public void run() { try { while (snake.lives > 0) { events(); update(); display(); Thread.Sleep(Settings.SPEED); } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Console.WriteLine("You hit a wall!"); } Console.ForegroundColor = UI.GAMEOVERCOLOR; Console.WriteLine("GAMEOVER"); ScoreTime theirGame = new ScoreTime { score = snake.size, duration = time }; if (theirGame.OnLeaderBoard(topGames)) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("CONGRATS!\nYou're made it on the leaderboard.\nWhat's your name?"); = Console.ReadLine(); topGames.Add(theirGame); Tools.saveTop3Games(topGames); } Console.WriteLine("Press a button to close the terminal"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public bool Better(ScoreTime other) { if (score == other.score) { return(duration < other.duration); } return(score > other.score); }
public static void saveTop3Games(List <ScoreTime> games) { games = ScoreTime.Sort(games); if (games.Count > 3) { games.RemoveAt(3); } SerializeNow(games); }
public static List <ScoreTime> getTopGames() { try { return(ScoreTime.Sort(DeSerializeNow())); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { return(new List <ScoreTime>()); } }