Пример #1
        private void XoaCauHoiHoiVaCauTraLoi(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Nếu trái it nhất phải = 1
            if (_lstTablePanelCauHoi.Count == 1)
                UICommon.ShowMsgWarningString("Số câu hỏi con không được nhỏ hơn 1 \nBạn không thể xóa!");

            if (UICommon.ShowMsgQuestionString("Bạn có chắc muốn xóa câu hỏi này không ?") != DialogResult.Yes)

            SimpleButton     button         = sender as SimpleButton;
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelCauHoi = button.Parent as TableLayoutPanel;
            EditorControl    txtCauHoi      = tblPanelCauHoi.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungCauHoi] as EditorControl;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain.GetRow(tblPanelCauHoi);

            //get id cau hoi bi xoa
            int idEx = Convert.ToInt32(button.Tag);

            //neu khac 0 la cau hoi da ton tai, can xoa
            var cauHoi = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IDEx == idEx);

            if (cauHoi != null && cauHoi.Id > 0)

            //remove old controls
            foreach (Control ctrl in tblPanelCauHoi.Controls)


            //decrease row index of panels down 2
            //rename panel
            for (int i = rowIndex + 2; i < tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Count; i = i + 2)
                tblPanelCauHoi = tblPanelMain.Controls[_nameTablePanelCauHoi + i] as TableLayoutPanel;

                if (tblPanelCauHoi != null)
                    tblPanelMain.SetRow(tblPanelCauHoi, i - 2);
                    tblPanelCauHoi.Name = _nameTablePanelCauHoi + (i - 2);

            //remove 2 last rows
            tblPanelMain.RowStyles.RemoveAt(tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Count - 2);
            tblPanelMain.RowStyles.RemoveAt(tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Count - 2);

            // Reset text

Пример #2
        private void ThemCauTraLoiPhai(EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = null)
            //add more 2 new rows
            tblPanelMain2.RowCount += 2;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 63F));

            tblPanelMain2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0));

            // Đáp án gây nhiễu sẽ tính từ a,b,c,d
            Label lblCauHoi = new Label()
                Width = 40, Dock = DockStyle.Right, Name = _nameLableDapAn, Tag = 0, Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 11, FontStyle.Bold), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
            };                                                                                                                                                                                                       //Tag = 1 = true, Tag = 0 = false

            lblCauHoi.Text = (1 + _lstTablePanelCauTraLoi.Count).ToString();

            // Không đảo vị trí
            CheckBox chkKhongDao = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Không đảo", Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameCheckBox

            EditorControl txtCtrl = new EditorControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameTextNoiDungDapAn, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

            txtCtrl.Margin    = new Padding(2);
            txtCtrl.GotFocus += txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi_GotFocus;

            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelDapAnPhai = new TableLayoutPanel();

            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Name        = _nameTablePanelDapAn + rowIndex;
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnCount = 4;
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 102F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Controls.Add(lblCauHoi, 0, 0);
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Controls.Add(chkKhongDao, 3, 0);

            tblPanelMain2.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAnPhai, 0, rowIndex);
            //add panel to list

            if (cauTraLoi != null)
                // Load noi dung dap an
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cauTraLoi.NoiDung))
                    txtCtrl.Rtf = cauTraLoi.NoiDung;

                // Gán check không đảo
                chkKhongDao.Checked = cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao ?? false;
                if (cauTraLoi.IdEx > 0)
                    tblPanelDapAnPhai.Tag = cauTraLoi.IdEx;
                    txtCtrl.Tag           = cauTraLoi.IdEx;
Пример #3
        public int SaveCauHoiNew()
            EX_CauHoi chc = new EX_CauHoi();

                List <EX_CauHoi>    lstCauHoiCon = new List <EX_CauHoi>();
                List <EX_CauTraLoi> lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();
                foreach (var tblPanelCauHoi in _lstTablePanelCauHoi)
                    EditorControl txtCauHoi     = tblPanelCauHoi.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungCauHoi] as EditorControl;
                    CheckBox      chkKhongDaoCH = tblPanelCauHoi.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;
                    SimpleButton  button        = tblPanelCauHoi.Controls[_nameButtonXoa] as SimpleButton;
                    lstCauHoiCon.Add(new EX_CauHoi()
                        NoiDung = txtCauHoi.Rtf, IsKhongDao = chkKhongDaoCH.Checked, IDEx = (int)button.Tag

                    foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelCauTraLoi)
                        EditorControl txtDapAn       = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                        CheckBox      chkKhongDaoCTL = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(button.Tag) == Convert.ToInt32(txtDapAn.Tag))
                            lstCauTraLoi.Add(new EX_CauTraLoi()
                                NoiDung = txtDapAn.Rtf, IsDung = true, IsKhongDao = chkKhongDaoCTL.Checked, IdEx = (int)txtDapAn.Tag

                #region Save new câu hỏi

                chc.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;
                chc.NoiDung      = txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi.Rtf;
                chc.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                chc.IsCauHoiCha  = true;
                chc.NgayTao      = DateTime.Now;
                chc.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                // Danh sách câu hỏi
                foreach (var exCauHoi in lstCauHoiCon)
                    exCauHoi.IDCauHoiCha  = chc.Id;
                    exCauHoi.IDChuong     = chc.IDChuong;
                    exCauHoi.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                    exCauHoi.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                    exCauHoi.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                    exCauHoi.IsSuDung     = true;
                    exCauHoi.NgaySoan     = DateTime.Now;

                    // Add câu trả lời tương ứng với câu hỏi
                    foreach (var exCauTraLoi in lstCauTraLoi)
                        if (exCauTraLoi.IdEx == exCauHoi.IDEx)
                            exCauTraLoi.IDCauHoi = (int)exCauHoi.Id;

            catch (Exception)

            return(_cauHoiBll.UpdateCauHoi(chc.Id, chc));
Пример #4
        public int SaveUpdateCauHoi()
                #region Update câu hỏi cha

                //cap nhat noi dung cau hoi
                if (CauHoiCurent == null)
                CauHoiCurent.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;
                CauHoiCurent.NoiDung      = txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi.Rtf;
                CauHoiCurent.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                CauHoiCurent.IsCauHoiCha  = true;
                CauHoiCurent.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;


                #region Update câu hỏi con và đáp án

                List <EX_CauHoi>    lstCauHoi    = new List <EX_CauHoi>();
                List <EX_CauTraLoi> lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();

                foreach (var tblPanelCauHoi in _lstTablePanelCauHoi)
                    SimpleButton  btnXoa        = tblPanelCauHoi.Controls[_nameButtonXoa] as SimpleButton;
                    EditorControl txtCauHoi     = tblPanelCauHoi.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungCauHoi] as EditorControl;
                    CheckBox      chkKhongDaoCH = tblPanelCauHoi.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;

                    EX_CauHoi cauHoi = new EX_CauHoi();
                    cauHoi.IDCauHoiCha  = CauHoiCurent.Id;
                    cauHoi.IDEx         = Convert.ToInt32(btnXoa.Tag);
                    cauHoi.NoiDung      = txtCauHoi.Rtf;
                    cauHoi.IsKhongDao   = chkKhongDaoCH.Checked;
                    cauHoi.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                    cauHoi.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                    cauHoi.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;

                    foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelCauTraLoi)
                        EditorControl txtDapAn       = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                        CheckBox      chkKhongDaoCTL = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;

                        if (Convert.ToInt32(txtDapAn.Tag) == Convert.ToInt32(btnXoa.Tag))
                            EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = new EX_CauTraLoi();
                            cauTraLoi.IDCauHoi   = cauHoi.IDEx;
                            cauTraLoi.IdEx       = cauHoi.IDEx;
                            cauTraLoi.NoiDung    = txtDapAn.Rtf;
                            cauTraLoi.IsDung     = true;
                            cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao = chkKhongDaoCTL.Checked;

                // Cập nhật câu trả lời
                foreach (var exCauHoi in lstCauHoi)
                    var cauHoi = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == exCauHoi.IDEx);
                    if (cauHoi == null)
                        cauHoi = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IDEx == exCauHoi.IDEx);
                    if (cauHoi != null)
                        cauHoi.DoKho        = exCauHoi.DoKho;
                        cauHoi.NoiDung      = exCauHoi.NoiDung;
                        cauHoi.IDChuong     = exCauHoi.IDChuong;
                        cauHoi.IsKhongDao   = exCauHoi.IsKhongDao;
                        cauHoi.IDCauHoiCha  = exCauHoi.IDCauHoiCha;
                        cauHoi.IDLoaiCauHoi = exCauHoi.IDLoaiCauHoi;

                        foreach (var exCauTraLoi in lstCauTraLoi)
                            if (exCauTraLoi.IdEx == exCauHoi.IDEx)
                                var cauTraLoi = cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IDCauHoi == exCauTraLoi.IdEx);
                                if (cauTraLoi == null)
                                    cauTraLoi = cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IdEx == exCauTraLoi.IdEx);

                                if (cauTraLoi != null)
                                    cauTraLoi.NoiDung    = exCauTraLoi.NoiDung;
                                    cauTraLoi.IsDung     = exCauTraLoi.IsDung;
                                    cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao = exCauTraLoi.IsKhongDao;

                // Xoa cau hoi
                foreach (int idCauHoiBiXoa in ListIdCauHoiBiXoa)
                    var cauHoiDel = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == idCauHoiBiXoa);
                    if (cauHoiDel != null)
                        cauHoiDel.IsDeleted = true;
                        var cauTraLoiDel = cauHoiDel.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (cauTraLoiDel != null)
                            cauTraLoiDel.IsDeleted = true;


                IsChanged = false;
            catch (Exception)

            return(_cauHoiBll.UpdateCauHoi(CauHoiCurent.Id, CauHoiCurent));
        private void ThemCauTraLoiGayNhieu(EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = null)
            //add more 2 new rows
            tblPanelMain2.RowCount += 2;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 63F));

            tblPanelMain2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0));

            // Đáp án gây nhiễu sẽ tính từ a,b,c,d
            Label lblCauHoi = new Label()
                Width = 40, Dock = DockStyle.Right, Name = _nameLabelDapAn, Tag = 0, Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 11, FontStyle.Bold), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
            };                                                                                                                                                                                                       //Tag = 1 = true, Tag = 0 = false

            lblCauHoi.Text = Convert.ToChar(65 + _lstTablePanelGayNhieu.Count).ToString();

            // Xóa câu trả lời
            var btnXoa = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnXoa.ImageOptions.Image = global::SimpleTest.Properties.Resources.tsbDelete;
            btnXoa.ImageOptions.ImageToTextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageAlignToText.LeftCenter;
            btnXoa.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
            btnXoa.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnXoa.Name    = _nameButtonXoa;
            btnXoa.Text    = "";
            btnXoa.Width   = 40;
            btnXoa.ToolTip = "Xóa câu trả lời gây nhiễu";
            btnXoa.Click  += new EventHandler(XoaCauTraLoiGayNhieu);

            EditorControl txtCtrl = new EditorControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameTextNoiDungDapAn, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle, Margin = new Padding(2)

            txtCtrl.GotFocus += TxtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi_GotFocus;

            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu = new TableLayoutPanel();

            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Name        = _nameTablePanelDapAn + rowIndex;
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.ColumnCount = 3;
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Controls.Add(lblCauHoi, 0, 0);
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Controls.Add(btnXoa, 2, 0);

            tblPanelMain2.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu, 0, rowIndex);
            //add panel to list

            if (cauTraLoi != null)
                // Load noi dung dap an
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cauTraLoi.NoiDung))
                    txtCtrl.Rtf = cauTraLoi.NoiDung;

                // Gán id câu trả lời
                btnXoa.Tag = cauTraLoi.Id;
                tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Tag = cauTraLoi.IdEx;
            CurrentControl = txtCtrl;
        private bool SaveNewCauHoiTemp(long idCauHoiEx)
            var lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();

            //Cau tra loi dau tien
            if (_lstTablePanelCauHoi.Count == 0)
            var           tblPanelDapAn = _lstTablePanelCauHoi.FirstOrDefault();
            EditorControl txtDapAn      = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
            Label         btnDapAn      = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameLabelDapAn] as Label;

            lstCauTraLoi.Add(new EX_CauTraLoi()
                NoiDung = txtDapAn.Rtf, IsDung = true, IsKhongDao = true

            foreach (var tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu in _lstTablePanelGayNhieu)
                EditorControl txtDapAnGayNhieu = tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                Label         btnDapAnGayNhieu = tblPanelDapAnGayNhieu.Controls[_nameLabelDapAn] as Label;
                lstCauTraLoi.Add(new EX_CauTraLoi()
                    NoiDung = txtDapAnGayNhieu.Rtf, IsDung = false, IsKhongDao = true

            #region Save new câu hỏi
            //Cau hoi cha
            EX_CauHoi cauHoiCha = new EX_CauHoi();
            cauHoiCha.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;
            cauHoiCha.NoiDung      = txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi.Rtf;
            cauHoiCha.IDLoaiCauHoi = (int)LoaiCauHoi.CauHoiDienKhuyet;

            EX_CauHoi cauHoi = ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IDEx == IdCauHoiCurent);
            cauHoi.IDChuong = IdDanhMuc;
            cauHoi.DoKho    = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
            cauHoi.IsSuDung = true;
            cauHoi.NgaySoan = DateTime.Now;

            // Danh sách câu trả lời
            int i = 1;
            cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.OrderBy(m => m.IdEx).ToList();
            cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.ForEach(m => { m.IdEx = i++; });
            i = 1;
            foreach (var esCauTraLoi in lstCauTraLoi)
                if (cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.Any(m => m.IdEx == i))
                    var cauTraLoi = cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IdEx == i);
                    cauTraLoi.IdEx       = i;
                    cauTraLoi.NoiDung    = esCauTraLoi.NoiDung;
                    cauTraLoi.IsDung     = esCauTraLoi.IsDung;
                    cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao = esCauTraLoi.IsKhongDao;
                    esCauTraLoi.IDCauHoi = cauHoi.IDEx;
                    esCauTraLoi.IdEx     = i;

            // Xoa cau tra loi
            foreach (int idCauTraLoiBiXoa in ListIdCauHoiBiXoa)
                if (idCauTraLoiBiXoa != 0)
                    var cauTraLoiBiXoa = cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == idCauTraLoiBiXoa);

Пример #7
        private bool SaveNewCauHoiTemp(long idCauHoiEx)
            var lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();

            foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelDapAn)
                EditorControl txtDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                SimpleButton  btnDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameButtonDapAn] as SimpleButton;
                CheckBox      chkKhongDao = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;
                lstCauTraLoi.Add(new EX_CauTraLoi()
                    NoiDung = txtDapAn.Rtf, IsDung = Convert.ToBoolean(btnDapAn.Tag), IsKhongDao = chkKhongDao.Checked

            #region Save new câu hỏi
            //Cau hoi cha
            if (ListCauHoi == null)
            EX_CauHoi cauHoi = ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IDEx == IdCauHoiCurent);
            cauHoi.IDChuong   = IdDanhMuc;
            cauHoi.DoKho      = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
            cauHoi.NoiDung    = txtNoiDungCauHoiCon.Rtf;
            cauHoi.IsSuDung   = true;
            cauHoi.IsKhongDao = ckbKhongDaoCauHoi.Checked;
            cauHoi.NgaySoan   = DateTime.Now;

            // Danh sách câu trả lời
            int i = 1;
            cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.OrderBy(m => m.IdEx).ToList();
            cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.ForEach(m => { m.IdEx = i++; });
            i = 1;
            foreach (var esCauTraLoi in lstCauTraLoi)
                if (cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.Any(m => m.IdEx == i))
                    var cauTraLoi = cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IdEx == i);
                    cauTraLoi.NoiDung    = esCauTraLoi.NoiDung;
                    cauTraLoi.IsDung     = esCauTraLoi.IsDung;
                    cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao = esCauTraLoi.IsKhongDao;
                    esCauTraLoi.IDCauHoi = cauHoi.IDEx;
                    esCauTraLoi.IdEx     = i;

            // Xoa cau tra loi
            foreach (int idCauTraLoiBiXoa in ListIdCauHoiBiXoa)
                var cauTraLoiBiXoa = cauHoi.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == idCauTraLoiBiXoa);

Пример #8
        public bool SaveUpdateCauHoi()
                #region Update cau hoi

                //cap nhat noi dung cau hoi
                EX_CauHoi ch = _business.GetById(IdCauHoiCurent);
                if (ch == null)
                ch.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                ch.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;
                ch.NoiDung      = txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi.Rtf;
                ch.IsKhongDao   = ckbKhongDaoCauHoi.Checked;
                ch.TieuDeVeTrai = txtTieuDeVeTrai.Text.Trim();
                ch.TieuDeVePhai = txtTieuDeVePhai.Text.Trim();
                ch.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                //save lai
                _business.UpdateCauHoi(IdCauHoiCurent, ch);


                #region update dap an

                List <EX_CauTraLoi> lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();
                foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelDapAnTrai)
                    SimpleButton  btnXoa      = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameButtonXoa] as SimpleButton;
                    EditorControl txtDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                    CheckBox      chkKhongDao = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;

                    EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = new EX_CauTraLoi();
                    cauTraLoi.IDCauHoi   = ch.Id;
                    cauTraLoi.IdEx       = Convert.ToInt32(btnXoa.Tag);
                    cauTraLoi.NoiDung    = txtDapAn.Rtf;
                    cauTraLoi.IsDung     = false;
                    cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao = chkKhongDao.Checked;
                    cauTraLoi.IsVeTrai   = true;

                foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelDapAnPhai)
                    SimpleButton  btnXoa      = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameButtonXoa] as SimpleButton;
                    EditorControl txtDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                    CheckBox      chkKhongDao = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;

                    EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = new EX_CauTraLoi();
                    cauTraLoi.IDCauHoi   = ch.Id;
                    cauTraLoi.IdEx       = Convert.ToInt32(btnXoa.Tag);
                    cauTraLoi.NoiDung    = txtDapAn.Rtf;
                    cauTraLoi.IsDung     = false;
                    cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao = chkKhongDao.Checked;
                    cauTraLoi.IsVeTrai   = false;

                // Cập nhật câu trả lời
                foreach (var esCauTraLoi in lstCauTraLoi)
                    if (esCauTraLoi.IdEx == 0)
                        _business.UpdateCauTraLoi(esCauTraLoi.IdEx, esCauTraLoi);

                // Xoa cau tra loi
                foreach (int IdCauTraLoiBiXoa in ListIdCauHoiBiXoa)


                IsChanged = false;
            catch (Exception)

        public bool SaveCauHoiNew()
                //get body
                string noiDungCauHoiEx           = txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi.Rtf;
                List <EX_CauTraLoi> lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();
                string noiDungCauTraLoiEx        = "";

                foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelDapAn)
                    EditorControl txtDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                    SimpleButton  btnDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameButtonDapAn] as SimpleButton;
                    CheckBox      chkKhongDao = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;
                    //get body
                    noiDungCauTraLoiEx = txtDapAn.Rtf;
                    lstCauTraLoi.Add(new EX_CauTraLoi()
                        NoiDung    = noiDungCauTraLoiEx,
                        IsDung     = Convert.ToBoolean(btnDapAn.Tag),
                        IsKhongDao = chkKhongDao.Checked

                #region Kiểm tra trùng câu hỏi

                // Kiểm tra trùng đáp án
                if (lstCauTraLoi.GroupBy(o => o.NoiDung).ToList().Count < _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count &&
                    UICommon.ShowMsgQuestionString("Tồn tại đáp án trùng nhau. Bạn có muốn tiếp tục lưu không?") == DialogResult.No)


                #region Save new câu hỏi

                EX_CauHoi ch = new EX_CauHoi();
                ch.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;
                ch.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                ch.NoiDung      = noiDungCauHoiEx;
                ch.IsSuDung     = true;
                ch.IsKhongDao   = ckbKhongDaoCauHoi.Checked;
                ch.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                ch.NgaySoan     = DateTime.Now;

                // Danh sách câu trả lời
                foreach (var esCauTraLoi in lstCauTraLoi)
                    esCauTraLoi.IDCauHoi = ch.Id;


                IsChanged = false;
            catch (Exception ex)

Пример #10
        private void ThemCauTraLoi(EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = null)
            //add more 2 new rows
            tblPanelMain.RowCount += 2;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 63F));

            tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0));

            //Câu trả lời
            Label lblDapAn = new Label()
                Width = 90, Dock = DockStyle.Left, Name = _nameLableDapAn, Tag = 0, Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 11, FontStyle.Bold), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
            };                                                                                                                                                                                                   //Tag = 1 = true, Tag = 0 = false

            lblDapAn.Text = "Đáp án " + Convert.ToChar(65 + _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count).ToString();

            // Đáp án đúng
            SimpleButton btnDapAn = new SimpleButton()
                Width = 40, Dock = DockStyle.Right, Name = _nameButtonDapAn, Tag = 0, Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 11, FontStyle.Bold)
            };                                                                                                                                                                          //Tag = 1 = true, Tag = 0 = false

            btnDapAn.Text   = "";
            btnDapAn.Image  = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.uncheck));
            btnDapAn.Click += new EventHandler(btnDapAn_Click);

            // Xóa câu trả lời
            var btnXoa = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnXoa.ImageOptions.Image = global::SimpleTest.Properties.Resources.tsbDelete;
            btnXoa.ImageOptions.ImageToTextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageAlignToText.LeftCenter;
            btnXoa.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
            btnXoa.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnXoa.Name    = _nameButtonXoa;
            btnXoa.Text    = "";
            btnXoa.Width   = 40;
            btnXoa.ToolTip = "Xóa câu trả lời";
            btnXoa.Click  += new EventHandler(XoaCauTraLoi);

            // Không đảo vị trí
            CheckBox chkKhongDao = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Không đảo", Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameCheckBox

            EditorControl txtCtrl = new EditorControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameTextNoiDungDapAn, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

            txtCtrl.Margin    = new Padding(2);
            txtCtrl.GotFocus += txtNoiDungCauHoiCha_GotFocus;

            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelDapAn = new TableLayoutPanel();

            tblPanelDapAn.Name        = _nameTablePanelDapAn + rowIndex;
            tblPanelDapAn.Tag         = _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count + 1;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnCount = 5;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 90F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 102F));
            tblPanelDapAn.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelDapAn.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(lblDapAn, 0, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(btnDapAn, 2, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(btnXoa, 3, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(chkKhongDao, 4, 0);

            tblPanelMain.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAn, 0, rowIndex);
            //add panel to list

            if (cauTraLoi != null)
                tblPanelDapAn.Tag = cauTraLoi.IdEx;
                // Tô màu đáp án đúng
                if (cauTraLoi.IsDung ?? false)
                    btnDapAn.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.check));
                    btnDapAn.Tag   = 1;

                // Load noi dung dap an
                txtCtrl.Rtf = cauTraLoi.NoiDung;

                // Gán id câu trả lời
                btnXoa.Tag = cauTraLoi.Id;

                // Gán check không đảo
                chkKhongDao.Checked = cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao ?? false;
Пример #11
        private void ThemCauTraLoi(EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = null)
            //add more 2 new rows
            tblPanelMain.RowCount += 2;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 83F));

            tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0));

            // Đáp án đúng
            var text     = Convert.ToChar(65 + _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count).ToString();
            var btnDapAn = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnDapAn.Appearance.Font            = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 11F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            btnDapAn.Appearance.Options.UseFont = true;
            btnDapAn.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right;
            btnDapAn.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnDapAn.Name    = _nameButtonDapAn;
            btnDapAn.Text    = text;
            btnDapAn.Tag     = 0;
            btnDapAn.ToolTip = "Đáp án " + text;
            btnDapAn.Click  += new EventHandler(btnDapAn_Click);

            // Xóa câu trả lời
            var btnXoa = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnXoa.ImageOptions.Image = global::SimpleTest.Properties.Resources.tsbDelete;
            btnXoa.ImageOptions.ImageToTextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageAlignToText.LeftCenter;
            btnXoa.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
            btnXoa.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnXoa.Name    = _nameButtonXoa;
            btnXoa.Text    = "";
            btnXoa.Tag     = 0;
            btnXoa.Width   = 40;
            btnXoa.ToolTip = "Xóa câu trả lời";
            btnXoa.Click  += new EventHandler(XoaCauTraLoi);

            // Không đảo vị trí
            CheckBox chkKhongDao = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Không đảo", Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameCheckBox

            #region CauTraLoi

            var txtCtrl = new EditorControl();
            txtCtrl.Dock        = DockStyle.Fill;
            txtCtrl.Location    = new Point(0, 0);
            txtCtrl.Name        = _nameTextNoiDungDapAn;
            txtCtrl.Size        = new Size(886, 127);
            txtCtrl.TabIndex    = 0;
            txtCtrl.Margin      = new Padding(2);
            txtCtrl.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            txtCtrl.GotFocus   += TxtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi_GotFocus;


            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelDapAn = new TableLayoutPanel();
            tblPanelDapAn.Name        = _nameTablePanelDapAn + rowIndex;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnCount = 4;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 102F));
            tblPanelDapAn.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelDapAn.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(btnDapAn, 0, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(btnXoa, 2, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(chkKhongDao, 3, 0);

            tblPanelMain.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAn, 0, rowIndex);
            //add panel to list

            if (cauTraLoi != null)
                // Tô màu đáp án đúng
                if (cauTraLoi.IsDung ?? false)
                    btnDapAn.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    btnDapAn.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    btnDapAn.Font      = new Font(btnDapAn.Font.FontFamily, 11F, FontStyle.Bold);
                    btnDapAn.Tag       = 1;

                // Load noi dung dap an
                txtCtrl.Rtf = cauTraLoi.NoiDung;

                // Gán id câu trả lời
                btnXoa.Tag = cauTraLoi.Id;

                // Gán check không đảo
                chkKhongDao.Checked = cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao ?? false;

Пример #12
        public bool SaveUpdateCauHoi()
                #region Update cau hoi

                //cap nhat noi dung cau hoi
                EX_CauHoi ch = _business.GetById(IdCauHoiCurent);
                if (ch == null)

                //get body
                ch.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                ch.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;
                ch.NoiDung      = txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi.Rtf;
                ch.IsKhongDao   = ckbKhongDaoCauHoi.Checked;
                ch.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                ch.IsSuDung     = true;

                //save lai
                _business.UpdateCauHoi(IdCauHoiCurent, ch);


                #region update dap an

                List <EX_CauTraLoi> lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();
                foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelDapAn)
                    SimpleButton  btnXoa      = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameButtonXoa] as SimpleButton;
                    EditorControl txtDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungDapAn] as EditorControl;
                    SimpleButton  btnDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameButtonDapAn] as SimpleButton;
                    CheckBox      chkKhongDao = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;
                    EX_CauTraLoi  cauTraLoi   = new EX_CauTraLoi();
                    cauTraLoi.IDCauHoi   = ch.Id;
                    cauTraLoi.IdEx       = Convert.ToInt32(btnXoa.Tag);
                    cauTraLoi.NoiDung    = txtDapAn.Rtf;
                    cauTraLoi.IsDung     = Convert.ToBoolean(btnDapAn.Tag);
                    cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao = chkKhongDao.Checked;


                #region Kiểm tra trùng câu hỏi

                // Kiểm tra trùng đáp án
                if (lstCauTraLoi.GroupBy(o => o.NoiDung).ToList().Count < _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count &&
                    UICommon.ShowMsgQuestionString("Tồn tại đáp án trùng nhau. Bạn có muốn tiếp tục lưu không?") == DialogResult.No)


                // Cập nhật câu trả lời
                foreach (var esCauTraLoi in lstCauTraLoi)
                    if (esCauTraLoi.IdEx == 0)
                        _business.UpdateCauTraLoi(esCauTraLoi.IdEx, esCauTraLoi);

                // Xoa cau tra loi
                foreach (int IdCauTraLoiBiXoa in ListIdCauHoiBiXoa)


                IsChanged = false;
            catch (Exception)

Пример #13
        private void ThemCauTraLoiPhai(EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = null)
            //add more 2 new rows
            tblPanelMain2.RowCount += 2;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 63F));

            tblPanelMain2.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0));

            // Đáp án gây nhiễu sẽ tính từ a,b,c,d
            Label lblCauHoi = new Label()
                Width = 40, Dock = DockStyle.Right, Name = _nameLableDapAn, Tag = 0, Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 11, FontStyle.Bold), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
            };                                                                                                                                                                                                     //Tag = 1 = true, Tag = 0 = false

            lblCauHoi.Text = (_lstTablePanelDapAnPhai.Count + 1).ToString();

            // Xóa câu trả lời
            var btnXoa = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnXoa.ImageOptions.Image = global::SimpleTest.Properties.Resources.tsbDelete;
            btnXoa.ImageOptions.ImageToTextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageAlignToText.LeftCenter;
            btnXoa.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
            btnXoa.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnXoa.Name    = _nameButtonXoa;
            btnXoa.Text    = "";
            btnXoa.Width   = 40;
            btnXoa.ToolTip = "Xóa câu trả lời";
            btnXoa.Click  += new EventHandler(XoaCauTraLoiPhai);

            // Không đảo vị trí
            CheckBox chkKhongDao = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Không đảo", Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameCheckBox

            EditorControl txtCtrl = new EditorControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameTextNoiDungDapAn, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

            txtCtrl.Margin    = new Padding(2);
            txtCtrl.GotFocus += txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi_GotFocus;

            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelDapAnPhai = new TableLayoutPanel();

            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Name        = _nameTablePanelDapAn + rowIndex;
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnCount = 4;
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 102F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Controls.Add(lblCauHoi, 0, 0);
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Controls.Add(btnXoa, 2, 0);
            tblPanelDapAnPhai.Controls.Add(chkKhongDao, 3, 0);

            tblPanelMain2.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAnPhai, 0, rowIndex);
            //add panel to list

            if (cauTraLoi != null)
                // Load noi dung dap an
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cauTraLoi.NoiDung))
                    txtCtrl.Rtf = cauTraLoi.NoiDung;

                // Gán id câu trả lời
                btnXoa.Tag = cauTraLoi.Id;
                // Gán check không đảo
                chkKhongDao.Checked   = cauTraLoi.IsKhongDao ?? false;
                tblPanelDapAnPhai.Tag = cauTraLoi.IdEx;
Пример #14
        public int SaveUpdateCauHoi()
                #region Update câu hỏi cha

                if (CauHoiCurent == null)

                //get body
                CauHoiCurent.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;
                CauHoiCurent.NoiDung      = txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi.Rtf;
                CauHoiCurent.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                CauHoiCurent.IsCauHoiCha  = true;
                CauHoiCurent.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;


                #region Update câu hỏi con

                List <EX_CauHoi>    lstCauHoi    = new List <EX_CauHoi>();
                List <EX_CauTraLoi> lstCauTraLoi = new List <EX_CauTraLoi>();
                foreach (var tblPanelDapAn in _lstTablePanelCauHoi)
                    SimpleButton  btnXoa      = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameButtonXoa] as SimpleButton;
                    EditorControl txtDapAn    = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameTextNoiDungCauHoi] as EditorControl;
                    Label         lblCauHoi   = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameLableCauHoi] as Label;
                    CheckBox      chkKhongDao = tblPanelDapAn.Controls[_nameCheckBox] as CheckBox;
                    int           idEX        = Convert.ToInt32(btnXoa.Tag);

                    EX_CauHoi cauHoi = new EX_CauHoi();
                    cauHoi.IDCauHoiCha  = (int)CauHoiCurent.Id;
                    cauHoi.IDEx         = idEX;
                    cauHoi.NoiDung      = txtDapAn.Rtf;
                    cauHoi.IsKhongDao   = chkKhongDao.Checked;
                    cauHoi.DoKho        = IdMucDoNhanThuc;
                    cauHoi.IDLoaiCauHoi = IdLoaiCauHoi;
                    cauHoi.IDChuong     = IdDanhMuc;


                    // Tìm câu trả lời
                    var cauHoiTmp = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IDEx == idEX);
                    if (cauHoiTmp != null)

                // Cập nhật câu hỏi
                foreach (var exCauHoi in lstCauHoi)
                    var cauHoi = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == exCauHoi.IDEx);
                    if (cauHoi == null)
                        cauHoi = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IDEx == exCauHoi.IDEx);
                    if (cauHoi != null)
                        cauHoi.DoKho        = exCauHoi.DoKho;
                        cauHoi.NoiDung      = exCauHoi.NoiDung;
                        cauHoi.IDChuong     = exCauHoi.IDChuong;
                        cauHoi.IsKhongDao   = exCauHoi.IsKhongDao;
                        cauHoi.IDCauHoiCha  = exCauHoi.IDCauHoiCha;
                        cauHoi.IDLoaiCauHoi = exCauHoi.IDLoaiCauHoi;

                // Xoa cau hoi
                foreach (int IdCauHoiBiXoa in ListIdCauHoiBiXoa)
                    var cauHoiDel = CauHoiCurent.ListCauHoi.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == IdCauHoiBiXoa);
                    if (cauHoiDel != null)
                        cauHoiDel.IsDeleted = true;
                        var cauTraLoiDel = cauHoiDel.ListCauTraLoi.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (cauTraLoiDel != null)
                            cauTraLoiDel.IsDeleted = true;


                IsChanged = false;
            catch (Exception)

            return(_cauHoiBll.UpdateCauHoi(CauHoiCurent.Id, CauHoiCurent));
        private void ThemCauTraLoi(EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = null)
            //add more 2 new rows
            tblPanelMain.RowCount += 2;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 63F));

            tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0));

            // Đáp án đúng
            Label lblCauHoi = new Label()
                Width = 40, Dock = DockStyle.Right, Name = _nameLabelDapAn, Tag = 0, Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 11, FontStyle.Bold), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
            };                                                                                                                                                                                                       //Tag = 1 = true, Tag = 0 = false

            lblCauHoi.Text = (_isDienKhuyet ? ListCauHoi.Count : IdCauHoiCurent).ToString();

            // Xóa câu trả lời
            var btnXoa = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnXoa.ImageOptions.Image = global::SimpleTest.Properties.Resources.tsbDelete;
            btnXoa.ImageOptions.ImageToTextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageAlignToText.LeftCenter;
            btnXoa.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
            btnXoa.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnXoa.Name    = _nameButtonXoa;
            btnXoa.Text    = "";
            btnXoa.Width   = 40;
            btnXoa.ToolTip = "Xóa câu trả lời";
            btnXoa.Click  += new EventHandler(XoaCauTraLoi);

            EditorControl txtCtrl = new EditorControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameTextNoiDungDapAn, BackColor = Color.White, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle, ReadOnly = true, Margin = new Padding(2)

            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelDapAn = new TableLayoutPanel();

            tblPanelDapAn.Name        = _nameTablePanelDapAn + rowIndex;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnCount = 3;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelDapAn.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelDapAn.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(lblCauHoi, 0, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(btnXoa, 2, 0);

            tblPanelMain.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAn, 0, rowIndex);
            //add panel to list

            if (cauTraLoi != null)
                // Load noi dung dap an
                txtCtrl.Rtf = cauTraLoi.NoiDung;
                // Gán id câu trả lời
                btnXoa.Tag = cauTraLoi.Id;
            CurrentControl          = txtCtrl;
            CurrentControl.ReadOnly = true;
Пример #16
        private void ThemCauHoiCon(EX_CauHoi cauHoi = null)
            //add more 2 new rows
            tblPanelMain.RowCount += 2;
            int rowIndex = tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 83F));

            tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 0));

            // Đáp án đúng
            Label lblCauHoi = new Label()
                Width = 40, Dock = DockStyle.Right, Name = _nameLableCauHoi, Tag = 0, Font = new Font(this.Font.FontFamily, 11, FontStyle.Bold), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

            lblCauHoi.Text = (1 + _lstTablePanelCauHoi.Count).ToString();

            // Xóa câu trả lời
            var btnXoa = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnXoa.ImageOptions.Image = global::SimpleTest.Properties.Resources.tsbDelete;
            btnXoa.ImageOptions.ImageToTextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageAlignToText.LeftCenter;
            btnXoa.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
            btnXoa.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnXoa.Name    = _nameButtonXoa;
            btnXoa.Text    = "";
            btnXoa.Width   = 40;
            btnXoa.ToolTip = "Xóa câu trả lời";
            btnXoa.Click  += new EventHandler(XoaCauHoiCon);

            // Không đảo vị trí
            CheckBox chkKhongDao = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Không đảo", Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameCheckBox

            #region CauHoi

            var txtCtrl = new EditorControl();
            txtCtrl.Dock        = DockStyle.Fill;
            txtCtrl.Location    = new Point(0, 0);
            txtCtrl.Name        = _nameTextNoiDungCauHoi;
            txtCtrl.Size        = new Size(886, 127);
            txtCtrl.TabIndex    = 0;
            txtCtrl.Margin      = new Padding(2);
            txtCtrl.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            txtCtrl.GotFocus   += TxtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi_GotFocus;


            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelCauHoi = new TableLayoutPanel();
            tblPanelCauHoi.Name        = _nameTablePanelCauHoi + rowIndex;
            tblPanelCauHoi.ColumnCount = 4;
            tblPanelCauHoi.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelCauHoi.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelCauHoi.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelCauHoi.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 102F));
            tblPanelCauHoi.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelCauHoi.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelCauHoi.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelCauHoi.Controls.Add(lblCauHoi, 0, 0);
            tblPanelCauHoi.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelCauHoi.Controls.Add(btnXoa, 2, 0);
            tblPanelCauHoi.Controls.Add(chkKhongDao, 3, 0);

            tblPanelMain.Controls.Add(tblPanelCauHoi, 0, rowIndex);
            //add panel to list

            if (cauHoi != null)
                // Load noi dung dap an
                txtCtrl.Rtf = cauHoi.NoiDung;

                // Gán id câu trả lời
                if (cauHoi.Id > 0)
                    btnXoa.Tag = cauHoi.Id;
                    btnXoa.Tag = cauHoi.IDEx;

                // Gán check không đảo
                chkKhongDao.Checked = cauHoi.IsKhongDao ?? false;

Пример #17
        private void ThemCauTraLoi(EX_CauTraLoi cauTraLoi = null)
            int rowIndex = 0;

            if (_lstTablePanelDapAn.Count == 0 || _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count % 2 == 0)
                tblPanelMain.RowCount += 2;
                rowIndex = tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 65F));
                tblPanelMain.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 10));
                _rowInsert = rowIndex;

            // Đáp án đúng
            var text     = Convert.ToChar(65 + _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count).ToString();
            var btnDapAn = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnDapAn.Appearance.Font            = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 11F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            btnDapAn.Appearance.Options.UseFont = true;
            btnDapAn.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right;
            btnDapAn.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnDapAn.Name    = _nameButtonDapAn;
            btnDapAn.Text    = text;
            btnDapAn.Tag     = 0;
            btnDapAn.ToolTip = "Đáp án " + text;
            btnDapAn.Click  += new EventHandler(btnDapAn_Click);

            // Xóa câu trả lời
            var btnXoa = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton();

            btnXoa.ImageOptions.Image = global::SimpleTest.Properties.Resources.tsbDelete;
            btnXoa.ImageOptions.ImageToTextAlignment = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageAlignToText.LeftCenter;
            btnXoa.Dock    = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Left;
            btnXoa.Margin  = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2);
            btnXoa.Name    = _nameButtonXoa;
            btnXoa.Text    = "";
            btnXoa.Width   = 40;
            btnXoa.ToolTip = "Xóa câu trả lời";
            btnXoa.Click  += new EventHandler(XoaCauTraLoi);

            EditorControl txtCtrl = new EditorControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Name = _nameTextNoiDungDapAn, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

            txtCtrl.ReadOnly  = true;
            txtCtrl.BackColor = Color.White;
            txtCtrl.Margin    = new Padding(2);
            txtCtrl.GotFocus += txtCtrlNoiDungCauHoi_GotFocus;

            // Table panel
            TableLayoutPanel tblPanelDapAn = new TableLayoutPanel();

            tblPanelDapAn.Name        = _nameTablePanelDapAn + rowIndex;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnCount = 3;
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 42F));
            tblPanelDapAn.RowCount = 1;
            tblPanelDapAn.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblPanelDapAn.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(btnDapAn, 0, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(txtCtrl, 1, 0);
            tblPanelDapAn.Controls.Add(btnXoa, 2, 0);

            if ((_lstTablePanelDapAn.Count == 0 || _lstTablePanelDapAn.Count % 2 == 0))
                tblPanelMain.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAn, 0, _rowInsert);
                tblPanelMain.Controls.Add(tblPanelDapAn, 3, _rowInsert);
            _rowInsert = rowIndex == 0 ? _rowInsert : rowIndex;

            //add panel to list

            if (cauTraLoi != null)
                // Tô màu đáp án đúng
                if (cauTraLoi.IsDung ?? false)
                    btnDapAn.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    btnDapAn.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    btnDapAn.Font      = new Font(btnDapAn.Font.FontFamily, 11F, FontStyle.Bold);
                    btnDapAn.Tag       = 1;

                // Load noi dung dap an
                txtCtrl.Text = UICommon.ConvertRftToText(cauTraLoi.NoiDung);
            // Gán id câu trả lời
            txtCtrl.Tag  = cauTraLoi.IdEx;
            btnDapAn.Tag = cauTraLoi.IdEx;
            btnXoa.Tag   = cauTraLoi.IdEx;

            IsChanged = true;