public void Read(string filename, BFRES bfres, AnimationGroupNode ThisAnimation, ModelContainer modelContainer) { Console.WriteLine("Reading Material Animations ..."); ResFile b = new ResFile(filename); ThisAnimation.Text = "Material Animations"; TreeNode dummy = new TreeNode() { Text = "Animation Set" }; int i = 0; foreach (MaterialAnim vis in b.MaterialAnims) { modelContainer.BFRES_MTA = new BFRES_MTA(vis); ThisAnimation.Nodes.Add(modelContainer.BFRES_MTA); } }
public void DepthSortModels(Vector3 cameraPosition) { if (NUD != null) { NUD.DepthSortMeshes(cameraPosition); } if (BFRES != null) { BFRES.DepthSortMeshes(cameraPosition); } }
public void ReadBNTX(FileData f) { textures.Clear(); BFRES b = new BFRES(); temp = f.pos(); f.skip(8); //Magic int Version = f.readInt(); int ByteOrderMark = f.readShort(); int FormatRevision = f.readShort(); Text = f.readString(f.readInt() + temp, -1); f.skip(2); int strOffset = f.readShort(); int relocOffset = f.readInt(); int FileSize = f.readInt(); f.skip(4); //NX Magic int TexturesCount = f.readInt(); int InfoPtrsOffset = f.readInt(); int DataBlockOffset = f.readInt(); int DictOffset = f.readInt(); int strDictSize = f.readInt(); Text = Text + ".bntx"; BNTXFile = f.getSection(temp, FileSize); for (int i = 0; i < TexturesCount; i++) { + temp + i * 8); BRTIOffset = f.readInt(); + temp); // textures.Add(new BRTI(f)); BRTI texture = new BRTI(f); if (!textured.ContainsKey(texture.Text)) { textured.Add(texture.Text, texture); } textures.Add(texture); } Nodes.AddRange(textures.ToArray()); }
public BfresMeshEditor(BFRES.Mesh p, BFRES.FMDL_Model mdl, BFRES b) { InitializeComponent(); button1.Enabled = false; textBox1.Text = p.Text; VertCountlabel1.Text = VertCountlabel1.Text + " " + p.vertices.Count.ToString(); PolyCountlabel3.Text = PolyCountlabel3.Text + " " + p.lodMeshes[p.DisplayLODIndex].displayFaceSize.ToString(); skinCountLabel.Text = skinCountLabel.Text + " " + p.VertexSkinCount.ToString(); label3.Text = label3.Text + " " + mdl.skeleton.bones[p.boneIndx].ToString(); Mesh = p; Model = mdl; bfres = b; foreach (var lod in p.lodMeshes) { LODcomboBox3.Items.Add(lod); } LODcomboBox3.SelectedIndex = p.DisplayLODIndex; List <string> attributes = new List <string>(); foreach (Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.GFX.AttribFormat attr in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.GFX.AttribFormat))) { attributes.Add(attr.ToString()); } attributes.Sort(); foreach (string att in attributes) { comboBox2.Items.Add(att); } int Height = 2; foreach (BFRES.Mesh.VertexAttribute att in p.vertexAttributes) { comboBox1.Items.Add(att); } }
public static void BFRES2OBJ(string fname, BFRES bfres) { using (StreamWriter f = new StreamWriter(fname)) { int FaceShift = 1; int CurMesh = 0; foreach (BFRES.FMDL_Model mdl in bfres.models) { foreach (BFRES.Mesh m in mdl.poly) { List <Vector3> VerticesN = new List <Vector3>(); //a lot of normals are often shared List <string> ExportTextures = new List <string>(); f.WriteLine($"o {m.Text}"); foreach (BFRES.Vertex vtx in m.vertices) { f.WriteLine($"v {vtx.pos.X} {vtx.pos.Y} {vtx.pos.Z}"); f.WriteLine($"vn {vtx.nrm.X} {vtx.nrm.Y} {vtx.nrm.Z}"); VerticesN.Add(vtx.nrm); } Vector2 Scale = new Vector2(1); Vector2 Position = new Vector2(0); if (m.material.matparam.ContainsKey("gsys_bake_st0")) { Vector4 uvShift = m.material.matparam["gsys_bake_st0"].Value_float4; Scale = uvShift.Xy; Position = uvShift.Zw; } if (Scale != new Vector2(1) || Position != new Vector2(0)) { foreach (BFRES.Vertex vtx in m.vertices) { Vector2 st = (vtx.uv1 * Scale) + Position; st = new Vector2(st.X, 1 - st.Y); f.WriteLine($"vt {st.X} {st.Y}"); } } else { foreach (BFRES.Vertex vtx in m.vertices) { f.WriteLine($"vt {vtx.uv0.X * Scale.X + Position.X} {vtx.uv0.Y * Scale.Y + Position.Y}"); } } f.WriteLine($"usemtl {m.material.Name}"); if (!ExportTextures.Contains(m.material.textures[0].Name)) { ExportTextures.Add(m.material.textures[0].Name); } f.WriteLine($"s off"); var vert = m.CreateDisplayVertices(); for (int i = 0; i < m.display.Length; i++) { int[] verts = new int[3] { (int)m.display[i++], (int)m.display[i++], (int)m.display[i] }; int[] normals = new int[3] { VerticesN.IndexOf(m.vertices[verts[0]].nrm), VerticesN.IndexOf(m.vertices[verts[1]].nrm), VerticesN.IndexOf(m.vertices[verts[2]].nrm) }; f.WriteLine($"f {verts[0] + FaceShift}/{verts[0] + FaceShift}/{normals[0] + FaceShift} {verts[1] + FaceShift}/{verts[1] + FaceShift}/{normals[1] + FaceShift} {verts[2] + FaceShift}/{verts[2] + FaceShift}/{normals[2] + FaceShift}"); } FaceShift += vert.Count; Console.WriteLine(m.Text); Console.WriteLine(m.vertices.Count); Console.WriteLine(m.display.Length); CurMesh++; } } } }
public static AnimationGroupNode Read(string filename, ResFile TargetWiiUBFRES, BFRES bfres) { string path = filename; FileData f = new FileData(filename); int Magic = f.readInt(); if (Magic == 0x59617A30) //YAZO compressed { using (FileStream input = new FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { Yaz0Compression.Decompress(path, TEMP_FILE); path = TEMP_FILE; } } f = new FileData(path);; f.Endian = Endianness.Little; Console.WriteLine("Reading Animations ...");; // magic check int SwitchCheck = f.readInt(); //Switch version only has padded magic f.skip(4); // SwitchAnim2WiiU(path); //Hacky auto convert switch anims to wii u Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.ResFile b = new Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.ResFile(path); AnimationGroupNode ThisAnimation = new AnimationGroupNode() { Text = "Bone Visual Animations" }; TreeNode dummy = new TreeNode() { Text = "Animation Set" }; int i = 0; foreach (Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.VisibilityAnim vis in b.BoneVisibilityAnims) { Animation a = new Animation(vis.Name); ThisAnimation.Nodes.Add(a); a.FrameCount = vis.FrameCount; i++; int boneindx = 0; if (vis.Names != null) { foreach (string nm in vis.Names) //Loop through every bone. Not all have base and curve data { Animation.KeyNode bone = new Animation.KeyNode(""); a.Bones.Add(bone); bone.Text = vis.Names[boneindx]; if (boneindx < vis.BaseDataList.Length) { bool bas = vis.BaseDataList[boneindx]; if (bas == true) { bone.XSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame() { Frame = 0, Value = 1 }); bone.YSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame() { Frame = 0, Value = 1 }); bone.ZSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame() { Frame = 0, Value = 1 }); } else { bone.XSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame() { Frame = 0, Value = 0 }); bone.YSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame() { Frame = 0, Value = 0 }); bone.ZSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame() { Frame = 0, Value = 0 }); } } if (vis.Curves.Count != 0) { if (boneindx < vis.Curves.Count) { Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.AnimCurve cr = vis.Curves[boneindx]; Console.WriteLine($"{vis.Name} {vis.Names[boneindx]}"); int frm = 0; foreach (bool bn in cr.KeyStepBoolData) { Animation.KeyFrame frame = new Animation.KeyFrame(); frame.InterType = Animation.InterpolationType.STEP; frame.Frame = cr.Frames[frm]; Console.WriteLine(vis.Name + " " + vis.Names[boneindx] + " " + bn); switch (bn) { case true: frame.Value = 1; bone.XSCA.Keys.Add(frame); frame.Value = 1; bone.YSCA.Keys.Add(frame); frame.Value = 1; bone.ZSCA.Keys.Add(frame); break; case false: frame.Value = 0; bone.XSCA.Keys.Add(frame); frame.Value = 0; bone.YSCA.Keys.Add(frame); frame.Value = 0; bone.ZSCA.Keys.Add(frame); break; } frm++; } } } boneindx++; } } } return(ThisAnimation); }
public static void WiiU2Switch(string FileName, int CurModel, BFRES b) { ResFile TargetWiiUBFRES = new ResFile(FileName); int CurMdl = 0; foreach (Model mdl in TargetWiiUBFRES.Models.Values) { int CurBn = 0; foreach (Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.Bone bn in mdl.Skeleton.Bones.Values) { Bone bone = b.models[CurMdl].skeleton.bones[CurBn]; bone.scale[0] = bn.Scale.X; bone.scale[1] = bn.Scale.Y; bone.scale[2] = bn.Scale.Z; bone.rotation[0] = bn.Rotation.X; bone.rotation[1] = bn.Rotation.Y; bone.rotation[2] = bn.Rotation.Z; bone.rotation[3] = bn.Rotation.W; bone.position[0] = bn.Position.X; bone.position[1] = bn.Position.Y; bone.position[2] = bn.Position.Z; CurBn++; } b.models[CurMdl].skeleton.reset(); int CurShape = 0; foreach (Shape shp in mdl.Shapes.Values) { Mesh poly = b.models[CurMdl].poly[CurShape]; //Create a buffer instance which stores all the buffer data // VertexBufferHelperAttrib uv1 = helper["_u1"]; int TotalCount = poly.vertices.Count; int LODCount = 0; uint FaceCount = FaceCount = shp.Meshes[LODCount].IndexCount; uint[] indicesArray = shp.Meshes[LODCount].GetIndices().ToArray(); int TotalFaceCount = poly.lodMeshes[poly.DisplayLODIndex].faces.Count; poly.lodMeshes[poly.DisplayLODIndex].faces.Clear(); for (int face = 0; face < FaceCount; face++) { poly.lodMeshes[poly.DisplayLODIndex].faces.Add((int)indicesArray[face] + (int)shp.Meshes[LODCount].FirstVertex); } if (TotalFaceCount != poly.lodMeshes[poly.DisplayLODIndex].faces.Count) { MessageBox.Show("Error F"); } poly.vertices.Clear(); //Create a buffer instance which stores all the buffer data VertexBufferHelper helper = new VertexBufferHelper(mdl.VertexBuffers[shp.VertexBufferIndex], TargetWiiUBFRES.ByteOrder); //Set each array first from the lib if exist. Then add the data all in one loop Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Positions = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Normals = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv1 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv2 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4c0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4t0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4b0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4w0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4i0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; foreach (VertexAttrib att in mdl.VertexBuffers[shp.VertexBufferIndex].Attributes.Values) { Mesh.VertexAttribute attr = new Mesh.VertexAttribute(); attr.Name = att.Name; // attr.Format = att.Format; if (att.Name == "_p0") { vec4Positions = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_p0"); } if (att.Name == "_n0") { vec4Normals = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_n0"); } if (att.Name == "_u0") { vec4uv0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_u0"); } if (att.Name == "_u1") { vec4uv1 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_u1"); } if (att.Name == "_u2") { vec4uv2 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_u2"); } if (att.Name == "_c0") { vec4c0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_c0"); } if (att.Name == "_t0") { vec4t0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_t0"); } if (att.Name == "_b0") { vec4b0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_b0"); } if (att.Name == "_w0") { vec4w0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_w0"); } if (att.Name == "_i0") { vec4i0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_i0"); } poly.vertexAttributes.Add(attr); } for (int i = 0; i < vec4Positions.Length; i++) { Vertex v = new Vertex(); if (vec4Positions.Length > 0) { v.pos = new Vector3(vec4Positions[i].X, vec4Positions[i].Y, vec4Positions[i].Z); } if (vec4Normals.Length > 0) { v.nrm = new Vector3(vec4Normals[i].X, vec4Normals[i].Y, vec4Normals[i].Z); } if (vec4uv0.Length > 0) { v.uv0 = new Vector2(vec4uv0[i].X, vec4uv0[i].Y); } if (vec4uv1.Length > 0) { v.uv1 = new Vector2(vec4uv1[i].X, vec4uv1[i].Y); } if (vec4uv2.Length > 0) { v.uv2 = new Vector2(vec4uv2[i].X, vec4uv2[i].Y); } if (vec4w0.Length > 0) { v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].X); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].Y); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].Z); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].W); } if (vec4i0.Length > 0) { v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].X); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].Y); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].Z); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].W); } if (vec4t0.Length > 0) { v.tan = new Vector4(vec4t0[i].X, vec4t0[i].Y, vec4t0[i].Z, vec4t0[i].W); } if (vec4b0.Length > 0) { v.bitan = new Vector4(vec4b0[i].X, vec4b0[i].Y, vec4b0[i].Z, vec4b0[i].W); } if (vec4c0.Length > 0) { v.col = new Vector4(vec4c0[i].X, vec4c0[i].Y, vec4c0[i].Z, vec4c0[i].W); } poly.vertices.Add(v); } CurShape++; } CurMdl++; } b.UpdateVertexData(); }
public void Render(Camera camera, int depthmap, Matrix4 lightMatrix, Matrix4 modelMatrix, bool specialWireFrame = false) { if (!Checked) { return; } Shader shader; if (Runtime.renderType != Runtime.RenderTypes.Shaded) { shader = Runtime.shaders["NUD_Debug"]; } else { shader = Runtime.shaders["NUD"]; } GL.UseProgram(shader.programID); int renderType = (int)Runtime.renderType; Matrix4 mvpMatrix = camera.mvpMatrix; GL.UniformMatrix4(shader.getAttribute("mvpMatrix"), false, ref mvpMatrix); // Perform the calculations here to reduce render times in shader Matrix4 modelViewMatrix = camera.modelViewMatrix; Matrix4 sphereMapMatrix = modelViewMatrix; sphereMapMatrix.Invert(); sphereMapMatrix.Transpose(); GL.UniformMatrix4(shader.getAttribute("modelViewMatrix"), false, ref modelViewMatrix); GL.UniformMatrix4(shader.getAttribute("sphereMapMatrix"), false, ref sphereMapMatrix); Matrix4 rotationMatrix = camera.rotationMatrix; GL.UniformMatrix4(shader.getAttribute("rotationMatrix"), false, ref rotationMatrix); shader = Runtime.shaders["MBN"]; GL.UseProgram(shader.programID); if (Runtime.cameraLight) { GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("difLightDirection"), Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f), camera.mvpMatrix.Inverted()).Normalized()); } else { GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("difLightDirection"), Runtime.lightSetParam.characterDiffuse.direction); } shader = Runtime.shaders["DAT"]; GL.UseProgram(shader.programID); LightColor diffuseColor = Runtime.lightSetParam.characterDiffuse.diffuseColor; LightColor ambientColor = Runtime.lightSetParam.characterDiffuse.ambientColor; GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("difLightColor"), diffuseColor.R, diffuseColor.G, diffuseColor.B); GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("ambLightColor"), ambientColor.R, ambientColor.G, ambientColor.B); if (BCH != null) { foreach (BCH_Model mo in BCH.Models.Nodes) { mo.Render(camera.mvpMatrix); } } if (BFRES != null && Runtime.shaders["BFRES"].CompiledSuccessfully() && Runtime.shaders["BFRES_PBR"].CompiledSuccessfully()) { if (Runtime.renderPhysicallyBasedRendering == true) { shader = Runtime.shaders["BFRES_PBR"]; GL.UseProgram(shader.programID); GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("difLightColor"), diffuseColor.R, diffuseColor.G, diffuseColor.B); GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("ambLightColor"), ambientColor.R, ambientColor.G, ambientColor.B); } else { shader = Runtime.shaders["BFRES"]; GL.UseProgram(shader.programID); GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("difLightColor"), diffuseColor.R, diffuseColor.G, diffuseColor.B); GL.Uniform3(shader.getAttribute("ambLightColor"), ambientColor.R, ambientColor.G, ambientColor.B); } BFRES.Render(camera.mvpMatrix); } if (DAT_MELEE != null && Runtime.shaders["DAT"].CompiledSuccessfully()) { DAT_MELEE.Render(camera.mvpMatrix); } if (NUD != null && Runtime.shaders["NUD"].CompiledSuccessfully() && Runtime.shaders["NUD_Debug"].CompiledSuccessfully()) { if (Runtime.renderType != Runtime.RenderTypes.Shaded) { shader = Runtime.shaders["NUD_Debug"]; } else { shader = Runtime.shaders["NUD"]; } GL.UseProgram(shader.programID); SetRenderSettingsUniforms(shader); SetLightingUniforms(shader, camera); GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture2); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.TextureCubeMap, RenderTools.dummyTextures[NUD.DummyTextures.StageMapHigh]); GL.Uniform1(shader.getAttribute("cmap"), 2); GL.Uniform1(shader.getAttribute("renderType"), renderType); GL.Uniform1(shader.getAttribute("debugOption"), (int)Runtime.uvChannel); SetElapsedDirectUvTime(shader); GL.UniformMatrix4(shader.getAttribute("modelMatrix"), false, ref modelMatrix); if (specialWireFrame) { Runtime.renderModelWireframe = true; Runtime.renderModel = false; } NUD.Render(VBN, camera); } }
public void Render(Camera camera, int depthMap, Matrix4 lightMatrix, Vector2 screenDimensions, bool drawShadow = false) { if (!Checked) { return; } Shader shader; // 3DS MBN shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["Mbn"]; shader.UseProgram(); SetMbnUniforms(camera, shader); // Melee DAT shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["Dat"]; shader.UseProgram(); SetDatUniforms(shader); if (BCH != null) { foreach (BCH_Model mo in BCH.Models.Nodes) { mo.Render(camera.MvpMatrix); } } if (DatMelee != null && OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["Dat"].ProgramCreatedSuccessfully) { DatMelee.Render(camera.MvpMatrix); } LightColor diffuseColor = Runtime.lightSetParam.characterDiffuse.diffuseColor; LightColor ambientColor = Runtime.lightSetParam.characterDiffuse.ambientColor; if (KCL != null && OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["KCL"].ProgramCreatedSuccessfully) { shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["KCL"]; shader.UseProgram(); shader.SetVector3("difLightColor", diffuseColor.R, diffuseColor.G, diffuseColor.B); shader.SetVector3("ambLightColor", ambientColor.R, ambientColor.G, ambientColor.B); KCL.Render(camera.MvpMatrix); } if (BFRES != null && OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["BFRES"].ProgramCreatedSuccessfully && OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["BFRES_PBR"].ProgramCreatedSuccessfully) { if (Runtime.renderPhysicallyBasedRendering == true) { shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["BFRES_PBR"]; } else { shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["BFRES"]; } shader.UseProgram(); shader.SetVector3("difLightColor", diffuseColor.R, diffuseColor.G, diffuseColor.B); shader.SetVector3("ambLightColor", ambientColor.R, ambientColor.G, ambientColor.B); Matrix4 invertedCamera = camera.MvpMatrix.Inverted(); Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f); //Todo. Maybe change direction via AAMP file (configs shader data) shader.SetVector3("lightDirection", Vector3.TransformNormal(lightDirection, invertedCamera).Normalized()); shader.SetVector3("specLightDirection", Vector3.TransformNormal(lightDirection, invertedCamera).Normalized()); shader.SetVector3("difLightDirection", Vector3.TransformNormal(lightDirection, invertedCamera).Normalized()); shader.SetInt("debugOption", (int)Runtime.uvChannel); // This cube map is for a quick test. shader.SetTexture("cmap", RenderTools.dummyTextures[NUD.DummyTextures.StageMapHigh].Id, TextureTarget.TextureCubeMap, 2); BFRES.Render(camera.MvpMatrix); } if (NUD != null && OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["Nud"].ProgramCreatedSuccessfully && OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["NudDebug"].ProgramCreatedSuccessfully) { // Choose the appropriate shader. if (drawShadow) { shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["Shadow"]; } else if (Runtime.renderType != Runtime.RenderTypes.Shaded) { shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["NudDebug"]; } else { shader = OpenTKSharedResources.shaders["Nud"]; } shader.UseProgram(); // Matrices. Matrix4 lightMatrixRef = lightMatrix; shader.SetMatrix4x4("lightMatrix", ref lightMatrixRef); SetCameraMatrixUniforms(camera, shader); SetRenderSettingsUniforms(shader); SetLightingUniforms(shader, camera); shader.SetInt("renderType", (int)Runtime.renderType); shader.SetInt("debugOption", (int)Runtime.uvChannel); shader.SetBoolToInt("drawShadow", Runtime.drawModelShadow); shader.SetTexture("depthMap", depthMap, TextureTarget.Texture2D, 14); SetElapsedDirectUvTime(shader); NUD.Render(VBN, camera, drawShadow, Runtime.drawNudColorIdPass); } }