Пример #1
        private string PreparePayload(string message, string title, string channel, SlackAttachment[] attachements)
            //Prepare the string builder
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            //Prepare the name
            string username = this.Name;

            if (title != "")
                username += " - " + title;
            if (this.Name == "")
                username = title;
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("username", username)); sb.Append(", ");

            //Prepare the attachments
            if (attachements != null && attachements.Length > 0)
                //Temporary holder of all attachments
                string attjson = "";

                //Iterate over each attachment, adding it to the temp json
                foreach (SlackAttachment attachment in attachements)
                    attjson += (attjson.Length != 0 ? ", " : "") + attachment.GenerateJSON();

                //Append the temporary json to the main body
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONValue("attachments", "[" + attjson + "]")); sb.Append(", ");

            //Prepare the icon
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString(UsingEmoji() ? "icon_emoji" : "icon_url", this.Icon)); sb.Append(", ");

            //Prepare the channel
            if (channel == "")
                channel = DefaultChannel;
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("channel", channel)); sb.Append(", ");

            //Prepare the message
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("text", message)); sb.Append(", ");
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONValue("mrkdown", UseMarkdown));

            //return the formated json
            return("{" + sb.ToString() + "}");
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Slack Webhook Example! Creating Webhook and sending messages...");

            //First prepare the webhook url and other parameters
            string webhookUrl = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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";
            string botname    = "Robo Koala";
            string boticon    = ":koala:";
            string channel    = "@Lachee";

            //This will be used later on for storing success results
            bool success = false;

            //Create the webhook
            SlackWebhook webhook = new SlackWebhook(webhookUrl, botname, boticon, channel);

            webhook.forceAsyncronus = false;

            //================================= Basic Sending
            //Send a simple message
            success = webhook.Send("`Hello World!`");
            Console.WriteLine("Send: " + success);

            //Send a message with a title
            success = webhook.Send("Hello World!", "Welcome");
            Console.WriteLine("Send Title: " + success);

            //Send a message to specific channel. Channels can be convos with @ or normal channels with #
            success = webhook.Send("Hello World!", "", "@Lachee");         //This is a standard approach
            success = webhook.Send("Hello World!", channel: "@Lachee");    //This is a approch where you can skip unneeded variables
            Console.WriteLine("Send Channel: " + success);

            //Send it all!
            success = webhook.Send("Hello World!", "Welcome", "@Lachee");
            Console.WriteLine("Send All: " + success);

            //Here is a async example with a timmer to show that its continuing on.
            //Note while it is async, it still has a small initalization time due to HttpClient.
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            success = webhook.SendAsync("Hellow World!", "Async");
            Console.WriteLine("Async Call: " + success + " @ " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");

            //================================= Some Formatting
            //Create a link to be used and send it
            string link = SlackHelper.CreateLink("http://google.com/", "Visit Google");

            success = webhook.Send("Be sure to " + link + "! It can be very helpfull");
            Console.WriteLine("Links: " + success + " - " + link);

            //================================= Create a basic attachment
            //Be sure to check out https://api.slack.com/docs/message-attachments for more details about each element.
            SlackAttachment attachement = new SlackAttachment("This is a attachment message", "Plaintext Fallback Message");

            //You can do them indivdually like so:
            attachement.SetPretext("some text that is before block");

            //Or you can do it all inline! (Such Java like, much wow)
            attachement.SetTitle("When Dropbears Attack", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drop_bear").SetFooter("Legit Koala Exhbit");

            //Oh, don't forget to actually send it
            success = webhook.Send("Here is a interesting facts about dropbears", "News", attachments: new SlackAttachment[] { attachement });
            Console.WriteLine("Attachments: " + success);

            Console.WriteLine("Done! Press any key to end.");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a JSON String repesentation of the attachment with Slack formatting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GenerateJSON()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("fallback", this.fallback)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("text", this.text)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONValue("ts", this.timestamp)); sb.Append(",");

            //Slack fields
            //Prepare the field text
            string fieldjson = "";

            foreach (SlackField field in fields)
                string json = "";
                json += SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("title", field.title) + ",";
                json += SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("value", field.text) + ",";
                json += SlackHelper.SimpleJSONValue("short", field.isShort);

                fieldjson += (fieldjson.Length != 0 ? ", " : "") + "{" + json + "}";

            //Append it
            sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONValue("fields", "[" + fieldjson + "]"));  sb.Append(",");

            //Formating and decoratives
            if (color != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("color", this.color));
            if (pretext != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("pretext", this.pretext));
            if (image_url != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("image_url", this.image_url));
            if (thumb_url != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("thumb_url", this.thumb_url));

            if (title != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("title", this.title));
            if (title_link != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("title_link", this.title_link));

            if (footer != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("footer", this.footer));
            if (footer_icon != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("footer_icon", this.footer_icon));

            if (author_name != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("author_name", this.author_name));
            if (author_link != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("author_link", this.author_link));
            if (author_icon != "")
                sb.Append(SlackHelper.SimpleJSONString("author_icon", this.author_icon));

            //Remove the last comma
            sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);

            return("{" + sb.ToString() + "}");