Пример #1
        public static int toHitModificator(short damageType, int direction, CombatField CombatField)
            if (CombatField.ObjectWeaponModificator == null)
            //get all modificators that apply to the weapon type and the direction of attack ( 1 attacker, 0 defender or 2 both)
            var appliable = CombatField.ObjectWeaponModificator.Select(e => e.Value).Where(e => e.damagetype == damageType && (e.applyto == 2 || e.applyto == direction));
            var summed    = appliable.Sum(e => e.tohitmodificator);

Пример #2
        public static int moduleToDamage(ShipModule module, Ship Attacker, Ship Defender, int direction, CombatField combatField)
            if (Attacker.energy < 0 || Attacker.crew < 0)

            var    damageMod = Combat.damageModificator(module.module.moduleGain.weaponType, direction, combatField);
            double Damage    = module.module.moduleGain.damageoutput;// +damageMod;

             * // Nice rules, but both aren't explained ingame :(
             * //Shield reduction (except if scout fights bigShips
             * if (Attacker.hullid == 1 &&
             *  (Defender.hullid == 7 || Defender.hullid == 8 || Defender.hullid == 201 || Defender.hullid == 202))
             * {
             *  //fight against a bigShip
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  Damage = Damage * ((100.0 - Defender.damagereduction) / 100);
             * }
             * //reduce if attacker has no movement points but is nevertheless attacking:
             * if (direction == 1)
             * {
             *  if ((combatField.SysXY == null  && Attacker.hyper == 0)
             || (combatField.SysXY != null && Attacker.impuls == 0))
             || {
             ||     Damage = Damage * 4.0 / 5.0;
             || }
            Damage = Damage * ((100.0 - Defender.damagereduction) / 100);
            //remove the above is the block is commented in again

            //reduce by damage of the shooting ship (but only half of it)
            // f = faktor... 1-(1-f)^1.5 oder sowas //marcgfx: so dass ein bisschen schaden weniger macht
            //double DamageRatio = 1.0 - ((1.0 - ((double)Attacker.CombatStartHitpoint / (double)Attacker.CombatMaxHitpoint)) / 2.0);
            //double DamageRatio = 1.0 - ((1.0 - ((double)Attacker.CombatStartHitpoint / (double)Attacker.CombatMaxHitpoint)) / 2.0);
            //(1-(1-f)^p) //p=1 bisherige rechnung
            var HullHitpoints     = Attacker.CombatMaxHitpoint - Core.Instance.ShipHulls[Attacker.hullid].ShipHullGain.hitpoints;
            var DamageRatio       = Math.Min((double)Attacker.hitpoints / (double)(Attacker.CombatMaxHitpoint - HullHitpoints), 1.0);
            var HalvedDamageRatio = 1.0 - ((1.0 - DamageRatio) / 2.0);

            Damage = Damage * HalvedDamageRatio;

Пример #3
        public void fight(Ship Attacker, Ship Defender, Field BattleField)
            Core core = Core.Instance;

            //init values
            this.attackerId              = Attacker.id;
            this.defenderId              = Defender.id;
            this.attackerUserId          = Attacker.userid;
            this.defenderUserId          = Defender.userid;
            this.starId                  = BattleField.starId ?? 0;
            this.spaceX                  = BattleField.x;
            this.spaceY                  = BattleField.y;
            this.systemX                 = Defender.systemX;
            this.systemY                 = Defender.systemY;
            this.attackerDamageDealt     = 0;
            this.defenderDamageDealt     = 0;
            this.attackerHitPointsRemain = Attacker.hitpoints;
            this.defenderHitPointsRemain = Defender.hitpoints;
            this.AttackerName            = Attacker.NAME;
            this.DefenderName            = Defender.NAME;
            this.DefenderHasRead         = false;
            this.MessageDT               = DateTime.Now;

            this.DefenderShield = Defender.damagereduction;
            this.AttackerShield = Attacker.damagereduction;

            this.AttackerExperience      = Attacker.Experience;
            this.DefenderExperience      = Defender.Experience;
            this.AttackerShipHullId      = Attacker.hullid;
            this.DefenderShipHullId      = Defender.hullid;
            this.AttackerShipHullImageId = Attacker.shipHullsImage;
            this.DefenderShipHullImageId = Defender.shipHullsImage;

            this.AttackerEvasion         = Attacker.FullDefense();
            this.AttackerMaxHitPoints    = Attacker.CombatMaxHitpoint;
            this.attackerStartHitpoint   = Attacker.hitpoints;
            Attacker.CombatStartHitpoint = Attacker.hitpoints;

            this.DefenderEvasion         = Defender.FullDefense();
            this.DefenderMaxHitPoints    = Defender.CombatMaxHitpoint;
            this.DefenderStartHitpoint   = Defender.hitpoints;
            Defender.CombatStartHitpoint = Defender.hitpoints;

            //mock the Tanscendence Defense
            if (Defender.isTranscension())
                Defender.shipModules.Add(new ShipModule(Defender.id, 1105, 1, 1));
                Defender.shipModules.Add(new ShipModule(Defender.id, 1105, 2, 2));

            //get target Field modifiers:
            Tuple <byte, byte> systemXY = null;

            if (this.starId != 0 && this.systemX != 0 && this.systemY != 0)
                systemXY = new Tuple <byte, byte>((byte)(this.systemX), (byte)(this.systemY));

            this.CombatField = new SpacegameServer.Core.CombatField(BattleField, systemXY);

             * ObjectDescription targetFieldObjDesc = Core.Instance.TargetFieldObject(BattleField, systemXY);
             * objectOnMap = null;
             * Dictionary<short,ObjectWeaponModificator> ObjectWeaponModificator = null;
             * if (targetFieldObjDesc != null)
             * {
             *  objectOnMap = core.ObjectsOnMap.ContainsKey(targetFieldObjDesc.id) ? core.ObjectsOnMap[targetFieldObjDesc.id] : null;
             *  ObjectWeaponModificator = core.ObjectWeaponModificators.ContainsKey(targetFieldObjDesc.id) ? core.ObjectWeaponModificators[targetFieldObjDesc.id] : null;
             * }
            int defenseBonus = this.CombatField.objectOnMap != null ? this.CombatField.objectOnMap.Defensebonus : 0;

            int  battleCounter   = 0;
            bool defenderFights  = true;
            var  AttackerEvasion = Attacker.FullDefense();

            double HitValue = Lockable.rnd.Next(0, AttackerEvasion + Defender.FullDefense());

            if (HitValue < AttackerEvasion)
                defenderFights = false;

            while (battleCounter < 100 && Attacker.hitpoints > 0 && Defender.hitpoints > 0)
                if (defenderFights)
                    if (Defender.crew >= 0 && Defender.energy >= 0)
                        this.createBattleRound(Defender, Attacker, 0, battleCounter, defenderFights);
                    this.createBattleRound(Attacker, Defender, defenseBonus, battleCounter, defenderFights);
                defenderFights = !defenderFights;
            Attacker.CombatStartHitpoint = Attacker.hitpoints;
            Defender.CombatStartHitpoint = Defender.hitpoints;

            var Systemname = this.starId != 0 ? Core.Instance.stars[this.starId].systemname : "";

            if (Attacker.hitpoints <= 0)
                GalacticEvents.AddNewEvent(GalacticEventType.CombatDefenderWins, int1: Attacker.id, int2: Defender.id, int3: Attacker.hullid, int4: Defender.hullid, int5: this.spaceX, int6: this.spaceY, string1: Attacker.NAME, string2: Defender.NAME, string3: Systemname, string4: Attacker.userid.ToString(), string5: Defender.userid.ToString());
                Defender.Experience += Attacker.ExperienceBase();

            if (Defender.hitpoints <= 0)
                GalacticEvents.AddNewEvent(GalacticEventType.CombatAttackerWins, int1: Attacker.id, int2: Defender.id, int3: Attacker.hullid, int4: Defender.hullid, int5: this.spaceX, int6: this.spaceY, string1: Attacker.NAME, string2: Defender.NAME, string3: Systemname, string4: Attacker.userid.ToString(), string5: Defender.userid.ToString());
                Attacker.Experience += Defender.ExperienceBase();

            if (Core.Instance.users[Attacker.userid].showCombatPopup)
                int x = Attacker.userid;
                core.SendCombat(this, x);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module"></param>
        /// <param name="Attacker"></param>
        /// <param name="Defender"></param>
        /// <param name="Field"></param>
        /// <param name="direction">0 : defender, 1 : attacker </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double moduleToHitRatio(ShipModule module, Ship Attacker, Ship Defender, int direction, CombatField combatField)
            if (Attacker.energy < 0 || Attacker.crew < 0)

            Core core = Core.Instance;

             * var toHitMod = Combat.toHitModificator(module.module.moduleGain.weaponType, direction, combatField);
             * int defenseBonus = combatField.objectOnMap != null ? combatField.objectOnMap.defensebonus : 0;
             * // 50%
             * var HitPropability = (100.0 + toHitMod - Defender.Evasion) /
             *                      (200.0 + toHitMod + defenseBonus);

            var HitPropability = (module.module.moduleGain.toHitRatio + Attacker.FullAttack() - Defender.FullDefense()) / 100.0;

            return(Math.Max(Math.Min(HitPropability, 1.0), 0.01));

            //                  Evasion
            //Scout:        :     80
            //corvette      :     60
            //frigate       :     40
            //destroyer     :     30
            //cruiser       :     20
            //battleship    :     10
            //s-battleship  :      0

            // "Green" crew versus "Green" crew (no bonus whatsoever)
            //Laser  140 to hit ratio - 30 damage:
            //Scout:        : To hit 140 - Evasion 80 -> 60% ->  9 dmg  + (average value - either hit and 20, or not hit and no damage)
            //corvette      : To hit 140 - Evasion 60 -> 80% -> 12 dmg  +
            //frigate       : To hit 140 - Evasion 40 ->100% -> 15 dmg  +-
            //destroyer     : To hit 140 - Evasion 30 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -
            //cruiser       : To hit 140 - Evasion 20 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -
            //battleship    : To hit 140 - Evasion 10 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -
            //s-battleship  : To hit 140 - Evasion  0 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -

            //Rocket  90 to hit ratio - 60 damage :
            //Scout:        : To hit 90 - Evasion 80 -> 10%  -> 3 dmg  -
            //corvette      : To hit 90 - Evasion 60 -> 30% ->  9 dmg  -
            //frigate       : To hit 90 - Evasion 40 -> 50% -> 15 dmg  +-
            //destroyer     : To hit 90 - Evasion 30 -> 60% -> 18 dmg  +
            //cruiser       : To hit 90 - Evasion 20 -> 70% -> 21 dmg  +
            //battleship    : To hit 90 - Evasion 10 -> 80% -> 24 dmg  +-
            //s-battleship  : To hit 90 - Evasion  0 -> 90% -> 27 dmg  -

            //mass driver to hit 50 ratio - 120 dmg:
            //Scout:        : To hit 50 - Evasion 80 -> 1%  ->  1 dmg  -
            //corvette      : To hit 50 - Evasion 60 -> 1%  ->  1 dmg  -
            //frigate       : To hit 50 - Evasion 40 -> 10% ->  6 dmg  -
            //destroyer     : To hit 50 - Evasion 30 -> 20% -> 12 dmg  -
            //cruiser       : To hit 50 - Evasion 20 -> 30% -> 18 dmg  -
            //battleship    : To hit 50 - Evasion 10 -> 40% -> 24 dmg  +-
            //s-battleship  : To hit 50 - Evasion  0 -> 50% -> 30 dmg  +

            //Experience levels
            //                  toHit/evasion
            //                    green         normal          veteran        elite        garde
            //Scout:        :      0/0           10/5            20/10         30/15        40/20
            //corvette      :      0/0           10/5            20/10         30/15        40/20
            //frigate       :      0/0           10/5            20/10         30/15        40/20
            //destroyer     :      0/0           10/0            20/5          30/10        40/15
            //cruiser       :      0/0           10/0            20/5          30/10        40/15
            //battleship    :      0/0           10/0            20/0          30/5         40/10
            //s-battleship  :      0/0           10/0            20/0          30/0         40/0

            //Elite (+ 30 to hit ) versus Elite (various evasions)
            //Laser 15 damage:
            //Scout:        : To hit 170 - Evasion 95 -> 75% -> 11 dmg  + (average value - either hit and 20, or not hit and no damage)
            //corvette      : To hit 170 - Evasion 75 -> 95% -> 14 dmg  +
            //frigate       : To hit 170 - Evasion 55 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -
            //destroyer     : To hit 170 - Evasion 40 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -
            //cruiser       : To hit 170 - Evasion 30 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -
            //battleship    : To hit 170 - Evasion 15 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -
            //s-battleship  : To hit 170 - Evasion  0 ->100% -> 15 dmg  -

            //Rocket 30 damage:
            //Scout:        : To hit 120 - Evasion 95 -> 25% ->7.5 dmg  -
            //corvette      : To hit 120 - Evasion 75 -> 45% ->13.5dmg  -
            //frigate       : To hit 120 - Evasion 55 -> 65% ->19.5dmg  +
            //destroyer     : To hit 120 - Evasion 40 -> 80% -> 24 dmg  +-
            //cruiser       : To hit 120 - Evasion 30 -> 90% -> 27 dmg  -
            //battleship    : To hit 120 - Evasion 15 ->100% -> 30 dmg  -
            //s-battleship  : To hit 120 - Evasion  0 ->100% -> 30 dmg  -

            //mass driver 60 dmg
            //Scout:        : To hit 80 - Evasion 95 -> 1%  ->  1 dmg  -
            //corvette      : To hit 80 - Evasion 75 -> 5%  ->  3 dmg  -
            //frigate       : To hit 80 - Evasion 55 -> 25% -> 15 dmg  -
            //destroyer     : To hit 80 - Evasion 40 -> 40% -> 24 dmg  +-
            //cruiser       : To hit 80 - Evasion 30 -> 50% -> 30 dmg  +
            //battleship    : To hit 80 - Evasion 15 -> 65% -> 39 dmg  +
            //s-battleship  : To hit 80 - Evasion  0 -> 80% -> 48 dmg  +