private async Task <bool> CheckVoiceAndChannel(CommandContext ctx, LavalinkGuildConnection lvc) { if (lvc == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Not connected in this guild."); return(false); } var chn = ctx.Member?.VoiceState?.Channel; if (chn == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "You need to be in a voice channel."); return(false); } if (chn != lvc.Channel) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "You need to be in the same voice channel."); return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task Skip(CommandContext ctx) { var lavaConnection = ShimakazeBot.lvn?.GetGuildConnection(ctx.Guild); if (!await CheckVoiceAndChannel(ctx, lavaConnection)) { return; } if (ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests.Count == 0) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Playlist is empty."); return; } if (lavaConnection.Channel.Users.Count() > 3 && ctx.User.Id != ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests[0].requestMember.Id && !ShimakazeBot.Client.CurrentApplication.Owners.Contains(ctx.User)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "You can only skip songs you requested, use voteskip instead"); return; } await SkipSong(ctx.Guild, ctx.Channel, lavaConnection); }
public async Task GoodMorning(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string message) { DiscordEmoji goodMorningEmoji = DiscordEmoji.FromGuildEmote( ShimakazeBot.Client, ShimaConsts.GoodMorningEmojiId); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{goodMorningEmoji}/ {message}!", false, null, new List <IMention> { }); return; } if (ctx.User.Id == 155038222794227712) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"We have finally awoken, that was slow, wasn't it?\n{goodMorningEmoji}/ everyone!"); return; } if (ThreadSafeRandom.ThisThreadsRandom.Next(0, 2) == 1) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"You're finally awake? You're too slow! {goodMorningEmoji}/"); } else { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{goodMorningEmoji}/ Wanna race? I won't lose!"); } }
public async Task Dice(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string suffix) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet($"{suffix}.json"); if (response == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "The dice fell under the table..."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response["result"].Value <string>()) || response["result"].Value <string>().StartsWith("Error")) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{response["result"].Value<string>()}" + "\nYou probably want to use the website for that one:"); return; } DateTime timestamp = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) .AddSeconds(response["timestamp"].Value <long>()); DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = Utils.BaseEmbedBuilder(ctx, null, null, null, null, timestamp) .WithAuthor(response["result"].Value <string>(), "", "") .AddField("Input", response["input"].Value <string>()) .AddField("Details", response["details"].Value <string>()); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response["code"].Value <string>())) { embed.AddField("Code", response["code"].Value <string>()); } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, embed); }
public async Task PressF(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string unusedSuffix) { var DbItem = await ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.ShimaGeneric.FindAsync(ShimaConsts.DbPressFKey); int totalFCount; if (DbItem == null || !int.TryParse(DbItem.Value, out totalFCount)) { totalFCount = 0; } DiscordEmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("🇫") .WithAuthor($"{(ctx.Guild == null ? ctx.User.Username : ctx.Member.DisplayName)}" + " has paid their respects.", null, ctx.User.AvatarUrl) .WithDescription($"Today: **{++ShimakazeBot.DailyFCount}**" + $"\nTotal: **{++totalFCount}**"); await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, embedBuilder); if (DbItem == null) { await ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.ShimaGeneric.AddAsync(new ShimaGeneric { Key = ShimaConsts.DbPressFKey, Value = totalFCount.ToString() }); } else { DbItem.Value = totalFCount.ToString(); ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.ShimaGeneric.Update(DbItem); } await ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task SetMemberLevel(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string text) { int requesterLevel = UserLevels.GetLevel(ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild.Id); var textArray = text.Split(" "); int level; if (!int.TryParse(textArray[0], out level)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{textArray[0]} is not a valid level."); return; } if (level >= requesterLevel) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "You cannot assign a level higher than your own"); return; } Dictionary <ulong, bool> idList = PrepareUserIdList(ctx.Message.MentionedUsers, textArray); ctx.Message.MentionedRoles.ToList().ForEach(role => { if (!idList.ContainsKey(role.Id)) { idList.Add(role.Id, true); } }); await SetLevelsFromList(ctx, idList, level, requesterLevel); }
public async Task RandomMeme(CommandContext ctx) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet( $"{ThreadSafeRandom.ThisThreadsRandom.Next(1,9)}", new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Client-ID", ShimakazeBot.Config.apiKeys.imgurClientId)); JToken item = null; if (response != null && response["data"].HasValues) { int size = response["data"].Children().Count(); item = response["data"].Children().ToArray()[ThreadSafeRandom.ThisThreadsRandom.Next(0, size)]; } if (item == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "The meme factory has stopped working 😩"); return; } DateTime timestamp = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) .AddSeconds(item["datetime"].Value <long>()); DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = Utils.BaseEmbedBuilder(ctx, null, item["title"].Value <string>(), null, item["id"].Value <string>(), timestamp) .WithUrl(item["link"].Value <string>()) .WithImageUrl(item["link"].Value <string>()); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item["description"].Value <string>())) { embed.WithDescription(item["description"].Value <string>()); } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, embed); }
private async Task SetLevelsFromList(CommandContext ctx, Dictionary <ulong, bool> idList, int level, int requesterLevel) { List <ulong> failedIDs = new List <ulong>(); bool isGlobal = requesterLevel == (int)ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.SHIMA_TEAM; foreach (var item in idList) { if (isGlobal || UserLevels.GetLevel(item.Key, ctx.Guild.Id) < requesterLevel) { if (!await UserLevels.SetLevel(item.Key, ctx.Guild.Id, item.Value, level)) { failedIDs.Add(item.Key); } } } string response = $"Successfully assigned level to {idList.Count() - failedIDs.Count()} IDs"; if (failedIDs.Count() > 0) { response += $"\nFailed to assign level to: {string.Join(", ", failedIDs)}"; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, response); }
public async Task Warns(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string suffix) { List <ulong> userIds = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix) ? new List <ulong>() { ctx.User.Id } : Utils.GetIdListFromMessage(ctx.Message.MentionedUsers, suffix); if (userIds.Count == 0) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Please mention or type a user ID."); return; } if (ctx.Guild.Members.ContainsKey(userIds[0])) { RequireAdminAttribute adminCheck = new RequireAdminAttribute("Only server admins are allowed to view warnings of other users."); if (ctx.User.Id != userIds[0] && !await adminCheck.ExecuteCheckAsync(ctx, false)) { return; } DiscordEmbedBuilder warnEmbed = Utils.BaseEmbedBuilder(ctx, $"Warnings for {ctx.Guild.Members[userIds[0]].DisplayName} ({userIds[0]})", ctx.Guild.Members[userIds[0]].AvatarUrl, null, ctx.Guild.Members[userIds[0]].Color); var warns = ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.GuildWarn.Where(g => g.UserId == userIds[0] && g.GuildId == ctx.Guild.Id ).ToList(); if (warns.Count() == 0) { warnEmbed.WithDescription($"{ctx.Guild.Members[userIds[0]].DisplayName} has no warnings."); } else { warns.ForEach(item => warnEmbed.AddField(item.TimeStamp.ToString(), item.WarnMessage.Length > 1024 ? $"{item.WarnMessage.Take(1021)}..." : item.WarnMessage)); } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, warnEmbed); } else { int id = (int)userIds[0]; GuildWarn warn = await ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.GuildWarn.FindAsync(id); if (warn != null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{warn.TimeStamp} - {warn.WarnMessage}"); } else { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"Unable to find member or ID **{id}**"); } } }
public async Task GetChannelInfo(CommandContext ctx) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"Channel id: {ctx.Channel.Id}\n" + $"Server manage messages perms:" + $"{(ctx.Member.Guild.Permissions & Permissions.ManageMessages) != 0}\n" + $"Channel manage messages perms:" + $"{(ctx.Channel.PermissionsFor(ctx.Member) & Permissions.ManageMessages) != 0}"); }
public async Task SetNickname(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string nickname) { var bot = await ctx.Guild.GetMemberAsync(ctx.Client.CurrentUser.Id); await bot.ModifyAsync((member) => member.Nickname = nickname); await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Nickname " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nickname) ? $"removed.": $"changed to **{nickname}**.")); }
public async Task Hug(CommandContext ctx) { if (ctx.User.Id == 155038222794227712) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"*hugs {ctx.User.Mention} with lots of love ♥♥♥*"); } else { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"*hugs {ctx.User.Mention} in a friendly manner*"); } }
private async void EventEnded(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { EventInTimer tEvent = (EventInTimer)sender; tEvent.Elapsed -= EventEnded; tEvent.Stop(); if (events.Count() > 0) { events.Remove(tEvent); } if (tEvent.dbEvent == null) { ShimakazeBot.Client.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, LogSources.TIMER_EVENT_EVENT, "Timer had no event attached"); return; } var channel = await ShimakazeBot.Client.GetChannelAsync(tEvent.dbEvent.ChannelId); var eType = tEvent.dbEvent.Type; DiscordEmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor(ShimakazeBot.Client.CurrentUser.Username, null, ShimakazeBot.Client.CurrentUser.AvatarUrl) .WithColor(eType == EventType.REMINDER ? DiscordColor.Purple : DiscordColor.HotPink) .WithTimestamp(tEvent.dbEvent.EventTime) .WithTitle(eType == EventType.REMINDER ? "Here's your reminder~~" : "Event Time! - イベント タイム!") .WithFooter($"Event #{tEvent.dbEvent.Id}") .WithDescription((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tEvent.dbEvent.Message) ? "*No message.*" : tEvent.dbEvent.Message)); if (eType == EventType.EVENT) { embedBuilder.AddField("Created by", $"<@{tEvent.dbEvent.UserId}>"); } List <ulong> mentionUserIds = tEvent.dbEvent.MentionUserIdList.ToList(); List <ulong> mentionRoleIds = tEvent.dbEvent.MentionRoleIdList.ToList(); if (tEvent.dbEvent.Type == EventType.REMINDER) { mentionUserIds.Insert(0, tEvent.dbEvent.UserId); } string mentionString = (mentionUserIds.Count() > 0 ? $"<@{ string.Join("> <@", mentionUserIds)}> " : "") + (mentionRoleIds.Count() > 0 ? $" <@&{ string.Join("> <@&", mentionRoleIds)}> " : ""); await CTX.SendSanitizedMessageAsync(channel, mentionString, false, embedBuilder); ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.TimedEvents.RemoveRange( ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.TimedEvents.Where(tE => tE.Id == tEvent.dbEvent.Id)); await ShimakazeBot.DbCtx.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task LeaveServer(CommandContext ctx) { if (!ShimakazeBot.Client.CurrentApplication.Owners.Contains(ctx.User)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Ok, I understand... I'm no longer wanted here. I'm sorry 😢\n*Runs away*"); } ShimakazeBot.SendToDebugRoom( $"Left **{ctx.Guild.Name}** ({ctx.Guild.Id}). Triggered by **{ctx.User.Username}** ({ctx.User.Id})"); await ctx.Guild.LeaveAsync(); }
public async Task Emote(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string message) { try { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, DiscordEmoji.FromName(ShimakazeBot.Client, $":{message}:").Url); return; } catch { } ulong emoteId; try { if (ulong.TryParse(message, out emoteId)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, DiscordEmoji.FromGuildEmote(ShimakazeBot.Client, emoteId).Url); return; } } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "❓"); return; } int index = message.LastIndexOf(":"); if (index == -1) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "That's not a discord emote, or one I can find."); return; } string endPart = message.Substring(index + 1); int endIndex = endPart.IndexOf(">"); if (endIndex == -1 || !ulong.TryParse(endPart.Substring(0, endIndex), out emoteId)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "That's not a discord emote."); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "" + $"{emoteId}.png"); }
public async Task UrbanDictionary(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string suffix) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, ctx.User.Mention + ", If you actually tell me what word you want to look up that'll be great."); return; } JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet( $"{suffix}"); JToken item = null; if (response != null && response["list"].HasValues) { var items = response["list"].Children().ToList().OrderByDescending(i => i["thumbs_up"].Value <int>()); item = items.First(); } if (item == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "I burnt all the dictionaries because they were too slow 🔥🔥🔥"); return; } DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = Utils.BaseEmbedBuilder(ctx, null, item["word"].Value <string>(), null, $"{item["thumbs_up"].Value<string>()}👍 - {item["thumbs_down"].Value<string>()}👎", item["written_on"].Value <DateTime>()) .WithUrl(item["permalink"].Value <string>()); if (item["definition"].Value <string>().Length > 2048) { embed.WithDescription(item["definition"].Value <string>().Substring(0, 2042) + " [...]"); } else { embed.WithDescription(item["definition"].Value <string>()); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item["example"].Value <string>())) { if (item["example"].Value <string>().Length > 1024) { embed.AddField("Example", item["example"].Value <string>().Substring(0, 1018) + " [...]"); } else { embed.AddField("Example", item["example"].Value <string>()); } } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, embed); }
public async Task YesNo(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string choice) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet($"{choice}"); if (response == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "**No.**\nThe api broke."); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, response["image"]?.Value <string>()); }
public async Task Inspire(CommandContext ctx) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet(""); if (response == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "help viscocchi"); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"|| {response["data"]?.Value<string>()} ||"); }
public async Task YoMomma(CommandContext ctx) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet(""); if (response == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Yo momma so fat she broke the api."); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, response["joke"]?.Value <string>()); }
public async Task UselessFact(CommandContext ctx) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet(""); if (response == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "I've run out of useless facts ☹️"); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, response["text"]?.Value <string>()); }
public async Task VoteSkip(CommandContext ctx) { var lavaConnection = ShimakazeBot.lvn?.GetGuildConnection(ctx.Guild); if (!await CheckVoiceAndChannel(ctx, lavaConnection)) { return; } if (ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests.Count == 0) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Playlist is empty."); return; } if (lavaConnection.Channel.Users.Count() <= 3) { ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].voteSkip = new VoteSkip(ctx.Message, ctx.Member); await SkipSong(ctx.Guild, ctx.Channel, lavaConnection, true); return; } if (ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].voteSkip != null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Vote skip already requested: " + ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].voteSkip.message.JumpLink); return; } var reactionEmote = DiscordEmoji.FromName(ShimakazeBot.Client, $":{ShimaConsts.VoteSkipEmote}:"); ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].voteSkip = new VoteSkip( await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{ctx.Member.Mention} requested a voteskip on" + $" **{ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests[0].track.Title}**" + $"\nReact with {reactionEmote} to vote.", false, null, new List <IMention> { }), ctx.Member ); try { await ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].voteSkip.message.CreateReactionAsync(reactionEmote); } catch (Exception e) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, e.Message); } }
public async Task DisplayServerInfo(CommandContext ctx) { var textChannels = string.Join(", ", from channel in ctx.Guild.Channels.Values where channel.Type is ChannelType.Text select channel.Name); if (textChannels.Length > 1018) { textChannels = "Too many to list!"; } var voiceChannels = string.Join(", ", from channel in ctx.Guild.Channels.Values where channel.Type is ChannelType.Voice select channel.Name); if (voiceChannels.Length > 1018) { voiceChannels = "Too many to list!"; } var roles = string.Join(", ", from role in ctx.Guild.Roles.Values select role.Name); if (roles.Length > 1018) { roles = "Too many to list!"; } var serverInfo = new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor($"Information requested by {ctx.Message.Author.Username}", "", $"{ctx.Message.Author.AvatarUrl}") .WithTimestamp(DateTime.Now) .WithColor(new DiscordColor("#3498db")) .AddField($"Server name", $"{ctx.Guild.Name} [{ctx.Guild.Id}]") .AddField($"Server owner", $@"{ctx.Guild.Owner.Mention} [{ctx.Guild.Owner.Id}]") .AddField($"Members", $"```{ctx.Guild.Members.Count}```", true) .AddField($"Text Channels", $"```{ctx.Guild.Channels.Values.Count(chn => chn.Type == ChannelType.Text)}```", true) .AddField($"Voice Channels", $"```{ctx.Guild.Channels.Values.Count(chn => chn.Type == ChannelType.Voice)}```", true) .AddField($"Text Channels", $"```{textChannels}```") .AddField($"Voice Channels", $"```{voiceChannels}```") .AddField($"AFK-channel", $"```{ctx.Guild.AfkChannel.Name} [{ctx.Guild.AfkChannel.Id}]```") .AddField($"Current Region", $"```{ctx.Guild.VoiceRegion.Name}```", true) .AddField($"Total Roles", $"```{ctx.Guild.Roles.Count}```", true) .AddField($"Roles", $"```{roles}```") .WithThumbnail($"{ctx.Guild.IconUrl}"); await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "", false, serverInfo.Build()); }
public async Task EightBall(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string ignoredQuestion) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ignoredQuestion)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, ctx.User.Mention + ", I mean I can shake this 8ball all I want but without a question it's kinda dumb."); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, Utils.BaseEmbedBuilder(ctx, null as DiscordUser, "The magic 8 ball says") .WithDescription($"{ FunConsts.Random8BallChoice()}") .WithTimestamp(null)); }
public async Task Loop(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string loopString) { var lavaConnection = ShimakazeBot.lvn?.GetGuildConnection(ctx.Guild); if (!await CheckVoiceAndChannel(ctx, lavaConnection)) { return; } int loopCount = 0; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loopString)) { loopCount = 1; } else if (!int.TryParse(loopString, out loopCount) || loopCount < 0 || loopCount > ShimaConsts.MaxSongLoopCount) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"Please type a number between **0** and **{ShimaConsts.MaxSongLoopCount}**"); return; } if (ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests.Count > 0) { if (ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].loopCount > 0 && loopCount == 0) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"**{ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests[0].track.Title}** will no longer loop."); } else if (loopCount > 0) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"Set **{ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests[0].track.Title}** " + $"to loop {loopCount} time{(loopCount > 1 ? "s" : "")}."); } else { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Playlist will continue to **not** loop."); return; } ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].loopCount = loopCount; } else { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Playlist is empty, request a song first."); } }
public async Task SetGlobalLevel(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string text) { var textArray = text.Split(" "); int level; if (!int.TryParse(textArray[0], out level)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{textArray[0]} is not a valid level."); return; } await SetLevelsFromList(ctx, PrepareUserIdList(ctx.Message.MentionedUsers, textArray), level, (int)ShimaConsts.UserPermissionLevel.SHIMA_TEAM); }
public async Task Advice(CommandContext ctx) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet(""); if (response == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "I've run out of advice ☹️"); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, Utils.BaseEmbedBuilder(ctx, null, response["slip"]?["advice"]?.Value <string>(), null, $"#{response["slip"]?["id"]?.Value<string>()}") .WithTimestamp(null)); }
public async Task Kiss(CommandContext ctx) { if (ctx.User.Id == 155038222794227712) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"*gives {ctx.User.Mention} a lovers kiss ♥♥♥*"); } else if (ThreadSafeRandom.ThisThreadsRandom.Next(0, 1000) < 5) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, $"{ctx.User.Mention} you Baka!" + "\n*gives him a small kiss on the cheek ♥*"); } else { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "I'm not going to kiss you!"); } }
public async Task ClearPlaylist(CommandContext ctx) { var lavaConnection = ShimakazeBot.lvn?.GetGuildConnection(ctx.Guild); if (!await CheckVoiceAndChannel(ctx, lavaConnection)) { return; } ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].loopCount = 0; ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests = new List <SongRequest> { ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests[0] }; await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Playlist cleared."); }
public async Task FancyInsult(CommandContext ctx) { JObject response = await ShimaHttpClient.HttpGet($""); if (response == null) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Damned as thou art, thou hast broken the api."); return; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, null, false, Utils.BaseEmbedBuilder(ctx, null as DiscordUser, response["insult"]?.Value <string>()) .WithTimestamp(null) .WithImageUrl(FunConsts.FancyInsultImage)); }
public async Task List(CommandContext ctx) { if (!ShimakazeBot.playlists.ContainsKey(ctx.Guild)) { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "No playlist. Try making Shima join voice first."); } else { if (ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests.Count > 0) { int i = 0; var lvc = ShimakazeBot.lvn?.GetGuildConnection(ctx.Guild); string msg = ""; foreach (var req in ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests) { if (i == 0) { msg += lvc == null ? "Starting with " : (ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].isPaused ? "***PAUSED*** " : "Now playing "); } else if (i > 10) { msg += $"\n*And {ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].songRequests.Count - 11} more...*"; break; } else { msg += $"\n{i}. "; } msg += $"**{req.track.Title}** Requested by *{req.requester}*"; if (i == 0 && ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].loopCount > 0) { msg += $" ({ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].loopCount} " + $"loop{(ShimakazeBot.playlists[ctx.Guild].loopCount > 1 ? "s" : "")} remaining)"; } i++; } await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, msg); } else { await CTX.RespondSanitizedAsync(ctx, "Playlist is empty."); } } }