/** When the socket reader receives a property update from runtime, it decodes object ID * property ID and the new value of the property. It then calls this method of * the target object, to update the new value in property cache. After updating the cache, * this method then fires appropriate event in skype.events to notify the UI of what has happened. * DispatchPropertyUpdate is executed in the socket reader thread. */ internal override void DispatchPropertyUpdate(uint propId, object value, bool hasValue) { switch (propId) { case 972: /* Conversation.P_IDENTITY */ cache[0] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_identity = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IDENTITY = " + cache_identity.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IDENTITY - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationIdentity(this, cache_identity); break; case 902: /* Conversation.P_TYPE */ cache[1] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_type = (SktConversation.TYPE)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_TYPE = " + cache_type.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_TYPE - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationType(this, cache_type); break; case 918: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST */ cache[2] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_host = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST = " + cache_live_host.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_HOST - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationLiveHost(this, cache_live_host); break; case 974: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP */ cache[3] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_start_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_live_start_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_START_TIMESTAMP - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationLiveStartTimestamp(this, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_live_start_timestamp)); break; case 996: /* Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED */ cache[4] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_live_is_muted = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED = " + cache_live_is_muted.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LIVE_IS_MUTED - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationLiveIsMuted(this, cache_live_is_muted); break; case 920: /* Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING */ cache[5] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_alert_string = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING = " + cache_alert_string.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ALERT_STRING - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationAlertString(this, cache_alert_string); break; case 921: /* Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED */ cache[6] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_is_bookmarked = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED = " + cache_is_bookmarked.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_IS_BOOKMARKED - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationIsBookmarked(this, cache_is_bookmarked); break; case 925: /* Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[7] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_given_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_given_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_GIVEN_DISPLAYNAME - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationGivenDisplayname(this, cache_given_displayname); break; case 924: /* Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME */ cache[8] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_displayname = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME = " + cache_displayname.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_DISPLAYNAME - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationDisplayname(this, cache_displayname); break; case 927: /* Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS */ cache[9] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_local_livestatus = (SktConversation.LOCAL_LIVESTATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS = " + cache_local_livestatus.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LOCAL_LIVESTATUS - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationLocalLivestatus(this, cache_local_livestatus); break; case 928: /* Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP */ cache[10] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_inbox_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_inbox_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_TIMESTAMP - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationInboxTimestamp(this, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_inbox_timestamp)); break; case 973: /* Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID */ cache[11] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_inbox_message_id = (SktMessage)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID = " + cache_inbox_message_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationInboxMessageId(this, cache_inbox_message_id); break; case 975: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES */ cache[12] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_SUPPRESSED_MESSAGES - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationUnconsumedSuppressedMessages(this, cache_unconsumed_suppressed_messages); break; case 976: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES */ cache[13] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_normal_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_normal_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_NORMAL_MESSAGES - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationUnconsumedNormalMessages(this, cache_unconsumed_normal_messages); break; case 977: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES */ cache[14] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES = " + cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_ELEVATED_MESSAGES - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationUnconsumedElevatedMessages(this, cache_unconsumed_elevated_messages); break; case 970: /* Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE */ cache[15] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_unconsumed_messages_voice = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE = " + cache_unconsumed_messages_voice.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_UNCONSUMED_MESSAGES_VOICE - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationUnconsumedMessagesVoice(this, cache_unconsumed_messages_voice); break; case 971: /* Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID */ cache[16] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_active_vm_id = (SktVoicemail)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID = " + cache_active_vm_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_ACTIVE_VM_ID - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationActiveVmId(this, cache_active_vm_id); break; case 979: /* Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON */ cache[17] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_consumption_horizon = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON = " + cache_consumption_horizon.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CONSUMPTION_HORIZON - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationConsumptionHorizon(this, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_consumption_horizon)); break; case 981: /* Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP */ cache[18] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_last_activity_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_last_activity_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationLastActivityTimestamp(this, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_last_activity_timestamp)); break; case 915: /* Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID */ cache[19] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_spawned_from_convo_id = (SktConversation)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID = " + cache_spawned_from_convo_id.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_SPAWNED_FROM_CONVO_ID - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationSpawnedFromConvoId(this, cache_spawned_from_convo_id); break; case 903: /* Conversation.P_CREATOR */ cache[20] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_creator = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATOR = " + cache_creator.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATOR - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationCreator(this, cache_creator); break; case 904: /* Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP */ cache[21] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_creation_timestamp = (uint)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP = " + cache_creation_timestamp.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_CREATION_TIMESTAMP - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationCreationTimestamp(this, skypeRef.UnixTimestampToDateTime(cache_creation_timestamp)); break; case 919: /* Conversation.P_MY_STATUS */ cache[22] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_my_status = (SktConversation.MY_STATUS)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_MY_STATUS = " + cache_my_status.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_MY_STATUS - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationMyStatus(this, cache_my_status); break; case 922: /* Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED */ cache[23] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_joining_enabled = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED = " + cache_opt_joining_enabled.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_JOINING_ENABLED - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationOptJoiningEnabled(this, cache_opt_joining_enabled); break; case 906: /* Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK */ cache[24] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_entry_level_rank = (SktParticipant.RANK)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK = " + cache_opt_entry_level_rank.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ENTRY_LEVEL_RANK - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationOptEntryLevelRank(this, cache_opt_entry_level_rank); break; case 907: /* Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY */ cache[25] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_disclose_history = (Boolean)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY = " + cache_opt_disclose_history.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_DISCLOSE_HISTORY - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationOptDiscloseHistory(this, cache_opt_disclose_history); break; case 909: /* Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES */ cache[26] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_opt_admin_only_activities = (SktConversation.ALLOWED_ACTIVITY)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES = " + cache_opt_admin_only_activities.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_OPT_ADMIN_ONLY_ACTIVITIES - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationOptAdminOnlyActivities(this, cache_opt_admin_only_activities); break; case 980: /* Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT */ cache[27] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_passwordhint = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT = " + cache_passwordhint.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_PASSWORDHINT - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationPasswordhint(this, cache_passwordhint); break; case 910: /* Conversation.P_META_NAME */ cache[28] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_name = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_NAME = " + cache_meta_name.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_NAME - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationMetaName(this, cache_meta_name); break; case 911: /* Conversation.P_META_TOPIC */ cache[29] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_topic = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_TOPIC = " + cache_meta_topic.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_TOPIC - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationMetaTopic(this, cache_meta_topic); break; case 913: /* Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES */ cache[30] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_guidelines = (String)value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES = " + cache_meta_guidelines.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_GUIDELINES - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationMetaGuidelines(this, cache_meta_guidelines); break; case 914: /* Conversation.P_META_PICTURE */ cache[31] = hasValue; // if no value - invalidate cache if (hasValue) { cache_meta_picture = (byte[])value; if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_PICTURE = binary size " + cache_meta_picture.Length.ToString()); } else if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Conversation.P_META_PICTURE - update without value"); skypeRef.events.FireOnConversationMetaPicture(this, cache_meta_picture); break; default: skypeRef.Error(String.Format("Invalid Conversation class property ID ({0})received from socket.", propId)); break; } }
public void Add(SktVoicemail item) { base.Add((SktVoicemail)item); }
/** Stops the active voicemail recording and sends it (dialog only) @param [in] voicemail - This argument is deprecated as of SDK version 3.2. Instead of manually constructing Voicemail object, you can call SktConversation.StartVoiceMessage method to start recording a voicemail in context of a dialog. PostVoiceMessage will stop recording this voicemail and post it in the dialog. If instead of sending Voicemail, the user decides to cancel it, you should use SktConversation.LeaveLiveSession method Skt(Voicemail.Cancel is deprecated). @param [in] body - Optional text message that remote UI can display in conversation, to notify the user of a new voicemail. */ public void PostVoiceMessage(SktVoicemail voicemail, String body) { if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Executing Conversation.PostVoiceMessage"); uint RequestId = skypeRef.encoder.AddMethodHeader(ClassId, 22, OID); skypeRef.encoder.AddObjectParam(1, voicemail); skypeRef.encoder.AddStringParam(2, body); skypeRef.transport.SubmitMethodRequest (RequestId); skypeRef.decoder.DecodeMethodResponseWithNoArguments("SktConversation.PostVoiceMessage"); }
public OnVoicemailTimestampArgs(SktVoicemail sender, DateTime newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnVoicemailTypeArgs(SktVoicemail sender, SktVoicemail.TYPE newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FireOnVoicemailType(SktVoicemail sender, SktVoicemail.TYPE value) { if (OnVoicemailType == null) return; // Event not assigned OnVoicemailTypeArgs args = new OnVoicemailTypeArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnVoicemailTypeInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnVoicemailType, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }
public OnVoicemailSubjectArgs(SktVoicemail sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnVoicemailPartnerHandleArgs(SktVoicemail sender, String newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnVoicemailPlaybackProgressArgs(SktVoicemail sender, uint newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnVoicemailDurationArgs(SktVoicemail sender, uint newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnVoicemailFailurereasonArgs(SktVoicemail sender, SktVoicemail.FAILUREREASON newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnVoicemailConvoIdArgs(SktVoicemail sender, SktConversation newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnVoicemailChatmsgGuidArgs(SktVoicemail sender, byte[] newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
public OnConversationActiveVmIdArgs(SktConversation sender, SktVoicemail newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FetchActiveVmIdFromRuntime() { if (skypeRef.logging) skypeRef.Log("Fetching P_ACTIVE_VM_ID from runtime"); skypeRef.transport.SubmitPropertyRequest(18, 971, this.OID); if (skypeRef.transport.PropResponseWasOk(971)) { cache_active_vm_id = (SktVoicemail)skypeRef.decoder.DecodeObject(7); // SktVoicemail class ID = 7 cache[16] = true; } skypeRef.transport.ResumeSocketReaderFromPropRequest(); }
public OnVoicemailStatusArgs(SktVoicemail sender, SktVoicemail.STATUS newValue) { this.sender = sender; value = newValue; }
internal void FireOnConversationActiveVmId(SktConversation sender, SktVoicemail value) { if (OnConversationActiveVmId == null) return; // Event not assigned OnConversationActiveVmIdArgs args = new OnConversationActiveVmIdArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnConversationActiveVmIdInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnConversationActiveVmId, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }
internal void FireOnVoicemailFailurereason(SktVoicemail sender, SktVoicemail.FAILUREREASON value) { if (OnVoicemailFailurereason == null) return; // Event not assigned OnVoicemailFailurereasonArgs args = new OnVoicemailFailurereasonArgs(sender, value); if (gui == null) { FireCallbackInSeparateThread(args, OnVoicemailFailurereasonInNewThread); return; } // No gui firing in separate thread gui.BeginInvoke(OnVoicemailFailurereason, new object[] { sender, args }); // Syncing to GUI thread }