/// <summary>
 /// Check if two id's are equal
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj is SimVehicleId)
         SimVehicleId other = (SimVehicleId)obj;
         return(this.number == other.Number);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a vehicle to the world
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screenCenter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SimVehicle AddVehicle(Coordinates screenCenter)
            // deafualt id is # of elts
            int idNumber = this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count;

            // create array to hold used vehicle and obstacle id's
            bool[] usedIds = new bool[this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count];

            // loop over obstacles and get ids
            foreach (SimObstacle ism in this.WorldService.Obstacles.Values)
                // make sure num within # of obstacles and vehicles
                if (ism.ObstacleId.Number < this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count)
                    // check off
                    usedIds[ism.ObstacleId.Number] = true;

            // loop over vehicles and get ids
            foreach (SimVehicle ism in this.Vehicles.Values)
                // make sure num within # of obstacles and vehicles
                if (ism.VehicleId.Number < this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count)
                    // check off
                    usedIds[ism.VehicleId.Number] = true;

            // loop over checked off id's
            for (int i = usedIds.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // if find a false one set that id
                if (usedIds[i] == false)
                    // set id num
                    idNumber = i;

            // create vehicle id
            SimVehicleId svi = new SimVehicleId(idNumber);

            // get position (center of screen)
            Coordinates position = screenCenter;

            // create state
            SimVehicleState svs = new SimVehicleState();

            svs.canMove   = true;
            svs.Heading   = new Coordinates(1, 0);
            svs.IsBound   = false;
            svs.Position  = position;
            svs.Speed     = 0;
            svs.VehicleID = svi;

            // create vehicle
            SimVehicle stv = new SimVehicle(svs, TahoeParams.VL, TahoeParams.T);

            // add to vehicles
            this.Vehicles.Add(stv.VehicleId, stv);

            // return
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the vehicle in the client
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vehicleId"></param>
 public abstract void SetVehicle(SimVehicleId vehicleId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicleId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Remove(SimVehicleId vehicleId)
            // check to see if this vehicle is associated with a client
            if (VehicleToClientMap.ContainsKey(vehicleId))
                // get name of client vehicle associated with
                string client = VehicleToClientMap[vehicleId];

                    // remove vehicle from client to vehicle map

                    // remove client from vehicle to client map

                    // remove vehicle from client

                    // notify success
                    SimulatorOutput.WriteLine("Successfully removed vehicle: " + vehicleId.ToString() + " from clients");

                    // return success
                    return true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    // there was an error
                    SimulatorOutput.WriteLine("Error removing vehicle: " + vehicleId.ToString() + " from clients: \n" + e.ToString());

                    // cleanup vehicle to client map
                    if (this.VehicleToClientMap.ContainsKey(vehicleId))

                    // cleanup client to vehicle map
                    if (this.ClientToVehicleMap.ContainsKey(client))

                    // return unsuccessful
                    return false;
                return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Associate the vehicle with a enw client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicleId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ReBind(SimVehicleId vehicleId)
            // make sure that the vehicle is not already associated with a client
            if (!VehicleToClientMap.ContainsKey(vehicleId))
                // loop over all clients looking for an open client
                foreach (string s in this.AvailableClients.Keys)
                    // make sure the client is not associated with a vehicle
                    if (!ClientToVehicleMap.ContainsKey(s))
                            // get the client
                            SimulatorClientFacade scf = this.AvailableClients[s];

                            // set the vehicle in the client

                            // set vehicle as having client
                            VehicleToClientMap.Add(vehicleId, s);

                            // set client as having vehicle
                            ClientToVehicleMap.Add(s, vehicleId);

                            // success
                            SimulatorOutput.WriteLine("Vehicle: " + vehicleId.ToString() + " Bound to client: " + s);

                            // return that the rebind was successful
                            return true;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // there was an error
                            SimulatorOutput.WriteLine("Error binding vehicle: " + vehicleId.ToString() + " to client: " + s + "\n" + e.ToString());

                            // cleanup vehicle to client map
                            if (this.VehicleToClientMap.ContainsKey(vehicleId))

                            // cleanup client to vehicle map
                            if (this.ClientToVehicleMap.ContainsKey(s))

                            // return that the attempt was unsuccessful
                            return false;

                // success
                SimulatorOutput.WriteLine("Vehicle: " + vehicleId.ToString() + " Could not be bound to any clients, lack of availability");

                // notify that we never got to this point
                return false;
                return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the vehicles from the world and put them into sensors form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ours"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection VehiclesFromWorld(SimVehicleId ours, double ts)
            // vehicle list
            List<SceneEstimatorTrackedCluster> vehicles = new List<SceneEstimatorTrackedCluster>();

            // get our vehicle
            SimVehicleState ourVS = null;
            foreach (SimVehicleState svs in this.worldState.Vehicles.Values)
                if (svs.VehicleID.Equals(ours))
                    ourVS = svs;

            // generate "tracked" clusters
            foreach (SimVehicleState svs in this.worldState.Vehicles.Values)
                // don't inclue our vehicle
                if (!svs.VehicleID.Equals(ours))
                    // construct cluster
                    SceneEstimatorTrackedCluster setc = new SceneEstimatorTrackedCluster();

                    // set heading valid
                    setc.headingValid = true;

                    // closest point
                    Coordinates closestPoint = this.ClosestToPolygon(this.VehiclePolygon(svs), ourVS.Position);
                    setc.closestPoint = closestPoint;

                    // stopped
                    bool isStopped = Math.Abs(svs.Speed) < 0.01;
                    setc.isStopped = isStopped;

                    // speed
                    float speed = (float)Math.Abs(svs.Speed);
                    setc.speed = speed;
                    setc.speedValid = svs.SpeedValid;

                    // absolute heading
                    float absHeading = (float)(svs.Heading.ArcTan);
                    setc.absoluteHeading = absHeading;

                    // relative heading
                    float relHeading = absHeading - (float)(ourVS.Heading.ArcTan);
                    setc.relativeheading = relHeading;

                    // set target class
                    setc.targetClass = SceneEstimatorTargetClass.TARGET_CLASS_CARLIKE;

                    // set id
                    setc.id = svs.VehicleID.Number;

                    // cluster partitions
                    SceneEstimatorClusterPartition[] partitions = this.GetClusterPartitions(svs, ourVS);
                    setc.closestPartitions = partitions;

                    // state
                    setc.statusFlag = SceneEstimatorTargetStatusFlag.TARGET_STATE_ACTIVE;

                    // raw points
                    Coordinates[] points = this.VehiclePointsRelative(svs, ourVS.Position, ourVS.Heading);
                    setc.relativePoints = points;

                    // add

            // array of clusters
            SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection setcc = new SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection();
            setcc.clusters = vehicles.ToArray();
            setcc.timestamp = ts;

            // return the clusters
            return setcc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Turn sim obstacle states into obstacles
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection ObstaclesFromWorld(SimVehicleId ours, Coordinates vehiclePosition, double vehicleHeading, double ts)
            SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection seucc = new SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection();
            seucc.timestamp = (double)SimulatorClient.GetCurrentTimestamp;

            List<Polygon> obstaclePolygons = new List<Polygon>(worldState.Obstacles.Count);
            foreach (SimObstacleState obstacle in worldState.Obstacles.Values) {
                if(obstacle.ObstacleId.Number != ours.Number)

            // use the lidar to get the hits
            lidar.GetHits(obstaclePolygons, vehiclePosition, vehicleHeading, seucc);
            lidar2.GetHits(obstaclePolygons, vehiclePosition, vehicleHeading, seucc);

            return seucc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a vehicle to the world
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screenCenter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SimVehicle AddVehicle(Coordinates screenCenter)
            // deafualt id is # of elts
            int idNumber = this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count;

            // create array to hold used vehicle and obstacle id's
            bool[] usedIds = new bool[this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count];

            // loop over obstacles and get ids
            foreach (SimObstacle ism in this.WorldService.Obstacles.Values)
                // make sure num within # of obstacles and vehicles
                if (ism.ObstacleId.Number < this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count)
                    // check off
                    usedIds[ism.ObstacleId.Number] = true;

            // loop over vehicles and get ids
            foreach (SimVehicle ism in this.Vehicles.Values)
                // make sure num within # of obstacles and vehicles
                if (ism.VehicleId.Number < this.WorldService.Obstacles.Count + this.Vehicles.Count)
                    // check off
                    usedIds[ism.VehicleId.Number] = true;

            // loop over checked off id's
            for (int i = usedIds.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // if find a false one set that id
                if (usedIds[i] == false)
                    // set id num
                    idNumber = i;

            // create vehicle id
            SimVehicleId svi = new SimVehicleId(idNumber);

            // get position (center of screen)
            Coordinates position = screenCenter;

            // create state
            SimVehicleState svs = new SimVehicleState();
            svs.canMove = true;
            svs.Heading = new Coordinates(1,0);
            svs.IsBound = false;
            svs.Position = position;
            svs.Speed = 0;
            svs.VehicleID = svi;

            // create vehicle
            SimVehicle stv = new SimVehicle(svs, TahoeParams.VL, TahoeParams.T);

            // add to vehicles
            this.Vehicles.Add(stv.VehicleId, stv);

            // return
            return stv;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the vehicle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicleId"></param>
        public override void SetVehicle(SimVehicleId vehicleId)
            if (vehicleId != null)
                this.ClientVehicle = new ClientVehicle();
                this.ClientVehicle.VehicleId = vehicleId;
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": Registered Vehicle with Vehicle Id: " + vehicleId.ToString());
                if(this.ClientVehicle != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": Deregistered Vehicle with Vehicle Id: " + this.ClientVehicle.VehicleId.ToString());

                this.ClientVehicle = null;