Пример #1
        public ActionResult PayrollSetup(FormCollection collection)
            SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSetup payrollSetupViewModel = GetViewModel();
            ViewBag.PayrollSetupID = payrollSetupViewModel.PayrollSetupID;

            // TODO: Used to populate parts list.  We want to populate with Jobs List.  We'll worry about this later
            var Partslist = (from s in db.tbl_PB_Parts
                             join t in db.tbl_PriceBook on s.PriceBookID equals t.PriceBookID
                             join m in db.tbl_PB_MasterParts on s.MasterPartID equals m.MasterPartID
                             where t.ActiveBookYN == true
                             select new
                CodeDesc = m.PartCode + " -" + m.PartName

            ViewBag.ddlPartCode = Partslist;

            var PartsDesc = (from s in db.tbl_PB_Parts
                             join t in db.tbl_PriceBook on s.PriceBookID equals t.PriceBookID
                             join m in db.tbl_PB_MasterParts on s.MasterPartID equals m.MasterPartID
                             where t.ActiveBookYN == true
                             select new

            if (PartsDesc != null)
                ViewBag.txtPartDescriptionAdd = PartsDesc.PartName;

            var ServiceProlist = (from p in db.tbl_Employee where p.ServiceProYN == true select p).ToList();

            ViewBag.ddlServicePro = ServiceProlist;

            List <SelectListItem> itemsPaytype = new List <SelectListItem>();

            itemsPaytype.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text     = "Flat Rate",
                Value    = "0",
                Selected = true
            itemsPaytype.Add(new SelectListItem
                Text  = "Commission",
                Value = "1"
            ViewBag.ddlPayType = itemsPaytype;

Пример #2
        public ActionResult PayrollExceptionDataEdit(int partExceptionId)
            SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSetup payrollSetupViewModel = GetViewModel();
            SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSpiff payrollSpiff
                = (from ps in payrollSetupViewModel.PayrollSpiffs
                   where ps.PayrollSpiffID == partExceptionId
                   select ps).First <SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSpiff>();

Пример #3
        public ActionResult PayrollPartExceptionData(bool checkStatus, string partsDesc, string partsCode, int FranchiseeId)
            // Load spiffs from ViewModel instead of Parts List
            SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSetup payrollSetupViewModel = GetViewModel();

            ////Session["FranchiseId"] = franchiseId;
            //var PartList = (from e in db.tbl_HR_PartsExceptions
            //                join e1 in db.tbl_PB_Parts on e.PartID equals e1.PartID
            //                join e2 in db.tbl_PB_MasterParts on e1.MasterPartID equals e2.MasterPartID
            //                join e3 in db.tbl_Employee on e.ServiceProID equals e3.EmployeeID into parts_emp
            //                from e3 in parts_emp.DefaultIfEmpty()
            //                where e.FranchiseID == FranchiseeId && e.ActiveYN == checkStatus
            //                select new
            //                {
            //                    e.PartExceptionID,
            //                    e.PartID,
            //                    e2.PartCode,
            //                    e2.PartName,
            //                    Employee = (e3.Employee == null ? "" : e3.Employee),
            //                    e.PayType,
            //                    e.Rate,
            //                    e.AddonYN,
            //                    e.DateExpires,
            //                    e.Comments,
            //                    e.ActiveYN,
            //                    e.ServiceProID
            //                }).ToList();

            //if (partsDesc != null && partsDesc.Trim() != "" && partsDesc != "null")
            //    PartList = PartList.Where(p => p.PartName.ToLower().Contains(partsDesc.ToLower())).ToList();
            //if (partsCode != null && partsCode.Trim() != "" && partsCode != "null")
            //    PartList = PartList.Where(p => p.PartCode.ToLower().Contains(partsCode.ToLower())).ToList();

            //return Json(PartList);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This is my "Repository Loader".  Not sure where in the solution to put this - BPanjavan
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSetup GetViewModel()
            SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSetup payrollSetupViewModel = null;

            // Going to need this to set on our view-model
            ReportingService reportingService = ReportingService.Create <ReportingService>(UserInfo.UserKey);
            var arrOvertimeMethod             = (from overtimeMethod in reportingService.GetOvertimeMethods()
                                                 select new SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.OvertimeMethod()
                OvertimeMethodName = overtimeMethod.OvertimeMethodName,
                OvertimeMethodID = overtimeMethod.OvertimeMethodID
            var arrJobCode = (from jobCode in reportingService.GetJobCodes(UserInfo.CurrentFranchise.FranchiseID)
                              select new SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.JobCode()
                JobCodeID = jobCode.JobCodeID,
                JobCodeDescription = jobCode.JobCodeDescription,
                JobCodeName = jobCode.JobCodeName,
                ActiveYN = jobCode.ActiveYN,
                FranchiseID = jobCode.FranchiseID,
                PriceBookActiveYN = jobCode.PriceBookActiveYN,
                PriceBookID = jobCode.PriceBookID,
                PriceBookName = jobCode.PriceBookName
            var arrEmployee = (from employee in reportingService.GetEmployees(UserInfo.CurrentFranchise.FranchiseID)
                               select new SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.Employees()
                EmployeeID = employee.EmployeeID,
                Employee = employee.EmployeeName,
                ActiveYN = employee.ActiveYN,
                FranchiseID = employee.FranchiseID,
                ServiceProYN = employee.ServiceProYN
            var arrSpiffPayType = (
                from spiffPayType in reportingService.GetSpiffPayTypes()
                select new SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.SpiffPayType()
                SpiffPayTypeID = spiffPayType.SpiffPayTypeID,
                SpiffPayTypeName = spiffPayType.SpiffPayTypeName

            SiteBlue.Business.Reporting.PayrollSetup[] arrPayrollSetup = reportingService.GetPayrollSetupData(UserInfo.CurrentFranchise.FranchiseID);

            // If there is NO existing PayrollSetup, load an empty one
            if (arrPayrollSetup.Length == 0)
                payrollSetupViewModel =
                    new SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSetup(UserInfo.CurrentFranchise.FranchiseID, 0, 0, 0M, null, arrOvertimeMethod,
                                                                       arrJobCode, arrEmployee, arrSpiffPayType);
                // Otherwise, load our PayrollSetup Data
                SiteBlue.Business.Reporting.PayrollSetup payrollSetupExisting = arrPayrollSetup[0];
                payrollSetupViewModel =
                    new SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSetup(

                        (from reportingSpiff in payrollSetupExisting.PayrollSpiffs
                         select new SiteBlue.Areas.OwnerPortal.Models.PayrollSpiff()
                    Active = reportingSpiff.Active,
                    AddOn = reportingSpiff.AddOn,
                    Comments = reportingSpiff.Comments,
                    DateExpires = reportingSpiff.DateExpires,
                    DateExpiresFormatted = reportingSpiff.DateExpires.Value.ToShortDateString(),
                    JobCode = reportingSpiff.JobCode,
                    JobCodeDescription = reportingSpiff.JobCodeDescription,
                    JobCodeID = reportingSpiff.JobCodeID,
                    PayrollSetupID = reportingSpiff.PayrollSetupID,
                    PayrollSpiffID = reportingSpiff.PayrollSpiffID,
                    PayType = reportingSpiff.PayType,
                    PayTypeID = reportingSpiff.PayTypeID,
                    Rate = reportingSpiff.Rate,
                    ServiceProID = reportingSpiff.ServiceProID,
                    Employee = reportingSpiff.Employee

                        arrOvertimeMethod, arrJobCode, arrEmployee, arrSpiffPayType)
                    PayrollSetupID = arrPayrollSetup[0].PayrollSetupID
