public FastHull(FastHull reference) { vertices = new List <Vector3>(reference.vertices.Count); indices = new List <int>(reference.indices.Count); if (reference.normals != null) { normals = new List <Vector3>(reference.normals.Count); } if (reference.colors != null) { colors = new List <Color32>(reference.colors.Count); } if (reference.tangents != null) { tangents = new List <Vector4>(reference.tangents.Count); } if (reference.uvs != null) { uvs = new List <Vector2>(reference.uvs.Count); } }
public FastHull(FastHull reference) { vertices = new List<Vector3>(reference.vertices.Count); indices = new List<int>(reference.indices.Count); if (reference.normals != null) { normals = new List<Vector3>(reference.normals.Count); } if (reference.colors != null) { colors = new List<Color32>(reference.colors.Count); } if (reference.tangents != null) { tangents = new List<Vector4>(reference.tangents.Count); } if (reference.uvs != null) { uvs = new List<Vector2>(reference.uvs.Count); } }
public void Split(Vector3 localPointOnPlane, Vector3 localPlaneNormal, bool fillCut, UvMapper uvMapper, ColorMapper colorMapper, out IHull resultA, out IHull resultB) { if (localPlaneNormal == { localPlaneNormal = Vector3.up; } FastHull a = new FastHull(this); FastHull b = new FastHull(this); bool[] vertexAbovePlane; int[] oldToNewVertexMap; AssignVertices(a, b, localPointOnPlane, localPlaneNormal, out vertexAbovePlane, out oldToNewVertexMap); IList <Vector3> cutEdges; AssignTriangles(a, b, vertexAbovePlane, oldToNewVertexMap, localPointOnPlane, localPlaneNormal, out cutEdges); if (fillCut) { if (colors != null && colorMapper == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Fill cut failed: A ColorMapper was not provided even though the mesh has a color channel"); } else if ((tangents != null || uvs != null) && uvMapper == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Fill cut failed: A UvMapper was not provided even though the mesh has a tangent/uv channel"); } else { FillCutEdges(a, b, cutEdges, localPlaneNormal, uvMapper, colorMapper); } } ValidateOutput(a, b, localPlaneNormal); // Set output resultA = a; resultB = b; }
protected void ValidateOutput(FastHull a, FastHull b, Vector3 planeNormal) { float lengthA = a.LengthAlongAxis(planeNormal); float lengthB = b.LengthAlongAxis(planeNormal); float sum = lengthA + lengthB; if (sum < smallestValidLength) { a.isValid = false; b.isValid = false; } else if (lengthA / sum < smallestValidRatio) { a.isValid = false; } else if (lengthB / sum < smallestValidRatio) { b.isValid = false; } }
protected void FillCutEdges(FastHull a, FastHull b, IList <Vector3> edges, Vector3 planeNormal, UvMapper uvMapper, ColorMapper colorMapper) { int edgeCount = edges.Count / 2; List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>(edgeCount); List <int> outline = new List <int>(edgeCount * 2); int start = 0; for (int current = 0; current < edgeCount; current++) { int next = current + 1; // Find the next edge int nearest = start; float nearestDistance = (edges[current * 2 + 1] - edges[start * 2 + 0]).sqrMagnitude; for (int other = next; other < edgeCount; other++) { float distance = (edges[current * 2 + 1] - edges[other * 2 + 0]).sqrMagnitude; if (distance < nearestDistance) { nearest = other; nearestDistance = distance; } } // Is the current edge the last edge in this edge loop? if (nearest == start && current > start) { int pointStart = points.Count; int pointCounter = pointStart; // Add this edge loop to the triangulation lists for (int edge = start; edge < current; edge++) { points.Add(edges[edge * 2 + 0]); outline.Add(pointCounter++); outline.Add(pointCounter); } points.Add(edges[current * 2 + 0]); outline.Add(pointCounter); outline.Add(pointStart); // Start a new edge loop start = next; } else if (next < edgeCount) { // Move the nearest edge so that it follows the current edge Vector3 n0 = edges[next * 2 + 0]; Vector3 n1 = edges[next * 2 + 1]; edges[next * 2 + 0] = edges[nearest * 2 + 0]; edges[next * 2 + 1] = edges[nearest * 2 + 1]; edges[nearest * 2 + 0] = n0; edges[nearest * 2 + 1] = n1; } } if (points.Count > 0) { // Triangulate the outline int[] newEdges, newTriangles, newTriangleEdges; ITriangulator triangulator = new Triangulator(points, outline, planeNormal); triangulator.Fill(out newEdges, out newTriangles, out newTriangleEdges); // Add the new vertices int offsetA = a.vertices.Count; int offsetB = b.vertices.Count; a.vertices.AddRange(points); b.vertices.AddRange(points); if (normals != null) { Vector3 normalA = -planeNormal; Vector3 normalB = planeNormal; for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { a.normals.Add(normalA); b.normals.Add(normalB); } } if (colors != null) { Color32[] colorsA, colorsB; colorMapper.Map(points, planeNormal, out colorsA, out colorsB); a.colors.AddRange(colorsA); b.colors.AddRange(colorsB); } if (tangents != null || uvs != null) { Vector4[] tangentsA, tangentsB; Vector2[] uvsA, uvsB; uvMapper.Map(points, planeNormal, out tangentsA, out tangentsB, out uvsA, out uvsB); if (tangents != null) { a.tangents.AddRange(tangentsA); b.tangents.AddRange(tangentsB); } if (uvs != null) { a.uvs.AddRange(uvsA); b.uvs.AddRange(uvsB); } } // Add the new triangles int newTriangleCount = newTriangles.Length / 3; for (int i = 0; i < newTriangleCount; i++) { a.indices.Add(offsetA + newTriangles[i * 3 + 0]); a.indices.Add(offsetA + newTriangles[i * 3 + 2]); a.indices.Add(offsetA + newTriangles[i * 3 + 1]); b.indices.Add(offsetB + newTriangles[i * 3 + 0]); b.indices.Add(offsetB + newTriangles[i * 3 + 1]); b.indices.Add(offsetB + newTriangles[i * 3 + 2]); } } }
protected void SplitTriangle(FastHull topHull, FastHull bottomHull, int[] oldToNewVertexMap, Vector3 pointOnPlane, Vector3 planeNormal, int top, int cw, int ccw, out Vector3 cwIntersection, out Vector3 ccwIntersection) { Vector3 v0 = vertices[top]; Vector3 v1 = vertices[cw]; Vector3 v2 = vertices[ccw]; // Intersect the top-cw edge with the plane float cwDenominator = Vector3.Dot(v1 - v0, planeNormal); float cwScalar = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(pointOnPlane - v0, planeNormal) / cwDenominator); // Intersect the top-ccw edge with the plane float ccwDenominator = Vector3.Dot(v2 - v0, planeNormal); float ccwScalar = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(pointOnPlane - v0, planeNormal) / ccwDenominator); // Interpolate vertex positions Vector3 cwVertex = new Vector3(); cwVertex.x = v0.x + (v1.x - v0.x) * cwScalar; cwVertex.y = v0.y + (v1.y - v0.y) * cwScalar; cwVertex.z = v0.z + (v1.z - v0.z) * cwScalar; Vector3 ccwVertex = new Vector3(); ccwVertex.x = v0.x + (v2.x - v0.x) * ccwScalar; ccwVertex.y = v0.y + (v2.y - v0.y) * ccwScalar; ccwVertex.z = v0.z + (v2.z - v0.z) * ccwScalar; // Create top triangle int cwA = topHull.vertices.Count; topHull.vertices.Add(cwVertex); int ccwA = topHull.vertices.Count; topHull.vertices.Add(ccwVertex); topHull.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[top]); topHull.indices.Add(cwA); topHull.indices.Add(ccwA); // Create bottom triangles int cwB = bottomHull.vertices.Count; bottomHull.vertices.Add(cwVertex); int ccwB = bottomHull.vertices.Count; bottomHull.vertices.Add(ccwVertex); bottomHull.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[cw]); bottomHull.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[ccw]); bottomHull.indices.Add(ccwB); bottomHull.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[cw]); bottomHull.indices.Add(ccwB); bottomHull.indices.Add(cwB); // Interpolate normals if (normals != null) { Vector3 n0 = normals[top]; Vector3 n1 = normals[cw]; Vector3 n2 = normals[ccw]; Vector3 cwNormal = new Vector3(); cwNormal.x = n0.x + (n1.x - n0.x) * cwScalar; cwNormal.y = n0.y + (n1.y - n0.y) * cwScalar; cwNormal.z = n0.z + (n1.z - n0.z) * cwScalar; cwNormal.Normalize(); Vector3 ccwNormal = new Vector3(); ccwNormal.x = n0.x + (n2.x - n0.x) * ccwScalar; ccwNormal.y = n0.y + (n2.y - n0.y) * ccwScalar; ccwNormal.z = n0.z + (n2.z - n0.z) * ccwScalar; ccwNormal.Normalize(); // Add vertex property topHull.normals.Add(cwNormal); topHull.normals.Add(ccwNormal); bottomHull.normals.Add(cwNormal); bottomHull.normals.Add(ccwNormal); } // Interpolate colors if (colors != null) { Color32 c0 = colors[top]; Color32 c1 = colors[cw]; Color32 c2 = colors[ccw]; Color32 cwColor = Color32.Lerp(c0, c1, cwScalar); Color32 ccwColor = Color32.Lerp(c0, c2, ccwScalar); // Add vertex property topHull.colors.Add(cwColor); topHull.colors.Add(ccwColor); bottomHull.colors.Add(cwColor); bottomHull.colors.Add(ccwColor); } // Interpolate tangents if (tangents != null) { Vector4 t0 = tangents[top]; Vector4 t1 = tangents[cw]; Vector4 t2 = tangents[ccw]; Vector4 cwTangent = new Vector4(); cwTangent.x = t0.x + (t1.x - t0.x) * cwScalar; cwTangent.y = t0.y + (t1.y - t0.y) * cwScalar; cwTangent.z = t0.z + (t1.z - t0.z) * cwScalar; cwTangent.Normalize(); cwTangent.w = t1.w; Vector4 ccwTangent = new Vector4(); ccwTangent.x = t0.x + (t2.x - t0.x) * ccwScalar; ccwTangent.y = t0.y + (t2.y - t0.y) * ccwScalar; ccwTangent.z = t0.z + (t2.z - t0.z) * ccwScalar; ccwTangent.Normalize(); ccwTangent.w = t2.w; // Add vertex property topHull.tangents.Add(cwTangent); topHull.tangents.Add(ccwTangent); bottomHull.tangents.Add(cwTangent); bottomHull.tangents.Add(ccwTangent); } // Interpolate uvs if (uvs != null) { Vector2 u0 = uvs[top]; Vector2 u1 = uvs[cw]; Vector2 u2 = uvs[ccw]; Vector2 cwUv = new Vector2(); cwUv.x = u0.x + (u1.x - u0.x) * cwScalar; cwUv.y = u0.y + (u1.y - u0.y) * cwScalar; Vector2 ccwUv = new Vector2(); ccwUv.x = u0.x + (u2.x - u0.x) * ccwScalar; ccwUv.y = u0.y + (u2.y - u0.y) * ccwScalar; // Add vertex property topHull.uvs.Add(cwUv); topHull.uvs.Add(ccwUv); bottomHull.uvs.Add(cwUv); bottomHull.uvs.Add(ccwUv); } // Set output cwIntersection = cwVertex; ccwIntersection = ccwVertex; }
protected void AssignTriangles(FastHull a, FastHull b, bool[] vertexAbovePlane, int[] oldToNewVertexMap, Vector3 pointOnPlane, Vector3 planeNormal, out IList <Vector3> cutEdges) { cutEdges = new List <Vector3>(); int triangleCount = indices.Count / 3; for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) { int index0 = indices[i * 3 + 0]; int index1 = indices[i * 3 + 1]; int index2 = indices[i * 3 + 2]; bool above0 = vertexAbovePlane[index0]; bool above1 = vertexAbovePlane[index1]; bool above2 = vertexAbovePlane[index2]; if (above0 && above1 && above2) { // Assign triangle to hull A a.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index0]); a.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index1]); a.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index2]); } else if (!above0 && !above1 && !above2) { // Assign triangle to hull B b.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index0]); b.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index1]); b.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index2]); } else { // Split triangle int top, cw, ccw; if (above1 == above2 && above0 != above1) { top = index0; cw = index1; ccw = index2; } else if (above2 == above0 && above1 != above2) { top = index1; cw = index2; ccw = index0; } else { top = index2; cw = index0; ccw = index1; } Vector3 cutVertex0, cutVertex1; if (vertexAbovePlane[top]) { SplitTriangle(a, b, oldToNewVertexMap, pointOnPlane, planeNormal, top, cw, ccw, out cutVertex0, out cutVertex1); } else { SplitTriangle(b, a, oldToNewVertexMap, pointOnPlane, planeNormal, top, cw, ccw, out cutVertex1, out cutVertex0); } // Add cut edge if (cutVertex0 != cutVertex1) { cutEdges.Add(cutVertex0); cutEdges.Add(cutVertex1); } } } }
protected void AssignVertices(FastHull a, FastHull b, Vector3 pointOnPlane, Vector3 planeNormal, out bool[] vertexAbovePlane, out int[] oldToNewVertexMap) { vertexAbovePlane = new bool[vertices.Count]; oldToNewVertexMap = new int[vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++) { Vector3 vertex = vertices[i]; bool abovePlane = Vector3.Dot(vertex - pointOnPlane, planeNormal) >= 0.0f; vertexAbovePlane[i] = abovePlane; if (abovePlane) { // Assign vertex to hull A oldToNewVertexMap[i] = a.vertices.Count; a.vertices.Add(vertex); if (normals != null) { a.normals.Add(normals[i]); } if (colors != null) { a.colors.Add(colors[i]); } if (tangents != null) { a.tangents.Add(tangents[i]); } if (uvs != null) { a.uvs.Add(uvs[i]); } } else { // Assign vertex to hull B oldToNewVertexMap[i] = b.vertices.Count; b.vertices.Add(vertex); if (normals != null) { b.normals.Add(normals[i]); } if (colors != null) { b.colors.Add(colors[i]); } if (tangents != null) { b.tangents.Add(tangents[i]); } if (uvs != null) { b.uvs.Add(uvs[i]); } } } }
protected void FillCutEdges(FastHull a, FastHull b, IList<Vector3> edges, Vector3 planeNormal, UvMapper uvMapper, ColorMapper colorMapper) { int edgeCount = edges.Count / 2; List<Vector3> points = new List<Vector3>(edgeCount); List<int> outline = new List<int>(edgeCount * 2); int start = 0; for (int current = 0; current < edgeCount; current++) { int next = current + 1; // Find the next edge int nearest = start; float nearestDistance = (edges[current * 2 + 1] - edges[start * 2 + 0]).sqrMagnitude; for (int other = next; other < edgeCount; other++) { float distance = (edges[current * 2 + 1] - edges[other * 2 + 0]).sqrMagnitude; if (distance < nearestDistance) { nearest = other; nearestDistance = distance; } } // Is the current edge the last edge in this edge loop? if (nearest == start && current > start) { int pointStart = points.Count; int pointCounter = pointStart; // Add this edge loop to the triangulation lists for (int edge = start; edge < current; edge++) { points.Add(edges[edge * 2 + 0]); outline.Add(pointCounter++); outline.Add(pointCounter); } points.Add(edges[current * 2 + 0]); outline.Add(pointCounter); outline.Add(pointStart); // Start a new edge loop start = next; } else if (next < edgeCount) { // Move the nearest edge so that it follows the current edge Vector3 n0 = edges[next * 2 + 0]; Vector3 n1 = edges[next * 2 + 1]; edges[next * 2 + 0] = edges[nearest * 2 + 0]; edges[next * 2 + 1] = edges[nearest * 2 + 1]; edges[nearest * 2 + 0] = n0; edges[nearest * 2 + 1] = n1; } } if (points.Count > 0) { // Triangulate the outline int[] newEdges, newTriangles, newTriangleEdges; ITriangulator triangulator = new Triangulator(points, outline, planeNormal); triangulator.Fill(out newEdges, out newTriangles, out newTriangleEdges); // Add the new vertices int offsetA = a.vertices.Count; int offsetB = b.vertices.Count; a.vertices.AddRange(points); b.vertices.AddRange(points); if (normals != null) { Vector3 normalA = -planeNormal; Vector3 normalB = planeNormal; for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { a.normals.Add(normalA); b.normals.Add(normalB); } } if (colors != null) { Color32[] colorsA, colorsB; colorMapper.Map(points, planeNormal, out colorsA, out colorsB); a.colors.AddRange(colorsA); b.colors.AddRange(colorsB); } if (tangents != null || uvs != null) { Vector4[] tangentsA, tangentsB; Vector2[] uvsA, uvsB; uvMapper.Map(points, planeNormal, out tangentsA, out tangentsB, out uvsA, out uvsB); if (tangents != null) { a.tangents.AddRange(tangentsA); b.tangents.AddRange(tangentsB); } if (uvs != null) { a.uvs.AddRange(uvsA); b.uvs.AddRange(uvsB); } } // Add the new triangles int newTriangleCount = newTriangles.Length / 3; for (int i = 0; i < newTriangleCount; i++) { a.indices.Add(offsetA + newTriangles[i * 3 + 0]); a.indices.Add(offsetA + newTriangles[i * 3 + 2]); a.indices.Add(offsetA + newTriangles[i * 3 + 1]); b.indices.Add(offsetB + newTriangles[i * 3 + 0]); b.indices.Add(offsetB + newTriangles[i * 3 + 1]); b.indices.Add(offsetB + newTriangles[i * 3 + 2]); } } }
protected void AssignTriangles(FastHull a, FastHull b, bool[] vertexAbovePlane, int[] oldToNewVertexMap, Vector3 pointOnPlane, Vector3 planeNormal, out IList<Vector3> cutEdges) { cutEdges = new List<Vector3>(); int triangleCount = indices.Count / 3; for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) { int index0 = indices[i * 3 + 0]; int index1 = indices[i * 3 + 1]; int index2 = indices[i * 3 + 2]; bool above0 = vertexAbovePlane[index0]; bool above1 = vertexAbovePlane[index1]; bool above2 = vertexAbovePlane[index2]; if (above0 && above1 && above2) { // Assign triangle to hull A a.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index0]); a.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index1]); a.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index2]); } else if (!above0 && !above1 && !above2) { // Assign triangle to hull B b.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index0]); b.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index1]); b.indices.Add(oldToNewVertexMap[index2]); } else { // Split triangle int top, cw, ccw; if (above1 == above2 && above0 != above1) { top = index0; cw = index1; ccw = index2; } else if (above2 == above0 && above1 != above2) { top = index1; cw = index2; ccw = index0; } else { top = index2; cw = index0; ccw = index1; } Vector3 cutVertex0, cutVertex1; if (vertexAbovePlane[top]) { SplitTriangle(a, b, oldToNewVertexMap, pointOnPlane, planeNormal, top, cw, ccw, out cutVertex0, out cutVertex1); } else { SplitTriangle(b, a, oldToNewVertexMap, pointOnPlane, planeNormal, top, cw, ccw, out cutVertex1, out cutVertex0); } // Add cut edge if (cutVertex0 != cutVertex1) { cutEdges.Add(cutVertex0); cutEdges.Add(cutVertex1); } } } }
public void Split(Vector3 localPointOnPlane, Vector3 localPlaneNormal, bool fillCut, UvMapper uvMapper, ColorMapper colorMapper, out IHull resultA, out IHull resultB) { if (localPlaneNormal == { localPlaneNormal = Vector3.up; } FastHull a = new FastHull(this); FastHull b = new FastHull(this); bool[] vertexAbovePlane; int[] oldToNewVertexMap; AssignVertices(a, b, localPointOnPlane, localPlaneNormal, out vertexAbovePlane, out oldToNewVertexMap); IList<Vector3> cutEdges; AssignTriangles(a, b, vertexAbovePlane, oldToNewVertexMap, localPointOnPlane, localPlaneNormal, out cutEdges); if (fillCut) { if (colors != null && colorMapper == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Fill cut failed: A ColorMapper was not provided even though the mesh has a color channel"); } else if ((tangents != null || uvs != null) && uvMapper == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Fill cut failed: A UvMapper was not provided even though the mesh has a tangent/uv channel"); } else { FillCutEdges(a, b, cutEdges, localPlaneNormal, uvMapper, colorMapper); } } ValidateOutput(a, b, localPlaneNormal); // Set output resultA = a; resultB = b; }