Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the stream of html tokens starting
        /// from the name of top-level element.
        /// Returns XmlElement representing the top-level
        /// html element
        /// </summary>
        private XmlElement ParseHtmlContent()
            // Create artificial root elelemt to be able to group multiple
            // top-level elements.  We create "html" element which may be a
            // duplicate of the real HTML element (a duplicate HTML element
            // is ok since HtmlConverter will process it without a problem).
            XmlElement htmlRootElement = _document.CreateElement("html", XhtmlNamespace);


            while (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType != HtmlTokenType.EOF)
                if (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType == HtmlTokenType.OpeningTagStart)
                    if (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType == HtmlTokenType.Name)
                        string htmlElementName = _htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextToken.ToLower();

                        // Create an element
                        XmlElement htmlElement = _document.CreateElement(htmlElementName, XhtmlNamespace);

                        // Parse element attributes

                        if (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType == HtmlTokenType.EmptyTagEnd || HtmlSchema.IsEmptyElement(htmlElementName))
                            // It is an element without content (because of explicit slash or based on implicit knowledge aboout html)
                        else if (HtmlSchema.IsInlineElement(htmlElementName))
                            // Elements known as formatting are pushed to some special
                            // pending stack, which allows them to be transferred
                            // over block tags - by doing this we convert
                            // overlapping tags into normal heirarchical element structure.
                        else if (HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement(htmlElementName) || HtmlSchema.IsKnownOpenableElement(htmlElementName))
                            // This includes no-scope elements
                            // Do nothing. Skip the whole opening tag.
                            // Ignoring all unknown elements on their start tags.
                            // Thus we will ignore them on closinng tag as well.
                            // Anyway we don't know what to do withthem on conversion to Xaml.
                        // Note that the token following opening angle bracket must be a name - lexical analyzer must guarantee that.
                        // Otherwise - we skip the angle bracket and continue parsing the content as if it is just text.
                        // TODO: Add the following asserion here, right? or output "<" as a text run instead?:
                        // InvariantAssert(false, "Angle bracket without a following name is not expected");
                else if (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType == HtmlTokenType.ClosingTagStart)
                    if (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType == HtmlTokenType.Name)
                        string htmlElementName = _htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextToken.ToLower();

                        // Skip the name token. Assume that the following token is end of tag,
                        // but do not check this. If it is not true, we simply ignore one token
                        // - this is our recovery from bad xml in this case.

                else if (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType == HtmlTokenType.Text)
                else if (_htmlLexicalAnalyzer.NextTokenType == HtmlTokenType.Comment)


            // Get rid of the artificial root element
            if (htmlRootElement.FirstChild is XmlElement &&
                htmlRootElement.FirstChild == htmlRootElement.LastChild &&
                htmlRootElement.FirstChild.LocalName.ToLower() == "html")
                htmlRootElement = (XmlElement)htmlRootElement.FirstChild;
