public void AddSongBook(int numberOfSongs, string newSavePath, int newFontSize, FileFunctions newFileFunctions, SongListManager newSongListManager) { songListManager = newSongListManager; songCount = numberOfSongs; savePath = newSavePath; fontSize = newFontSize; fileFunctions = newFileFunctions; }
public AddSong(bool isNew, Song existingSong, SongBook newSongBook, FileFunctions newFileFunctions) { InitializeComponent(); fileFunctions = newFileFunctions; isNewSong = isNew; songBook = newSongBook; if (!isNew) { songBeingEdited = existingSong; textBoxTitle.Text = existingSong.title; songBody.Text = existingSong.body; } }
static void Main() { //Loading in initial font size setting string sAttr; sAttr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("fontSize"); // In this main program the file is loaded in and everything is set up, then the visual interface is initiated. SongBook songBook = new SongBook(); SongListManager listManager = new SongListManager(); FileFunctions file = new FileFunctions(); file.AddFileFunctions(songBook, listManager); // Load file file.SetWorkingDirectory(); file.LoadDocument(); // Load songs into songbook songBook.AddSongBook(file.songCount, file.savePath, int.Parse(sAttr), file, listManager); // Load song lists into songlistmanager XmlNode currNode = file.document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.FirstChild; for (var i = 0; i < file.songCount; i++) { XmlElement songElement = (XmlElement)currNode; songBook.AddSong(i, int.Parse(songElement["songId"].InnerText), int.Parse(songElement["bookId"].InnerText), int.Parse(songElement["songNum"].InnerText), songElement["title"].InnerText, songElement["key"].InnerText, songElement["body"].InnerText); currNode = currNode.NextSibling; //Going to next song in the XML file } // DOING SONG LISTS file.LoadSongLists(); XmlNode currListNode = file.listDocument.DocumentElement.FirstChild.FirstChild; for (var i = 0; i < file.songListCount; i++) { XmlElement listElement = (XmlElement)currListNode; XmlNode testNode = listElement["songListArray"]; XmlNode listItemNode = testNode.FirstChild; int[] numbers = new int[testNode.ChildNodes.Count]; for (var x = 0; x < testNode.ChildNodes.Count; x++) { XmlElement number = (XmlElement)listItemNode; //XmlNode numberNode = listItemNode.FirstChild; //XmlElement number = (XmlElement)numberNode; numbers[x] = int.Parse(number.InnerText); listItemNode = listItemNode.NextSibling; } //string test = listElement["songListArray"].InnerText; listManager.AddSongList(numbers, listElement["listName"].InnerText); currListNode = currListNode.NextSibling; } listManager.LoadSongLists(); // Then load the visual interface Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new StartScreen(songBook, file)); }
public StartScreen(SongBook newSongBook, FileFunctions newFileFunctions) { InitializeComponent(); songBook = newSongBook; fileFunctions = newFileFunctions; }