public List <string> tt; //ordered type from csv public bool CheckFields(ReadCsv r) { rcsv = r; var csvColumns = new List <string>(); int csvFieldCount = r.parser.FieldCount; using (IDbConnection dbConnection = ConnectionID) { //string sql = $"SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('{config.Desto}') "; try { tt = new List <string>(); string sql = "SELECT QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(tb.[schema_id])) AS 'Schema' " + ",QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(tb.[OBJECT_ID])) AS 'Table' " + ",C.NAME as 'Column'" + ", AS 'Type',C.max_length ,C.is_nullable , C.is_identity as [identity] " + "FROM SYS.COLUMNS C INNER JOIN SYS.TABLES tb ON tb.[object_id] = C.[object_id] " + "INNER JOIN SYS.TYPES T ON C.system_type_id = T.user_type_id " + $"WHERE tb.[is_ms_shipped] = 0 and tb.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID('{config.Desto}')"; dbConnection.Open(); int tc = 0; string sTempRC; var data = dbConnection.Query(sql).ToList(); cil = new List <ColumnInfo>(); foreach (dynamic row in data) { tc++; if (row.identity) { continue; } if (row.Column.IndexOf(" ") > 0) { sTempRC = row.Column; //.Replace("\"",""); } else { sTempRC = row.Column; } cil.Add(new ColumnInfo { name = sTempRC, type = row.Type }); } rr = r.parser.RawRecord.Split(','); for (int icnt = 0; icnt < rr.Length; icnt++) { tc++; //Clean up carraig return in file here on column names (last one may have it). if (rr[icnt].IndexOf("\n") > 0) { rr[icnt] = rr[icnt].Replace("\n", ""); } if (rr[icnt].IndexOf("\r") > 0) { rr[icnt] = rr[icnt].Replace("\r", ""); } while (rr[icnt].IndexOf("\"") >= 0) { rr[icnt] = rr[icnt].Replace("\"", ""); } var lu = lookup(rr[icnt].ToLower()); if (lu == null) { var le = new LogError(); le.InsertError($"error field {rr[icnt]} not exist in schema {config.Name}", r.filename, config.Email, false); Program.Log($"error field {rr[icnt]} not exist in schema {config.Name} filename - {r.filename}"); return(false); } Debug.WriteLine(" column num:" + tc); tt.Add(lu.type); } foreach (string cs in rr) { var rcomp = cs; csvColumns.Add(rcomp.ToLower()); } foreach (string col in csvColumns) { var test = checkColumn(col.ToLower()); if (!test) //checks column exist in db schema { var le = new LogError(); le.InsertError($"error field {col} not exist in schema " + config.Name, r.filename, config.Email, false); return(false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { var le = new LogError(); le.InsertError(ex.Message, r.filename, config.Email, false); Program.Log(ex.Message + $" filename {r.filename} time:{DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss}"); } } return(true); }
static void ImportRun(string[] args) { //This project moves data from csv files into the import tables listed in the ImportSource table. lasttimeRun = DateTime.Now; // Set time to 7:30 so if it's run in the afternoon, it will run again the next morning. Log($"Main: {lasttimeRun:hh:mm:ss}"); //Read ImportSource table for parameters try { if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "testemail") { var te = new LogError(); te.InsertError("test email", "na", emailAddress, true); return; } var cd = new ConfigData(); cd.PopulateList(); foreach (var config in cd.ImportListConfig) { var rcsv = new ReadCsv(config); while (rcsv.Read()) { try { config.Email = emailAddress; var import = new Import(config); if (import.CheckFields(rcsv)) { import.ImportData(config); } import.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { var n = new LogError(); n.InsertError(ex.Message, rcsv.filename, emailAddress); } try { if (config.archiveLocation != null && config.archiveLocation.Length > 2) { //archive already processed found files string target = config.archiveLocation + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(rcsv.filename); if (!File.Exists(target)) { File.Copy(rcsv.filename, config.archiveLocation + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(rcsv.filename)); } ReadCsv.FileDelete(rcsv.filename); } } catch (Exception ex) { var n = new LogError(); try { //we have to delete to prevent endless loop. ReadCsv.FileDelete(rcsv.filename); Log($"delete file {rcsv.filename} time: {DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss}"); } catch (Exception ex2) { n.InsertError("Delete file failed.", rcsv.filename, emailAddress); Log($"delete failed {rcsv.filename} exception: {ex2.Message} time: {DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss}"); throw new Exception("ERROR! Get out of loop"); } n.InsertError("Copy to archive failed.", rcsv.filename, emailAddress); Log($"copy failed {rcsv.filename} exception: {ex.Message} time: {DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss}"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { var n = new LogError(); n.InsertError(ex.Message, "not set yet", emailAddress); Log(ex.Message + $" time: {DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss}"); } }