Пример #1
        protected override Task<ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
            var assetManager = new AssetManager();

            // Load image
            var image = assetManager.Load<Image>(InputUrl);

            // Initialize TextureTool library
            using (var texTool = new TextureTool())
            using (var texImage = texTool.Load(image))
                var outputFormat = Format.HasValue ? Format.Value : image.Description.Format;

                // Apply transformations
                if (IsAbsolute)
                    texTool.Resize(texImage, (int)Width, (int)Height, Filter.Rescaling.Lanczos3);
                    texTool.Rescale(texImage, Width / 100.0f, Height / 100.0f, Filter.Rescaling.Lanczos3);

                // Generate mipmaps
                if (GenerateMipmaps)
                    texTool.GenerateMipMaps(texImage, Filter.MipMapGeneration.Box);

                // Convert/Compress to output format
                texTool.Compress(texImage, outputFormat);

                // Save
                using (var outputImage = texTool.ConvertToParadoxImage(texImage))
                    assetManager.Save(OutputUrl, outputImage);

                    commandContext.Logger.Verbose("Compression successful [{3}] to ({0}x{1},{2})",
                                                  outputImage.Description.Height, outputImage.Description.Format, OutputUrl);

            return Task.FromResult(ResultStatus.Successful);
Пример #2
        public static ResultStatus ImportTextureImage(TextureTool textureTool, TexImage texImage, ImportParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Logger logger)
            var assetManager = new AssetManager();

            // Apply transformations
            textureTool.Decompress(texImage, parameters.IsSRgb);

            // Special case when the input texture is monochromatic but it is supposed to be a color and we are working in SRGB
            // In that case, we need to transform it to a supported SRGB format (R8G8B8A8_UNorm_SRgb)
            // TODO: As part of a conversion phase, this code may be moved to a dedicated method in this class at some point
            if (parameters.TextureHint == TextureHint.Color && parameters.IsSRgb && (texImage.Format == PixelFormat.R8_UNorm || texImage.Format == PixelFormat.A8_UNorm))
                textureTool.Convert(texImage, PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm_SRgb);

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

            var fromSize =  new Size2(texImage.Width, texImage.Height);
            var targetSize = parameters.DesiredSize;

            // Resize the image
            if (parameters.IsSizeInPercentage)
                targetSize = new Size2((int)(fromSize.Width * targetSize.Width / 100.0f), (int)(fromSize.Height * targetSize.Height / 100.0f));

            // Find the target size
            targetSize = FindBestTextureSize(parameters, targetSize, logger);

            // Resize the image only if needed
            if (targetSize != fromSize)
                textureTool.Resize(texImage, targetSize.Width, targetSize.Height, Filter.Rescaling.Lanczos3);

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

            // texture size is now determined, we can cache it
            var textureSize = new Int2(texImage.Width, texImage.Height);

            // determine the alpha format of the texture when set to Auto
            // Note: this has to be done before the ColorKey transformation in order to be able to take advantage of image file AlphaDepth information
            if(parameters.DesiredAlpha == AlphaFormat.Auto)
                var colorKey = parameters.ColorKeyEnabled? (Color?)parameters.ColorKeyColor : null;
                var alphaLevel = textureTool.GetAlphaLevels(texImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, textureSize.X, textureSize.Y), colorKey, logger);
                parameters.DesiredAlpha = alphaLevel.ToAlphaFormat();

            // Apply the color key
            if (parameters.ColorKeyEnabled)
                textureTool.ColorKey(texImage, parameters.ColorKeyColor);

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

            // Pre-multiply alpha only for relevant formats 
            if (parameters.PremultiplyAlpha && texImage.Format.HasAlpha32Bits())

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

            // Generate mipmaps
            if (parameters.GenerateMipmaps)
                var boxFilteringIsSupported = !texImage.Format.IsSRgb() || (MathUtil.IsPow2(textureSize.X) && MathUtil.IsPow2(textureSize.Y));
                textureTool.GenerateMipMaps(texImage, boxFilteringIsSupported? Filter.MipMapGeneration.Box: Filter.MipMapGeneration.Linear);
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

            // Convert/Compress to output format
            // TODO: Change alphaFormat depending on actual image content (auto-detection)?
            var outputFormat = DetermineOutputFormat(parameters, textureSize, texImage.Format);
            textureTool.Compress(texImage, outputFormat, (TextureConverter.Requests.TextureQuality)parameters.TextureQuality);

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

            // Save the texture
            using (var outputImage = textureTool.ConvertToParadoxImage(texImage))
                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                    return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                assetManager.Save(parameters.OutputUrl, outputImage.ToSerializableVersion());

                logger.Info("Compression successful [{3}] to ({0}x{1},{2})", outputImage.Description.Width, outputImage.Description.Height, outputImage.Description.Format, parameters.OutputUrl);

            return ResultStatus.Successful;
Пример #3
        public static ResultStatus ImportAndSaveTextureImage(UFile sourcePath, string outputUrl, TextureAsset textureAsset, TextureConvertParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Logger logger)
            var assetManager = new AssetManager();

            using (var texTool = new TextureTool())
            using (var texImage = texTool.Load(sourcePath, textureAsset.SRgb))
                // Apply transformations
                texTool.Decompress(texImage, textureAsset.SRgb);

                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                    return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                var fromSize =  new Size2(texImage.Width, texImage.Height);
                var targetSize = new Size2((int)textureAsset.Width, (int)textureAsset.Height);

                // Resize the image
                if (textureAsset.IsSizeInPercentage)
                    targetSize = new Size2((int)(fromSize.Width * (float)textureAsset.Width / 100.0f), (int)(fromSize.Height * (float) textureAsset.Height / 100.0f));

                // Find the target size
                targetSize = FindBestTextureSize(textureAsset.Format, parameters.GraphicsPlatform, parameters.GraphicsProfile, fromSize, targetSize, textureAsset.GenerateMipmaps, logger);

                // Resize the image only if needed
                if (targetSize != fromSize)
                    texTool.Resize(texImage, targetSize.Width, targetSize.Height, Filter.Rescaling.Lanczos3);

                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                    return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                // texture size is now determined, we can cache it
                var textureSize = new Int2(texImage.Width, texImage.Height);

                // Apply the color key
                if (textureAsset.ColorKeyEnabled)
                    texTool.ColorKey(texImage, textureAsset.ColorKeyColor);

                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                    return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                // Pre-multiply alpha
                if (textureAsset.PremultiplyAlpha)

                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                    return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                // Generate mipmaps
                if (textureAsset.GenerateMipmaps)
                    var boxFilteringIsSupported = texImage.Format != PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8_UNorm_SRgb || (IsPowerOfTwo(textureSize.X) && IsPowerOfTwo(textureSize.Y));
                    texTool.GenerateMipMaps(texImage, boxFilteringIsSupported? Filter.MipMapGeneration.Box: Filter.MipMapGeneration.Linear);
                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                    return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                // Convert/Compress to output format
                // TODO: Change alphaFormat depending on actual image content (auto-detection)?
                var outputFormat = DetermineOutputFormat(textureAsset, parameters, textureSize, texImage.Format, parameters.Platform, parameters.GraphicsPlatform, parameters.GraphicsProfile);
                texTool.Compress(texImage, outputFormat, (TextureConverter.Requests.TextureQuality)parameters.TextureQuality);

                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                    return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                // Save the texture
                using (var outputImage = texTool.ConvertToParadoxImage(texImage))
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) // abort the process if cancellation is demanded
                        return ResultStatus.Cancelled;

                    assetManager.Save(outputUrl, outputImage.ToSerializableVersion());

                    logger.Info("Compression successful [{3}] to ({0}x{1},{2})", outputImage.Description.Width, outputImage.Description.Height, outputImage.Description.Format, outputUrl);

            return ResultStatus.Successful;
Пример #4
        private void HandleResizing(TextureTool texTool, TexImage image)
            if (Width != null && Height != null)
                bool targetInPercent;
                var width = ParsePixelSize(Width, out targetInPercent);
                var height = ParsePixelSize(Height, out targetInPercent);

                if (targetInPercent)
                    texTool.Rescale(image, width / 100f, height / 100f, RescalingFilter);
                    texTool.Resize(image, width, height, RescalingFilter);
            else if (Width != null && Height == null)
                bool targetInPercent;
                var width = ParsePixelSize(Width, out targetInPercent);

                if (targetInPercent)
                    texTool.Rescale(image, width / 100f, 1, RescalingFilter);
                    texTool.Resize(image, width, image.Height, RescalingFilter);
            else if (Width == null && Height != null)
                bool targetInPercent;
                var height = ParsePixelSize(Height, out targetInPercent);

                if (targetInPercent)
                    texTool.Rescale(image, 1, height / 100f, RescalingFilter);
                    texTool.Resize(image, image.Width, height, RescalingFilter);