public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello, and welcome to my bakery!"); Console.WriteLine("Our special today is buy 2, get 1 free bread rolls and 1 for $2 or 3 for $5 pastries"); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to buy?"); Console.WriteLine("[bread] [pastry] [checkout]"); string buySomething = Console.ReadLine(); if (buySomething == "bread") { Console.WriteLine("How many bread rolls would you like?"); int customerBread = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Bread.FinalBreadPrice(customerBread); Console.WriteLine("You added " + Bread.BreadAmount + " loaves to your cart"); Main(); } else if (buySomething == "pastry") { Console.WriteLine("How many sweet rolls would you like?"); int customerSweets = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Pastry.FinalPastryPrice(customerSweets); Console.WriteLine("You added " + Pastry.PastryAmount + " loaves to your cart"); Main(); } else if (buySomething == "checkout") { Console.WriteLine("Your total is:" + " $" + (Pastry.PastryPrice + Bread.BreadPrice)); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for shopping with us!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You entered something wrong! Please try again"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); Main(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Program pr = new Program(); pr.connectionProp.Open(); User nUser = new User(); string login, password; AddDat(out login, out password); SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand($"select * from ShopUsers where UserName = '******'", pr.connectionProp); using (SqlDataReader reader = sql.ExecuteReader()) { int viewed = 0; //если 0, то пользователя с таким логином нет и ридер не запустится, если 1, то есть while (reader.Read()) { viewed += 1; if (password == reader[2].ToString()) { Console.WriteLine("Заходим на сайт"); nUser = new User ( reader[1].ToString(), reader[3].ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(reader[4]), Convert.ToDouble(reader[5]), Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]) ); } else { Console.WriteLine("Неправильно введённые данные"); return; } } if (viewed == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Нет пользователя с таким логином. Повторите ввод"); return; } } Console.WriteLine("\nСписок товаров"); Bulki bulka = new Bulki( "Булка с изюмом", 35, "OOO Бабушка", "Изюм" ); Tea greenTea = new Tea( "Зелёный чай", 5, "Сам сделяль", "200 мл" ); Bread bread = new Bread( "Королевский хлеб", 100, "Ларёк за углом", "Мука, дрожжи, специи" ); Product[] product = new Product[] { bread, bulka, greenTea }; Informer informer = new Informer(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Здравствуйте {nUser.Name} ваш баланс {nUser.Balance}"); for (int i = 0; i < product.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Товар {i}: {product[i].Name} по цене {product[i].Price}"); } Console.WriteLine("Выберите номер товара: "); int productNumber; while (true) { if (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out productNumber)) { Console.WriteLine("Вы ввели некорректное число"); } else { break; } } if (productNumber >= 0 && productNumber < product.Length) { if (product[productNumber].Price <= nUser.Balance) { informer.Buy(nUser, product[productNumber]); } else { Console.WriteLine("У вас недостаточно средств"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Таких товаров нет"); } } }