/* Actual powerset generation function
         * Returns a PowersetList object containing each possible subset
         * possible to generate from the given set
        static PowersetList PowerSet(SetList S)
            /* How many values do we have in original set?
             * This will affect length of powerset
             * We create an array with this length to hold values from the set
             * which simplifies our algorithm later
            int len = size(S);
            int[] vals = new int[len];
            int counter = 0;
            SetNode node = S.first;
            /* Iterate through values in set,
             * adding each to the array
            while (node != null) {
                vals[counter++] = node.data;
                node = node.next;
            /* At this point, vals[] contains all our set values.
             * We set up our list container class, and our first node.
             * Even if there are no values in given set, we still want the empty set {}
             * so we set that as our first subset.
            PowersetList powerset = new PowersetList();
            PowersetNode prev_node = new PowersetNode();
            prev_node.data = new SetList();
            powerset.first = prev_node;
            /* Calculate power-set length using 2^N where N = number of values.
             * Math.Pow isn't C-Core so we created a simple power function for this
            int n = pow(2, len);
            /* Our empty set {} is at location 0, so we start the loop at 1
             * then loop through until we have n values.
            for (int x = 1; x < n; x++) {
                /* Set up this sub-set's containers */
                PowersetNode New_Node = new PowersetNode();
                New_Node.data = new SetList();
                /* Now iterate through each value in our vals[] array */
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    /* If it should be in this subset, then we add it to the current subset.
                     * This is done by using the bitwise operators & and << to check if
                     * the binary conversion of x AND 1 << i is greater than 0. */
                    if ((x & (1 << i)) > 0) {
                        add(ref New_Node.data, vals[i]);
                /* Finally, add our completed subset to the previous node's next
                prev_node.next = New_Node;
                prev_node = prev_node.next;

            return powerset;
  * Task 2 - Powerset Functions
  * Implemented using a nested linked list data structure
  * Print: Prints the powerset in a user-readable format.
  * Overrides standard print function for powersets only.
 static void print(PowersetList S)
     Console.Write("{ ");
     PowersetNode node = S.first;
     /* Loop through each node, printing it's value */
     while (node != null) {
         Console.Write(", ");
         node = node.next;
     Console.WriteLine(" }");
        static void Main()
            //variable declaration
            SetList S = new SetList();
            Console.Write("Set S: ");

            //checks whether the list is empty (should be "true")
            System.Console.WriteLine("is_empty(S): " + is_empty(S));
            add(ref S, 1);
            add(ref S, 2);
            add(ref S, 3);
            add(ref S, 4);
            add(ref S, 5);
            add(ref S, 6);
            add(ref S, 7);
            add(ref S, 19);
            System.Console.Write("After adding " + size(S) + " values to set S: ");

            System.Console.WriteLine("Size of S: " + size(S));

            System.Console.WriteLine("is_empty(S): " + is_empty(S));

            SetList T = new SetList();
            add(ref T, 1);
            add(ref T, 2);
            add(ref T, 4);
            add(ref T, 5);
            add(ref T, 8);
            System.Console.Write("Set T: ");

            System.Console.WriteLine("Size of T: " + size(T));

            Console.WriteLine("Is 3 in set T? " + is_element_of(3, T));

            Console.Write("Set S after removing some elements:");
            remove(ref S, 1);
            remove(ref S, 4);
            remove(ref S, 6);

            Console.WriteLine("Is 7 in set S? " + is_element_of(7, S));

            Console.WriteLine("X = copy_set(S). Set X:");
            SetList X = copy_set(S);

            Console.WriteLine("Is S a subset of T? " + is_subset(S, T));

            Console.WriteLine("union(S, T): ");
            print(union(S, T));

            Console.WriteLine("intersection(S, T): ");
            print(intersection(S, T));

            Console.WriteLine("difference(S, T): ");
            print(difference(S, T));

            Console.WriteLine("difference(T, S): ");
            print(difference(T, S));

            Console.WriteLine("symmetricDifference(S, T): ");
            print(symmetricDifference(S, T));
            SetList Y = new SetList();
            PowersetList test = new PowersetList();
            Console.Write("Powerset({}): ");
            PowersetList PS = new PowersetList();
            PS = PowerSet(Y);
            add(ref Y, 1);
            add(ref Y, 2);
            add(ref Y, 3);
            add(ref Y, 4);
            add(ref Y, 5);
            add(ref Y, 6);
            Console.Write("Powerset({1,2,3,4,5,6}): ");