/// <summary> adds a new row to the transient datatable "heater" </summary>
        /// <param name="measHead"> the converted data delivered from the datachange event </param>
        /// <returns> the index of the added row; for usage to fill the foreign key of the measure table </returns>
        public System.Int32 addRowToHeaterTable(MeasuredHead measHead)
            if (!m_disposed)
                DataRow row = m_dtHeater.NewRow();
                row["H_id"] = measHead.headDataH_ID;

                row["M_time"] = measHead.headDataMeasureTime;
                row["Pval"]   = System.Math.Round((decimal)(measHead.headDataPressure), 4);
                row["QVal"]   = System.Math.Round((decimal)(measHead.headDataEnergy), 4);
                row["H_desc"] = measHead.headDataDescription;

                // Compute the maximum auto-index (primary key) from the new row
                object obj = m_dtHeater.Compute("MAX(H_idx)", "");
                if (obj is System.Int32)
                throw new Exception("Object has been disposed!");
Пример #2
 internal DataToVisualize(TelegramHead telHead, MeasuredHead measuredHead, MeasuredData measuredData,
                          double convTime, double saveTime)
     m_telHead      = telHead;
     m_measuredHead = measuredHead;
     m_measuredData = measuredData;
     m_convTimeSpan = convTime;
     m_saveTimeSpan = saveTime;
Пример #3
        /// <summary> adds a row to the transient heater table of the meant database </summary>
        /// <param name="measHead"> the data of the head </param>
        /// <returns> the index of the new row to use it for filling the foreign key </returns>
        private System.Int32 addRowsHeater(MeasuredHead measHead)
            int idx = (int)m_ActiveDB;

            if (idx == 0)
Пример #4
        /// <summary> adds a new row to the transient datatable "heater" </summary>
        /// <param name="measHead"> the converted data delivered from the datachange event </param>
        /// <returns> the index of the added row; for usage to fill the foreign key of the measure table </returns>
        // 找不到XMLDB类  lhc171221
        // addRowToHeaterTable是接口中的方法,需要实现
        public System.Int32 addRowToHeaterTable(MeasuredHead measHead)
            //    // remove the first row, if there are more than RECORDS_TO_SAVE datasets
            //    if (m_XMLDB.Heater.Rows.Count >= RECORDS_TO_SAVE + 1)
            //    {
            //        m_XMLDB.Heater.Rows.RemoveAt(0);
            //    }

            //    DataRow row = m_XMLDB.Heater.NewRow();
            //    row["H_id"] = measHead.headDataH_ID;
            //    row["M_time"] = measHead.headDataMeasureTime.ToLongTimeString();
            //    row["Pval"] = measHead.headDataPressure;
            //    row["QVal"] = measHead.headDataEnergy;
            //    row["H_desc"] = measHead.headDataDescription;
            //    m_XMLDB.Heater.Rows.Add(row);

            //    // Compute the maximum auto-index (primary key) from the new row
            //    object obj = m_XMLDB.Heater.Compute("MAX(H_idx)", "");
            //    return (System.Int32)obj;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>  sets the value delivered from ondatachange </summary>
        /// <param name="theValue"> the value (must be byte array) </param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidCastException"> if the value cannot be converted into a byte array </exception>
        /// <remarks> NOTES:
        /// - this methods measures the time for converting and saving to DB
        /// - it is recommended to call this method asynchronously, because saving to DB may take several seconds </remarks>
        public void setOPCParam(object theValue)
            TelegramHead telHead      = null;
            MeasuredHead measHeadVisu = null;
            MeasuredData measDataVisu = null;

            // Take time for converting
            StopWatch convStopWatch = new StopWatch(TimerType.PerformanceCounter);

            convStopWatch.Scale = 1000.0;

            // Take time for saving
            StopWatch saveStopWatch = new StopWatch(TimerType.PerformanceCounter);

            saveStopWatch.Scale = 1000.0;

            // Convert data
            S7DataConverter theData;

            byte[] data = null;
                data    = (byte[])theValue;
                theData = new S7DataConverter(data, true, true);
            catch (InvalidCastException ex)
                // forward the exception
                throw ex;

            int offset = 0;

            // read telegram-header
            telHead = readOutTelegramHead(theData, data.Length, ref offset);

            // read out data
            readOutData(theData, telHead.telNumberRecords, ref offset, out measHeadVisu, out measDataVisu);

            // Now save update the database
                int idx = (int)m_ActiveDB;
                if (idx != 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

                // Fill the data for visualization
                DataToVisualize dataToVisu = new DataToVisualize(telHead, measHeadVisu, measDataVisu,
                                                                 convStopWatch.Time, saveStopWatch.Time);

                // fire the event, that saving is completed
                OnBRCVOccured(this, dataToVisu);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>  converts a part (measured data) of the byte array into C# types for further usage  </summary>
        /// <param name="theData"> the byte array </param>
        /// <param name="telNumberRecords"> the number of records (delivered via the telegram head) </param>
        /// <param name="offset">  offset needed to convert the data  </param>
        /// <param name="measHeadVisu"> the head data for visualization </param>
        /// <param name="measDataVisu">  the measured data for visualization </param>
        /// <remarks> NOTE: this method also fills the data into the meant (transient) DB; the insertion of the data
        /// into the persistent storage has to be done in calling function! </remarks>
        private void readOutData(S7DataConverter theData, int telNumberRecords, ref int offset,
                                 out MeasuredHead measHeadVisu, out MeasuredData measDataVisu)
            Int16    headDataH_ID        = 0;
            DateTime headDataMeasureTime = new DateTime(2004, 12, 3);
            float    headDataPressure    = 0;
            float    headDataEnergy      = 0;
            string   headDataDescription = "";

            Int16  dataMeasurepointIndex = 0;
            float  dataTemperature       = 0;
            float  dataPressure          = 0;
            float  dataFlow        = 0;
            float  dataHumidity    = 0;
            string dataDescription = "";

            MeasuredHead measHead = null;
            MeasuredData measData = null;

            measHeadVisu = null;
            measDataVisu = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < telNumberRecords; i++)
                // read data-header
                offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.INT, ref headDataH_ID);
                offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.DATE_AND_TIME, ref headDataMeasureTime);
                offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.REAL, ref headDataPressure);
                offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.REAL, ref headDataEnergy);
                offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.STRING, ref headDataDescription);
                // adjust offset manually! The string has 10 characters.
                offset += 10;

                System.Int32 h_idx = 0;
                measHead = new MeasuredHead(headDataH_ID, headDataMeasureTime,
                                            headDataPressure, headDataEnergy,

                // Now add the row
                h_idx = addRowsHeater(measHead);

                // read measured data
                // there are 8 measurementpoints
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.INT, ref dataMeasurepointIndex);
                    offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.REAL, ref dataTemperature);
                    offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.REAL, ref dataPressure);
                    offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.REAL, ref dataFlow);
                    offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.REAL, ref dataHumidity);
                    offset = theData.GetValue(offset, S7Types.STRING, ref dataDescription);
                    // adjust offset manually! The string has 10 characters.
                    offset += 10;

                    measData = new MeasuredData(dataMeasurepointIndex,
                                                dataTemperature, dataPressure, dataFlow,
                                                dataHumidity, dataDescription);

                    // all data is collected -> add the row
                    addRowsMeasure(h_idx, measData);

                    if (i == 0 && j == 0)
                        measHeadVisu = measHead.Clone();
                        measDataVisu = measData.Clone();