public SoundFile randomFile() { Random rnd = new Random(); SoundFile randFile = new SoundFile(); SoundBoard.TryGetValue(rnd.Next(0, SoundBoard.Count), out randFile); return(randFile); }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbLocation.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Location is empty"); return; } if (SettingsForm.addingEditingLoadXMLFile && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbKeys.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("No keys entered"); return; } string[] soundLocs = null; string errorMessage = ""; if (!SettingsForm.addingEditingLoadXMLFile) { if (!SettingsForm.addingEditingLoadXMLFile && Helper.soundLocsArrayFromString(tbLocation.Text, out soundLocs, out errorMessage)) { if (soundLocs.Any(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) || !File.Exists(x))) { MessageBox.Show("The file/one of the files does not exist"); this.Close(); return; } } if (soundLocs == null) { MessageBox.Show(errorMessage); return; } } Keys[] keysArr; if (!Helper.keysArrayFromString(tbKeys.Text, out keysArr, out errorMessage)) { keysArr = new Keys[] { } } ; if (SettingsForm.addingEditingLoadXMLFile) { if (editIndex != -1) { settingsForm.lvKeysLocs.Items[editIndex].Text = tbKeys.Text; settingsForm.lvKeysLocs.Items[editIndex].SubItems[1].Text = tbLocation.Text; settingsForm.loadJSONFilesList[editIndex].Keys = keysArr; settingsForm.loadJSONFilesList[editIndex].JSONLocation = tbLocation.Text; } else { var item = new ListViewItem(tbKeys.Text); item.SubItems.Add(tbLocation.Text); settingsForm.lvKeysLocs.Items.Add(item); settingsForm.loadJSONFilesList.Add(new JSONSettings.LoadJSONFile(keysArr, tbLocation.Text)); } } else { if (editIndex > -1) { /// /// Fix editing sound file (changing sound file) /// -- change filename with associated selected key /// //SoundFile sf = new SoundFile(); SoundFile tempSF = new SoundFile(); string eM; mainForm.soundFileData.TryGetValue(editIndex, out tempSF); //mainForm.allSounds.TryGetValue(editIndex, out tempSF); if (tbKeys.Text.Contains('+')) { var tempStr = tbKeys.Text.Split('+'); tempSF.keys = Helper.stringArrayToKeysArray(tempStr); //tempSF.keys = Helper.keysArrayFromString(tbKeys.Text, out keys, out eM); var tempArr = Helper.keysArrayToStringArray(tempSF.keys); var keySoundsText = ""; foreach (string item in tempArr) { if (item != tempArr[tempArr.Length - 1]) { keySoundsText += item; keySoundsText += "+"; } else { keySoundsText += item; } } tempSF.filePath = tbLocation.Text; tempSF.hotKey = keySoundsText; mainForm.lvKeySounds.Items[editIndex].Text = tempSF.hotKey; mainForm.lvKeySounds.Items[editIndex].SubItems[1].Text = tempSF.filePath; } else { //Enum.TryParse(tbKeys.Text, out tempHK); //mainForm.lvKeySounds.Items[editIndex].Text = Helper.stringToKey(tbKeys.Text).ToString(); tempSF.hotKey = tbKeys.Text; tempSF.pressedKey = Helper.stringToKey(tbKeys.Text); tempSF.keys = new Keys[] { tempSF.pressedKey }; tempSF.filePath = tbLocation.Text; mainForm.lvKeySounds.Items[editIndex].Text = tbKeys.Text; mainForm.lvKeySounds.Items[editIndex].SubItems[1].Text = tbLocation.Text; //Helper.keysArrayFromString(tempSF.hotKey, out keys, out eM); //tempSF.pressedKey = keys[1]; } //mainForm.keysSounds[editIndex] = new XMLSettings.KeysSounds(keysArr, soundLocs); } else { SoundFile sf = helperAddFile(tbKeys.Text, tbLocation.Text); } mainForm.chHotkey.Width = -2; mainForm.chFileName.Width = -2; } this.Close(); }
private SoundFile helperAddFile(string hotkeyStr, string fileName) { SoundFile returningSF = new SoundFile(); if (fileName.Contains(';')) { string[] temp = fileName.Split(';'); int count = 0; foreach (string file in temp) { returningSF = new SoundFile(); returningSF.filePath = file; //Enum.TryParse(tbKeys.Text, out tempHK); returningSF.hotKey = hotkeyStr; returningSF.playCount = 0; if (hotkeyStr.Contains('+')) { var tempStr = hotkeyStr.Split('+'); returningSF.keys = Helper.stringArrayToKeysArray(tempStr); //tempSF.keys = Helper.keysArrayFromString(tbKeys.Text, out keys, out eM); } else { returningSF.filePath = file; returningSF.playCount = 0; returningSF.pressedKey = Helper.stringToKey(hotkeyStr); returningSF.keys = new Keys[] { returningSF.pressedKey }; } ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = returningSF.hotKey; item.SubItems.Add(returningSF.filePath); mainForm.lvKeySounds.Items.Add(item); mainForm.soundFileData.Add(mainForm.soundFileData.Count, returningSF); mainForm.allSounds.Add(mainForm.allSounds.Count, returningSF); count++; } } else { if (hotkeyStr.Contains('+')) { var tempStr = hotkeyStr.Split('+'); returningSF.keys = Helper.stringArrayToKeysArray(tempStr); //tempSF.keys = Helper.keysArrayFromString(tbKeys.Text, out keys, out eM); } else { returningSF.keys = new Keys[] { returningSF.pressedKey } }; returningSF.filePath = fileName; returningSF.playCount = 0; returningSF.pressedKey = Helper.stringToKey(hotkeyStr); //Enum.TryParse(tbKeys.Text, out tempHK); returningSF.hotKey = hotkeyStr; mainForm.soundFileData.Add(mainForm.soundFileData.Count, returningSF); mainForm.allSounds.Add(mainForm.allSounds.Count, returningSF); var newItem = new ListViewItem(hotkeyStr); newItem.SubItems.Add(fileName); mainForm.lvKeySounds.Items.Add(newItem); } return(returningSF); }