Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes interface node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
        private void Process_Interface(dynamic node)
            Interface @interface = new Interface();

            // Map source location and node to object
            @interface.AddMetaInfo(new SourceLocationInfo(node, context));
            context.AddObject(node, @interface);

            // Namespace (from parent)
                NameContext.Current.CheckName(node.Name, typeof(Interface));
                @interface.Namespace = (Namespace)NameContext.Current.Scope;
            catch (NameCollisionException exception)
                Error_NameExists(@interface, exception);

            // Name (obligatory)
            @interface.Name = node.Name;

            // Version (obligatory)
            string s = node.Version;
            string[] versions = s.Split('.');
            @interface.Version = new VersionInfo();
            @interface.Version.Major = System.Convert.ToInt32(versions[0]);
            @interface.Version.Minor = System.Convert.ToInt32(versions[1]);

            // Operations are not processed yet

            // SuperInterfaces are not processed yet
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes operation signature node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Find operation in scope that matches the signature.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope to search for operations.</param>
        /// <returns>The operation.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="NameNotFoundException"
        private Operation Process_OperationSignature(dynamic node, Interface scope)
            Operation operation = null;
            bool error = false;

            // Name
            string name = node.Name;

            // Parameters
            List<Type> parameterTypes = new List<Type>();
            if (node.Parameters != null)
                foreach (dynamic parameter in node.Parameters)
                    catch (NameNotFoundException exception)
                        Error_NameNotFound(new SourceLocationInfo(parameter, context), exception);
                        error = true;
                    catch (NameCollisionException exception)
                        Error_NameCollision(new SourceLocationInfo(parameter, context), exception);
                        error = true;
                if (error)
                    throw new OperationValidationException();

                operation = (Operation)NameContext.ResolveOperation(scope, name, parameterTypes, false);
            catch (NameNotFoundException)
                Error_OperationSignatureMismatch(new SourceLocationInfo(node, context));
                throw new OperationValidationException();

            // Return type
                Type returnType = this.Process_ReturnTypeReference(node.ReturnType);
                if (returnType != operation.ReturnType)
                    Error_OperationReturnMismatch(new SourceLocationInfo(node.ReturnType, context));
                    error = true;
            catch (NameNotFoundException exception)
                Error_NameNotFound(new SourceLocationInfo(node.Operation.ReturnType, context), exception);
                error = true;
            catch (NameCollisionException exception)
                Error_NameCollision(new SourceLocationInfo(node.Operation.ReturnType, context), exception);
                error = true;

            // Exceptions
            List<ExceptionType> exceptionTypes = new List<ExceptionType>();
            if (node.Exceptions != null)
                foreach (dynamic exception in node.Exceptions)
                        ExceptionType exceptionType = this.Process_NamespacedTypeReference(exception, typeof(ExceptionType));
                        if (exceptionTypes.Contains(exceptionType))
                            Error_NameRedundant(new SourceLocationInfo(exception, context), typeof(ExceptionType), exceptionType.FullName);
                    catch (NameNotFoundException ex)
                        Error_NameNotFound(new SourceLocationInfo(exception, context), ex);
                        error = true;
                    catch (NameCollisionException ex)
                        Error_NameCollision(new SourceLocationInfo(exception, context), ex);
                        error = true;
                if (error)
                    throw new OperationValidationException();
            if (operation.Exceptions.Any(ex => !exceptionTypes.Contains(ex)) || exceptionTypes.Any(ex => !operation.Exceptions.Contains(ex)))
                Error_OperationExceptionMismatch(new SourceLocationInfo((node.Exceptions != null) ? node.Exceptions : node, context));
                error = true;

            if (error)
                throw new OperationValidationException();

            return operation;
Пример #3
        // Deklarálja az objektumokat
        private void Declare()
            // service
            var services = from c in store
                           where c.objectType == StoreItemType.service
                           select c;

            Wr("Declare services:");
            foreach (StoreItem service in services)
                Endpoint ep = new Endpoint()
                    Name = (string)service.definition.Attribute("name")
                service.objRef = ep;
                Wr("   " + ep.Name);

            // binding
            var bindings = from c in store
                           where c.objectType == StoreItemType.binding
                           select c;

            Wr("Declare bindings:");
            foreach (StoreItem binding in bindings)
                Binding bg = new Binding()
                    Name = (string)binding.definition.Attribute("name")
                binding.objRef = bg;
                Wr("   " + bg.Name);
            // porttype
            var portTypes = from c in store
                            where c.objectType == StoreItemType.portType
                            select c;

            Wr("Declare porttypes:");
            foreach (StoreItem porttype in portTypes)
                Interface ifa = new Interface()
                    Name = (string)porttype.definition.Attribute("name")
                porttype.objRef = ifa;
                Wr("   " + ifa.Name);

            // simpleTypes
            var simpleTypes = from c in store
                              where c.objectType == StoreItemType.enumType
                              select c;

            Wr("Declare SimpleTypes:");
            foreach (StoreItem simpleType in simpleTypes)
                EnumType et = new EnumType()
                    Name = (string)simpleType.definition.Attribute("name")
                simpleType.objRef = et;
                Wr("   " + et.Name);

            // arrayType létrehozása
            // TODO: !!! mi van, ha több element van ???
            var arrayTypes = from c in store
                             where c.objectType == StoreItemType.complexType &&
                                   c.definition.Element(xsdNS + "sequence") != null &&
                                   c.definition.Element(xsdNS + "sequence").Element(xsdNS + "element") != null &&
                                   c.definition.Element(xsdNS + "sequence").Element(xsdNS + "element").Attribute("maxOccurs") != null &&
                                   (string)c.definition.Element(xsdNS + "sequence").Element(xsdNS + "element").Attribute("maxOccurs") != "1"
                             select c;

            Wr("Declare ArrayTypes:");
            foreach (StoreItem arrayType in arrayTypes)
                ArrayType at = new ArrayType()
                    Name = (string)arrayType.definition.Attribute("name")
                arrayType.objRef = at;
                arrayType.objectType = StoreItemType.arrayType;
                Wr("   " + at.Name);

            // ExceptionType
            // kiválasztjuk a portType-okat
            Wr("Declare ExceptionTypes:");
            foreach (StoreItem portType in portTypes)
                XElement node = portType.definition;
                XElement def = node;
                // kiszűrjük a fault-tagek message attribútumát
                var faultsFromPorttype = from c in node.Descendants(wsdlNS + "fault")
                                         select c.Attribute("message");

                foreach (string faultMsgName in faultsFromPorttype)
                    StoreItem message = SearchObject(StoreItemType.message, faultMsgName, def);
                    string referencedTypeName = null;
                    referencedTypeName = (string)message.definition.Element(wsdlNS + "part").Attribute("type");
                    def = message.definition;
                    if (referencedTypeName == null)
                        referencedTypeName = (string)message.definition.Element(wsdlNS + "part").Attribute("element");
                        StoreItem element = TrySearchObject(StoreItemType.unNamedElementType, referencedTypeName, def);

                        if (element != null)
                            referencedTypeName = (string)element.definition.Attribute("type");
                            def = element.definition;

                    StoreItem exceptionType = TrySearchObject(StoreItemType.complexType, referencedTypeName, def);
                    if (exceptionType != null)
                        ExceptionType et = new ExceptionType()
                                Name = exceptionType.name

                        exceptionType.objRef = et;
                        exceptionType.objectType = StoreItemType.exceptionType;
                        Wr("   " + et.Name);
                        Wr("Unable to make ExceptionType from " + referencedTypeName);
                        throw new  XmlException();

            // structType létrehozása (minden olyan complexType, ami nem arrayType, vagy ExceptionType)
            var structTypes = from c in store
                              where c.objectType == StoreItemType.complexType
                              select c;

            Wr("Declare StructTypes:");
            foreach (StoreItem structType in structTypes)
                StructType at = new StructType()
                    Name = (string)structType.definition.Attribute("name")
                structType.objRef = at;
                structType.objectType = StoreItemType.structType;
                Wr("   " + at.Name);
Пример #4
        // Deklarálja az objektumokat
        private void Declare()
            // service
            var services = from c in readedElements
                           where c.objectType == ObjectTypes.service
                           select c;

            Wr("Declare services:");
            foreach (Collective service in services)
                Endpoint ep = new Endpoint()
                    Name = (string)service.definition.Attribute("name")
                service.objRef = ep;
                Wr("   " + ep.Name);

            // binding
            var bindings = from c in readedElements
                           where c.objectType == ObjectTypes.binding
                           select c;

            Wr("Declare bindings:");
            foreach (Collective binding in bindings)
                Binding bg = new Binding()
                    Name = (string)binding.definition.Attribute("name")
                binding.objRef = bg;
                Wr("   " + bg.Name);
            // porttype
            var portTypes = from c in readedElements
                            where c.objectType == ObjectTypes.porttype
                            select c;

            Wr("Declare porttypes:");
            foreach (Collective porttype in portTypes)
                Interface ifa = new Interface()
                    Name = (string)porttype.definition.Attribute("name")
                porttype.objRef = ifa;
                Wr("   " + ifa.Name);

            // simpleTypes
            var simpleTypes = from c in readedElements
                              where c.objectType == ObjectTypes.enumType
                              select c;

            Wr("Declare SimpleTypes:");
            foreach (Collective simpleType in simpleTypes)
                EnumType et = new EnumType()
                    Name = (string)simpleType.definition.Attribute("name")
                simpleType.objRef = et;
                Wr("   " + et.Name);

            // arrayType létrehozása
            // TODO: !!! mi van, ha több element van ???
            var arrayTypes = from c in readedElements
                             where c.objectType == ObjectTypes.complexType &&
                                   c.definition.Element(xmlNS + "sequence") != null &&
                                   c.definition.Element(xmlNS + "sequence").Element(xmlNS + "element") != null &&
                                   c.definition.Element(xmlNS + "sequence").Element(xmlNS + "element").Attribute("maxOccurs") != null &&
                                   (string)c.definition.Element(xmlNS + "sequence").Element(xmlNS + "element").Attribute("maxOccurs") != "1"
                             select c;

            Wr("Declare ArrayTypes:");
            foreach (Collective arrayType in arrayTypes)
                ArrayType at = new ArrayType()
                    Name = (string)arrayType.definition.Attribute("name")
                arrayType.objRef = at;
                arrayType.objectType = ObjectTypes.arrayType;
                Wr("   " + at.Name);

            // ExceptionType
            // kiválasztjuk a portType-okat
            Wr("Declare ExceptionTypes:");
            foreach (Collective portType in portTypes)
                XElement node = portType.definition;

                // kiszűrjük a fault-tagek message attribútumát
                var faultsFromPorttype = from c in node.Descendants(wsdlNS + "fault")
                                         select c.Attribute("message");

                foreach (string faultMsgName in faultsFromPorttype)
                    Collective message = SearchObject(ObjectTypes.message, faultMsgName, node);
                    var exceptionTypeNames = from c in message.definition.Descendants(wsdlNS + "part")
                                             select c.Attribute("element"); /// ?!?!?!

                    foreach (string excTypeName in exceptionTypeNames)
                        Collective exceptionType = SearchObject(ObjectTypes.complexType, excTypeName, node);
                        ExceptionType et = new ExceptionType()
                            Name = exceptionType.name

                        exceptionType.objRef = et;
                        exceptionType.objectType = ObjectTypes.exceptionType;
                        Wr("   " + et.Name);

            // structType létrehozása (minden olyan complexType, ami nem arrayType, vagy ExceptionType)
            var structTypes = from c in readedElements
                              where c.objectType == ObjectTypes.complexType
                              select c;

            Wr("Declare StructTypes:");
            foreach (Collective structType in structTypes)
                StructType at = new StructType()
                    Name = (string)structType.definition.Attribute("name")
                structType.objRef = at;
                structType.objectType = ObjectTypes.structType;
                Wr("   " + at.Name);