Пример #1
        ///////////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTOR \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

        //Pre: The game tiles, x and y position fo the enemy, width and height of the enemy, and the width and height of the screen
        //Post: The enemy is created
        //Desc: A constructor for the enemy
        public Enemy(Tile[,] gameTiles, int xPos, int yPos, int enemyWidth, int enemyHeight, int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
            //Sets the pathfinding and frame animation objects
            pathFinding    = new PathFinding(gameTiles);
            frameAnimation = new FrameAnimation(rifle.GetTextures(AnimationState.Idle), IDLE_FRAME_DELAY);

            //Sets the human to not moving
            HumanMoving = false;

            //Sets the position and bounds of the enemy
            Position = new Vector2(xPos, yPos);
            bounds   = new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, enemyWidth, enemyHeight);

            //Creates a new list of projectiles
            Projectiles = new List <Projectile>();

            //Sets the width and height of the screen
            this.screenWidth  = screenWidth;
            this.screenHeight = screenHeight;

            //Sets the health to full
            Health = 100;
Пример #2
        /////////////////////////////////////// METHODS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

        //Pre: The player, the game tiles, and whether the pathfinding needs to be checked
        //Post: The enemy is updated
        //Desc: An update method for the enemy
        public void Update(Player player, Tile[,] gameTiles, bool pathCheck)
            //Gets whether the player is currently in view
            playerInView = IsPlayerInView(player, gameTiles);

            //If the player is in view and the path needs to be checked for the current enemy at the current frame
            if (playerInView && pathCheck)
                //Clears the current path

                //Calculates the row and column of the tile that the enemy and player are on
                Vector2 enemyLocation  = new Vector2((float)Math.Round(Position.X / Tile.TILE_X_SIZE), (float)Math.Round(Position.Y / Tile.TILE_Y_SIZE));
                Vector2 playerLocation = player.Position + player.GetWallDisplacement();
                playerLocation = new Vector2(playerLocation.X / Tile.TILE_X_SIZE, playerLocation.Y / Tile.TILE_Y_SIZE);

                //Creates a new pathfinding instance with the gametiles and finds the path
                pathFinding = new PathFinding(gameTiles);
                pathFinding.FindPath(new Node((int)enemyLocation.X, (int)enemyLocation.Y), new Node((int)playerLocation.X, (int)playerLocation.Y));

                //Temporary list of nodes which is used to get the enemy's path
                List <Node> tempList = new List <Node>();

                //Gets the solution from the path finding
                tempList = pathFinding.GetSolution();

                //If the solution has more then two tile
                if (tempList.Count > 2)
                    //Removes the first and last tile in the list
                    tempList.RemoveAt(tempList.Count - 1);

                    //Loop for every tile in the list
                    for (int i = tempList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        //Adds the tile x and y values to the enemy's path
                        currentPath.Add(new Vector2(tempList[i].Row * Tile.TILE_X_SIZE, tempList[i].Column * Tile.TILE_Y_SIZE));
                //If the solution doesn't have more then two tiles, the current path is cleared

            //If the player is in view
            if (playerInView)
                //The rotation angle towards the player is calculated
                CalcRotation(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y, 0, 0);

                //If the enemy is able to shoot
                if (shootDelayCount >= EnemyRifle.SHOT_DELAY && rifle.currentAmmo > 0)
                    //If the enemy is currently not shooting
                    if (frameAnimation.AnimState == AnimationState.Shoot && frameAnimation.ShootingFrameDone || frameAnimation.AnimState != AnimationState.Shoot)
                        //The enemy is set to shoot and it's textures are changed
                        frameAnimation.AnimState = AnimationState.Shoot;
                        frameAnimation.ResetFrame(rifle.GetTextures(frameAnimation.AnimState), SHOOT_FRAME_DELAY);

                        //The shooting delay is reset
                        shootDelayCount = 0;
            //If the player is not in view
                //If the player currently has a path its following
                if (currentPath.Count > 0)
                    //Calculates the rotation angle towards its next point in the path
                    CalcRotation(currentPath[0].X, currentPath[0].Y, 0, 0);

            //If the enemy needs to reload
            if (rifle.currentAmmo == 0 && frameAnimation.AnimState != AnimationState.Reload)
                //The enemy is set to reload
                frameAnimation.AnimState = AnimationState.Reload;
                frameAnimation.ResetFrame(rifle.GetTextures(frameAnimation.AnimState), RELOAD_FRAME_DELAY);

            //If the enemy has a path it should follow
            if (currentPath.Count > 0)
                //The enemy is set to move to the next point in its path
            //If the enemy does not have a path
                //The enemy is set to being idle if it's not doing anything else at the moment such as reloading or shooting
                if (HumanMoving && frameAnimation.AnimState != AnimationState.Reload && frameAnimation.AnimState != AnimationState.Shoot)

            //The frame animation for the enemy is updated

            //If the enemy is done shooting
            if (frameAnimation.AnimState == AnimationState.Shoot && frameAnimation.CurrFrame == SHOOT_FRAME_AMOUNT &&
                frameAnimation.Count == SHOOT_FRAME_DELAY - 1)
                //If the enemy is currently moving
                if (HumanMoving)
                    //The frame animation for the enemy is set to moving
                    frameAnimation.AnimState = AnimationState.Move;
                    frameAnimation.ResetFrame(rifle.GetTextures(frameAnimation.AnimState), MOVE_FRAME_DELAY);
                //If the enemy is currently idle
                    //The frame animation for the enemy is set to idle
                    frameAnimation.AnimState = AnimationState.Idle;
                    frameAnimation.ResetFrame(rifle.GetTextures(frameAnimation.AnimState), IDLE_FRAME_DELAY);

            //If the frame animation for the shooting is done and a bullet needs to be created
            if (frameAnimation.ShootingFrameDone)
                //The direction for the bullet is calculated
                Vector2 direction = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(rotationAngle), (float)Math.Sin(rotationAngle));

                //The point where the bullet spawns and the point at which the enemy rotates is calculated
                Vector2 pointToRotate = new Vector2(Position.X + EnemyRifle.BULLET_DISPLACEMENT_X, Position.Y + EnemyRifle.BULLET_DISPLACEMENT_Y);
                Vector2 centerPoint   = new Vector2(Position.X + rotationOrigin.X, Position.Y + rotationOrigin.Y);

                //The new x and y for where the bullet should spawn is calculated
                int x = (int)(direction.X * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) - direction.Y * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.X);
                int y = (int)(direction.Y * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) + direction.X * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.Y);

                //The projectile is created with the new spawn point and the ammo is decreased
                Projectiles.Add(new Projectile(new Vector2(x, y), ProjectileType.Bullet, EnemyRifle.BULLET_DAMAGE, EnemyRifle.BULLET_SPEED, rotationAngle, screenWidth, screenHeight));

                //The frame animation for the shooting is set to not done so the bullet stop being created
                frameAnimation.ShootingFrameDone = false;
            //If the frame animation for the reloading is done
            else if (frameAnimation.ReloadFrameDone)
                //The ammo for the rifle is reset and the frame animation for the reloading is set to not done
                rifle.currentAmmo = EnemyRifle.AMMO_CAPACITY;
                frameAnimation.ReloadFrameDone = false;

                //If the enemy is moving
                if (HumanMoving)
                    //The frame animation for the enemy is set to moving
                    frameAnimation.AnimState = AnimationState.Move;
                    frameAnimation.ResetFrame(rifle.GetTextures(frameAnimation.AnimState), MOVE_FRAME_DELAY);
                //If the enemy is idle
                    //The frame animation for the enemy is set to idle
                    frameAnimation.AnimState = AnimationState.Idle;
                    frameAnimation.ResetFrame(rifle.GetTextures(frameAnimation.AnimState), IDLE_FRAME_DELAY);

            //For each projecitle in the list of projectiles
            foreach (Projectile projectile in Projectiles)
                //The owner of the bullet is set to the current enemy
                projectile.BulletOwner = this;

            //The shooting delay count is incremented