public static async Task <bool> NameValidator(string name)
            var validator = new CustomerValidator();
            var client    = new RestClient("");
            var request   = new RestRequest("people/", DataFormat.Json).AddParameter("search", name);
            // NOTE: The Swreponse is a custom class which represents the data returned by the API, RestClient have buildin ORM which maps the data from the reponse into a given type of object
            var peopleResponse = await client.GetAsync <PeopleResponse>(request);

            if (peopleResponse.count == 1)
                RegisteredName = peopleResponse.results[0].name;
                return(validator.NameIsValid = true);
            else if (peopleResponse.count > 1)
                Console.WriteLine($"Det finns flera som har ¨{name}¨ i sitt namn!");
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var people in peopleResponse.results)
                    Console.WriteLine($"[{i++}] {}");
                Console.WriteLine("Välj ditt namn: ");
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                int.TryParse(input, out int value);

                //TODO: value out of range

                RegisteredName = peopleResponse.results[value].name;
                return(validator.NameIsValid = true);
                return(validator.NameIsValid = false);
        public static async Task <StarshipResponse> GetAllStarships(int changePage)
            var test = new CustomerValidator();

            test.PageSpaceship = changePage;
            var client  = new RestClient("");
            var request = new RestRequest("starships/", DataFormat.Json).AddParameter("page", test.PageSpaceship);
            // NOTE: The Swresponse is a custom class which represents the data returned by the API, RestClient have buildin ORM which maps the data from the reponse into a given type of object
            var StarShipResponse = await client.GetAsync <StarshipResponse>(request);
