public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); frmDoublingX = new DoublingXForm(this); frmMethodA = new MethodAForm(this); frmMethod1 = new Method1Form(); frmMethod1.mainForm = this; frmNewMatches = new NewMatchesForm(); frmNewMatches.mainForm = this; //tsmiMethodA_Click(null,null); }
private void _backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0, new BGReport("Connecting to SoccerBase ...")); mainForm.openExcel(backgroundWorker); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(MainForm.STRCONN)) { bool b1, b2, bX; byte aLevel, aScore, hLevel, hScore, round; double aOdds, avgPercent = 0, dOdds, hOdds, sumProfit = 0; int aStrength, diffLevel, i = 0, hStrength, scoreResult, strengthDiff, strengthResult; string bgcolor, aTeam, hTeam, q, qWhere; string rowFormat = @"<tr style='background-color:{0};color:{1};'> <td class='League'>{2}</td> <td class='Season'>{3}</td> <td class='Round'>{4}</td> <td class='HomeTeam'>{5}</td> <td class='AwayTeam'>{6}</td> <td class='HomeOdds'>{7}</td> <td class='DrawOdds'>{8}</td> <td class='AwayOdds'>{9}</td> <td class='HomeStrength'>{10}</td> <td class='AwayStrength'>{11}</td> <td class='HomeLevel'>{12}</td> <td class='AwayLevel'>{13}</td> <td class='Result'>{14}</td> </tr>"; string tableFormat = @"<p>{0}</p><p1>{1}</p1> <table border='1' style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;'> <thead> <tr> <th>League</th> <th>Season</th> <th>Round</th><th>HomeTeam</th> <th>AwayTeam</th><th>HomeOdds</th> <th>DrawOdds</th> <th>AwayOdds</th> <th>HomeStrength</th> <th>AwayStrength</th><th>HomeLevel</th> <th>AwayLevel</th> <th>Result</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>{2}</tbody> </table><br/>"; Betting bet = new Betting(true); DataPoint dataPoint; Dictionary <LeaguesKey, Betting[]> htmlDict = new Dictionary <LeaguesKey, Betting[]>(); LeaguesKey lKey = new LeaguesKey(); List <string> alLeagues = new List <string>(); Dictionary <LRTKey, Power> dict; Series series; StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); b1 = bX = b2 = false; Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { foreach (LeaguesKey item in lbLeagues.SelectedItems) { alLeagues.Add("Country='" + item.Country + "' AND League='" + item.League + "' AND Season='" + item.Season + "'"); } b1 = cb1.Checked; bX = cbX.Checked; b2 = cb2.Checked; })); qWhere = alLeagues.Count > 0 ? "(" + String.Join(" OR ", alLeagues) + ") AND " : ""; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(30, new BGReport("Processing dbo.history ...")); connection.Open(); dict = MethodAForm.getHistoryDict(connection); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(60, new BGReport("Processing dbo.archive ...")); q = @"SELECT * FROM dbo.archive WHERE " + qWhere + "Round>2 AND ScoreH IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Country,League,Season,Round"; using (SqlDataReader reader = new SqlCommand(q, connection).ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { round = (byte)reader["Round"]; hTeam = reader["HomeTeam"].ToString(); aTeam = reader["AwayTeam"].ToString(); hScore = (byte)reader["ScoreH"]; aScore = (byte)reader["ScoreA"]; lKey.Country = reader["Country"].ToString(); lKey.League = reader["League"].ToString(); lKey.Season = reader["Season"].ToString(); hLevel = dict[new LRTKey(reader, hTeam, aTeam, (byte)(round - 1))].Level; aLevel = dict[new LRTKey(reader, aTeam, hTeam, (byte)(round - 1))].Level; hStrength = dict[new LRTKey(reader, hTeam, aTeam, round)].PrevAvgStrength; aStrength = dict[new LRTKey(reader, aTeam, hTeam, round)].PrevAvgStrength; if (MethodAForm.debug) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}, {1}] {2} - {3} L({4}:{5}) R({6}:{7}) S({8}:{9})\n", lKey, round, hTeam, aTeam, hLevel, aLevel, hScore, aScore, hStrength, aStrength ); } hOdds = (double)reader["HomeOdds"]; dOdds = (double)reader["DrawOdds"]; aOdds = (double)reader["AwayOdds"]; scoreResult = hScore - aScore > 0 ? 1 : hScore - aScore < 0 ? -1 : 0; strengthDiff = hStrength - aStrength; strengthResult = hStrength - aStrength > 0 ? 1 : hStrength - aStrength < 0 ? -1 : 0; if (!htmlDict.ContainsKey(lKey)) { htmlDict[lKey] = new Betting[FORMGAP]; for (i = 0; i < FORMGAP; i++) { htmlDict[lKey][i] = new Betting(true); } } for (i = 0; i < FORMGAP; i++) { bet = htmlDict[lKey][i]; bgcolor = "white"; diffLevel = hLevel - aLevel; if ( bX && Math.Abs(strengthDiff) <= i //&& Math.Abs(diffLevel) <= 1 //&& diffLevel == 0 //&& hOdds > 1.9 && aOdds > 1.9 //aStrength - hStrength >=0 && //aStrength - hStrength <=i ) { bgcolor = "silver"; bet.tipsPlayed++; bet.pot += Betting.MATCHPOT; if (scoreResult == 0) { bet.tipsWon++; bet.won += (dOdds - 0) * Betting.MATCHPOT; bgcolor = "chartreuse"; } } else if (b1 && strengthDiff > i) { bgcolor = "silver"; bet.tipsPlayed++; bet.pot += Betting.MATCHPOT; if (scoreResult == 1) { bet.tipsWon++; bet.won += (hOdds - 0) * Betting.MATCHPOT; bgcolor = "chartreuse"; } } else if (b2 && strengthDiff < i) { bgcolor = "silver"; bet.tipsPlayed++; bet.pot += Betting.MATCHPOT; if (scoreResult == -1) { bet.tipsWon++; bet.won += (aOdds - 0) * Betting.MATCHPOT; bgcolor = "chartreuse"; } } bet.rowsHtml.Append(String.Format(rowFormat, bgcolor, "black", reader["League"], reader["Season"], reader["Round"], hTeam, aTeam, hOdds, dOdds, aOdds, hStrength, aStrength, hLevel, aLevel, hScore + ":" + aScore )); htmlDict[lKey][i] = bet; } } //Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}% {1}", bet.winningPot / bet.pot * 100, lKey.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Invested:{0}, Won:{1}, Profit:{2}", bet.pot, bet.won, bet.won - bet.pot); } backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(90, new BGReport("Displaying html ...")); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(90, new BGReport("")); Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { chart1.Series.Clear(); })); foreach (var kvp in htmlDict) { bet = kvp.Value[3]; avgPercent += bet.successPercent; sumProfit += bet.profit; html.Append(String.Format(tableFormat, kvp.Key, bet, bet.rowsHtml)); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(90, new BGReport(kvp.Key.ToString())); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(90, new BGReport(" " + bet)); series = new Series(); series.BorderWidth = 2; series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; series.Name = kvp.Key.ToString(); series.ToolTip = "X:#VALX, Y:#VAL\n#SERIESNAME"; for (i = 0; i < FORMGAP; i++) { dataPoint = new DataPoint(); dataPoint.XValue = i; dataPoint.YValues[0] = kvp.Value[i].successPercent; series.Points.Add(dataPoint); } Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { chart1.Series.Add(series); })); } avgPercent /= htmlDict.Count; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(90, new BGReport("")); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(90, new BGReport(new String('-', 84))); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(90, new BGReport(String.Format("Average percent: {0:0.00}%, Sum: {1:0.00}", avgPercent, sumProfit))); browser.DocumentText = "<html><head></head><body style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;'>" + html.ToString() + "</body></html>"; } mainForm.closeExcel(backgroundWorker); }
private void doBetSomeMoney() { byte i = DoublingXForm.STARTROUND, j; byte? scoreA, scoreH; double bank = DoublingXForm.BANKMONEY, bet = DoublingXForm.BETMONEYPERROUND; int r; string aTeam, hTeam, q = @"SELECT * FROM dbo.archive WHERE Round>=" + DoublingXForm.STARTROUND + " ORDER BY Country,League,Season,Round"; ArchiveVal aVal; Brush color; Dictionary <LRTKey, ArchiveVal> aDict = new Dictionary <LRTKey, ArchiveVal>(); Dictionary <LRTKey, Power> hDict; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(25, new BGReport("Processing dbo.archive ...")); using (SqlDataReader reader = new SqlCommand(q, this.connection).ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { aTeam = reader["AwayTeam"].ToString(); hTeam = reader["HomeTeam"].ToString(); scoreA = reader["ScoreA"] is DBNull ? null : (byte?)reader["ScoreA"]; scoreH = reader["ScoreH"] is DBNull ? null : (byte?)reader["ScoreH"]; aDict[new LRTKey(reader, hTeam, aTeam)] = new ArchiveVal(scoreH, scoreA, reader["DrawOdds"]); aDict[new LRTKey(reader, aTeam, hTeam)] = new ArchiveVal(scoreA, scoreH, reader["DrawOdds"]); } } backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(50, new BGReport("Processing dbo.history ...")); hDict = MethodAForm.getHistoryDict(this.connection); var dictSortedByRound = from item in hDict let otherKey = LRTKey.getOtherKey(item.Key) where item.Key.Season == "2011/12" && Math.Abs(item.Value.PrevAvgStrength - hDict[otherKey].PrevAvgStrength) <= 1 orderby item.Key.Round select item; var dictRound = from item in dictSortedByRound where item.Key.Round == i select item; while (dictRound.Count() > 0) { using (var cursor = dictRound.GetEnumerator()) { r = (new Random()).Next(dictRound.Count()) + 1; for (j = 0; j < r; j++) { cursor.MoveNext(); } if (aDict[cursor.Current.Key].result == null) { cursor.Reset(); while (cursor.MoveNext()) { if (aDict[cursor.Current.Key].result != null) { break; } } } aVal = aDict[cursor.Current.Key]; if (aVal.result == 0) { bank += bet * (aVal.DrawOdds - 0.15); bet = DoublingXForm.BETMONEYPERROUND; color = Brushes.Blue; } else { bank -= bet; bet *= 2; color = Brushes.Black; } if (bank < 0) { color = Brushes.Red; } backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(70, new BGReport( String.Format("{0} {1} - Bet:{2} Bank:{3}", cursor.Current.Key, aVal, bet, bank), color )); } if (bank < 0) { break; } i++; dictRound = from item in dictSortedByRound where item.Key.Round == i select item; } }