubmesh.triangleCount = currentSubmeshInstruction.triangleCount;
                int trianglesCapacity = currentSubmesh.triangles.Length;

                int[] triangles = currentSubmesh.triangles;
                if (isLastSubmesh) {
                    if (trianglesCapacity > triangleCount) {
                        for (int i = triangleCount; i < trianglesCapacity; i++)
                            triangles[i] = 0;
                } else if (trianglesCapacity != triangleCount) {
                    triangles = currentSubmesh.triangles = new int[triangleCount];
                    currentSubmesh.triangleCount = 0;

                // Iterate through submesh slots and store the triangles.
                int triangleIndex = 0;
                int afv = currentSubmeshInstruction.firstVertexIndex; // attachment first vertex

                for (int i = currentSubmeshInstruction.startSlot, n = currentSubmeshInstruction.endSlot; i < n; i++) {
                    var attachment = skeletonDrawOrderItems[i].attachment;

                    if (attachment is RegionAttachment) {
                        triangles[triangleIndex] = afv; triangles[triangleIndex + 1] = afv + 2; triangles[triangleIndex + 2] = afv + 1;
                        triangles[triangleIndex + 3] = afv + 2; triangles[triangleIndex + 4] = afv + 3; triangles[triangleIndex + 5] = afv + 1;

                        triangleIndex += 6;
                        afv += 4;
                    } else {
                        int[] attachmentTriangles;
                        int attachmentVertexCount;
                        var meshAttachment = attachment as MeshAttachment;
                        if (meshAttachment != null) {
                            attachmentVertexCount = meshAttachment.vertices.Length >> 1; //  length/2
                            attachmentTriangles = meshAttachment.triangles;
                        } else {
                            var weightedMeshAttachment = attachment as WeightedMeshAttachment;
                            if (weightedMeshAttachment != null) {
                                attachmentVertexCount = weightedMeshAttachment.uvs.Length >> 1; // length/2
                                attachmentTriangles = weightedMeshAttachment.triangles;
                            } else

                        for (int ii = 0, nn = attachmentTriangles.Length; ii < nn; ii++, triangleIndex++)
                            triangles[triangleIndex] = afv + attachmentTriangles[ii];

                        afv += attachmentVertexCount;
                } // Done adding current submesh triangles

        Vector3 meshBoundsExtents = (meshBoundsMax - meshBoundsMin);
        Vector3 meshCenter = meshBoundsMin + meshBoundsExtents * 0.5f;

        smartMesh.Set(this.meshVertices, this.meshUVs, this.meshColors32, meshInstructions);
        mesh.bounds = new Bounds(meshCenter, meshBoundsExtents);

        if (structureDoesntMatch) {

            if (generateNormals) {
                int vertexCount = meshInstructions.vertexCount;
                Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertexCount];
                Vector3 normal = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
                for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                    normals[i] = normal;
                mesh.normals = normals;

                if (generateTangents) {
                    Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[vertexCount];
                    Vector4 tangent = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, -1);
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                        tangents[i] = tangent;
                    mesh.tangents = tangents;

            // push new triangles if doesn't match.
            mesh.subMeshCount = submeshCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < submeshCount; i++)
                mesh.SetTriangles(submeshBuffers.Items[i].triangles, i);

        return new SubmeshedMesh(smartMesh.mesh, sharedMaterials);