Пример #1
        public static void RenderRaster(SKCanvas canvas, SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect rect, float opacity = 1f)
            // Better for quality. Helps to compare to WPF
            var color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, (byte)(255 * opacity));
            var paint = new SKPaint { Color = color, FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High };
            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, paint);

            // Better for performance:
            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect);
        public void InsertImageFromByteArray()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to import an image into a document from a byte array.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            using (SkiaSharp.SKBitmap bitmap = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                using (SkiaSharp.SKFileWStream fs = new SkiaSharp.SKFileWStream(MyDir + "Artifacts/InsertImageFromByteArray.png"))
                    bitmap.Encode(fs, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);

                builder.Document.Save(MyDir + "Artifacts/Image.CreateFromByteArrayDefault.docx");
            // Prepare a byte array of an image.
            Image image = Image.FromFile(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif");

            using (MemoryStream imageBytes = new MemoryStream())
                image.Save(imageBytes, ImageFormat.Png);

                builder.Document.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\Image.CreateFromByteArrayDefault.doc");
        public void InsertImageFromByteArrayCustomSize()
            //ExFor:DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(Byte[], Double, Double)
            //ExSummary:Shows how to import an image into a document from a byte array, with a custom size.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            using (SkiaSharp.SKBitmap bitmap = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                using (SkiaSharp.SKFileWStream fs =
                           new SkiaSharp.SKFileWStream(MyDir + "Artifacts/InsertImageFromByteArrayCustomSize.png"))
                    bitmap.PeekPixels().Encode(fs, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);

                builder.InsertImage(bitmap, ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(250), ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(144));
                builder.Document.Save(MyDir + "Artifacts/Image.CreateFromByteArrayCustomSize.doc");
// Prepare a byte array of an image.
            using (Image image = Image.FromFile(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                using (MemoryStream imageBytes = new MemoryStream())
                    image.Save(imageBytes, ImageFormat.Png);

                    builder.InsertImage(imageBytes, ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(250), ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(144));
                    builder.Document.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\Image.CreateFromByteArrayCustomSize.doc");
    public void Save(string filename, SkiaSharp.SKEncodedImageFormat format)
        if (Disposed)
        SkiaSharp.SKBitmap bitmap = new SkiaSharp.SKBitmap(this.Width, this.Height, false);
        int w        = Width;
        int h        = Height;
        var colorPtr = this.GetColors();

        for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
                var col = *(colorPtr + x + (h - 1 - y) * h);
                bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, new SkiaSharp.SKColor(col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A));
        var img  = SkiaSharp.SKImage.FromBitmap(bitmap);
        var data = img.Encode(format, 100);

        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filename, data.ToArray());
Пример #5
 public static SKImage FromBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap)
     if (bitmap == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (bitmap));
     var handle = SkiaApi.sk_image_new_from_bitmap (bitmap.Handle);
     return GetObject<SKImage> (handle);
Пример #6
        public static Image LoadImage(byte[] pb)
            if (pb == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pb");

#if !KeePassLibSD
            // First try to load the data as ICO and afterwards as
            // normal image, because trying to load an ICO using
            // the normal image loading methods can result in a
            // low resolution image
                Image imgIco = ExtractBestImageFromIco(pb);
                if (imgIco != null)
            catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(pb, false);
            try { return(LoadImagePriv(ms)); }
            finally { ms.Close(); }
Пример #7
        public static void RenderTexture(SKCanvas canvas, SKBitmap bitmap, float x, float y, float orientation = 0,
            float offsetX = 0, float offsetY = 0,
            LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum horizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center,
            LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum verticalAlignment = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Center,
            float opacity = 1f,
            float scale = 1f)

            canvas.Translate(x, y);
            canvas.RotateDegrees(orientation, 0, 0); // todo: or degrees?
            canvas.Scale(scale, scale);

            x = offsetX + DetermineHorizontalAlignmentCorrection(horizontalAlignment, bitmap.Width);
            y = -offsetY + DetermineVerticalAlignmentCorrection(verticalAlignment, bitmap.Height);

            var halfWidth = bitmap.Width/2;
            var halfHeight = bitmap.Height/2;

            var rect = new SKRect(x - halfWidth, y - halfHeight, x + halfWidth, y + halfHeight);

            RenderTexture(canvas, bitmap, rect, opacity);

Пример #8
 public SKCanvas(SKBitmap bitmap)
     : this(IntPtr.Zero, true)
     if (bitmap == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (bitmap));
     Handle = SkiaApi.sk_canvas_new_from_bitmap (bitmap.Handle);
Пример #9
        private void FixSize()
            int width, height;
            GetPlatformWindowSize(out width, out height);
            if (Width == width && Height == height)

            Width = width;
            Height = height;

            if (Surface != null)

            if (_bitmap != null)

            _bitmap = new SKBitmap(width, height, SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, SKAlphaType.Premul);

            IntPtr length;
            var pixels = _bitmap.GetPixels(out length);

            // Wrap the bitmap in a Surface and keep it cached
            Surface = SKSurface.Create(_bitmap.Info, pixels, _bitmap.RowBytes);
        public void InsertImageFromByteArrayRelativePosition()
            //ExFor:DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(Byte[], RelativeHorizontalPosition, Double, RelativeVerticalPosition, Double, Double, Double, WrapType)
            //ExSummary:Shows how to import an image into a document from a byte array, also using relative positions.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            using (SkiaSharp.SKBitmap bitmap = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                using (SkiaSharp.SKFileWStream fs = new SkiaSharp.SKFileWStream(MyDir + "Artifacts/InsertImageFromByteArrayCustomSize.png"))
                    bitmap.Encode(fs, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);

                builder.InsertImage(bitmap, RelativeHorizontalPosition.Margin, 100, RelativeVerticalPosition.Margin, 100, 200, 100, WrapType.Square);
                builder.Document.Save(MyDir + "Artifacts/Image.CreateFromByteArrayCustomSize.doc");
            // Prepare a byte array of an image.
            Image image = Image.FromFile(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif");

            using (MemoryStream imageBytes = new MemoryStream())
                image.Save(imageBytes, ImageFormat.Png);

                builder.InsertImage(imageBytes, RelativeHorizontalPosition.Margin, 100, RelativeVerticalPosition.Margin, 100, 200, 100, WrapType.Square);
                builder.Document.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\Image.CreateFromByteArrayRelativePosition.doc");
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize an image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">Image to resize.</param>
        /// <param name="w">Width of the returned image.</param>
        /// <param name="h">Height of the returned image.</param>
        /// <param name="f">Flags to customize scaling behavior.</param>
        /// <returns>Resized image. This object is always different
        /// from <paramref name="img" /> (i.e. they can be
        /// disposed separately).</returns>
        public static Image ScaleImage(Image img, int w, int h,
                                       ScaleTransformFlags f)
            if (img == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("img");
            if (w < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("w");
            if (h < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("h");

            bool bUIIcon = ((f & ScaleTransformFlags.UIIcon) !=

            // We must return a Bitmap object for UIUtil.CreateScaledImage
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))

                g.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

                int wSrc = img.Width;
                int hSrc = img.Height;

                InterpolationMode im = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                if ((wSrc > 0) && (hSrc > 0))
                    if (bUIIcon && ((w % wSrc) == 0) && ((h % hSrc) == 0))
                        im = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                    // else if((w < wSrc) && (h < hSrc))
                    //	im = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
                g.InterpolationMode = im;

                RectangleF rSource = new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, wSrc, hSrc);
                RectangleF rDest   = new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, w, h);
                AdjustScaleRects(ref rSource, ref rDest);

                g.DrawImage(img, rDest, rSource, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

Пример #12
        public static Image ScaleImage(Image img, int w, int h)
            if (img == null)

            return(img.Resize(new SKImageInfo(w, h), SKFilterQuality.High));
        IBitmapImpl LoadBitmap(byte[] data)
            var bitmap = new SKBitmap();
            if (!SKImageDecoder.DecodeMemory(data, bitmap))
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to load bitmap from provided data");

            return new BitmapImpl(bitmap);
Пример #14
        public static Image LoadImage(byte[] pb)
            if (pb == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pb");

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(pb, false);

            try { return(Image.FromStream(ms)); }
            finally { ms.Close(); }
Пример #15
    public void Setup()
        benchmarkDocumentBytes = PixiParser.Serialize(Helper.CreateDocument(Size, Layers));
        benchmarkDocument      = Helper.CreateDocument(Size, Layers);

        bitmaps = new SkiaSharp.SKBitmap[Layers];

        for (int i = 0; i < Layers; i++)
            bitmaps[i] = Helper.CreateSKBitmap(Size);
Пример #16
        public static Image LoadImage(byte[] pb)
            if (pb == null)

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(pb, false))
Пример #17
        internal static ulong HashImage64(Image img)
            Bitmap bmp = (img as Bitmap);

            if (bmp == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(0);

            BitmapData bd = null;

                int w = bmp.Width, h = bmp.Height;
                if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0))
                    Debug.Assert(false); return(0);

                bd = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h),
                                  ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                if (bd.Stride != (w * 4))
                    Debug.Assert(false); return(0);

                Debug.Assert(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) == 4);
                int   cp = w * h;
                int[] v  = new int[cp];
                Marshal.Copy(bd.Scan0, v, 0, cp);

                ulong u = (ulong)w * 0x50EF39EB5BE34CA9;
                for (int i = 0; i < cp; ++i)
                    u = (u ^ (uint)v[i]) * 0x6E18585D2D174BD5;
                return(u ^ (u >> 32));
            catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
                if (bd != null)

Пример #18
        public static void SaveImage(Image img, string path)
            if (img == null || path == null)
            SKImage image = SKImage.FromBitmap(img);
            SKData  png   = image.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);

            using (var filestream = File.OpenWrite(path))
Пример #19
        internal static string ImageToDataUri(Image img)
            if (img == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(string.Empty);

            byte[] pb = null;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                img.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
                pb = ms.ToArray();

            return(StrUtil.DataToDataUri(pb, "image/png"));
Пример #20
        private static Image LoadImagePriv(Stream s)
            // Image.FromStream wants the stream to be open during
            // the whole lifetime of the image; as we can't guarantee
            // this, we make a copy of the image
            Image imgSrc = null;

#if !KeePassLibSD
                imgSrc = Image.FromStream(s);
                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(imgSrc.Width, imgSrc.Height,

                    Debug.Assert(bmp.Size == imgSrc.Size);
                catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
                imgSrc = new Bitmap(s);
                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(imgSrc.Width, imgSrc.Height);

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))

#if !KeePassLibSD
                    g.DrawImageUnscaled(imgSrc, 0, 0);
                    g.DrawImage(imgSrc, 0, 0);

            finally { if (imgSrc != null)
Пример #21
        private Response RenderMap(dynamic parameters)
            var gameServer = this.servers.OfType <IGameServer>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == (byte)parameters.serverId);

            var map = gameServer?.ServerInfo.Maps.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MapNumber == (short)parameters.mapId);

            if (map == null)
                Log.Warn($"requested map not available. map number: {parameters.mapId}; server id: {parameters.serverId}");

            var terrain = new GameMapTerrain(map.MapName, map.TerrainData);

            using (var bitmap = new SkiaSharp.SKBitmap(0x100, 0x100))
                for (int y = 0; y < 0x100; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 0x100; x++)
                        var color = SKColors.Black;
                        if (terrain.SafezoneMap[y, x])
                            color = SKColors.Gray;
                        else if (terrain.WalkMap[y, x])
                            color = SKColors.SpringGreen;

                        bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, color);

                using (var memoryStream = new SKDynamicMemoryWStream())
                    if (SKPixmap.Encode(memoryStream, bitmap, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100))
                        return(this.Response.FromStream(memoryStream.DetachAsData().AsStream, "image/png"));

Пример #22
        private static SKBitmap CreateLabelAsBitmap(LabelStyle style, string text, SKPaint paint)
            var rect = new SKRect();
            paint.MeasureText(text, ref rect);

            var backRect = new SKRect(0, 0, rect.Width + 6, rect.Height + 6);

            var bitmap = new SKBitmap((int)backRect.Width, (int)backRect.Height);

            using (var target = new SKCanvas(bitmap))

                DrawBackground(style, backRect, target);
                target.DrawText(text, -rect.Left + 3, -rect.Top +3, paint);
                return bitmap;
		public async Task<Tuple<Stream, LoadingResult, ImageInformation>> Resolve(string identifier, TaskParameter parameters, CancellationToken token)
			ImageSource source = parameters.Source;

			if (parameters.LoadingPlaceholderPath == identifier)
				source = parameters.LoadingPlaceholderSource;
			else if (parameters.ErrorPlaceholderPath == identifier)
				source = parameters.ErrorPlaceholderSource;

			var resolvedData = await Configuration.DataResolverFactory
			                                .GetResolver(identifier, source, parameters, Configuration)
			                                .Resolve(identifier, parameters, token);

			if (resolvedData?.Item1 == null)
				throw new FileNotFoundException(identifier);

			var svg = new SKSvg()
				ThrowOnUnsupportedElement = false,
			SKPicture picture;

			using (var svgStream = resolvedData.Item1)
				picture = svg.Load(resolvedData?.Item1);

			using (var bitmap = new SKBitmap(200, 200, true))
			using (var canvas = new SKCanvas(bitmap))
				float canvasMin = Math.Min(200, 200);
				float svgMax = Math.Max(svg.Picture.Bounds.Width, svg.Picture.Bounds.Height);
				float scale = canvasMin / svgMax;
				var matrix = SKMatrix.MakeScale(scale, scale);
				canvas.DrawPicture(picture, ref matrix);

				using (var image = SKImage.FromBitmap(bitmap))
					var stream = image.Encode()?.AsStream();
					return new Tuple<Stream, LoadingResult, ImageInformation>(stream, resolvedData.Item2, resolvedData.Item3);
        void CreateGraphicsFromNativeHdc(int width, int height)

            skBitmap = new SKBitmap(width, height);
            skCanvas = new SKCanvas(skBitmap);
            stroke = new SKPaint();
            stroke.IsStroke = true;
            fill = new SKPaint();
            fill.IsStroke = false;
            textFill = new SKPaint();
            textFill.IsAntialias = true;
            this.CurrentFont = new RequestFont("tahoma", 14);
            this.CurrentTextColor = Color.Black;
Пример #25
        // ExStart:RenderShapeToGraphics
        public static string RenderShapeToGraphics(string dataDir, Shape shape)
            ShapeRenderer r = shape.GetShapeRenderer();

            // Find the size that the shape will be rendered to at the specified scale and resolution.
            Size shapeSizeInPixels = r.GetSizeInPixels(1.0f, 96.0f);

            // Rotating the shape may result in clipping as the image canvas is too small. Find the longest side
            // And make sure that the graphics canvas is large enough to compensate for this.
            int maxSide = System.Math.Max(shapeSizeInPixels.Width, shapeSizeInPixels.Height);

            using (SkiaSharp.SKBitmap bitmap = new SkiaSharp.SKBitmap((int)(maxSide * 1.25), (int)(maxSide * 1.25)))
                // Rendering to a graphics object means we can specify settings and transformations to be applied to
                // The shape that is rendered. In our case we will rotate the rendered shape.
                using (SkiaSharp.SKCanvas gr = new SkiaSharp.SKCanvas(bitmap))
                    // Clear the shape with the background color of the document.
                    gr.DrawColor(new SkiaSharp.SKColor(shape.Document.PageColor.R, shape.Document.PageColor.G, shape.Document.PageColor.B, shape.Document.PageColor.A));
                    // Center the rotation using translation method below
                    gr.Translate((float)bitmap.Width / 8, (float)bitmap.Height / 2);
                    // Rotate the image by 45 degrees.
                    // Undo the translation.
                    gr.Translate(-(float)bitmap.Width / 8, -(float)bitmap.Height / 2);

                    // Render the shape onto the graphics object.
                    r.RenderToSize(gr, 0, 0, shapeSizeInPixels.Width, shapeSizeInPixels.Height);

                // Save output to file.
                using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(dataDir + "/RenderToSize_Out.png"))
                    SKData d = SKImage.FromBitmap(bitmap).Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);

            return("\nShape rendered to graphics successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
        public BitmapHelper(string path)
            Bitmap bitmap;

                bitmap = Bitmap.Decode(File.OpenRead(path));
            catch (Exception)
                bitmap = new Bitmap(10, 10);
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < 10; w++)
                        bitmap.SetPixel(i, w, SKColors.White);

            IntPtr ptr   = bitmap.GetPixels();
            int    bytes = Math.Abs(bitmap.RowBytes) * bitmap.Height;

            byte[] rgbValues = new byte[bytes];
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, rgbValues, 0, bytes);
            colors = new SKColor[bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height];
            for (int counter = 0; counter < rgbValues.Length; counter += 4)
                int i_am = counter / 4;
                colors[i_am % bitmap.Width, i_am / bitmap.Width]
                        new SKColor(
                            rgbValues[counter + 2],
                            rgbValues[counter + 1],
                            rgbValues[counter + 0],
                            rgbValues[counter + 3]);
Пример #27
        public static Image ScaleTest(Image[] vIcons)
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(1024, vIcons.Length * (256 + 12),

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))

                int[] v = new int[] { 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256 };

                int x;
                int y = 8;

                foreach (Image imgIcon in vIcons)
                    if (imgIcon == null)
                        Debug.Assert(false); continue;

                    x = 128;

                    foreach (int q in v)
                        using (Image img = ScaleImage(imgIcon, q, q,
                            g.DrawImageUnscaled(img, x, y);

                        x += q + 8;

                    y += v[v.Length - 1] + 8;

Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Combines 2 images into one, given the shared ImageStats for both supplied images.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">the ImageStats object used to generate both bottom and top tiles.</param>
        /// <param name="bottomTile">the tile to use as the base of the image. Expected to be opaque.</param>
        /// <param name="topTile">The tile to layer on top. Expected to be at least partly transparent or translucent.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] LayerTiles(ImageStats info, byte[] bottomTile, byte[] topTile)
            SkiaSharp.SKBitmap bitmap = new SkiaSharp.SKBitmap(info.imageSizeX, info.imageSizeY, SkiaSharp.SKColorType.Rgba8888, SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType.Premul);
            SkiaSharp.SKCanvas canvas = new SkiaSharp.SKCanvas(bitmap);
            SkiaSharp.SKPaint  paint  = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint();
            canvas.Scale(1, 1, info.imageSizeX / 2, info.imageSizeY / 2);
            paint.IsAntialias = true;

            var baseBmp = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(bottomTile);
            var topBmp  = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(topTile);

            canvas.DrawBitmap(baseBmp, 0, 0);
            canvas.DrawBitmap(topBmp, 0, 0);
            var ms   = new MemoryStream();
            var skms = new SkiaSharp.SKManagedWStream(ms);

            bitmap.Encode(skms, SkiaSharp.SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);
            var output = ms.ToArray();

            skms.Dispose(); ms.Close(); ms.Dispose();
Пример #29
        private Stream RenderMap(IGameMapInfo map)
            var terrain = new GameMapTerrain(map.MapName, map.TerrainData);

            using (var bitmap = new SkiaSharp.SKBitmap(0x100, 0x100))
                for (int y = 0; y < 0x100; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 0x100; x++)
                        var color = SKColors.Black;
                        if (terrain.SafezoneMap[y, x])
                            color = SKColors.Gray;
                        else if (terrain.WalkMap[y, x])
                            color = SKColors.SpringGreen;
                            // we use the default color.

                        bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, color);

                using (var memoryStream = new SKDynamicMemoryWStream())
                    if (SKPixmap.Encode(memoryStream, bitmap, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100))

Пример #30
        public IBitmapImpl LoadBitmap(System.IO.Stream stream)
            using (var s = new SKManagedStream(stream))
                using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(s))
                    var info = codec.Info;
                    var bitmap = new SKBitmap(info.Width, info.Height, SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, info.IsOpaque ? SKAlphaType.Opaque : SKAlphaType.Premul);

                    IntPtr length;
                    var result = codec.GetPixels(bitmap.Info, bitmap.GetPixels(out length));
                    if (result == SKCodecResult.Success || result == SKCodecResult.IncompleteInput)
                        return new BitmapImpl(bitmap);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unable to load bitmap from provided data");
        public void InsertImageFromImageRelativePosition()
            //ExFor:DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(Image, RelativeHorizontalPosition, Double, RelativeVerticalPosition, Double, Double, Double, WrapType)
            //ExSummary:Shows how to import an image into a document, also using relative positions.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            using (SkiaSharp.SKBitmap rasterImage = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                builder.InsertImage(rasterImage, RelativeHorizontalPosition.Margin, 100, RelativeVerticalPosition.Margin, 100, 200, 100, WrapType.Square);
            using (Image rasterImage = Image.FromFile(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                builder.InsertImage(rasterImage, RelativeHorizontalPosition.Margin, 100, RelativeVerticalPosition.Margin, 100, 200, 100, WrapType.Square);
            builder.Document.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\Image.CreateFromImageWithStreamRelativePosition.doc");
        public void InsertImageFromImageCustomSize()
            //ExFor:DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(Image, Double, Double)
            //ExSummary:Shows how to import an image into a document, with a custom size.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            using (SkiaSharp.SKBitmap rasterImage = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                builder.InsertImage(rasterImage, ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(450), ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(144));
            using (Image rasterImage = Image.FromFile(ImageDir + "Aspose.Words.gif"))
                builder.InsertImage(rasterImage, ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(450), ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(144));
            builder.Document.Save(MyDir + @"\Artifacts\Image.CreateFromImageWithStreamCustomSize.doc");
Пример #33
		public SKAutoLockPixels (SKBitmap bitmap)
			: this (bitmap, true)
Пример #34
        private static Image ExtractBestImageFromIco(byte[] pb)
            List <GfxImage> l = UnpackIco(pb);

            if ((l == null) || (l.Count == 0))

            long qMax = 0;

            foreach (GfxImage gi in l)
                if (gi.Width == 0)
                    gi.Width = 256;
                if (gi.Height == 0)
                    gi.Height = 256;

                qMax = Math.Max(qMax, (long)gi.Width * (long)gi.Height);

            byte[] pbHdrPng = new byte[] {
                0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A
            byte[] pbHdrJpeg = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF };

            Image imgBest = null;
            int   bppBest = -1;

            foreach (GfxImage gi in l)
                if (((long)gi.Width * (long)gi.Height) < qMax)

                byte[] pbImg = gi.Data;
                Image  img   = null;
                    if ((pbImg.Length > pbHdrPng.Length) &&
                                            MemUtil.Mid <byte>(pbImg, 0, pbHdrPng.Length)))
                        img = GfxUtil.LoadImage(pbImg);
                    else if ((pbImg.Length > pbHdrJpeg.Length) &&
                                                 MemUtil.Mid <byte>(pbImg, 0, pbHdrJpeg.Length)))
                        img = GfxUtil.LoadImage(pbImg);
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(pb, false))
                            using (Icon ico = new Icon(ms, gi.Width, gi.Height))
                                img = ico.ToBitmap();
                catch (Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }

                if (img == null)

                if ((img.Width < gi.Width) || (img.Height < gi.Height))

                int bpp = GetBitsPerPixel(img.PixelFormat);
                if (bpp > bppBest)
                    if (imgBest != null)

                    imgBest = img;
                    bppBest = bpp;

Пример #35
		public static SKBitmap Decode (SKCodec codec, SKImageInfo bitmapInfo)
			if (codec == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (codec));

			// construct a color table for the decode if necessary
			SKColorTable colorTable = null;
			int colorCount = 0;
			if (bitmapInfo.ColorType == SKColorType.Index8)
				colorTable = new SKColorTable ();

			// read the pixels and color table
			var bitmap = new SKBitmap (bitmapInfo, colorTable);
			IntPtr length;
			var result = codec.GetPixels (bitmapInfo, bitmap.GetPixels (out length), colorTable, ref colorCount);
			if (result != SKCodecResult.Success && result != SKCodecResult.IncompleteInput) {
				bitmap.Dispose ();
				bitmap = null;
			return bitmap;
Пример #36
 public void DrawBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap, float x, float y, SKPaint paint = null)
     if (bitmap == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException ("bitmap");
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_bitmap (Handle, bitmap.Handle, x, y, paint == null ? IntPtr.Zero : paint.Handle);
Пример #37
        public void DrawBitmapLattice(SKBitmap bitmap, int[] xDivs, int[] yDivs, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint = null)
            if (bitmap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (bitmap));
            if (xDivs == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (xDivs));
            if (yDivs == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (yDivs));

            SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_bitmap_lattice (Handle, bitmap.Handle, xDivs, xDivs.Length, yDivs, yDivs.Length, ref dst, paint == null ? IntPtr.Zero : paint.Handle);
Пример #38
 public BitmapImpl(SKBitmap bm)
     Bitmap = bm;
     PixelHeight = bm.Height;
     PixelWidth = bm.Width;
Пример #39
 public BitmapDrawingContext(SKBitmap bitmap) : this(CreateSurface(bitmap))
Пример #40
		public static SKShader CreateBitmap (SKBitmap src, SKShaderTileMode tmx, SKShaderTileMode tmy, SKMatrix localMatrix)
			if (src == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (src));
			return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_bitmap (src.Handle, tmx, tmy, ref localMatrix));
Пример #41
		public unsafe void DrawBitmapLattice (SKBitmap bitmap, SKLattice lattice, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint = null)
			if (bitmap == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (bitmap));
			if (lattice.XDivs == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (lattice.XDivs));
			if (lattice.YDivs == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (lattice.YDivs));

			fixed (int* x = lattice.XDivs)
			fixed (int* y = lattice.YDivs)
			fixed (SKLatticeFlags* f = lattice.Flags) {
				var nativeLattice = new SKLatticeInternal {
					fBounds = null,
					fFlags = f,
					fXCount = lattice.XDivs.Length,
					fXDivs = x,
					fYCount = lattice.YDivs.Length,
					fYDivs = y,
				if (lattice.Bounds != null) {
					var bounds = lattice.Bounds.Value;
					nativeLattice.fBounds = &bounds;
				SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_bitmap_lattice (Handle, bitmap.Handle, ref nativeLattice, ref dst, paint == null ? IntPtr.Zero : paint.Handle);
Пример #42
		public void DrawBitmapLattice (SKBitmap bitmap, int[] xDivs, int[] yDivs, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint = null)
			var lattice = new SKLattice {
				Bounds = null,
				Flags = null,
				XDivs = xDivs,
				YDivs = yDivs
			DrawBitmapLattice (bitmap, lattice, dst, paint);
Пример #43
        public override void DrawImage(ActualImage actualImage, double x, double y)
            //create Gdi bitmap from actual image
            int w = actualImage.Width;
            int h = actualImage.Height;
            switch (actualImage.PixelFormat)
                case Agg.PixelFormat.ARGB32:

                        using (SKBitmap newBmp = new SKBitmap(actualImage.Width, actualImage.Height))
                            byte[] actualImgBuffer = ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImage);
                        //byte[] actualImgBuffer = ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImage);

                        //     actualImgBuffer,
                        //     0,
                        //      newBmp.internalBmp.GetPixels(),
                        //      actualImgBuffer.Length);

                        //return newBmp;

                        //copy data from acutal buffer to internal representation bitmap
                        //using (MySkBmp bmp = MySkBmp.CopyFrom(actualImage))
                        //    _skCanvas.DrawBitmap(bmp.internalBmp, (float)x, (float)y);
                case Agg.PixelFormat.RGB24:
                case Agg.PixelFormat.GrayScale8:
                    throw new NotSupportedException();
Пример #44
 public static void RenderTexture(SKCanvas canvas, SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect rect, float opacity = 1f)
     var color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, (byte) (255*opacity));
     var paint = new SKPaint {Color = color, FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High};
     canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, paint);
Пример #45
 public bool Resize(SKBitmap dst, SKBitmapResizeMethod method)
     return(Resize(dst, this, method));
Пример #46
 public static Image ScaleImage(Image img, int w, int h)
     return(ScaleImage(img, w, h, ScaleTransformFlags.None));
Пример #47
		public SKAutoLockPixels (SKBitmap bitmap, bool doLock)
			this.bitmap = bitmap;
			this.doLock = doLock;

			if (bitmap != null && doLock) {
				bitmap.LockPixels ();
Пример #48
 public static SKShader CreateBitmap(SKBitmap src, SKShaderTileMode tmx, SKShaderTileMode tmy, SKMatrix localMatrix)
     return(GetObject <SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_bitmap(src.Handle, tmx, tmy, ref localMatrix)));
Пример #49
		/// <summary>
		/// Perform the unlock now, instead of waiting for the Dispose.
		/// Will only do this once.
		/// </summary>
		public void Unlock ()
			if (bitmap != null && doLock) {
				bitmap.UnlockPixels ();
				bitmap = null;
Пример #50
 public bool CopyTo(SKBitmap destination, SKColorType colorType)
     return(SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_copy(Handle, destination.Handle, colorType));
Пример #51
 public BitmapImpl(int width, int height)
     PixelHeight = height;
     PixelWidth = width;
     Bitmap = new SKBitmap(width, height, SKColorType.N_32, SKAlphaType.Premul);
Пример #52
 public static SKShader CreateBitmap(SKBitmap src, SKShaderTileMode tmx, SKShaderTileMode tmy)
     return(GetObject <SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_bitmap(src.Handle, tmx, tmy, IntPtr.Zero)));
Пример #53
 private static SKSurface CreateSurface(SKBitmap bitmap)
     IntPtr length;
     return SKSurface.Create(bitmap.Info, bitmap.GetPixels(out length), bitmap.RowBytes);
Пример #54
		public SKBitmap Copy (SKColorType colorType)
			var destination = new SKBitmap ();
			if (!SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_copy (Handle, destination.Handle, colorType)) {
				destination.Dispose ();
				destination = null;
			return destination;
Пример #55
 public void DrawBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect source, SKRect dest, SKPaint paint = null)
     if (bitmap == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException ("bitmap");
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_bitmap_rect (Handle, bitmap.Handle, ref source, ref dest, paint == null ? IntPtr.Zero : paint.Handle);
Пример #56
		public bool CopyTo (SKBitmap destination, SKColorType colorType)
			if (destination == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (destination));
			return SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_copy (Handle, destination.Handle, colorType);
Пример #57
        public void DrawBitmapNinePatch(SKBitmap bitmap, SKRectI center, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint = null)
            if (bitmap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (bitmap));
            // the "center" rect must fit inside the bitmap "rect"
            if (!SKRect.Create (bitmap.Info.Size).Contains (center))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (center));

            var xDivs = new [] { center.Left, center.Right };
            var yDivs = new [] { center.Top, center.Bottom };
            DrawBitmapLattice (bitmap, xDivs, yDivs, dst, paint);
Пример #58
 private void Swap(SKBitmap other)
     SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_swap(Handle, other.Handle);
Пример #59
        } // End Function LoadImage

        private void DrawImage()
            int bitness = System.IntPtr.Size * 8;


            // https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/drawing/introduction/
            // https://developer.xamarin.com/api/type/SkiaSharp.SKSurface/
            // https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/77883/skiasharp-graphics-basics

            // Make sure the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is installed if this error occurs:
            // Unable to load DLL 'libSkiaSharp.dll': The specified module could not be found.
            using (SKSurface surface = SKSurface.Create(width: 640, height: 480, colorType: SKColorType.Bgra8888, alphaType: SKAlphaType.Premul))
                SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;


                using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                    // paint.ImageFilter = SKImageFilter.CreateBlur(5, 5); // Dispose !
                    paint.IsAntialias = true;
                    // paint.Color = new SKColor(0xff, 0x00, 0xff);
                    paint.Color = new SKColor(0x2c, 0x3e, 0x50);

                    paint.StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Round;

                    paint.Typeface = SkiaSharp.SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Impact", SKTypefaceStyle.Bold);
                    paint.TextSize = 12;

                    canvas.DrawText("foobar", 10, 10, paint);
                    // SkiaSharp.SKRect rect = new SkiaSharp.SKRect();
                    SkiaSharp.SKRect rect = MeasureText("foobar", "Impact", 12, SKTypefaceStyle.Bold);
                    // paint.MeasureText("foobar", ref rect);

                    SKRect textOverlayRectangle = new SKRect();
                    textOverlayRectangle.Left = 9;                // x
                    textOverlayRectangle.Top  = 10 - rect.Height; // y

                    textOverlayRectangle.Right  = textOverlayRectangle.Left + rect.Width;
                    textOverlayRectangle.Bottom = textOverlayRectangle.Top + rect.Height;

                    // canvas.DrawRect(textOverlayRectangle, paint);

                    // https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/skia/+/master/experimental/SkiaExamples/HelloSkiaExample.cpp
                    SkiaSharp.SKPoint[] linearPoints = new SkiaSharp.SKPoint[] {
                        new SkiaSharp.SKPoint(0, 0),
                        new SkiaSharp.SKPoint(300, 300)
                    SkiaSharp.SKColor[] linearColors = new SkiaSharp.SKColor[] { SkiaSharp.SKColors.Green, SkiaSharp.SKColors.Black };

                    // canvas.Restore();
                    // canvas.Translate(100, 200);
                    // canvas.RotateDegrees(45);

                    // SKShader shader = SkiaSharp.SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(linearPoints[0], linearPoints[1], linearColors, new float[] { 1.0f, 2000.0f }, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat);
                    // paint.Shader = shader;

                    SkiaSharp.SKBitmap shaderPattern = LoadImage(MapProjectPath(@"~mytile.png"));
                    SKShader           hatchShader   = SkiaSharp.SKShader.CreateBitmap(shaderPattern, SKShaderTileMode.Mirror, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat);
                    paint.Shader = hatchShader;

                    // create the Xamagon path
                    using (SKPath path = new SKPath())
                        path.MoveTo(71.4311121f, 56f);
                        path.CubicTo(68.6763107f, 56.0058575f, 65.9796704f, 57.5737917f, 64.5928855f, 59.965729f);
                        path.LineTo(43.0238921f, 97.5342563f);
                        path.CubicTo(41.6587026f, 99.9325978f, 41.6587026f, 103.067402f, 43.0238921f, 105.465744f);
                        path.LineTo(64.5928855f, 143.034271f);
                        path.CubicTo(65.9798162f, 145.426228f, 68.6763107f, 146.994582f, 71.4311121f, 147f);
                        path.LineTo(114.568946f, 147f);
                        path.CubicTo(117.323748f, 146.994143f, 120.020241f, 145.426228f, 121.407172f, 143.034271f);
                        path.LineTo(142.976161f, 105.465744f);
                        path.CubicTo(144.34135f, 103.067402f, 144.341209f, 99.9325978f, 142.976161f, 97.5342563f);
                        path.LineTo(121.407172f, 59.965729f);
                        path.CubicTo(120.020241f, 57.5737917f, 117.323748f, 56.0054182f, 114.568946f, 56f);
                        path.LineTo(71.4311121f, 56f);

                        // draw the Xamagon path
                        canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
                    } // End Using path

                    // ClipDeviceBounds not ClipBounds
                    canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, paint);
                    canvas.DrawLine(0, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width, 0, paint);

                    canvas.DrawLine(0 + 1, 0, 0 + 1, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, paint);

                    canvas.DrawLine(0, surface.Canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height / 2, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height / 2, paint);

                    canvas.DrawLine(canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width - 1, 0 + 1, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width - 1, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, paint);
                } // End Using paint

                // Your drawing code goes here.
                // surface.Snapshot().Encode(SKImageEncodeFormat.Webp, 80);
                // SKData p = surface.Snapshot().Encode();
                SKData p = surface.Snapshot().Encode(SKImageEncodeFormat.Png, 80);
                // p.SaveTo()

                using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(p.ToArray()))
                    this.pictureBox1.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                } // End Using ms

                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(MapProjectPath("~testme.png"), p.ToArray());
            } // End Using surface

            // this.Close();
        } // End Sub
Пример #60
 public BitmapImpl(int width, int height)
     PixelHeight = height;
     PixelWidth = width;
     Bitmap = new SKBitmap(width, height, SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, SKAlphaType.Premul);