Compute_Jpeg_Attributes() публичный Метод

Determine the width and height of a JPEG file by reading the file into a temporary System.Drawing.Bitmap object.
After this method is run, the width and height should now be available by calling the respective properties on this file object
public Compute_Jpeg_Attributes ( string File_Location ) : bool
File_Location string Current location for this file
Результат bool
        private bool complete_item_submission(SobekCM_Item Item_To_Complete,  Custom_Tracer Tracer )
            // Set an initial flag
            criticalErrorEncountered = false;
            bool xml_found = false;

            string[] all_files = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);
            SortedList<string, List<string>> image_files = new SortedList<string, List<string>>();
            SortedList<string, List<string>> download_files = new SortedList<string, List<string>>();
            foreach (string thisFile in all_files)
                FileInfo thisFileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);

                if ((thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("agreement.txt") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("TEMP000001_00001.mets") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("doc.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("ufdc_mets.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("marc.xml") != 0))
                    // Get information about this files name and extension
                    string extension_upper = thisFileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                    string filename_sans_extension = thisFileInfo.Name.Replace(thisFileInfo.Extension, "");
                    string name_upper = thisFileInfo.Name.ToUpper();

                    // Is this a page image?
                    if ((extension_upper == ".JPG") || (extension_upper == ".TIF") || (extension_upper == ".JP2") || (extension_upper == ".JPX"))
                        // Exclude .QC.jpg files
                        if (name_upper.IndexOf(".QC.JPG") < 0)
                            // If this is a thumbnail, trim off the THM part on the file name
                            if (name_upper.IndexOf("THM.JPG") > 0)
                                filename_sans_extension = filename_sans_extension.Substring(0, filename_sans_extension.Length - 3);

                            // Is this the first image file with this name?
                            if (image_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                List<string> newImageGrouping = new List<string> {thisFileInfo.Name};
                                image_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newImageGrouping;
                        // If this does not match the exclusion regular expression, than add this
                        if (!Regex.Match(thisFileInfo.Name, UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Resources.Files_To_Exclude_From_Downloads, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
                            // Also, exclude files that are .XML and marc.xml, or doc.xml, or have the bibid in the name
                            if ((thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("marc.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("marc.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf(".mets", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0))
                                // Is this the first image file with this name?
                                if (download_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                    List<string> newDownloadGrouping = new List<string> {thisFileInfo.Name};
                                    download_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newDownloadGrouping;

                                if (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf(".xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0)
                                    xml_found = true;

            // This package is good to go, so build it, save, etc...
                // Save the METS file to the database and back to the directory
                Item_To_Complete.Source_Directory = userInProcessDirectory;

                // Step through and add each file
                if ((completeTemplate.Upload_Types == CompleteTemplate.Template_Upload_Types.File_or_URL) || (completeTemplate.Upload_Types == CompleteTemplate.Template_Upload_Types.File))
                    // Step through each file

                    bool error_reading_file_occurred = false;

                    // Add the image files first
                    bool jpeg_added = false;
                    bool jp2_added = false;
                    foreach(string thisFileKey in image_files.Keys )
                        // Get the list of files
                        List<string> theseFiles = image_files[thisFileKey];

                        // Add each file
                        foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                            // Create the new file object and compute a label
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);
                            SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                            string label = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, "");
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                                string possible_label = HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                                if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                    label = possible_label;

                            // Add this file
                            Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Physical_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                            // Seperate code for JP2 and JPEG type files
                            string extension = fileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                            if (extension.IndexOf("JP2") >= 0)
                                if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                    if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg2000_Attributes(userInProcessDirectory))
                                        error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                                jp2_added = true;
                                if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                    if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg_Attributes(userInProcessDirectory))
                                        error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                                jpeg_added = true;

                    // Add the download files next
                    foreach(string thisFileKey in download_files.Keys )
                        // Get the list of files
                        List<string> theseFiles = download_files[thisFileKey];

                        // Add each file
                        foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                            // Create the new file object and compute a label
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);
                            SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                            string label = fileInfo.Name.Replace( fileInfo.Extension, "");
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                                string possible_label = HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                                if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                    label = possible_label;

                            // Add this file
                            Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Download_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                    // Add the JPEG2000 and JPEG-specific viewers
                    if (jpeg_added)
                    if (jp2_added)

                // Determine the total size of the package before saving
                string[] all_files_final = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);
                double size = all_files_final.Aggregate<string, double>(0, (Current, ThisFile) => Current + (((new FileInfo(ThisFile)).Length)/1024));
                Item_To_Complete.DiskSize_KB = size;

                // BibID and VID will be automatically assigned
                Item_To_Complete.BibID = completeTemplate.BibID_Root;
                Item_To_Complete.VID = String.Empty;

                // Set some values in the tracking portion
                if (Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Files.Count > 0)
                    Item_To_Complete.Tracking.Born_Digital = true;
                Item_To_Complete.Tracking.VID_Source = "SobekCM:" + templateCode;

                // If this is a dataset and XML file was uploaded, add some viewers
                if ((xml_found) && (Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type == TypeOfResource_SobekCM_Enum.Dataset))

                // Save to the database
                    Resource_Object.Database.SobekCM_Database.Save_New_Digital_Resource(Item_To_Complete, false, true, RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.UserName, String.Empty, RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.UserID);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(userInProcessDirectory + "\\exception.txt", false);
                    writer.WriteLine( "ERROR CAUGHT WHILE SAVING NEW DIGITAL RESOURCE");
                    writer.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.Message );
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.StackTrace );

                // Assign the file root and assoc file path
                Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root = Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8, 2);
                Item_To_Complete.Web.AssocFilePath = Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\\";

                // Create the static html pages
                string base_url = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL;
                    Static_Pages_Builder staticBuilder = new Static_Pages_Builder(UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.System_Base_URL, UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Base_Data_Directory, RequestSpecificValues.HTML_Skin.Skin_Code);
                    string filename = userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html";
                    staticBuilder.Create_Item_Citation_HTML(Item_To_Complete, filename, String.Empty);

                    // Copy the static HTML file to the web server
                        if (!Directory.Exists(UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + item.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(8)))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + item.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(8));
                        if (File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + item.BibID + "_" + item.VID + ".html"))
                            File.Copy(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + item.BibID + "_" + item.VID + ".html", UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + item.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + item.BibID.Substring(8) + "\\" + item.BibID + "_" + item.VID + ".html", true);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // This is not critical
                catch (Exception)
                    // An error here is not catastrophic

                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL = base_url;

                // Save the rest of the metadata

                // Add this to the cache

                // Create the options dictionary used when saving information to the database, or writing MarcXML
                Dictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                if (UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration != null)
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Cataloging Source Code"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Cataloging_Source_Code;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Location Code"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Location_Code;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Reproduction Agency"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Reproduction_Agency;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Reproduction Place"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Reproduction_Place;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC XSLT File"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.XSLT_File;
                options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:System Name"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.System.System_Name;
                options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:System Abbreviation"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.System.System_Abbreviation;

                // Save the marc xml file
                MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter marcWriter = new MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter();
                string errorMessage;
                marcWriter.Write_Metadata(Item_To_Complete.Source_Directory + "\\marc.xml", Item_To_Complete, options, out errorMessage);

                // Delete the TEMP mets file
                if (File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\TEMP000001_00001.mets"))
                    File.Delete(userInProcessDirectory + "\\TEMP000001_00001.mets");

                // Rename the METS file to the XML file
                if ((!File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets.xml")) &&
                    (File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets")))
                    File.Move(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets", userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets.xml");

                string serverNetworkFolder = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Image_Server_Network + Item_To_Complete.Web.AssocFilePath;

                // Create the folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(serverNetworkFolder))
                if (!Directory.Exists(serverNetworkFolder + "\\" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Resources.Backup_Files_Folder_Name))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(serverNetworkFolder + "\\" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Resources.Backup_Files_Folder_Name);

                // Copy the static HTML page over first
                if (File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + item.BibID + "_" + item.VID + ".html"))
                    File.Copy(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + item.BibID + "_" + item.VID + ".html", serverNetworkFolder + "\\" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Resources.Backup_Files_Folder_Name + "\\" + item.BibID + "_" + item.VID + ".html", true);
                    File.Delete(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + item.BibID + "_" + item.VID + ".html");

                // Copy all the files
                string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);
                foreach (string thisFile in allFiles)
                    string destination_file = serverNetworkFolder + "\\" + (new FileInfo(thisFile)).Name;
                    File.Copy(thisFile, destination_file, true);

                // Add this to the cache

                // Incrememnt the count of number of items submitted by this RequestSpecificValues.Current_User
                if (!RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.BibIDs.Contains(Item_To_Complete.BibID))

                // Now, delete all the files here
                all_files = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);
                foreach (string thisFile in all_files)

                // Finally, set the item for more processing if there were any files
                if (((image_files.Count > 0) || (download_files.Count > 0)) && ( Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID > 0 ))
                    SobekCM_Database.Update_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag(Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID, true, Tracer);

                // Clear any temporarily assigned current project and CompleteTemplate
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Current_Default_Metadata = null;
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Current_Template = null;

            catch (Exception ee)
                validationErrors.Add("Error encountered during item save!");
                validationErrors.Add(ee.ToString().Replace("\r", "<br />"));

                // Set an initial flag
                criticalErrorEncountered = true;

                string error_body = "<strong>ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING ONLINE SUBMITTAL PROCESS</strong><br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Permanent Link: <a href=\"" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a><br />User: "******"<br /><br /></blockquote>" + ee.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br />");
                string error_subject = "Error during submission for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                string email_to = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Email.System_Error_Email;
                if (email_to.Length == 0)
                    email_to = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Email.System_Email;
                Email_Helper.SendEmail(email_to, error_subject, error_body, true, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Instance_Name);

            if (!criticalErrorEncountered)
                // Send email to the email from the CompleteTemplate, if one was provided
                if (completeTemplate.Email_Upon_Receipt.Length > 0)
                    string body = "New item submission complete!<br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Submittor: " + RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Full_Name + " ( " + RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Email + " )<br />Link: <a href=\"" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + ":" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a></blockquote>";
                    string subject = "Item submission complete for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                    Email_Helper.SendEmail(completeTemplate.Email_Upon_Receipt, subject, body, true, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Instance_Name);

                // If the RequestSpecificValues.Current_User wants to have a message sent, send one
                if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Send_Email_On_Submission)
                    // Create the mail message
                    string body2 = "<strong>CONGRATULATIONS!</strong><br /><br />Your item has been successfully added to the digital library and will appear immediately.  Search indexes may take a couple minutes to build, at which time this item will be discoverable through the search interface. <br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Permanent Link: <a href=\"" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a></blockquote>";
                    string subject2 = "Item submission complete for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                    Email_Helper.SendEmail(RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Email, subject2, body2, true, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Instance_Name);

                // Also clear any searches or browses ( in the future could refine this to only remove those
                // that are impacted by this save... but this is good enough for now )

            return criticalErrorEncountered;
        private bool complete_item_submission(SobekCM_Item Item_To_Complete, Custom_Tracer Tracer )
            // Set an initial flag
            criticalErrorEncountered = false;

            string final_destination = Item_To_Complete.Source_Directory;

            string[] image_files = Directory.GetFiles(digitalResourceDirectory);

            // This package is good to go, so build it, save, etc...
                // Step through each file
                bool error_reading_file_occurred = false;

                // Add the SourceImage files first
                bool jpeg_added = false;
                bool jp2_added = false;
                foreach (string thisFile in image_files)
                    // Create the new file object and compute a label
                    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);
                    SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);

                    // Copy this file
                    File.Copy(thisFile, final_destination + "\\" + fileInfo.Name, true);
                    RequestSpecificValues.Current_Item.Divisions.Physical_Tree.Add_File(newFile, "New Page");

                    // Seperate code for JP2 and JPEG type files
                    string extension = fileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                    if (extension.IndexOf("JP2") >= 0)
                        if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                            if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg2000_Attributes(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Item.Source_Directory))
                                error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                        jp2_added = true;
                    else if (extension.IndexOf("JPG") >= 0)
                        if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                            if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg_Attributes(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Item.Source_Directory))
                                error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                        jpeg_added = true;

                // Add the JPEG2000 and JPEG-specific viewers
                if (jpeg_added)
                    // Is a JPEG view already existing?
                    bool jpeg_viewer_already_exists = false;
                    foreach (View_Object thisViewer in RequestSpecificValues.Current_Item.Behaviors.Views)
                        if (thisViewer.View_Type == View_Enum.JPEG)
                            jpeg_viewer_already_exists = true;

                    // Add the JPEG view if it did not already exists
                    if ( !jpeg_viewer_already_exists )

                // If a JPEG2000 file was just added, ensure it exists as a view for this RequestSpecificValues.Current_Item
                if (jp2_added)
                    // Is a JPEG view already existing?
                    bool jpg2000_viewer_already_exists = false;
                    foreach (View_Object thisViewer in RequestSpecificValues.Current_Item.Behaviors.Views)
                        if (thisViewer.View_Type == View_Enum.JPEG2000 )
                            jpg2000_viewer_already_exists = true;

                    // Add the JPEG2000 view if it did not already exists
                    if (!jpg2000_viewer_already_exists)

                // Determine the total size of the package before saving
                string[] all_files_final = Directory.GetFiles(final_destination);
                double size = all_files_final.Aggregate<string, double>(0, (Current, ThisFile) => Current + (((new FileInfo(ThisFile)).Length)/1024));
                Item_To_Complete.DiskSize_KB = size;

                // Create the options dictionary used when saving information to the database, or writing MarcXML
                Dictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                if (UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration != null)
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Cataloging Source Code"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Cataloging_Source_Code;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Location Code"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Location_Code;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Reproduction Agency"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Reproduction_Agency;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC Reproduction Place"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.Reproduction_Place;
                    options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:MARC XSLT File"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.XSLT_File;
                options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:System Name"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.System.System_Name;
                options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:System Abbreviation"] = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.System.System_Abbreviation;

                // Save to the database
                    SobekCM_Database.Save_Digital_Resource(Item_To_Complete, options);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(digitalResourceDirectory + "\\exception.txt", false);
                    writer.WriteLine( "ERROR CAUGHT WHILE SAVING DIGITAL RESOURCE");
                    writer.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.Message );
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.StackTrace );

                // Assign the file root and assoc file path
                Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root = Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8, 2);
                Item_To_Complete.Web.AssocFilePath = Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\\";

                // Save the rest of the metadata

                // Finally, set the RequestSpecificValues.Current_Item for more processing if there were any files
                if ((image_files.Length > 0) && ( Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID > 0 ))
                    Database.SobekCM_Database.Update_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag(Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID, true, Tracer);

                foreach (string thisFile in image_files)
                        // Do nothing - not a fatal problem

                    // Do nothing - not a fatal problem

                // This may be called from QC, so check on that as well
                string userInProcessDirectory = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.In_Process_Submission_Location + "\\" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.UserName.Replace(".", "").Replace("@", "") + "\\qcwork\\" + Item_To_Complete.METS_Header.ObjectID;
                if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.ShibbID.Trim().Length > 0)
                    userInProcessDirectory = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.In_Process_Submission_Location + "\\" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.ShibbID + "\\qcwork\\" + Item_To_Complete.METS_Header.ObjectID;

                // Make the folder for the RequestSpecificValues.Current_User in process directory
                if (Directory.Exists(userInProcessDirectory))
                    foreach (string thisFile in Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory))
                            // Do nothing - not a fatal problem
                HttpContext.Current.Session[Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + " QC Work"] = null;

            catch (Exception ee)
                // Set an initial flag
                criticalErrorEncountered = true;

                string error_body = "<strong>ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING ONLINE PAGE IMAGE UPLOAD</strong><br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Permanent Link: <a href=\"" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a><br />RequestSpecificValues.Current_User: "******"<br /><br /></blockquote>" + ee.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br />");
                string error_subject = "Error during file management for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                string email_to = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Email.System_Error_Email;
                if (email_to.Length == 0)
                    email_to = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Email.System_Email;
                Email_Helper.SendEmail(email_to, error_subject, error_body, true, String.Empty);

            return criticalErrorEncountered;
        private bool complete_item_submission(SobekCM_Item Item_To_Complete,  Custom_Tracer Tracer )
            // Set an initial flag
            criticalErrorEncountered = false;

            string[] all_files = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);
            SortedList<string, List<string>> image_files = new SortedList<string, List<string>>();
            SortedList<string, List<string>> download_files = new SortedList<string, List<string>>();
            foreach (string thisFile in all_files)
                FileInfo thisFileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);

                if ((thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("agreement.txt") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("TEMP000001_00001.mets") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("doc.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("ufdc_mets.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("marc.xml") != 0))
                    // Get information about this files name and extension
                    string extension_upper = thisFileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                    string filename_sans_extension = thisFileInfo.Name.Replace(thisFileInfo.Extension, "");
                    string name_upper = thisFileInfo.Name.ToUpper();

                    // Is this a page image?
                    if ((extension_upper == ".JPG") || (extension_upper == ".TIF") || (extension_upper == ".JP2") || (extension_upper == ".JPX"))
                        // Exclude .QC.jpg files
                        if (name_upper.IndexOf(".QC.JPG") < 0)
                            // If this is a thumbnail, trim off the THM part on the file name
                            if (name_upper.IndexOf("THM.JPG") > 0)
                                filename_sans_extension = filename_sans_extension.Substring(0, filename_sans_extension.Length - 3);

                            // Is this the first image file with this name?
                            if (image_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                List<string> newImageGrouping = new List<string> {thisFileInfo.Name};
                                image_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newImageGrouping;
                        // If this does not match the exclusion regular expression, than add this
                        if (!Regex.Match(thisFileInfo.Name, SobekCM_Library_Settings.Files_To_Exclude_From_Downloads, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
                            // Is this the first image file with this name?
                            if (download_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                List<string> newDownloadGrouping = new List<string> {thisFileInfo.Name};
                                download_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newDownloadGrouping;

            // This package is good to go, so build it, save, etc...
                // Save the METS file to the database and back to the directory
                Item_To_Complete.Source_Directory = userInProcessDirectory;

                // Step through and add each file
                if ((template.Upload_Types == Template.Template_Upload_Types.File_or_URL) || (template.Upload_Types == Template.Template_Upload_Types.File))
                    // Step through each file

                    bool error_reading_file_occurred = false;

                    // Add the image files first
                    bool jpeg_added = false;
                    bool jp2_added = false;
                    foreach(string thisFileKey in image_files.Keys )
                        // Get the list of files
                        List<string> theseFiles = image_files[thisFileKey];

                        // Add each file
                        foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                            // Create the new file object and compute a label
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);
                            SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                            string label = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, "");
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                                string possible_label = HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                                if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                    label = possible_label;

                            // Add this file
                            Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Physical_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                            // Seperate code for JP2 and JPEG type files
                            string extension = fileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                            if (extension.IndexOf("JP2") >= 0)
                                if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                    if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg2000_Attributes(userInProcessDirectory))
                                        error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                                jp2_added = true;
                                if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                    if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg_Attributes(userInProcessDirectory))
                                        error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                                jpeg_added = true;

                    // Add the download files next
                    foreach(string thisFileKey in download_files.Keys )
                        // Get the list of files
                        List<string> theseFiles = download_files[thisFileKey];

                        // Add each file
                        foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                            // Create the new file object and compute a label
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);
                            SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                            string label = fileInfo.Name.Replace( fileInfo.Extension, "");
                            if (HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                                string possible_label = HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                                if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                    label = possible_label;

                            // Add this file
                            Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Download_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                    // Add the JPEG2000 and JPEG-specific viewers
                    if (jpeg_added)
                    if (jp2_added)

                // Determine the total size of the package before saving
                string[] all_files_final = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);
                double size = all_files_final.Aggregate<string, double>(0, (current, thisFile) => current + (((new FileInfo(thisFile)).Length)/1024));
                Item_To_Complete.DiskSize_MB = size;

                // BibID and VID will be automatically assigned
                Item_To_Complete.BibID = template.BibID_Root;
                Item_To_Complete.VID = String.Empty;

                // Set some values in the tracking portion
                if (Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Files.Count > 0)
                    Item_To_Complete.Tracking.Born_Digital = true;
                Item_To_Complete.Tracking.VID_Source = "SobekCM:" + templateCode;

                // Save to the database
                    SobekCM_Database.Save_New_Digital_Resource(Item_To_Complete, false, true, user.UserName, String.Empty, user.UserID);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(userInProcessDirectory + "\\exception.txt", false);
                    writer.WriteLine( "ERROR CAUGHT WHILE SAVING NEW DIGITAL RESOURCE");
                    writer.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.Message );
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.StackTrace );

                // Assign the file root and assoc file path
                Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root = Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8, 2);
                Item_To_Complete.Web.AssocFilePath = Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\\";

                // Create the static html pages
                string base_url = currentMode.Base_URL;
                    Static_Pages_Builder staticBuilder = new Static_Pages_Builder(SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Base_URL, SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Data_Directory, Translator, codeManager, itemList, iconList, webSkin);
                    string filename = userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html";
                    staticBuilder.Create_Item_Citation_HTML(Item_To_Complete, filename, String.Empty);
                catch (Exception)
                    // An error here is not catastrophic

                currentMode.Base_URL = base_url;

                // Save the rest of the metadata

                // Add this to the cache

                //// Link this item and user
                //Database.SobekCM_Database.Add_User_Item_Link(user.UserID, item.Web.ItemID, 1, true);
                //Database.SobekCM_Database.Add_User_BibID_Link(user.UserID, item.Behaviors.GroupID);
                //Database.SobekCM_Database.Add_Item_To_User_Folder(user.UserID, "Submitted Items", item.BibID, item.VID, 0, String.Empty, Tracer);

                // Save Bib_Level METS?
                //SobekCM.Resource_Object.Writers.OAI_Writer oaiWriter = new SobekCM.Resource_Object.Writers.OAI_Writer();
                //oaiWriter.Save_OAI_File(bibPackage, resource_folder + "\\oai_dc.xml", bibPackage.Processing_Parameters.Collection_Primary.ToLower(), createDate);

                List<string> collectionnames = new List<string>();
                //// Get the collection names
                //if (item.Processing_Parameters.Collection_Primary.Length > 0)
                //    DataRow[] primCode = Collection_Codes.Select("collectioncode = '" + item.Processing_Parameters.Collection_Primary + "'");
                //    if (primCode.Length > 0)
                //    {
                //        collectionnames.Add(primCode[0]["ShortName"].ToString());
                //    }
                //foreach (string altCollection in bibPackage.Processing_Parameters.Collections_Alternate)
                //    DataRow[] altCode = Collection_Codes.Select("collectioncode = '" + altCollection + "'");
                //    if (altCode.Length > 0)
                //    {
                //        collectionnames.Add(altCode[0]["ShortName"].ToString());
                //    }
                // Save the marc xml file
                MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter marcWriter = new MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter();
                string Error_Message;
                Dictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                options["MarcXML_File_ReaderWriter:Additional_Tags"] = Item_To_Complete.MARC_Sobek_Standard_Tags(collectionnames, true, SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Name, SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Abbreviation);
                marcWriter.Write_Metadata(Item_To_Complete.Source_Directory + "\\marc.xml", Item_To_Complete, options, out Error_Message);

                // Delete the TEMP mets file
                if (File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\TEMP000001_00001.mets"))
                    File.Delete(userInProcessDirectory + "\\TEMP000001_00001.mets");

                // Rename the METS file to the XML file
                if ((!File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets.xml")) &&
                    (File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets")))
                    File.Move(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets", userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".mets.xml");

                // Copy this to all the image servers
                string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);

                string serverNetworkFolder = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Image_Server_Network + Item_To_Complete.Web.AssocFilePath;

                // Create the folder
                if (!Directory.Exists(serverNetworkFolder))

                foreach (string thisFile in allFiles)
                    string destination_file = serverNetworkFolder + "\\" + (new FileInfo(thisFile)).Name;
                    File.Copy(thisFile, destination_file, true);

                // Copy the static HTML file as well
                    if (!Directory.Exists(SobekCM_Library_Settings.Static_Pages_Location + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8)))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(SobekCM_Library_Settings.Static_Pages_Location + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8));
                    if (File.Exists(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html"))
                        File.Copy(userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html", SobekCM_Library_Settings.Static_Pages_Location + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html", true);
                catch (Exception)
                    // An error here is not catastrophic

                // Add this to the cache

                // Incrememnt the count of number of items submitted by this user
                if (!user.BibIDs.Contains(Item_To_Complete.BibID))

                // Now, delete all the files here
                all_files = Directory.GetFiles(userInProcessDirectory);
                foreach (string thisFile in all_files)

                // Finally, set the item for more processing if there were any files
                if (((image_files.Count > 0) || (download_files.Count > 0)) && ( Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID > 0 ))
                    Database.SobekCM_Database.Update_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag(Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID, true, Tracer);

                // Clear any temporarily assigned current project and template
                user.Current_Project = null;
                user.Current_Template = null;

            catch (Exception ee)
                validationErrors.Add("Error encountered during item save!");
                validationErrors.Add(ee.ToString().Replace("\r", "<br />"));

                // Set an initial flag
                criticalErrorEncountered = true;

                string error_body = "<strong>ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING ONLINE SUBMITTAL PROCESS</strong><br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Permanent Link: <a href=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a><br />User: "******"<br /><br /></blockquote>" + ee.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br />");
                string error_subject = "Error during submission for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                string email_to = SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Error_Email;
                if (email_to.Length == 0)
                    email_to = SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Email;
                Database.SobekCM_Database.Send_Database_Email(email_to, error_subject, error_body, true, false, -1);

            if (!criticalErrorEncountered)
                // Send email to the email from the template, if one was provided

                if (template.Email_Upon_Receipt.Length > 0)
                    string body = "New item submission complete!<br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Submittor: " + user.Full_Name + " ( " + user.Email + " )<br />Link: <a href=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + ":" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a></blockquote>";
                    string subject = "Item submission complete for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                    Database.SobekCM_Database.Send_Database_Email(template.Email_Upon_Receipt, subject, body, true, false, -1);

                // If the user wants to have a message sent, send one
                if (user.Send_Email_On_Submission)
                    // Create the mail message
                    string body2 = "<strong>CONGRATULATIONS!</strong><br /><br />Your item has been successfully added to the digital library and will appear immediately.  Search indexes may take a couple minutes to build, at which time this item will be discoverable through the search interface. <br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Permanent Link: <a href=\"" + currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a></blockquote>";
                    string subject2 = "Item submission complete for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                    Database.SobekCM_Database.Send_Database_Email(user.Email, subject2, body2, true, false, -1 );

            return criticalErrorEncountered;
        private bool complete_item_submission(SobekCM_Item Item_To_Complete, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            // Set an initial flag
            criticalErrorEncountered = false;

            string[] all_files = Directory.GetFiles(digitalResourceDirectory);
            SortedList <string, List <string> > image_files    = new SortedList <string, List <string> >();
            SortedList <string, List <string> > download_files = new SortedList <string, List <string> >();

            foreach (string thisFile in all_files)
                FileInfo thisFileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);

                if ((thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("agreement.txt") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("TEMP000001_00001.mets") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("doc.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("ufdc_mets.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("marc.xml") != 0))
                    // Get information about this files name and extension
                    string extension_upper         = thisFileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                    string filename_sans_extension = thisFileInfo.Name.Replace(thisFileInfo.Extension, "");
                    string name_upper = thisFileInfo.Name.ToUpper();

                    // Is this a page image?
                    if ((extension_upper == ".JPG") || (extension_upper == ".TIF") || (extension_upper == ".JP2") || (extension_upper == ".JPX"))
                        // Exclude .QC.jpg files
                        if (name_upper.IndexOf(".QC.JPG") < 0)
                            // If this is a thumbnail, trim off the THM part on the file name
                            if (name_upper.IndexOf("THM.JPG") > 0)
                                filename_sans_extension = filename_sans_extension.Substring(0, filename_sans_extension.Length - 3);

                            // Is this the first image file with this name?
                            if (image_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                List <string> newImageGrouping = new List <string> {
                                image_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newImageGrouping;
                        // If this does not match the exclusion regular expression, than add this
                        if ((!Regex.Match(thisFileInfo.Name, SobekCM_Library_Settings.Files_To_Exclude_From_Downloads, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) && (String.Compare(thisFileInfo.Name, Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html", true) != 0))
                            // Is this the first image file with this name?
                            if (download_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                List <string> newDownloadGrouping = new List <string> {
                                download_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newDownloadGrouping;

            // This package is good to go, so build it, save, etc...
                // Save the METS file to the database and back to the directory
                Item_To_Complete.Source_Directory = digitalResourceDirectory;

                // Step through and add each file

                // Step through each file
                bool error_reading_file_occurred = false;

                // Add the image files first
                bool jpeg_added = false;
                bool jp2_added  = false;
                foreach (string thisFileKey in image_files.Keys)
                    // Get the list of files
                    List <string> theseFiles = image_files[thisFileKey];

                    // Add each file
                    foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                        // Create the new file object and compute a label
                        System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(thisFile);
                        SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions.SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions.SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                        string label = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, "");
                        if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                            string possible_label = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                            if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                label = possible_label;

                        // Add this file
                        item.Divisions.Physical_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                        // Seperate code for JP2 and JPEG type files
                        string extension = fileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                        if (extension.IndexOf("JP2") >= 0)
                            if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg2000_Attributes(item.Source_Directory))
                                    error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                            jp2_added = true;
                            if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg_Attributes(item.Source_Directory))
                                    error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                            jpeg_added = true;

                // Add the download files next
                foreach (string thisFileKey in download_files.Keys)
                    // Get the list of files
                    List <string> theseFiles = download_files[thisFileKey];

                    // Add each file
                    foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                        // Create the new file object and compute a label
                        FileInfo          fileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);
                        SobekCM_File_Info newFile  = new SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                        string            label    = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, "");
                        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                            string possible_label = HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                            if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                label = possible_label;

                        // Add this file
                        Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Download_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                // Add the JPEG2000 and JPEG-specific viewers
                if (jpeg_added)
                if (jp2_added)

                // Determine the total size of the package before saving
                string[] all_files_final = Directory.GetFiles(digitalResourceDirectory);
                double   size            = all_files_final.Aggregate <string, double>(0, (current, thisFile) => current + (((new FileInfo(thisFile)).Length) / 1024));
                Item_To_Complete.DiskSize_MB = size;

                // Save to the database
                    SobekCM_Database.Save_Behaviors(Item_To_Complete, Item_To_Complete.Behaviors.Text_Searchable, false);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(digitalResourceDirectory + "\\exception.txt", false);
                    writer.WriteLine("ERROR CAUGHT WHILE SAVING DIGITAL RESOURCE");

                // Assign the file root and assoc file path
                Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root     = Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8, 2);
                Item_To_Complete.Web.AssocFilePath = Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\\";

                // Create the static html pages
                string base_url = currentMode.Base_URL;
                    Static_Pages_Builder staticBuilder = new Static_Pages_Builder(SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Base_URL, SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Data_Directory, Translator, codeManager, itemList, iconList, webSkin);
                    string filename = digitalResourceDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html";
                    staticBuilder.Create_Item_Citation_HTML(Item_To_Complete, filename, String.Empty);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    string error = ee.Message;

                currentMode.Base_URL = base_url;

                // Save the rest of the metadata

                // Finally, set the item for more processing if there were any files
                if (((image_files.Count > 0) || (download_files.Count > 0)) && (Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID > 0))
                    Database.SobekCM_Database.Update_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag(Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID, true, Tracer);
            catch (Exception ee)
                validationErrors.Add("Error encountered during item save!");
                validationErrors.Add(ee.ToString().Replace("\r", "<br />"));

                // Set an initial flag
                criticalErrorEncountered = true;

                string error_body    = "<strong>ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING ONLINE FILE MANAGEMENT</strong><br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Permanent Link: <a href=\"" + base.currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + base.currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a><br />User: "******"<br /><br /></blockquote>" + ee.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br />");
                string error_subject = "Error during file management for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                string email_to      = SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Error_Email;
                if (email_to.Length == 0)
                    email_to = SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Email;
                Database.SobekCM_Database.Send_Database_Email(email_to, error_subject, error_body, true, false, -1);

        private bool complete_item_submission(SobekCM_Item Item_To_Complete, Custom_Tracer Tracer )
            // Set an initial flag
            criticalErrorEncountered = false;

            string[] all_files = Directory.GetFiles(digitalResourceDirectory);
            SortedList<string, List<string>> image_files = new SortedList<string, List<string>>();
            SortedList<string, List<string>> download_files = new SortedList<string, List<string>>();
            foreach (string thisFile in all_files)
                FileInfo thisFileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);

                if ((thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("agreement.txt") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("TEMP000001_00001.mets") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("doc.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("ufdc_mets.xml") != 0) && (thisFileInfo.Name.IndexOf("marc.xml") != 0))
                    // Get information about this files name and extension
                    string extension_upper = thisFileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                    string filename_sans_extension = thisFileInfo.Name.Replace(thisFileInfo.Extension, "");
                    string name_upper = thisFileInfo.Name.ToUpper();

                    // Is this a page image?
                    if ((extension_upper == ".JPG") || (extension_upper == ".TIF") || (extension_upper == ".JP2") || (extension_upper == ".JPX"))
                        // Exclude .QC.jpg files
                        if (name_upper.IndexOf(".QC.JPG") < 0)
                            // If this is a thumbnail, trim off the THM part on the file name
                            if (name_upper.IndexOf("THM.JPG") > 0)
                                filename_sans_extension = filename_sans_extension.Substring(0, filename_sans_extension.Length - 3);

                            // Is this the first image file with this name?
                            if (image_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                List<string> newImageGrouping = new List<string> {thisFileInfo.Name};
                                image_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newImageGrouping;
                        // If this does not match the exclusion regular expression, than add this
                        if ((!Regex.Match(thisFileInfo.Name, SobekCM_Library_Settings.Files_To_Exclude_From_Downloads, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) && ( String.Compare(thisFileInfo.Name, Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html", true ) != 0 ))
                            // Is this the first image file with this name?
                            if (download_files.ContainsKey(filename_sans_extension.ToLower()))
                                List<string> newDownloadGrouping = new List<string> {thisFileInfo.Name};
                                download_files[filename_sans_extension.ToLower()] = newDownloadGrouping;

            // This package is good to go, so build it, save, etc...
                // Save the METS file to the database and back to the directory
                Item_To_Complete.Source_Directory = digitalResourceDirectory;

                // Step through and add each file

                // Step through each file
                bool error_reading_file_occurred = false;

                // Add the image files first
                bool jpeg_added = false;
                bool jp2_added = false;
                foreach (string thisFileKey in image_files.Keys)
                    // Get the list of files
                    List<string> theseFiles = image_files[thisFileKey];

                    // Add each file
                    foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                        // Create the new file object and compute a label
                        System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(thisFile);
                        SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions.SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions.SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                        string label = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, "");
                        if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                            string possible_label = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                            if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                label = possible_label;

                        // Add this file
                        item.Divisions.Physical_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                        // Seperate code for JP2 and JPEG type files
                        string extension = fileInfo.Extension.ToUpper();
                        if (extension.IndexOf("JP2") >= 0)
                            if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg2000_Attributes(item.Source_Directory))
                                    error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                            jp2_added = true;
                            if (!error_reading_file_occurred)
                                if (!newFile.Compute_Jpeg_Attributes(item.Source_Directory))
                                    error_reading_file_occurred = true;
                            jpeg_added = true;

                // Add the download files next
                foreach(string thisFileKey in download_files.Keys )
                    // Get the list of files
                    List<string> theseFiles = download_files[thisFileKey];

                    // Add each file
                    foreach (string thisFile in theseFiles)
                        // Create the new file object and compute a label
                        FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(thisFile);
                        SobekCM_File_Info newFile = new SobekCM_File_Info(fileInfo.Name);
                        string label = fileInfo.Name.Replace( fileInfo.Extension, "");
                        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey] != null)
                            string possible_label = HttpContext.Current.Session["file_" + item.Web.ItemID + "_" + thisFileKey].ToString();
                            if (possible_label.Length > 0)
                                label = possible_label;

                        // Add this file
                        Item_To_Complete.Divisions.Download_Tree.Add_File(newFile, label);

                // Add the JPEG2000 and JPEG-specific viewers
                if (jpeg_added)
                if (jp2_added)

                // Determine the total size of the package before saving
                string[] all_files_final = Directory.GetFiles(digitalResourceDirectory);
                double size = all_files_final.Aggregate<string, double>(0, (current, thisFile) => current + (((new FileInfo(thisFile)).Length)/1024));
                Item_To_Complete.DiskSize_MB = size;

                // Save to the database
                    SobekCM_Database.Save_Digital_Resource( Item_To_Complete );
                    SobekCM_Database.Save_Behaviors(Item_To_Complete, Item_To_Complete.Behaviors.Text_Searchable, false);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(digitalResourceDirectory + "\\exception.txt", false);
                    writer.WriteLine( "ERROR CAUGHT WHILE SAVING DIGITAL RESOURCE");
                    writer.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString());
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.Message );
                    writer.WriteLine( ee.StackTrace );

                // Assign the file root and assoc file path
                Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root = Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID.Substring(8, 2);
                Item_To_Complete.Web.AssocFilePath = Item_To_Complete.Web.File_Root + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\\";

                // Create the static html pages
                string base_url = currentMode.Base_URL;
                    Static_Pages_Builder staticBuilder = new Static_Pages_Builder(SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Base_URL, SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Data_Directory, Translator, codeManager, itemList, iconList, webSkin);
                    string filename = digitalResourceDirectory + "\\" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "_" + Item_To_Complete.VID + ".html";
                    staticBuilder.Create_Item_Citation_HTML(Item_To_Complete, filename, String.Empty);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    string error = ee.Message;

                currentMode.Base_URL = base_url;

                // Save the rest of the metadata

                // Finally, set the item for more processing if there were any files
                if (((image_files.Count > 0) || (download_files.Count > 0)) && ( Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID > 0 ))
                    Database.SobekCM_Database.Update_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag(Item_To_Complete.Web.ItemID, true, Tracer);
            catch (Exception ee)
                validationErrors.Add("Error encountered during item save!");
                validationErrors.Add(ee.ToString().Replace("\r", "<br />"));

                // Set an initial flag
                criticalErrorEncountered = true;

                string error_body = "<strong>ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING ONLINE FILE MANAGEMENT</strong><br /><br /><blockquote>Title: " + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "<br />Permanent Link: <a href=\"" + base.currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "\">" + base.currentMode.Base_URL + "/" + Item_To_Complete.BibID + "/" + Item_To_Complete.VID + "</a><br />User: "******"<br /><br /></blockquote>" + ee.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br />");
                string error_subject = "Error during file management for '" + Item_To_Complete.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title + "'";
                string email_to = SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Error_Email;
                if (email_to.Length == 0)
                    email_to = SobekCM_Library_Settings.System_Email;
                Database.SobekCM_Database.Send_Database_Email(email_to, error_subject, error_body, true, false, -1);

            return criticalErrorEncountered;