/// <summary>基础信息录入 - 建筑信息(按区块为单位上传)</summary> public static void UploadBlockInfo(string block_id, string buildings_sinfo, Action <string> callback, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> failCallback = null) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_id"] = block_id; jclass["buildings_info"] = buildings_sinfo; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("block_details/update_detail", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { callback(resp.WwwText); } else { if (failCallback != null) { failCallback(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } else { Debug.LogError("ERROR: " + resp.Error + ", " + resp.WwwText); } } }); }
public JSONClass GetJsonStatus() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); jsonObj.Add("id", new JSONData(id)); if (mSocket != null) { var ip = mSocket.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; jsonObj.Add("ip", new JSONData(ip.ToString())); jsonObj.Add("Active", new JSONData("true")); jsonObj.Add("ReceivePackets", new JSONData(mReceivePacketCount)); jsonObj.Add("ReceivePacketsSize", new JSONData(mReceivePacketSizeCount)); jsonObj.Add("SendPackets", new JSONData(mSendPacketCount)); jsonObj.Add("SendPacketsSize", new JSONData(mSendPacketSizeCount)); jsonObj.Add("MsgQueueLength", new JSONData(msgBuffer.Count)); } else { jsonObj.Add("Active", new JSONData("false")); } sj.Add("Agent", jsonObj); return(sj); }
public void addGameVersion(string id) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("gameId", id); net.POST (url + "/" + id + "/versions" , System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new GameVersionCreatorListener ()); }
public void sendAction() { GetComponent<Animator>().Play("Click"); if (buttonType == FLOOR_BUTTON_TYPE.YES || buttonType == FLOOR_BUTTON_TYPE.NO) { GameObject.Find("Debug Text").GetComponent<Text>().text += "Setting Position \n"; HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri("http://run-west.att.io/d9576f027ee8f/6e9234f387c9/9c7023eee2b3b23/in/flow/action"), HTTPMethods.Put, actionSentCallback); JSONClass data = new JSONClass(); data["value"] = ((int)buttonType).ToString(); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); //request.AddHeader("X-M2X-KEY", "9fc7996ea7f03fccc6ef3978f2a4d012"); request.RawData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString()); request.Send(); } else { HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri("http://run-west.att.io/d9576f027ee8f/6e9234f387c9/9c7023eee2b3b23/in/flow/dlswitch"), HTTPMethods.Put, actionSentCallback); JSONClass data = new JSONClass(); data["value"] = (dlSwitch).ToString(); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); //request.AddHeader("X-M2X-KEY", "9fc7996ea7f03fccc6ef3978f2a4d012"); request.RawData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString()); request.Send(); } }
public void readHosts() { string path = Application.persistentDataPath; if (!path.EndsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } PlayerPrefs.Save(); //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); #if !(UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL) if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) { hostfile.Add("host", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("http://localhost:3000/api/proxy/gleaner/collector/")); hostfile.Add("trackingCode", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("asdasdasdasda")); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("host.cfg", hostfile.ToString()); } else { hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); } #endif PlayerPrefs.SetString("host", hostfile["host"]); PlayerPrefs.SetString("trackingCode", hostfile["trackingCode"]); PlayerPrefs.Save(); //End tracker data loading }
private void ConfirmConnectionOut(string id){ JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data["function"] = "Confirm"; data["id"] = id; udpSend.Send(data); }
static void ExportResource() { int StageNum = 1; string fileName = "Stage" + StageNum + ".json"; Transform tf = GameObject.Find("BlockRoot").transform; string seedString = "{\"blocks\":[]}"; JSONNode node = JSON.Parse(seedString); Transform[] arTF = tf.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(); for (int i = 1; i < arTF.Length; i++) { Transform subtf = arTF[i]; JSONClass subNode = new JSONClass(); subNode.Add("type", "Normal"); subNode.Add("posX", subtf.position.x + ""); subNode.Add("posY", subtf.position.y + ""); node["blocks"][-1] = subNode; } Debug.Log(node.ToString()); writeStringToFile(node.ToString(), fileName); }
public static void UpdateBuildingInfo(string _strBlockName, string _strNodeGUID, string _strJsData, Action <string> sCb, Action <string> fCb, SingleTargetType _sType = SingleTargetType.Building) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_name"] = _strBlockName; jclass["build_guid"] = _strNodeGUID; jclass["info"] = _strJsData; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); string strPort = "building_infos/upsert"; Debug.LogWarning("更新,发送的Js:\n" + _strJsData); Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("更新:地块ID:{0}\n建筑gID:{1}", _strBlockName, _strNodeGUID)); WWWManager.Instance.Post(strPort, strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(resp.ToString()); } else { Debug.LogError(string.Format("更新建筑基础信息:{0},失败:{1}", _strNodeGUID, resp.WwwText)); fCb(resp.WwwText); } }); }
public static void UploadStreet(string city_name, JSONNode city_info, Action <string> callback, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> failCallback = null) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = city_name; jclass["info"] = city_info.ToString(); string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("roads/new_road", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { callback(resp.WwwText); } else { if (failCallback != null) { failCallback(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } else { Debug.LogError("修改街道失败: " + resp.Error + ", " + resp.WwwText); } } }); }
public static void UploadCity(string city_id, string city_name, string prov_id, string isHot, string j_city_id, JSONNode birth_coordinate, Action <string> callback, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> failCallback = null) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = city_name; jclass["city"] = city_id; jclass["prov_id"] = prov_id; jclass["j_city_id"] = j_city_id; jclass["is_hotcity"] = isHot; if (birth_coordinate != null) { jclass["birth_coordinate"] = birth_coordinate.ToString(); } string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("cities/update_city", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { callback(resp.WwwText); } else { if (failCallback != null) { failCallback(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } else { Debug.LogError("ERROR: " + resp.Error + ", " + resp.WwwText); } } }); }
//JSON Format: /* { "session": { "id": "session1234", "player": "user123", "game": "game1", "version": "version 1.0" }, "play_events" : [ { "time": "2015-02-17T22:43:45-5:00", "event": "PowerUp.FireBall", "value": "1.0", "level": "1-1"}, { "time": "2015-02-17T22:45:45-5:00", "event": "PowerUp.Mushroom", "value": "2.0", "level": "1-1"} ] } */ public static string ToJSON(Gloggr_Report r) { JSONNode n = new JSONClass(); n.Add ("session", Gloggr_SessionHeader.ToJSONObject(r.session) ); JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); foreach(Gloggr_PlayEvent e in r.play_events) { a.Add(Gloggr_PlayEvent.ToJSONObject(e)); } n.Add ("play_events", a); return n.ToString(); // string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e, Formatting.Indented); // //from Gloggr_SessionHeader.ToJSON // //json = Gloggr_SessionHeader.FormatJSONKeys(json); // //from Gloggr_PlayEvent.ToJSON // //json = Gloggr_PlayEvent.FormatJSONKeys(json); // return json; }
public void OnException(Exception e) { ServiceAPI sp = AppConstant.GetServce(); JSONClass json = new JSONClass(); json.Add("userId",FB.UserId); json.Add("userName",AppConstant.GetUserName()); AppConstant.GetStorageService(sp).InsertJSONDocument(AppConstant.DBName, AppConstant.CollectionName,json,this); }
static JSONNode GenerateLaunchConfiguration(int port) { JSONNode N = new JSONClass(); N["version"] = "0.1.0"; N["configurations"][-1] = GenerateUnityConfiguration(port); return N; }
public void addGame(string title, bool ispublic) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("title", new JSONData (title)); json.Add ("public", new JSONData (ispublic)); net.POST (url, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new GameCreatorListener ()); }
public Dictionary<string, string> GetDictionary(JSONClass N) { Dictionary<string, string> d = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (string key in N.GetKeys()) { d.Add(key, N[key]); } return d; }
public void login(string user, string pass) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("username", new JSONData (this.user)); json.Add ("password", new JSONData (this.pass)); www = net.POST (baseurl + loginurl, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new LoginListener ()); }
public void ConnectToServerOut(){ JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data["function"] = "Connect"; data["id"] = id; udpSend.Send(data); }
public override string ToString() { JSONClass json = new JSONClass(); json["uri"] = Uri; json["complete_uri"] = CompleteUri; json["ticket_id"] = TicketId; json["upload_link_secure"] = UploadLinkSecure; return json; }
public static byte[] BuildMessageBytes_Move( string piece, int gbi ) { SimpleJSON.JSONClass moveObj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); moveObj.Add("gridBoxIndex", gbi); moveObj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); moveObj.Add("piece", piece); moveObj.Add("type", "move"); return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(moveObj.ToString()); }
public static byte[] BuildBytes_NewMatch() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "new_match"); byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
public static byte[] BuildMessageBytes_OppName() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "oppName"); byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
public Dictionary<string, float> GetDictionaryFloat(JSONClass N) { Dictionary<string, string> d = this.GetDictionary(N); Dictionary<string, float> df = new Dictionary<string, float>(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> keyValuePair in d){ df[keyValuePair.Key] = float.Parse(keyValuePair.Value); } return df; }
override public void OnMenuOpened() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece.GetComponent <UserEditableObject>().GetProperties(); if (N.GetKeys().Contains(LinkLevelPortalPipe.linkLevelKey)) { levelCodeText.text = N[LinkLevelPortalPipe.linkLevelKey][LinkLevelPortalPipe.portalDestinationKey].Value; levelNameText.text = N[LinkLevelPortalPipe.linkLevelKey][LinkLevelPortalPipe.portalNameKey].Value; } }
public void MoveOut(float x, float y){ JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data["function"] = "move"; data["id"] = id; data["x"].AsFloat = x; data["y"].AsFloat = y; udpSend.Send(data); }
void DisableRating() { JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data = JSON.Parse(EditorPrefs.GetString(keyName)); data["active"].AsBool = false; data["counter"].AsInt = 0; EditorPrefs.SetString(keyName, data.ToString()); this.Close(); }
public override JSONNode ToJSON(Tile tile) { JSONNode node = new JSONClass (); node ["x"].AsInt = tile.position.x; node ["y"].AsInt = tile.position.y; node ["type"] = GetType (); node ["name"] = name; node ["description"] = description; return node; }
public override JSONNode ToJSON(Tile tile) { JSONNode node = new JSONClass (); node ["x"].AsInt = tile.position.x; node ["y"].AsInt = tile.position.y; node ["type"] = GetType (); node ["text"] = tile.text; node ["color"] = Util.Color.ColorToHex(tile.color); return node; }
void UpdateAI(JSONClass packet) { Debug.Log("Received packet: " + packet.ToString()); xCoord = packet["x"].AsFloat; yCoord = packet["y"].AsFloat; angleFacing = packet["facing"].AsFloat; Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(xCoord, yCoord); transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)angleFacing, Vector3.forward); }
public static JSONNode ToJSONObject(Gloggr_SessionHeader e) { JSONNode n = new JSONClass(); n.Add ("id", new JSONData( e.gSessionID)); n.Add ("player", new JSONData(e.gPlayer)); n.Add ("game", new JSONData(e.gGameName)); n.Add ("version", new JSONData(e.gVersion)); return n; }
public static JSONNode ToJSONObject(Gloggr_PlayEvent e) { JSONNode n = new JSONClass(); n.Add ("time", new JSONData( e.gTime)); n.Add("event", new JSONData(e.gEvent)); n.Add("value", new JSONData(e.gValue)); n.Add("position", new JSONData(e.gPosition)); n.Add("level", new JSONData(e.gLevel)); return n; }
static JSONClass GenerateUnityConfiguration(int port) { JSONClass conf = new JSONClass(); conf["name"] = "Unity"; conf["type"] = "mono"; conf["address"] = "localhost"; conf["port"].AsInt = port; conf["sourceMaps"].AsBool = false; return conf; }
void LoadLevelData(JSONClass levelData) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> kv in levelData) { var coords = kv.Key; var tile = GameObject.Find(string.Format("({0})", coords)); var obj = kv.Value.Value; var prefab = registry.Get(obj); var go = Instantiate(prefab); go.transform.position = tile.transform.position; } }
static void Startup() { EditorApplication.update -= Startup; if (!EditorPrefs.HasKey(keyName)) { JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data["active"].AsBool = true; EditorPrefs.SetString(keyName, data.ToString()); } Count(); }
void took_damage(JSONClass packet) { baseClass.ClassStat.CurrentHp = packet["NewHP"].AsFloat; GameManager.instance.PlayerTookDamage(playerID, packet["NewHP"].AsFloat, baseClass.ClassStat); if (baseClass.ClassStat.CurrentHp <= 0.0f) { NetworkingManager.Unsubscribe(DataType.Player, playerID); GameData.PlayerPosition.Remove(playerID); Destroy(gameObject); } }
public string connectToDb() { //make sure all the paramter has something if (!System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(function) && !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && parameterList.Count > 0 && valueList.Count > 0) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); NameValueCollection formData = new NameValueCollection(); var sendJSON = new JSONClass(); //get the values to be sent to backend for (int i=0; i < parameterList.Count;i++) { string key = (string)parameterList[i]; sendJSON["info"][key] = (string)valueList[i]; } //send to backend sendJSON["function"] = this.function; formData["send"] = sendJSON.ToString(); byte[] responseBytes = webClient.UploadValues(this.url, "POST", formData); string responsefromserver = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes); Debug.Log(responsefromserver); //parse the return values var returnValue = JSONNode.Parse(responsefromserver); int error = Convert.ToInt32(returnValue["error"]); if (error != -1) { //if got error, parse it and return the appropriate error message string errorString = this.parseError(error); return errorString; } else { //if no error, return "SUCCESS NO RETURN" if only "TRUE" is returned by backend this.jsonReturn = returnValue["result"][0].ToString(); if (String.Compare(this.jsonReturn, "\"TRUE\"") == 0) { return "SUCCESS NO RETURN"; } else { return "SUCCESS"; } } //return ""; } return "you did not insert a function/parameter/value"; }
override public void SetObjectProperties() { // commented Debug.Log("setting obj properties for portal:"); if (levelCodeText.text.Length == 0 || levelNameText.text.Length == 0) { return; } base.SetObjectProperties(); SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); N[LinkLevelPortalPipe.linkLevelKey][LinkLevelPortalPipe.portalDestinationKey] = levelCodeText.text; N[LinkLevelPortalPipe.linkLevelKey][LinkLevelPortalPipe.portalNameKey] = levelNameText.text; LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece.GetComponent <UserEditableObject>().SetProperties(N); // commented Debug.Log("success, N:"+N.ToString()); }
public static Trigger LoadFromJson(JSONClass p_json) { try { TileType tile_type = TileType.LoadFromValue (Util.getValue<string> (p_json, "type")); ETileScope scope = Util.parseEnum<ETileScope> (Util.getValue<string> (p_json, "scope")); ETileWhen when = Util.parseEnum<ETileWhen> (Util.getValue<string> (p_json, "when")); Effect effect = new Effect (Util.parseEnum<ETileResource> (p_json ["effect"] ["resource"].Value), p_json ["effect"] ["value"].AsInt); return new Trigger (scope, when, tile_type, effect); } catch (ArgumentException) { Debug.LogError ("Error while trying to load trigger"); return null; } }
public void OnMenuOpened() { // // commented Debug.Log("setter opened"); SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece.GetComponent <UserEditableObject>().GetProperties(); if (N.GetKeys().Contains(PlaceableNPC.speechKey)) { // // commented Debug.Log("got n and st:"+N.ToString()); string s = Utils.FakeToRealQuotes(N[PlaceableNPC.speechKey].Value); // hm.. Some keys appear to be in Json LevelLoader also. speech.text = s; } else { } }
public override JSONClass getDataClass () { JSONClass jClass = new JSONClass (); for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) { string name = names [i]; jClass ["names"] [i] = name; } for (int i = 0; i < scores.Count; i++) { int score = scores [i]; jClass ["scores"] [i].AsInt = score; } return jClass; }
public override void setClassData(SimpleJSON.JSONClass jClass) { this.myData.setPalette(jClass); /* for (int i = 0; i < this.myData.percentages.Length; i++) { * Debug.Log (i + " % is " + this.myData.percentages [i]); * } */ /* int size = jClass ["colors"].Count; * * string[] hexArray = new string[size]; * * for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { * hexArray [i] = jClass ["colors"] [i]; * } * * myData.colors = JSONPersistor.getColorsArrayFromHex (hexArray); * * * size = jClass ["alphas"].Count; * * // if the size of the file is different than the standard size -> init() * if (myData.alphas.Length != size) { * myData.alphas = new float[size]; * } * * for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { * float alphaValue = jClass ["alphas"] [i].AsFloat; * myData.alphas [i] = alphaValue; * myData.colors [i].a = alphaValue; * } * * size = jClass ["percentages"].Count; * * // if the size of the file is different than the standard size -> init() * if (myData.percentages.Length != size) { * myData.percentages = new float[size]; * } * * for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { * myData.percentages [i] = jClass ["percentages"] [i].AsFloat; * } * * myData.totalWidth = jClass ["totalWidth"].AsFloat;*/ }
/// <summary> /// 保存到JSON文件 /// </summary> public void SaveWayPointMethod() { var pathes = wayPoint.GetComponentsInChildren <iTweenPath>(); var result = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); foreach (var p in pathes) { var obj = new JSONClass(); obj["name"] = p.name; var jarr = new JSONArray(); obj["nodes"] = jarr; var nodes = p.nodes; foreach (var n in nodes) { var varr = new JSONArray(); } } }
public override void SetObjectProperties() { if (speech.text.Length == 0) { return; } base.SetObjectProperties(); SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); N[PlayerNowMessageTrigger.textTriggerKey] = speech.text; // hm.. Some keys appear to be in JsonLevelLoader also. // // commented Debug.Log("props:"+props+" on:"+); if (LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece) { LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece.GetComponent <UserEditableObject>().SetProperties(N); } else { // // commented Debug.Log("whoops, tried to set object properties for speech without a current."); } }
public void Save() { var path = GetFilePath(); if (Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) { var simvaconf = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); simvaconf["study"] = Study; simvaconf["host"] = Host; simvaconf["protocol"] = Protocol; simvaconf["port"] = Port; simvaconf["sso"] = SSO; simvaconf["client_id"] = ClientId; simvaconf["url"] = URL; simvaconf["trace_storage"] = TraceStorage.ToString(); simvaconf["backup"] = Backup.ToString(); simvaconf["realtime"] = Realtime.ToString(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, simvaconf.ToJSON(4)); } }
/// <summary> /// Update City Information /// </summary> /// <param name="_strCityName"></param> /// <param name="_strJsData"></param> /// <param name="sCb"></param> /// <param name="fCb"></param> public static void UpdateCityInfo(string _strCityName, string _strJsData, Action sCb, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> fCb) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = _strCityName; jclass["block_file"] = _strJsData; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("cities/update_city", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(); } else { fCb(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 批量删除组件 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strNames">组件ID字符串</param> /// <param name="_cb"></param> public static void DeleteCompConfig(string _strNames, Action <bool, HttpResp> _cb) { // 转为json var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name_list"] = _strNames; WWWManager.Instance.Post("components/drop_by_list", jclass.ToString(), resp => { Debug.Log("删除结果返回:" + resp.WwwText); if (!HasRespError(resp)) { _cb(true, resp); } else { _cb(false, resp); } }); }
public override string ToString() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); jsonObj.Add("AgentCount", new JSONData(AgentCount)); var jsonArray = new JSONArray(); lock (agents) { foreach (var agent in agents) { jsonArray.Add("Agent", agent.Value.GetJsonStatus()); } } jsonObj.Add("Agents", jsonArray); sj.Add("AgentStatus", jsonObj); return(sj.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 保存组件配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strName"></param> /// <param name="_strInfo"></param> /// <param name="_cb"></param> public static void SaveCompConfig(string _strName, string _strInfo, Action <bool, HttpResp> _cb) { // 转为json var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = _strName; jclass["info"] = _strInfo; WWWManager.Instance.Post("components/set_info", jclass.ToString(), resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { _cb(true, resp); } else { _cb(false, resp); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 保存临时数据接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strName"></param> /// <param name="_strType"></param> /// <param name="_strInfo"></param> /// <param name="_cb"></param> public static void SaveTempData(string _strName, string _strType, string _strInfo, Action <bool, HttpResp> _cb) { // 转为json var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = _strName; jclass["type"] = _strType; jclass["info"] = _strInfo; WWWManager.Instance.Post("temp_buildings/set_info", jclass.ToString(), resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { _cb(true, resp); } else { _cb(false, resp); } }); }
//Save each object properties to a JSON file /* JSON format: * { * "ObjectN": { * "Position" : { * "x" : Double, * "y": Double, * "z" : Double * }, * "Rotation" : { * "x" : Double, * "y": Double, * "z" : Double * }, * "Scale" : { * "x" : Double, * "y": Double, * "z" : Double * }, * "Name" : String * } * } */ private void SaveSceneToFile(string mazeName, List <ObjectSet> mazeSet) { SimpleJSON.JSONNode mazeJSON = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); int i = 0; foreach (ObjectSet mazeObj in mazeSet) { //Debug.Log (mazeObj.name + " " + mazeObj.postion + " " + mazeObj.rotation + " " + mazeObj.scale); string objectName = "Object" + i; //JSON Format, creates the JSON format through the mazeJSON Node mazeJSON[objectName]["Position"]["x"].AsDouble = mazeObj.position.x; mazeJSON[objectName]["Position"]["y"].AsDouble = mazeObj.position.y; mazeJSON[objectName]["Position"]["z"].AsDouble = mazeObj.position.z; mazeJSON[objectName]["Rotation"]["x"].AsDouble = mazeObj.rotation.x; mazeJSON[objectName]["Rotation"]["y"].AsDouble = mazeObj.rotation.y; mazeJSON[objectName]["Rotation"]["z"].AsDouble = mazeObj.rotation.z; mazeJSON[objectName]["Scale"]["x"].AsDouble = mazeObj.scale.x; mazeJSON[objectName]["Scale"]["y"].AsDouble = mazeObj.scale.y; mazeJSON[objectName]["Scale"]["z"].AsDouble = mazeObj.scale.z; mazeJSON[objectName]["State"].AsInt = mazeObj.toggleState; mazeJSON[objectName]["Name"] = mazeObj.name; i++; } string fileDest = "Assets/Resources/Mazes/" + mazeName + ".txt"; File.WriteAllText(fileDest, mazeJSON.ToString()); //Writes the JSON file UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //Refresh the Editor, making changes immeadiate }
public void OnMenuOpened() { // // commented Debug.Log("setter opened"); SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = LevelBuilder.inst.currentPiece.GetComponent <UserEditableObject>().GetProperties(); if (N.GetKeys().Contains(PlayerNowMessageTrigger.textTriggerKey)) { // // commented Debug.Log("got n and st:"+N.ToString()); string s = N[PlayerNowMessageTrigger.textTriggerKey].Value; // hm.. Some keys appear to be in JsonLevelLoader also. // s = Regex.Unescape(s); s = Utils.FakeToRealQuotes(s); speech.text = s; } else { // string keylist=""; // N.GetKeys // foreach(string s in N.GetKeys()){ // // commented Debug.Log("key:L"+s); //// // commented Debug.Log("kvkp:"+kvp.Key+","+kvp.Value.ToString()); // } // // commented Debug.Log("missed key:"+PlaceableNPC.speechKey+" in :"+N.ToString()); } }
public static void DeleteSingleBuildingInfoByJson(string _strBlockName, string _strGUID, Action sCb, Action <string> fCb) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_name"] = _strBlockName; jclass["build_guid"] = _strGUID; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); string strPort = "building_infos/delete"; WWWManager.Instance.Post(strPort, strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(); } else { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("删除:{0},失败:{1}", strPort, resp.Error)); fCb(resp.WwwText); } }); }
public void ReadHosts() { string path = Application.persistentDataPath; if (!path.EndsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } PlayerPrefs.Save(); //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); /* #if !(UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL) * if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) * { * hostfile.Add("host", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("https://analytics-test.e-ucm.es/api/proxy/gleaner/collector/")); * hostfile.Add("trackingCode", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("5be4222305ea050083483aa8izpp9w59eji")); * System.IO.File.WriteAllText("host.cfg", hostfile.ToString()); * } * else * hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); #endif * * PlayerPrefs.SetString("host", hostfile["host"]); * PlayerPrefs.SetString("trackingCode", hostfile["trackingCode"]); * PlayerPrefs.Save();*/ PlayerPrefs.SetString("host", "https://analytics-test.e-ucm.es/api/proxy/gleaner/collector/"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("trackingCode", "5be4222305ea050083483aa8izpp9w59eji"); PlayerPrefs.Save(); //End tracker data loading }
public override string ToString() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); KeyValuePair <int, Actor>[] ad; lock (actorDict) { ad = actorDict.ToArray(); } jsonObj.Add("ActorCount", new JSONData(ad.Length)); var jsonArray = new JSONArray(); foreach (var actor in ad) { var actorJson = new JSONClass(); actorJson.Add("type", new JSONData(actor.Value.GetType().ToString())); var actorComponents = new JSONClass(); /* * foreach (var compoent in actor.Value.GetComponents().Result) * { * actorComponents.Add("Component", new JSONData(compoent.GetType().ToString())); * } */ actorJson.Add("Components", actorComponents); actorJson.Add("Attribute", actor.Value.GetAttr()); jsonArray.Add("Actor", actorJson); } jsonObj.Add("Actors", jsonArray); sj.Add("AtorStatus", jsonObj); return(sj.ToString()); }
public override SimpleJSON.JSONClass GetProperties() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = base.GetProperties(); return(N); }
public GameObject[] objectsToCycle; //hmm problematic? public SimpleJSON.JSONClass GetProperties(SimpleJSON.JSONClass N){ N[objectIndexKey].AsInt = objectIndex; return N; }
public void exportMethod() { #if UNITY_EDITOR var astar = AstarPath.active; if (astar == null) { astar = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AstarPath>(); } string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Graphs", "", "graph" + Convert.ToString(mapId) + ".zip", "zip"); if (path != "") { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Scan before saving?", "Do you want to scan the graphs before saving" + "\nNot scanning can cause node data to be omitted from the file if Save Node Data is enabled", "Scan", "Don't scan")) { astar.Scan(); } //uint checksum; Pathfinding.Serialization.SerializeSettings settings = Pathfinding.Serialization.SerializeSettings.All; byte[] bytes = null; //uint ch = 0; astar.AddWorkItem(new AstarPath.AstarWorkItem(delegate(bool force) { Pathfinding.Serialization.AstarSerializer sr = new Pathfinding.Serialization.AstarSerializer(astar.astarData, settings); sr.OpenSerialize(); astar.astarData.SerializeGraphsPart(sr); //sr.SerializeEditorSettings (graphEditors); var start = GameObject.Find("PlayerStart").transform.position; var grid = Util.CoordToGrid(start.x, start.z); var yOff = Util.IntYOffset(start.y); SimpleJSON.JSONClass jc = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var arr = jc["playerStart"] = new SimpleJSON.JSONArray(); arr[-1].AsInt = (int)(grid.x); arr[-1].AsInt = yOff; arr[-1].AsInt = (int)(grid.y); /* * System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); * BinaryWriter outfile = new BinaryWriter(stream); * jc.Serialize(outfile); */ Debug.Log("Export " + jc.ToString()); var graph = astar.graphs[0] as Pathfinding.GridGraph; var js = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); js["unclampedSize"]["x"].AsInt = graph.width; js["unclampedSize"]["y"].AsInt = graph.depth; js["center"]["x"].AsFloat = graph.center.x; js["center"]["y"].AsFloat = graph.center.y; js["center"]["z"].AsFloat = graph.center.z; sr.zip.AddEntry("playerStart" + Convert.ToString(mapId) + ".json", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jc.ToString())); sr.zip.AddEntry("graph0.json", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js.ToString())); bytes = sr.CloseSerialize(); //ch = sr.GetChecksum (); return(true); })); Pathfinding.Serialization.AstarSerializer.SaveToFile(path, bytes); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Done Saving", "Done saving graph data.", "Ok"); } #endif }
public override SimpleJSON.JSONClass GetProperties() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = base.GetProperties(); N[checkpointKey] = checkpointStatus.ToString(); return(N); }
public override void SetProperties(SimpleJSON.JSONClass N) { SetFraction(JsonUtil.ConvertJsonToFraction(Fraction.fractionKey, N)); // CreateWall(); }
// upoffset } public override void SetProperties(SimpleJSON.JSONClass N) { base.SetProperties(N); }
public override SimpleJSON.JSONClass GetProperties() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = base.GetProperties(); N = JsonUtil.ConvertFractionToJson(Fraction.fractionKey, frac, N); return(N); }