Пример #1
        public static List<FindSimilar.QueryResult> SimilarTracksSoundfingerprintingList(FileInfo filePath, Repository repository)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            // get work config from the audio file
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePath);
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigQuerying;

            // TODO: i don't really know how the threshold tables work.
            // 1 returns more similar hits
            // 2 returns sometimes only the one we search for
            // even 0 seem to work (like 1)
            List<FindSimilar.QueryResult> candidates = repository.FindSimilarFromAudioSamplesList(param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfHashTables, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfKeys,  0, param);

            Dbg.WriteLine ("SimilarTracksSoundfingerprintingList - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return candidates;
        public FindSimilarClientForm()
            // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.

            // Constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.
            this.version.Text = Mirage.Mir.VERSION;
            this.DistanceTypeCombo.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AudioFeature.DistanceType));

            this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Id", "Id");
            this.dataGridView1.Columns[0].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;

            this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Path", "Path");
            this.dataGridView1.Columns[1].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;

            this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Duration_Similarity", "Duration (ms) / Similarity");
            this.dataGridView1.Columns[2].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;

            this.db = new Db();

            // Instansiate soundfingerprinting Repository
            FingerprintService fingerprintService = Analyzer.GetSoundfingerprintingService();
            this.databaseService = DatabaseService.Instance;

            //IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("perms-new.csv", ",");

            repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);

            if (rbScms.Checked) {
                IgnoreFileLengthCheckBox.Visible = true;
                DistanceTypeCombo.Visible = true;
            } else {
                IgnoreFileLengthCheckBox.Visible = false;
                DistanceTypeCombo.Visible = false;

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to analyze and add using the soundfingerprinting methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">full file path</param>
        /// <param name="repository">Soundfingerprinting Repository</param>
        /// <param name="doOutputDebugInfo">decide whether to output debug info like spectrogram and audiofile (default value can be set)</param>
        /// <param name="useHaarWavelet">decide whether to use haar wavelet compression or DCT compression</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful</returns>
        public static bool AnalyzeAndAddSoundfingerprinting(FileInfo filePath, Repository repository, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            // get work config from the audio file
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePath);
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigCreation;
            string fileName = param.FileName;

            // build track
            Track track = new Track();
            track.Title = param.FileName;
            track.TrackLengthMs = (int) param.DurationInMs;
            track.FilePath = param.PathToAudioFile;
            track.Tags = param.Tags;
            track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method

            // Get fingerprint signatures using the Soundfingerprinting methods
            double[][] logSpectrogram;
            List<bool[]> fingerprints;
            List<double[][]> spectralImages;
            if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfHashTables, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfKeys,  param, out logSpectrogram, out fingerprints, out spectralImages)) {

                // store logSpectrogram as Matrix
                Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
                logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();

                #region Debug for Soundfingerprinting Method
                if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                    // Image Service
                    ImageService imageService = new ImageService(repository.FingerprintService.SpectrumService, repository.FingerprintService.WaveletService);
                    imageService.GetLogSpectralImages(logSpectrogram, fingerprintingConfigCreation.Stride, fingerprintingConfigCreation.FingerprintLength, fingerprintingConfigCreation.Overlap, 2).Save(fileName + "_specgram_logimages.png");

                    logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(fileName + "_specgram_logimage.png", true);

                    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                        logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(fileName + "_specgram_log.csv", ";");
            } else {
                // failed
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not compute the soundfingerprint {0}!", fileName);
                return false;

            Dbg.WriteLine ("AnalyzeAndAddSoundfingerprinting - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return true;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Query the database for perceptually similar tracks using the sound fingerprinting methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">input file</param>
        /// <returns>a dictionary of similar tracks</returns>
        public static Dictionary<Track, double> SimilarTracksSoundfingerprinting(FileInfo filePath, Repository repository)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            // get work config from the audio file
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePath);
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigQuerying;

            Dictionary<Track, double> candidates = repository.FindSimilarFromAudioSamples(param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfHashTables, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfKeys,  1, param);

            Dbg.WriteLine ("SimilarTracksSoundfingerprinting - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return candidates;
Пример #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Scan a directory recursively and add all the audio files found to the database
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="path">Path to directory</param>
		/// <param name="db">MandelEllis or Scms Database Instance</param>
		/// <param name="repository">Soundfingerprinting Repository</param>
		/// <param name="skipDurationAboveSeconds">Skip files with duration longer than this number of seconds (0 or less disables this)</param>
		/// <param name="silent">true if silent mode (reduced console output)</param>
		public static void ScanDirectory(string path, Db db, Repository repository, double skipDurationAboveSeconds, bool silent=false) {
			Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
			// scan directory for audio files
				// By some reason the IOUtils.GetFiles returns a higher count than what seams correct?!
				IEnumerable<string> filesAll =
					Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
					.Where(f => extensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f).ToLower()));
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Found {0} files in scan directory.", filesAll.Count());
				// Get all already processed files stored in the database and store in memory
				// It seems to work well with huge volumes of files (200k)
				IList<string> filesAlreadyProcessed = repository.DatabaseService.ReadTrackFilenames();
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Database contains {0} already processed files.", filesAlreadyProcessed.Count);

				// find the files that has not already been added to the database
				List<string> filesRemaining = filesAll.Except(filesAlreadyProcessed).ToList();
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Found {0} files remaining in scan directory to be processed.", filesRemaining.Count);

				int filesCounter = 1;
				int filesAllCounter = filesAlreadyProcessed.Count + 1;
				#if !DEBUG
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Running in multi-threaded mode!");
				Parallel.ForEach(filesRemaining, file =>
				                 	Console.Out.WriteLine("Running in single-threaded mode!");
				                 	foreach (string file in filesRemaining)
				                 		FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);

				                 		// Try to use Un4Seen Bass to check duration
				                 		BassProxy bass = BassProxy.Instance;
				                 		double duration = bass.GetDurationInSeconds(fileInfo.FullName);

				                 		// check if we should skip files longer than x seconds
				                 		if ( (skipDurationAboveSeconds > 0 && duration > 0 && duration < skipDurationAboveSeconds)
				                 		    || skipDurationAboveSeconds <= 0
				                 		    || duration < 0) {

				                 			if(!Analyzer.AnalyzeAndAddComplete(fileInfo, db, repository)) {
				                 				//if(!Analyzer.AnalyzeAndAddSoundfingerprinting(fileInfo, repository)) {
				                 				//if(!Analyzer.AnalyzeAndAddScms(fileInfo, db)) {
				                 				Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not generate audio fingerprint for {0}!", fileInfo.Name);
				                 				IOUtils.LogMessageToFile(FAILED_FILES_LOG, fileInfo.FullName);
				                 			} else {
				                 				Console.Out.WriteLine("[{1}/{2} - {3}/{4}] Succesfully added {0} to database. (Thread: {5})", fileInfo.Name, filesCounter, filesRemaining.Count, filesAllCounter, filesAll.Count(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
				                 				// Threadsafe increment (TODO: doesn't always seem to work?)
				                 				Interlocked.Increment(ref filesCounter);
				                 				Interlocked.Increment(ref filesAllCounter);
				                 		} else {
				                 			if (!silent) Console.Out.WriteLine("Skipping {0} since duration exceeds limit ({1:0.00} > {2:0.00} sec.)", fileInfo.Name, duration, skipDurationAboveSeconds);
				                 		fileInfo = null;
				                 	#if !DEBUG
				                 	int filesActuallyProcessed = filesCounter -1;
				                 	Console.WriteLine("Added {0} out of a total remaining set of {1} files. (Of {2} files found).", filesActuallyProcessed, filesRemaining.Count(), filesAll.Count());
				                 catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UAEx)
				                 catch (PathTooLongException PathEx)
				                 catch (System.NullReferenceException NullEx) {

				                 Console.WriteLine("Time used: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed);
Пример #6
			public static void Main(string[] args) {

				Analyzer.AnalysisMethod analysisMethod = Analyzer.AnalysisMethod.SCMS;
				//Analyzer.AnalysisMethod analysisMethod = Analyzer.AnalysisMethod.MandelEllis;
				string scanPath = "";
				double skipDurationAboveSeconds = -1; // less than zero disables this
				string queryPath = "";
				int queryId = -1;
				int numToTake = 20;
				double percentage = 0.4; // percentage below and above when querying
				bool resetdb = false;
				bool silent = false;
				AudioFeature.DistanceType distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.KullbackLeiblerDivergence;
				// Command line parsing
				Arguments CommandLine = new Arguments(args);
				if(CommandLine["match"] != null) {
					queryPath = CommandLine["match"];
				if(CommandLine["matchid"] != null) {
					string matchId = CommandLine["matchid"];
					queryId = int.Parse(matchId);
				if(CommandLine["scandir"] != null) {
					scanPath = CommandLine["scandir"];
				if(CommandLine["skipduration"] != null) {
					double.TryParse(CommandLine["skipduration"], NumberStyles.Number,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out skipDurationAboveSeconds);
				if(CommandLine["num"] != null) {
					string num = CommandLine["num"];
					numToTake = int.Parse(num);
				if(CommandLine["percentage"] != null) {
					double.TryParse(CommandLine["percentage"], NumberStyles.Number,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out percentage);
				if(CommandLine["type"] != null) {
					string type = CommandLine["type"];
					if (type.Equals("kl", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
						distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.KullbackLeiblerDivergence;
					} else if (type.StartsWith("dtw", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
						if (type.Equals("dtwe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
							distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_Euclidean;
						} else if (type.Equals("dtwe2", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
							distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_SquaredEuclidean;
						} else if (type.Equals("dtwman", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
							distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_Manhattan;
						} else if (type.Equals("dtwmax", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
							distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_Maximum;
						} else if (type.Equals("ucrdtw", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
							distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.UCR_Dtw;
						} else {
							distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_Euclidean;
				if(CommandLine["dtw"] != null || CommandLine["dtwe"] != null) {
					distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_Euclidean;
				if(CommandLine["dtwe2"] != null) {
					distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_SquaredEuclidean;
				if(CommandLine["dtwman"] != null) {
					distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_Manhattan;
				if(CommandLine["dtwmax"] != null) {
					distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.Dtw_Maximum;
				if(CommandLine["kl"] != null) {
					distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.KullbackLeiblerDivergence;
				if(CommandLine["ucrdtw"] != null) {
					distanceType = AudioFeature.DistanceType.UCR_Dtw;
				if(CommandLine["resetdb"] != null) {
					resetdb = true;
				if(CommandLine["silent"] != null) {
					silent = true;
				if(CommandLine["permutations"] != null) {
					Console.WriteLine("Generating hash permutations for used by the Soundfingerprinting methods.");
					Console.WriteLine("Saving to file: {0}", "Soundfingerprinting\\perms-new.csv");
					PermutationGeneratorService permutationGeneratorService = new PermutationGeneratorService();
					Analyzer.GenerateAndSavePermutations(permutationGeneratorService, "Soundfingerprinting\\perms-new.csv");
				if(CommandLine["?"] != null) {
				if(CommandLine["help"] != null) {
				if(CommandLine["gui"] != null) {
				if (queryPath == "" && queryId == -1 && scanPath == "") {
				// Get database
				Db mandelEllisScmsDatabase = new Db(); // For MandelEllis and SCMS

				// Instansiate soundfingerprinting Repository
				FingerprintService fingerprintService = Analyzer.GetSoundfingerprintingService();
				DatabaseService databaseService = DatabaseService.Instance; // For AudioFingerprinting

				IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
				//IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms-new.csv", ",");
				Repository repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);
				if (scanPath != "") {
					if (IOUtils.IsDirectory(scanPath)) {
						if (resetdb) {
							// For MandelEllis and Scms
							// For AudioFingerprinting
						Console.WriteLine("FindSimilar. Version {0}.", VERSION);
						ScanDirectory(scanPath, mandelEllisScmsDatabase, repository, skipDurationAboveSeconds, silent);
					} else {
						Console.Out.WriteLine("No directory found {0}!", scanPath);

				if (queryPath != "") {
					FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(queryPath);
					if (fi.Exists) {
						FindSimilar(queryPath, mandelEllisScmsDatabase, analysisMethod, numToTake, percentage, distanceType);
					} else {
						Console.Out.WriteLine("No file found {0}!", queryPath);
				if (queryId != -1) {
					FindSimilar(new int[] { queryId }, mandelEllisScmsDatabase, analysisMethod, numToTake, percentage, distanceType);
Пример #7
        public static AudioFeature AnalyzeSoundfingerprinting(FileInfo filePath, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            float[] audiodata = AudioFileReader.Decode(filePath.FullName, SAMPLING_RATE, SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE);
            if (audiodata == null || audiodata.Length == 0)  {
                Dbg.WriteLine("Error! - No Audio Found");
                return null;

            // Read TAGs using BASS
            FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy bass = FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy.Instance;
            Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Tags.TAG_INFO tag_info = bass.GetTagInfoFromFile(filePath.FullName);

            // Name of file being processed
            string name = StringUtils.RemoveNonAsciiCharacters(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath.Name));

            #if DEBUG
            if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteAscii(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.ascii");
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteF3Formatted(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.txt");

            if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                DrawGraph(MathUtils.FloatToDouble(audiodata), name + "_audiodata.png");

            // Calculate duration in ms
            double duration = (double) audiodata.Length / SAMPLING_RATE * 1000;

            // zero pad if the audio file is too short to perform a mfcc
            if (audiodata.Length < (fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap))
                int lenNew = fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap;
                Array.Resize<float>(ref audiodata, lenNew);

            // Get fingerprint signatures using the Soundfingerprinting methods

            // Get database
            DatabaseService databaseService = DatabaseService.Instance;

            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
            Repository repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);

            // Image Service
            ImageService imageService = new ImageService(

            // work config
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = new WorkUnitParameterObject();
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfig;
            param.AudioSamples = audiodata;
            param.PathToAudioFile = filePath.FullName;
            param.MillisecondsToProcess = SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE * 1000;
            param.StartAtMilliseconds = 0;

            // build track
            Track track = new Track();
            track.Title = name;
            track.TrackLengthMs = (int) duration;
            track.FilePath = filePath.FullName;
            track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method

            #region parse tag_info
            if (tag_info != null) {
                Dictionary<string, string> tags = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                //if (tag_info.title != string.Empty) tags.Add("title", tag_info.title);
                if (tag_info.artist != string.Empty) tags.Add("artist", tag_info.artist);
                if (tag_info.album != string.Empty) tags.Add("album", tag_info.album);
                if (tag_info.albumartist != string.Empty) tags.Add("albumartist", tag_info.albumartist);
                if (tag_info.year != string.Empty) tags.Add("year", tag_info.year);
                if (tag_info.comment != string.Empty) tags.Add("comment", tag_info.comment);
                if (tag_info.genre != string.Empty) tags.Add("genre", tag_info.genre);
                if (tag_info.track != string.Empty) tags.Add("track", tag_info.track);
                if (tag_info.disc != string.Empty) tags.Add("disc", tag_info.disc);
                if (tag_info.copyright != string.Empty) tags.Add("copyright", tag_info.copyright);
                if (tag_info.encodedby != string.Empty) tags.Add("encodedby", tag_info.encodedby);
                if (tag_info.composer != string.Empty) tags.Add("composer", tag_info.composer);
                if (tag_info.publisher != string.Empty) tags.Add("publisher", tag_info.publisher);
                if (tag_info.lyricist != string.Empty) tags.Add("lyricist", tag_info.lyricist);
                if (tag_info.remixer != string.Empty) tags.Add("remixer", tag_info.remixer);
                if (tag_info.producer != string.Empty) tags.Add("producer", tag_info.producer);
                if (tag_info.bpm != string.Empty) tags.Add("bpm", tag_info.bpm);
                //if (tag_info.filename != string.Empty) tags.Add("filename", tag_info.filename);
                tags.Add("channelinfo", tag_info.channelinfo.ToString());
                //if (tag_info.duration > 0) tags.Add("duration", tag_info.duration.ToString());
                if (tag_info.bitrate > 0) tags.Add("bitrate", tag_info.bitrate.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_gain != -100f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_gain", tag_info.replaygain_track_gain.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_peak != -1f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_peak", tag_info.replaygain_track_peak.ToString());
                if (tag_info.conductor != string.Empty) tags.Add("conductor", tag_info.conductor);
                if (tag_info.grouping != string.Empty) tags.Add("grouping", tag_info.grouping);
                if (tag_info.mood != string.Empty) tags.Add("mood", tag_info.mood);
                if (tag_info.rating != string.Empty) tags.Add("rating", tag_info.rating);
                if (tag_info.isrc != string.Empty) tags.Add("isrc", tag_info.isrc);

                foreach(var nativeTag in tag_info.NativeTags) {
                    string[] keyvalue = nativeTag.Split('=');
                    tags.Add(keyvalue[0], keyvalue[1]);
                track.Tags = tags;

            AudioFeature audioFeature = null;
            double[][] logSpectrogram;
            if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, 25, 4, param, out logSpectrogram)) {

                if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                    imageService.GetLogSpectralImages(logSpectrogram, fingerprintingConfig.Stride, fingerprintingConfig.FingerprintLength, fingerprintingConfig.Overlap, 2).Save(name + "_specgram_logimages.png");

                    Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
                    logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();
                    logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgram_logimage.png", true);

                    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                        logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(name + "_specgram_log.csv", ";");

                audioFeature = new DummyAudioFeature();

                // Store duration
                audioFeature.Duration = (long) duration;

                // Store file name
                audioFeature.Name = filePath.FullName;
            } else {
                // failed

            Dbg.WriteLine ("Soundfingerprinting - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return audioFeature;
Пример #8
        // TODO: Rememeber to use another stride when querying
        public static Dictionary<Track, double> SimilarTracksSoundfingerprinting(FileInfo filePath)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();
            FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy bass = FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy.Instance;

            float[] audiodata = AudioFileReader.Decode(filePath.FullName, SAMPLING_RATE, SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE);
            if (audiodata == null || audiodata.Length == 0)  {
                Dbg.WriteLine("Error! - No Audio Found");
                return null;

            // Name of file being processed
            string name = StringUtils.RemoveNonAsciiCharacters(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath.Name));

            // Calculate duration in ms
            double duration = (double) audiodata.Length / SAMPLING_RATE * 1000;

            // Explode samples to the range of 16 bit shorts (–32,768 to 32,767)
            // Matlab multiplies with 2^15 (32768)
            // e.g. if( max(abs(speech))<=1 ), speech = speech * 2^15; end;
            MathUtils.Multiply(ref audiodata, AUDIO_MULTIPLIER); // 65536

            // zero pad if the audio file is too short to perform a mfcc
            if (audiodata.Length < (fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap))
                int lenNew = fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap;
                Array.Resize<float>(ref audiodata, lenNew);

            // Get fingerprint signatures using the Soundfingerprinting methods

            // Get database
            DatabaseService databaseService = DatabaseService.Instance;

            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
            Repository repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);

            // work config
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = new WorkUnitParameterObject();
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfig;
            param.PathToAudioFile = filePath.FullName;
            param.AudioSamples = audiodata;
            param.MillisecondsToProcess = SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE * 1000;
            param.StartAtMilliseconds = 0;

            Dictionary<Track, double> candidates = repository.FindSimilarFromAudioSamples(25, 4, 2, param);
            return candidates;

            // Use var keyword to enumerate dictionary
            foreach (var pair in candidates)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1:0.00}",

            Dbg.WriteLine ("Soundfingerprinting - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
Пример #9
        //private static Mfcc mfccOptimized = new Mfcc(WINDOW_SIZE, SAMPLING_RATE, MEL_COEFFICIENTS, MFCC_COEFFICIENTS);


        #region Methods

        public static bool AnalyzeAndAdd(FileInfo filePath, Db db, DatabaseService databaseService, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            float[] audiodata = AudioFileReader.Decode(filePath.FullName, SAMPLING_RATE, SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE);
            if (audiodata == null || audiodata.Length == 0)  {
                Dbg.WriteLine("Error! - No Audio Found");
                return false;

            // Read TAGs using BASS
            FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy bass = FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy.Instance;
            Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Tags.TAG_INFO tag_info = bass.GetTagInfoFromFile(filePath.FullName);

            // Name of file being processed
            string name = StringUtils.RemoveNonAsciiCharacters(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath.Name));

            #if DEBUG
            if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteAscii(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.ascii");
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteF3Formatted(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.txt");

            if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                DrawGraph(MathUtils.FloatToDouble(audiodata), name + "_audiodata.png");

            // Calculate duration in ms
            double duration = (double) audiodata.Length / SAMPLING_RATE * 1000;

            // Explode samples to the range of 16 bit shorts (–32,768 to 32,767)
            // Matlab multiplies with 2^15 (32768)
            // e.g. if( max(abs(speech))<=1 ), speech = speech * 2^15; end;
            MathUtils.Multiply(ref audiodata, AUDIO_MULTIPLIER); // 65536

            // zero pad if the audio file is too short to perform a mfcc
            if (audiodata.Length < (fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap))
                int lenNew = fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap;
                Array.Resize<float>(ref audiodata, lenNew);

            // Get fingerprint signatures using the Soundfingerprinting methods
            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
            Repository repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);

            // Image Service
            ImageService imageService = new ImageService(

            // work config
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = new WorkUnitParameterObject();
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfig;
            param.AudioSamples = audiodata;
            param.PathToAudioFile = filePath.FullName;
            param.MillisecondsToProcess = SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE * 1000;
            param.StartAtMilliseconds = 0;

            // build track
            Track track = new Track();
            track.Title = name;
            track.TrackLengthMs = (int) duration;
            track.FilePath = filePath.FullName;
            track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method

            #region parse tag_info
            if (tag_info != null) {
                Dictionary<string, string> tags = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                //if (tag_info.title != string.Empty) tags.Add("title", tag_info.title);
                if (tag_info.artist != string.Empty) tags.Add("artist", tag_info.artist);
                if (tag_info.album != string.Empty) tags.Add("album", tag_info.album);
                if (tag_info.albumartist != string.Empty) tags.Add("albumartist", tag_info.albumartist);
                if (tag_info.year != string.Empty) tags.Add("year", tag_info.year);
                if (tag_info.comment != string.Empty) tags.Add("comment", tag_info.comment);
                if (tag_info.genre != string.Empty) tags.Add("genre", tag_info.genre);
                if (tag_info.track != string.Empty) tags.Add("track", tag_info.track);
                if (tag_info.disc != string.Empty) tags.Add("disc", tag_info.disc);
                if (tag_info.copyright != string.Empty) tags.Add("copyright", tag_info.copyright);
                if (tag_info.encodedby != string.Empty) tags.Add("encodedby", tag_info.encodedby);
                if (tag_info.composer != string.Empty) tags.Add("composer", tag_info.composer);
                if (tag_info.publisher != string.Empty) tags.Add("publisher", tag_info.publisher);
                if (tag_info.lyricist != string.Empty) tags.Add("lyricist", tag_info.lyricist);
                if (tag_info.remixer != string.Empty) tags.Add("remixer", tag_info.remixer);
                if (tag_info.producer != string.Empty) tags.Add("producer", tag_info.producer);
                if (tag_info.bpm != string.Empty) tags.Add("bpm", tag_info.bpm);
                //if (tag_info.filename != string.Empty) tags.Add("filename", tag_info.filename);
                tags.Add("channelinfo", tag_info.channelinfo.ToString());
                //if (tag_info.duration > 0) tags.Add("duration", tag_info.duration.ToString());
                if (tag_info.bitrate > 0) tags.Add("bitrate", tag_info.bitrate.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_gain != -100f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_gain", tag_info.replaygain_track_gain.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_peak != -1f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_peak", tag_info.replaygain_track_peak.ToString());
                if (tag_info.conductor != string.Empty) tags.Add("conductor", tag_info.conductor);
                if (tag_info.grouping != string.Empty) tags.Add("grouping", tag_info.grouping);
                if (tag_info.mood != string.Empty) tags.Add("mood", tag_info.mood);
                if (tag_info.rating != string.Empty) tags.Add("rating", tag_info.rating);
                if (tag_info.isrc != string.Empty) tags.Add("isrc", tag_info.isrc);

                foreach(var nativeTag in tag_info.NativeTags) {
                    string[] keyvalue = nativeTag.Split('=');
                    tags.Add(keyvalue[0], keyvalue[1]);
                track.Tags = tags;

            double[][] logSpectrogram;
            if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, 25, 4, param, out logSpectrogram)) {

                // store logSpectrogram as Matrix
                Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
                logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();

                #region Debug for Soundfingerprinting Method
                if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                    imageService.GetLogSpectralImages(logSpectrogram, fingerprintingConfig.Stride, fingerprintingConfig.FingerprintLength, fingerprintingConfig.Overlap, 2).Save(name + "_specgram_logimages.png");

                    logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgram_logimage.png", true);

                    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                        logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(name + "_specgram_log.csv", ";");

                #region Insert Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature as well
                Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix scmsMatrix = null;
                if (useHaarWavelet) {
                    #region Wavelet Transform
                    int lastHeight = 0;
                    int lastWidth = 0;
                    scmsMatrix = mfccMirage.ApplyWaveletCompression(ref logSpectrogramMatrix, out lastHeight, out lastWidth);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) scmsMatrix.WriteAscii(name + "_waveletdata.ascii");

                    if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                        scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_waveletdata.png", true);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        #region Inverse Wavelet
                        // try to do an inverse wavelet transform
                        Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix stftdata_inverse_wavelet = mfccMirage.InverseWaveletCompression(ref scmsMatrix, lastHeight, lastWidth, logSpectrogramMatrix.Rows, logSpectrogramMatrix.Columns);

                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) stftdata_inverse_wavelet.WriteCSV(name + "_specgramlog_inverse_wavelet.csv", ";");
                        stftdata_inverse_wavelet.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgramlog_inverse_wavelet.png", true);
                } else {
                    #region DCT Transform
                    // It seems the Mirage way of applying the DCT is slightly faster than the
                    // Comirva way due to less loops
                    scmsMatrix = mfccMirage.ApplyDCT(ref logSpectrogramMatrix);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) scmsMatrix.WriteAscii(name + "_mfccdata.ascii");

                    if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                        scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_mfccdata.png", true);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        #region Inverse MFCC
                        // try to do an inverse mfcc
                        Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix stftdata_inverse_mfcc = mfccMirage.InverseDCT(ref scmsMatrix);

                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) stftdata_inverse_mfcc.WriteCSV(name + "_stftdata_inverse_mfcc.csv", ";");
                        stftdata_inverse_mfcc.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgramlog_inverse_mfcc.png", true);

                // Store in a Statistical Cluster Model Similarity class.
                // A Gaussian representation of a song
                Scms audioFeature = Scms.GetScms(scmsMatrix, name);

                if (audioFeature != null) {

                    // Store image if debugging
                    if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                        audioFeature.Image = scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_featuredata.png", true, false, 0, 0, true);

                    // Store bitstring hash as well
                    string hashString = GetBitString(scmsMatrix);
                    audioFeature.BitString = hashString;

                    // Store duration
                    audioFeature.Duration = (long) duration;

                    // Store file name
                    audioFeature.Name = filePath.FullName;

                    int id = track.Id;
                    if (db.AddTrack(ref id, audioFeature) == -1) {
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not add audioFeature to database {0}!", name);

            } else {
                // failed
                return false;

            Dbg.WriteLine ("AnalyzeAndAdd - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return true;
Пример #10
		public CompareAudioForm()
			// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.
			// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.
			// Instansiate Soundfingerprinting Repository
			FingerprintService fingerprintService = Analyzer.GetSoundfingerprintingService();
			this.databaseService = DatabaseService.Instance;

			IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
			//IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms-new.csv", ",");
			IFingerprintingConfiguration fingerprintingConfigCreation = new FullFrequencyFingerprintingConfiguration();
			repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);
			ImageService imageService = new ImageService(fingerprintService.SpectrumService, fingerprintService.WaveletService);
			FileInfo filePathAudio1 = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\perivar.nerseth\Music\Test Samples Database\VDUB1 Snare 004.wav");
			FileInfo filePathAudio2 = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\perivar.nerseth\Music\Test Samples Search\VDUB1 Snare 004 - Start.wav");
			int fingerprintsPerRow = 2;

			double[][] logSpectrogram1 = null;
			double[][] logSpectrogram2 = null;
			List<bool[]> fingerprints1 = null;
			List<bool[]> fingerprints2 = null;
			WorkUnitParameterObject file1Param = Analyzer.GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePathAudio1);
			if (file1Param != null) {
				file1Param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigCreation;
				// Get fingerprints
				fingerprints1 = fingerprintService.CreateFingerprintsFromAudioSamples(file1Param.AudioSamples, file1Param, out logSpectrogram1);
				pictureBox1.Image = imageService.GetSpectrogramImage(logSpectrogram1, logSpectrogram1.Length, logSpectrogram1[0].Length);
				pictureBoxWithInterpolationMode1.Image = imageService.GetImageForFingerprints(fingerprints1, file1Param.FingerprintingConfiguration.FingerprintLength, file1Param.FingerprintingConfiguration.LogBins, fingerprintsPerRow);

			WorkUnitParameterObject file2Param = Analyzer.GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePathAudio2);
			if (file2Param != null) {
				file2Param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigCreation;
				// Get fingerprints
				fingerprints2 = fingerprintService.CreateFingerprintsFromAudioSamples(file2Param.AudioSamples, file2Param, out logSpectrogram2);
				pictureBox2.Image = imageService.GetSpectrogramImage(logSpectrogram2, logSpectrogram2.Length, logSpectrogram2[0].Length);
				pictureBoxWithInterpolationMode2.Image = imageService.GetImageForFingerprints(fingerprints2, file2Param.FingerprintingConfiguration.FingerprintLength, file2Param.FingerprintingConfiguration.LogBins, fingerprintsPerRow);

			MinHash minHash = repository.MinHash;
			// only use the first signatures
			bool[] signature1 = fingerprints1[0];
			bool[] signature2 = fingerprints2[0];

			if (signature1 != null && signature2 != null) {
				int hammingDistance = MinHash.CalculateHammingDistance(signature1, signature2);
				double jaqSimilarity = MinHash.CalculateJaqSimilarity(signature1, signature2);
				lblSimilarity.Text = String.Format("Hamming: {0} JAQ: {1}", hammingDistance, jaqSimilarity);
Пример #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Method to analyse and add all the different types of audio features
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="filePath">full file path</param>
		/// <param name="db">Scms database (Mirage)</param>
		/// <param name="repository">Soundfingerprinting Repository</param>
		/// <param name="doOutputDebugInfo">decide whether to output debug info like spectrogram and audiofile (default value can be set)</param>
		/// <param name="useHaarWavelet">decide whether to use haar wavelet compression or DCT compression</param>
		/// <returns>true if successful</returns>
		public static bool AnalyzeAndAddComplete(FileInfo filePath, Db db, Repository repository, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true) {
			DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
			t.Start ();
			// get work config from the audio file
			WorkUnitParameterObject param = GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePath);
			if (param == null) return false;
			param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigCreation;
			string fileName = param.FileName;
			// build track
			Track track = new Track();
			track.Title = param.FileName;
			track.TrackLengthMs = (int) param.DurationInMs;
			track.FilePath = param.PathToAudioFile;
			track.Tags = param.Tags;
			track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method
			double[][] logSpectrogram;
			List<bool[]> fingerprints;
			if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfHashTables, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfKeys, param, out logSpectrogram, out fingerprints)) {

				// store logSpectrogram as Matrix
				try {
					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
					logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();
					#region Output debugging information (Saving spectrograms and/or csv files)
					if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
						logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(fileName + "_matrix_spectrogram.png", true);

						if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
							logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(fileName + "_matrix_spectrogram.csv", ";");

						// Save debug images using fingerprinting methods
						SaveFingerprintingDebugImages(fileName, logSpectrogram, fingerprints, repository.FingerprintService, param.FingerprintingConfiguration);
					// Insert Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature as well
					if (!AnalyseAndAddScmsUsingLogSpectrogram(logSpectrogramMatrix, param, db, track.Id, doOutputDebugInfo, useHaarWavelet)) {
						Dbg.WriteLine("AnalyzeAndAddComplete - Failed inserting Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature");
						// Failed, but ignore!
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Dbg.WriteLine("AnalyzeAndAddComplete - Failed creating Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature");
					// Failed, but ignore!
			} else {
				// Failed
				return false;

			Dbg.WriteLine("AnalyzeAndAddComplete - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
			return true;
Пример #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Query the database for perceptually similar tracks using the sound fingerprinting methods
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="filePath">input file</param>
		/// <param name="repository">the database (repository)</param>
		/// <param name="thresholdTables">Minimum number of hash tables that must be found for one signature to be considered a candidate (0 and 1 = return all candidates, 2+ = return only exact matches)</param>
		/// <param name="optimizeSignatureCount">Reduce the number of signatures in order to increase the search performance</param>
		/// <param name="doSearchEverything">disregard the local sensitivity hashes and search the whole database</param>
		/// <param name="splashScreen">The "please wait" splash screen (or null)</param>
		/// <returns>a list of query results objects (e.g. similar tracks)</returns>
		public static List<FindSimilar.QueryResult> SimilarTracksSoundfingerprintingList(FileInfo filePath,
		                                                                                 Repository repository,
		                                                                                 int thresholdTables,
		                                                                                 bool optimizeSignatureCount,
		                                                                                 bool doSearchEverything,
		                                                                                 SplashSceenWaitingForm splashScreen) {
			DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
			t.Start ();

			if (splashScreen != null) splashScreen.SetProgress(0, "Reading audio file ...");
			// get work config from the audio file
			WorkUnitParameterObject param = GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePath);
			if (param == null) {
				if (splashScreen != null) splashScreen.SetProgress(0, "Failed reading audio file!");
				return null;
			param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigQuerying;
			if (splashScreen != null) splashScreen.SetProgress(1, "Successfully reading audio file!");

			// This is how the threshold tables work:
			// For each signature created from a query file we retrieve a number of candidates
			// based on how many fingerprints that are associated to the same hash bucket.
			// if the number of fingerprints associated to the same hash bucket is relatively high
			// the likelyhood for this being an exact match is also very high.
			// Therefore a value of 0 or 1 basically means return every track that has an association
			// to the same hash bucket, while a number higher than that increases the accuracy for
			// only matching identical matches.
			// 0 and 1 returns many matches
			// 2 returns sometimes only the one we search for (exact match)
			List<FindSimilar.QueryResult> similarFiles = repository.FindSimilarFromAudioSamplesList(param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfHashTables,

			Dbg.WriteLine ("SimilarTracksSoundfingerprintingList - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
			return similarFiles;
		public FindSimilarClientForm()
			// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.
			// Constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.
			this.version.Text = Mirage.Mir.VERSION;
			this.DistanceTypeCombo.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AudioFeature.DistanceType));
			this.ThresholdTablesCombo.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ThresholdTables));
			// Instansiate SCMS or Mandel Ellis Repository
			this.db = new Db();
			// Instansiate Soundfingerprinting Repository
			FingerprintService fingerprintService = Analyzer.GetSoundfingerprintingService();
			this.databaseService = DatabaseService.Instance;

			IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
			//IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms-new.csv", ",");
			repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);
			if (rbScms.Checked) {
				IgnoreFileLengthCheckBox.Visible = true;
				DistanceTypeCombo.Visible = true;
				LessAccurateCheckBox.Visible = false;
				ThresholdTablesCombo.Visible = false;
				SearchAllFilesCheckbox.Visible = false;
			} else {
				IgnoreFileLengthCheckBox.Visible = false;
				DistanceTypeCombo.Visible = false;
				LessAccurateCheckBox.Visible = true;
				ThresholdTablesCombo.Visible = true;
				SearchAllFilesCheckbox.Visible = true;