Пример #1
        public static FPQuaternion Slerp(FPQuaternion from, FPQuaternion to, FP t)
            t = FPMath.Clamp(t, 0, 1);

            FP dot = Dot(from, to);

            if (dot < 0.0f)
                to  = Multiply(to, -1);
                dot = -dot;

            FP halfTheta = FP.Acos(dot);

            return(Multiply(Multiply(from, FP.Sin((1 - t) * halfTheta)) + Multiply(to, FP.Sin(t * halfTheta)), 1 / FP.Sin(halfTheta)));
 public static void SmoothStep(ref FPVector2 value1, ref FPVector2 value2, FP amount, out FPVector2 result)
     result = new FPVector2(
         FPMath.SmoothStep(value1.x, value2.x, amount),
         FPMath.SmoothStep(value1.y, value2.y, amount));
 public static FPVector2 SmoothStep(FPVector2 value1, FPVector2 value2, FP amount)
     return(new FPVector2(
                FPMath.SmoothStep(value1.x, value2.x, amount),
                FPMath.SmoothStep(value1.y, value2.y, amount)));
 public static void Min(ref FPVector2 value1, ref FPVector2 value2, out FPVector2 result)
     result.x = FPMath.Min(value1.x, value2.x);
     result.y = FPMath.Min(value1.y, value2.y);
 public static FPVector2 Min(FPVector2 value1, FPVector2 value2)
     return(new FPVector2(
                FPMath.Min(value1.x, value2.x),
                FPMath.Min(value1.y, value2.y)));
 public static void LerpUnclamped(ref FPVector2 value1, ref FPVector2 value2, FP amount, out FPVector2 result)
     result = new FPVector2(
         FPMath.Lerp(value1.x, value2.x, amount),
         FPMath.Lerp(value1.y, value2.y, amount));
 public static FPVector2 LerpUnclamped(FPVector2 value1, FPVector2 value2, FP amount)
     return(new FPVector2(
                FPMath.Lerp(value1.x, value2.x, amount),
                FPMath.Lerp(value1.y, value2.y, amount)));
 public static void Hermite(ref FPVector2 value1, ref FPVector2 tangent1, ref FPVector2 value2, ref FPVector2 tangent2,
                            FP amount, out FPVector2 result)
     result.x = FPMath.Hermite(value1.x, tangent1.x, value2.x, tangent2.x, amount);
     result.y = FPMath.Hermite(value1.y, tangent1.y, value2.y, tangent2.y, amount);
 public static void Clamp(ref FPVector2 value1, ref FPVector2 min, ref FPVector2 max, out FPVector2 result)
     result = new FPVector2(
         FPMath.Clamp(value1.x, min.x, max.x),
         FPMath.Clamp(value1.y, min.y, max.y));
 public static FPVector2 Clamp(FPVector2 value1, FPVector2 min, FPVector2 max)
     return(new FPVector2(
                FPMath.Clamp(value1.x, min.x, max.x),
                FPMath.Clamp(value1.y, min.y, max.y)));
 public static FPVector2 CatmullRom(FPVector2 value1, FPVector2 value2, FPVector2 value3, FPVector2 value4, FP amount)
     return(new FPVector2(
                FPMath.CatmullRom(value1.x, value2.x, value3.x, value4.x, amount),
                FPMath.CatmullRom(value1.y, value2.y, value3.y, value4.y, amount)));
 public static FPVector2 Barycentric(FPVector2 value1, FPVector2 value2, FPVector2 value3, FP amount1, FP amount2)
     return(new FPVector2(
                FPMath.Barycentric(value1.x, value2.x, value3.x, amount1, amount2),
                FPMath.Barycentric(value1.y, value2.y, value3.y, amount1, amount2)));
Пример #13
 // Returns the angle in degrees between /from/ and /to/. This is always the smallest
 public static FP Angle(FPVector from, FPVector to)
     return(FPMath.Acos(FPMath.Clamp(Dot(from.normalized, to.normalized), -FP.ONE, FP.ONE)) * FPMath.Rad2Deg);
        // Update is called once per frame
        protected override void SpaxUpdate()
            if (!stopTimer.IsTicking())
                StateConditions curCond = data.GetStateConditions();

                //for holding change in velocity for faster access
                float accel = 0f;
                //holds the x-axis input for faster access
                int xInput = input.X();

                //if there is a frame to apply some stuff, do it

                //if the state allows for gravity application
                if ((curCond & StateConditions.APPLY_GRAV) > 0)
                    if ((calcVelocity.y - data.GetGravForce()) <= (-1 * data.moveStats.maxFallSpeed))
                        calcVelocity.y = -1 * data.moveStats.maxFallSpeed;
                        calcVelocity.y -= data.GetGravForce();

                //read if the player wants to move
                if (xInput != 0)
                    //if the state allows for movement
                    if ((curCond & StateConditions.CAN_MOVE) > 0)
                        bool isWalking = (curCond & StateConditions.WALKING) == StateConditions.WALKING;

                        //hold the acceleration for quicker access
                        accel = data.GetAcceleration(isWalking);

                        //Debug.Log(isWalking+" | "+accel);

                        if (FPMath.Abs(calcVelocity.x + accel * xInput) >= (FP)data.GetMaxSpeed(isWalking))
                            calcVelocity.x = data.GetMaxSpeed(isWalking) * xInput;
                            calcVelocity.x += accel * xInput;

                //if the state applies friction
                if ((curCond & StateConditions.APPLY_FRICTION) > 0)
                    //accel will be (at least) close to 0 if the player an and wants to move
                    if (Mathf.Abs(accel) < 0.00001f)
                        //hold the friction for quicker access
                        accel = data.GetFriction();

                        if ((FPMath.Abs(calcVelocity.x) - accel) <= 0f)
                            calcVelocity.x = 0f;
                            //multiply by normalized to counter the current velocity
                            calcVelocity.x -= accel * calcVelocity.normalized.x;
                //assign the new calculated velocity to the rigidbody
                rb.velocity = calcVelocity;

                //txt.text = data.GetStringPrevInputs();
Пример #15
        public static FPQuaternion Lerp(FPQuaternion a, FPQuaternion b, FP t)
            t = FPMath.Clamp(t, FP.Zero, FP.One);

            return(LerpUnclamped(a, b, t));