Пример #1
        private void FreshJch()
            string sql = "select JCDate ,JCTYPE ,JCGoodsName,JCGoodsID  ,JCHGSL ,JCKLSL ,JCPSSL ," +
                         " JCKHSL ,JCCarNO , JCWorknum ,JCOperator ,JCSerialNum,JCModelno,JCItemID,JCMaterial,FImagePath,FRYHGSL,FHGL,FKilnNO  " +
                         " from tb_jch where JCTYPE = 1 ";

            if (dtdate.Text != "")
                sql += "and JCDate >= '" + dtdate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'";
            if (dtdate2.Text != "")
                sql += "and JCDate <= '" + dtdate2.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'";
            if (cbgoods.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and JCGoodsName = '" + cbgoods.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (tbcar.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and JCCarNO like '%" + tbcar.Text.Trim() + "%'";
            if (cbkilnno.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and FKilnNO = '" + cbkilnno.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "'";
            sql += " order by JCDate desc,JCCarNO desc ";
            ds   = dbl.GetDataset(sql, "TB_JCH");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                context    = dataSource;//((DataSet)dataSource).Tables[0];
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "TB_JCH";
                Bm = (dataSource != null)
                         ? supergrid.BindingContext[context]
                         : null;
                if (Bm.Count >= 0)
                    toolbar.btnEditEnabled    = true;
                    toolbar.btndelete.Enabled = true;
                int zysl = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    zysl += Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["JCHGSL"].ToString());

                lblcysl.Text = String.Format("{0}", zysl);
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;
                lblcysl.Text = "";
Пример #2
 private void FreshBase(string _class)
     string sql = "select  FBaseID,FBaseName,FRemark from tb_base  where FClass = '" + _class + "' order by FBaseID,FBaseName";
     ds = dbl.GetDataset(sql, "tb_base");
     if (ds != null)
         dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
         context = dataSource;
         //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
         superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
         superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "tb_Base";
         Bm = (dataSource != null)
                  ? superGridControl1.BindingContext[context]
                  : null;
         if (Bm.Count >= 0)
             toolbar1.btnEditEnabled = true;
             toolbar1.btndelete.Enabled = true;
         superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;
Пример #3
        private void FreshGoods()
            string sql = "select  GoodId,GoodName,ItemNO,ModelNO,FImagePath from tb_GoodsInfo order by FCreateDate desc,GoodName asc";

            ds = dbl.GetDataset(sql, "tb_GoodsInfo");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                context    = dataSource;
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "tb_GoodsInfo";
                Bm = (dataSource != null)
                         ? superGridControl1.BindingContext[context]
                         : null;
                if (Bm.Count >= 0)
                    toolbar1.btnEditEnabled    = true;
                    toolbar1.btndelete.Enabled = true;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;
Пример #4
        private void FreshFh()
            string sql = "select FDate,FWorkNum,FOperator,FWareID,FGoodID,FHGSL,FType,FSerialNum,FGoodsName,FItemID,FMaterial,FImagePath,FModelNo,FInvoiceType " +
                         " from WareInOut where FTYPE = 0 ";

            if (dtdate.Text != "")
                sql += "and FDate >= '" + dtdate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'";
            if (dtdate2.Text != "")
                sql += "and FDate <= '" + dtdate2.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'";
            if (cbgoods.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and FGoodsName = '" + cbgoods.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (tbwarehourse.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and FWareID = '" + tbwarehourse.SelectedValue + "'";
            if (cbintype.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and FInvoiceType = '" + cbintype.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += " order by FSerialNum desc ";
            ds   = dbl.GetDataset(sql, "WareInOut");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                context    = dataSource;//((DataSet)dataSource).Tables[0];
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "WareInOut";
                Bm = (dataSource != null)
                         ? supergrid.BindingContext[context]
                         : null;
                if (Bm.Count >= 0)
                    toolbar1.btnEditEnabled    = true;
                    toolbar1.btndelete.Enabled = true;
                int sl = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                    sl += Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FHGSL"].ToString()));

                lblsl.Text = String.Format("{0} ", sl);//碰损数量: {1}
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;
                lblsl.Text = "";
Пример #5
        private void FreshJch()
            string tosql = "select * , case when (cksl + pssl)=0 then 0 else convert(numeric(18,4),convert(numeric(18,4),pssl)/convert(numeric(18,4),(cksl + pssl))) end as psl from ({0}) as a ";
            string sql   = "";

            if (date.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql = "select b.warename ,FGoodsName ,FMaterial,(select sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else -(FHGSL + FPSSL) end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName and FMaterial = a.FMaterial and FDate<'{0}') as zrjc, " +
                      " (select sum(case when FType = 0 then ISNULL(FHGSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName and FMaterial = a.FMaterial and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as rksl, (select sum(case when FType = 1 then ISNULL(FPSSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName  and FMaterial = a.FMaterial and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as pssl, (select sum(case when FType = 1 then ISNULL(FHGSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName and FMaterial = a.FMaterial and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as CKSL ," +
                      "  sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else -(FHGSL + FPSSL) end) as JCSL" +
                      " from WareInOut a " +
                      " left join tb_warehouse b on a.FWareID = b.wareid " +
                      " where 1= 1 ";
                sql += string.Format(" and FDate <= '{0}'", date.Text.Trim());
                sql  = string.Format(sql, date.Value);

            if (tbgoodsname.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += " and a.FGoodsname = '" + tbgoodsname.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (cbwarehouse.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += " and a.FWareID = '" + cbwarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
            sql += " group by a.FWareID, b.warename,FGoodsname,FMaterial ";
            //sql = string.Format(sql, date.Value.AddDays(-1), date.Value);
            tosql = string.Format(tosql, sql);
            ds    = dbl.GetDataset(tosql, "WareInOut");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                context    = dataSource;//((DataSet)dataSource).Tables[0];
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "WareInOut";

                int sl = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                    sl += Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["JCSL"].ToString()));
                lblsl.Text = sl.ToString();
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;
                lblsl.Text = "";
Пример #6
        private void buttonX1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            object dataSource = null;
            string tosql      = "select *,case when (JCPSSL + JCKLSL + JCKHSL+CYHGSL)=0 then 0 else  convert(numeric(18,4),convert(numeric(18,4),(JCPSSL + JCKLSL + JCKHSL))/convert(numeric(18,4),(JCPSSL + JCKLSL + JCKHSL+CYHGSL))) end as bhgl from ({0}) as a ";
            string sql        = "select JCDATE, JCGoodsName,JCMaterial,FKilnNO,sum(case when jctype =0 then JCHGSL else 0 end) as ZYHGSL ,SUM(JCKLSL) AS JCKLSL ," +
                                " sum(case when jctype =1 then JCHGSL else 0 end) as CYHGSL,sum(JCPSSL) as JCPSSL ," +
                                " sum(JCKHSL) as JCKHSL ,JCCarNO " +
                                " from tb_jch where 1=1 ";

            if (date.Text != "")
                sql += " and  JCDate >='" + date.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (enddate.Text != "")
                sql += " and  JCDate <='" + enddate.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (tbgood.Text != "")
                sql += " and  JCGoodsName ='" + tbgood.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (tbcar.Text != "")
                sql += "and Jccarno = '" + tbcar.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (cmbkilnno.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and FKilnNO = '" + cmbkilnno.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "'";
            sql  += " group by JCDATE,JCGoodsName,JCCarNO,JCMaterial,FKilnNO ";
            tosql = string.Format(tosql, sql);
            ds    = dbl.GetDataset(tosql, "TB_JCH");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                //context = dataSource;//((DataSet)dataSource).Tables[0];
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "TB_JCH";
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;
                //superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "TB_JCH";
Пример #7
        private void FreshWare()
            string sql = "select WareID,WareName,Remark from tb_WareHouse";

            ds = dbl.GetDataset(sql, "tb_WareHouse");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                context    = dataSource;//((DataSet)dataSource).Tables[0];
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "tb_WareHouse";
                Bm = (dataSource != null)
                         ? superGridControl1.BindingContext[context]
                         : null;
                if (Bm.Count >= 0)
                    toolbar1.btnEditEnabled    = true;
                    toolbar1.btndelete.Enabled = true;
Пример #8
        private void FreshSp()
            string sql = @"SELECT [PlApplyDate]
                           FROM [dbo].[SelPorceLain] 
                          where 1=1 ";

            if (dtdate.Text != "")
                sql += " and PlApplyDate >= '" + dtdate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'";
            if (dtdate2.Text != "")
                sql += " and PlApplyDate <= '" + dtdate2.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'";
            if (cbgoods.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += " and PlGoodsName = '" + cbgoods.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (cmbOpr.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += " and PlOperator like '%" + cmbOpr.Text.Trim() + "%' ";
            if (cmbMaterial.SelectedValue != null)
                sql += " and FMaterial = '" + cmbMaterial.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
            if (cmbcolor.SelectedValue != null)
                sql += " and PlColor = '" + cmbcolor.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
            sql += " order by PlApplyDate DESC,PlSerialNum desc ";

            ds = dbl.GetDataset(sql, "SelPorceLain");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                context    = dataSource;//((DataSet)dataSource).Tables[0];
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "SelPorceLain";
                Bm = (dataSource != null)
                         ? supergrid.BindingContext[context]
                         : null;
                if (Bm.Count >= 0)
                    toolbar1.btnEditEnabled    = true;
                    toolbar1.btndelete.Enabled = true;

                int zysl  = 0;
                int qtyA  = 0;
                int qtyAd = 0;
                int qtyCa = 0;
                int qtyB  = 0;
                int qtyBJ = 0;
                int qtyBu = 0;
                int qtyFp = 0;
                int qtyC  = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                    zysl += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "A+")
                        qtyA += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "A等")
                        qtyAd += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "CA等")
                        qtyCa += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "B甲")
                        qtyBJ += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "B等")
                        qtyB += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "C等")
                        qtyC += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "补釉")
                        qtyBu += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlLevels"].ToString() == "废品")
                        qtyFp += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PlQty"].ToString()));
                    //pssl += Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FPSSL"].ToString()));

                lblzysl.Text = String.Format("{0} ", zysl);  //碰损数量: {1}
                lblA.Text    = String.Format("{0} ", qtyA);  //A+: {1}
                lblAd.Text   = String.Format("{0} ", qtyAd); //A等: {1}
                lblCa.Text   = String.Format("{0} ", qtyCa); //CA: {1}
                lblBJ.Text   = String.Format("{0} ", qtyBJ); //B甲: {1}
                lblB.Text    = String.Format("{0} ", qtyB);  //B: {1}
                lblC.Text    = String.Format("{0} ", qtyC);  //B: {1}
                lblBu.Text   = String.Format("{0} ", qtyBu); //补釉: {1}
                lblFp.Text   = String.Format("{0} ", qtyFp); //废品: {1}
                supergrid.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;
                lblzysl.Text = "";
Пример #9
        private void FreshJch()
            //string tosql = "select * , case when (cksl + pssl)=0 then 0 else convert(numeric(18,4),convert(numeric(18,4),pssl)/convert(numeric(18,4),(cksl + pssl))) end as psl from ({0}) as a ";
            string sql = "select b.warename ,a.FDate,FGoodsName  , case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else 0 end as rksl,  FPssl as pssl,case when FType = 1 then FHGSL else 0 end as CKSL ," +
                         "case when (FHGSL + FPSSL)=0 then 0 else convert(numeric(18,4),convert(numeric(18,4),FPSSL)/convert(numeric(18,4),(FHGSL + FPSSL))) end as psl," +
                         " sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else -(FHGSL+FPSSL) end) over(partition by a.FGOODSNAME ORDER BY A.ID) as JCSL " +
                         "from WareInOut a  " +
                         " left join tb_warehouse b on a.FWareID = b.wareid  " +
                         " where 1= 1  ";

            /* if (date.Text.Trim() != "" && enddate.Text.Trim() == "")
             * {
             *   sql = "select b.warename ,FGoodsName , " +
             *                " (select sum(case when FType = 0 then ISNULL(FHGSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as rksl, (select sum(case when FType = 1 then ISNULL(FPSSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName    and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as pssl, (select sum(case when FType = 1 then ISNULL(FHGSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName   and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as CKSL ," +
             *                "  sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else -(FHGSL + FPSSL) end) as JCSL" +
             *                " from WareInOut a " +
             *                " left join tb_warehouse b on a.FWareID = b.wareid " +
             *                " where 1= 1 ";
             *   sql += string.Format(" and FDate <= '{0}'",date.Text.Trim());
             *   sql = string.Format(sql, date.Value);
             * }
             * if (date.Text.Trim() == "" && enddate.Text.Trim() != "")
             * {
             *   sql = "select b.warename ,FGoodsName , " +
             *               " (select sum(case when FType = 0 then ISNULL(FHGSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as rksl, (select sum(case when FType = 1 then ISNULL(FPSSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName   and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as pssl, (select sum(case when FType = 1 then ISNULL(FHGSL,0) else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName   and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as CKSL ,"+
             *               " sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else -(FHGSL + FPSSL) end) as JCSL" +
             *               " from WareInOut a " +
             *               " left join tb_warehouse b on a.FWareID = b.wareid " +
             *               " where 1= 1 ";
             *   sql += string.Format(" and FDate <= '{0}'", date.Text.Trim());
             *   sql = string.Format(sql, enddate.Value, "(select sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else 0 end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName  and FDate ='" + date.Text.Trim() + "') as rksl");
             * }
             * if (date.Text.Trim() != "" && enddate.Text.Trim() != "")
             * {
             *   sql = "select b.warename ,FGoodsName  ," +
             *                " sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else 0 end) as rksl, sum(fpssl) as pssl,sum(case when FType = 1 then FHGSL else 0 end) as CKSL ,(select sum(case when FType = 0 then FHGSL else -(FHGSL + FPSSL) end) from WareInOut where FWareID=a.FWareID and FGoodsName = a.FGoodsName   and FDate<='{1}') as  JCSL" +
             *                " from WareInOut a " +
             *                " left join tb_warehouse b on a.FWareID = b.wareid " +
             *                " where 1= 1 ";
             *   sql += " and FDate >= '" + date.Text.Trim() + "' and FDate <= '" + enddate.Text.Trim() + "'";
             *   sql = string.Format(sql, date.Value,enddate.Value);
             * }
             * */
            if (date.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and FDate >= '" + date.Text.Trim() + "' ";
            if (enddate.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += "and FDate <= '" + enddate.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (tbgoodsname.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += " and a.FGoodsname = '" + tbgoodsname.Text.Trim() + "'";
            if (cbwarehouse.Text.Trim() != "")
                sql += " and a.FWareID = '" + cbwarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'";
            //sql += " group by a.FWareID, b.warename,FGoodsname ";
            //sql = string.Format(sql, date.Value.AddDays(-1), date.Value);
            //tosql = string.Format(tosql, sql);
            ds = dbl.GetDataset(sql, "WareInOut");
            if (ds != null)
                dataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                context    = dataSource;//((DataSet)dataSource).Tables[0];
                //dataMember = ((DataTable)dataSource).DefaultView;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = ds;
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataMember = "WareInOut";
                superGridControl1.PrimaryGrid.DataSource = null;