Пример #1
        // 		void timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
        // 			throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        // 		}
        // Test methods compile
        static void TestFloat3x3()
            if ( System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(float3x3)) != 36 )
            throw new Exception( "Not the appropriate size!" );

            float3x3	test1 = new float3x3( new float[9] { 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 } );
            float3x3	test2 = new float3x3( new float3( 1, 0, 0 ), new float3( 0, 1, 0 ), new float3( 0, 0, 1 ) );
            float3x3	test3 = new float3x3( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 );
            float3x3	test0;
                test0 = test3;
            test2.Scale( new float3( 2, 2, 2 ) );
            float3x3	mul0 = test1 * test2;
            float3x3	mul1 = 3.0f * test2;
            float3		mul2 = new float3( 1, 1, 1 ) * test3;
            float3		access0 = test3[2];
            test3[1] = new float3( 12, 13, 14 );
            float		access1 = test3[1,2];
            test3[1,2] = 18;
            //	float		coFactor = test3.CoFactor( 0, 2 );
            float		det = test3.Determinant;
            float3x3	inv = test2.Inverse;
            float3x3	id = float3x3.Identity;

            test3.BuildRotationX( 0.5f );
            test3.BuildRotationY( 0.5f );
            test3.BuildRotationZ( 0.5f );
            test3.BuildFromAngleAxis( 0.5f, float3.UnitY );
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the matrix to apply the SH coefficients to make them rotate by the specified matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Rotation">The 3x3 rotation matrix to infer the SH rotation matrix from</param>
        /// <param name="_Matrix">The resulting _Order² x _Order² rotation matrix</param>
        /// <param name="_Order">The order of the SH vectors that will be rotated using the matrix</param>
        public static void BuildRotationMatrix( float3x3 _Rotation, double[,] _Matrix, int _Order )
            // This method recursively computes the SH transformation matrix based on a regular 3x3 transform
            // The transformation matrix is block diagonal-sparse in the following form:
            //	   1   |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   | ...
            //	---------------------------------------------
            //	   0   |  m00  |  m01  |  m02  |   0   | ...
            //	---------------------------------------------
            //	   0   |  m10  |  m11  |  m12  |   0   | ...
            //	---------------------------------------------
            //	   0   |  m20  |  m21  |  m22  |   0   | ...
            //	---------------------------------------------
            //	   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   |  xxx  | ...
            //	---------------------------------------------
            //	  ...  |   ... |  ...  |  ...  |  ...  | ...
            // The blocks from order > 1 are infered by reccurence from the block at order 1, which is a regular 3x3 matrix.

            // Clear coefficients
            for ( int DimIndex0=0; DimIndex0 < _Matrix.GetLength( 0 ); DimIndex0++ )
                for ( int DimIndex1=0; DimIndex1 < _Matrix.GetLength( 1 ); DimIndex1++ )
                    _Matrix[DimIndex0,DimIndex0] = 0.0;

            // Order 0 is the ambient term (constant)
            _Matrix[0,0] = 1.0f;

            // Order 1 is a regular 3x3 rotation matrix
            _Matrix[1,1] = _Rotation[0,0];	_Matrix[1,2] = _Rotation[0,1];	_Matrix[1,3] = _Rotation[0,2];
            _Matrix[2,1] = _Rotation[1,0];	_Matrix[2,2] = _Rotation[1,1];	_Matrix[2,3] = _Rotation[1,2];
            _Matrix[3,1] = _Rotation[2,0];	_Matrix[3,2] = _Rotation[2,1];	_Matrix[3,3] = _Rotation[2,2];

            // The remaining bands are built recursively
            for ( int l=2; l < _Order; l++ )
                int		BandOffset = l * (l + 1);
                for ( int m=-l; m <= +l; m++ )
                    for ( int n=-l; n <= +l; n++ )
                        // Compute (u, v, w)
                        double	u, v, w;
                        double	m0 = m == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                        double	m1 = m == 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                        double	mm1 = m == -1 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                        if ( Math.Abs(n) < l )
                            u = Math.Sqrt( (l + m) * (l - m) / ((l + n) * (l - n)) );
                            v = +.5 * Math.Sqrt( (1.0 + m0) * (l + Math.Abs( m ) - 1) * (l + Math.Abs( m )) / ((l + n) * (l - n)) ) * (1.0 - 2.0 * m0);
                            w = -.5 * Math.Sqrt( (l - Math.Abs( m ) - 1) * (l - Math.Abs( m )) / ((l + n) * (l - n)) ) * (1.0 - m0);
                            u = Math.Sqrt( (l + m) * (l - m) / (2 * l * (2 * l - 1)) );
                            v = +.5 * Math.Sqrt( (1.0 + m0) * (l + Math.Abs( m ) - 1) * (l + Math.Abs( m )) / (2 * l * (2 * l - 1)) ) * (1.0 - 2.0 * m0);
                            w = -.5 * Math.Sqrt( (l - Math.Abs( m ) - 1) * (l - Math.Abs( m )) / (2 * l * (2 * l - 1)) ) * (1.0 - m0);

                        // Compute (U, V, W)
                        double	U, V, W;
                        if ( m > 0 )
                            U = ComputeP( m, n, 0, l, _Matrix );
                            V = ComputeP( m - 1, n, 1, l, _Matrix ) * Math.Sqrt( 1.0 + m1 ) - ComputeP( 1 - m, n, -1, l, _Matrix ) * (1.0 - m1);
                            W = ComputeP( m + 1, n, 1, l, _Matrix ) + ComputeP( -m - 1, n, -1, l, _Matrix );
                        else if ( m < 0 )
                            U = ComputeP( m, n, 0, l, _Matrix );
                            V = ComputeP( m + 1, n, 1, l, _Matrix ) * (1.0 + mm1) + ComputeP( -m - 1, n, -1, l, _Matrix ) * Math.Sqrt( 1.0 - mm1 );
                            W = ComputeP( m - 1, n, 1, l, _Matrix ) - ComputeP( -m + 1, n, -1, l, _Matrix );
                            U = ComputeP( 0, n, 0, l, _Matrix );
                            V = ComputeP( 1, n, 1, l, _Matrix ) + ComputeP( -1, n, -1, l, _Matrix );
                            W = 0.0;

                        // Compute final coefficient
                        _Matrix[BandOffset + m,BandOffset + n] = u * U + v * V + w * W;
Пример #3
 public void                                     FromEuler(float3 _EulerAngles)
     float3x3 MatX = new float3x3(INIT_TYPES.ROT_X, _EulerAngles.x); float3x3 MatY = new float3x3(INIT_TYPES.ROT_Y, _EulerAngles.y); float3x3 MatZ = new float3x3(INIT_TYPES.ROT_Z, _EulerAngles.z); Set(MatX * MatY * MatZ);
Пример #4
 public float3x3(float3x3 _Source)
Пример #5
 public void Set( float3x3 _Source )
     if ( _Source == null )
     m[0, 0] = _Source.m[0, 0]; m[0, 1] = _Source.m[0, 1]; m[0, 2] = _Source.m[0, 2];
     m[1, 0] = _Source.m[1, 0]; m[1, 1] = _Source.m[1, 1]; m[1, 2] = _Source.m[1, 2];
     m[2, 0] = _Source.m[2, 0]; m[2, 1] = _Source.m[2, 1]; m[2, 2] = _Source.m[2, 2];
Пример #6
 public float3x3                 MakePYR(float _fPitch, float _fYaw, float _fRoll)
     float3x3 Pitch = new float3x3(INIT_TYPES.ROT_X, _fPitch); float3x3 Yaw = new float3x3(INIT_TYPES.ROT_Y, _fYaw); float3x3 Roll = new float3x3(INIT_TYPES.ROT_Z, _fRoll); Set(Roll * Yaw * Pitch); return(this);
Пример #7
        public float3x3 Invert()
            float	fDet = Determinant();
            if ( (float) System.Math.Abs(fDet) < float.Epsilon )
                throw new MatrixException( "Matrix is not invertible!" );		// The matrix is not invertible! Singular case!

            float	fIDet = 1.0f / fDet;

            float3x3	Temp = new float3x3();
            Temp.m[0, 0] = +(m[1, 1] * m[2, 2] - m[2, 1] * m[1, 2]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[1, 0] = -(m[1, 0] * m[2, 2] - m[2, 0] * m[1, 2]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[2, 0] = +(m[1, 0] * m[2, 1] - m[2, 0] * m[1, 1]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[0, 1] = -(m[0, 1] * m[2, 2] - m[2, 1] * m[0, 2]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[1, 1] = +(m[0, 0] * m[2, 2] - m[2, 0] * m[0, 2]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[2, 1] = -(m[0, 0] * m[2, 1] - m[2, 0] * m[0, 1]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[0, 2] = +(m[0, 1] * m[1, 2] - m[1, 1] * m[0, 2]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[1, 2] = -(m[0, 0] * m[1, 2] - m[1, 0] * m[0, 2]) * fIDet;
            Temp.m[2, 2] = +(m[0, 0] * m[1, 1] - m[1, 0] * m[0, 1]) * fIDet;

            Set( Temp );

            return	this;
Пример #8
 public float3x3 MakePYR( float _fPitch, float _fYaw, float _fRoll )
     float3x3 Pitch = new float3x3( INIT_TYPES.ROT_X, _fPitch ); float3x3 Yaw = new float3x3( INIT_TYPES.ROT_Y, _fYaw ); float3x3 Roll = new float3x3( INIT_TYPES.ROT_Z, _fRoll ); Set( Roll * Yaw * Pitch ); return this;
Пример #9
        public static float3x3 Parse( string _Source )
            string[]	Terms = _Source.Split( new char[] { ';' } );

            float3x3	Result = new float3x3();
                        Result.m[0,0] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 0 + 0] );
                        Result.m[0,1] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 0 + 1] );
                        Result.m[0,2] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 0 + 2] );
                        Result.m[1,0] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 1 + 0] );
                        Result.m[1,1] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 1 + 1] );
                        Result.m[1,2] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 1 + 2] );
                        Result.m[2,0] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 2 + 0] );
                        Result.m[2,1] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 2 + 1] );
                        Result.m[2,2] = float.Parse( Terms[3 * 2 + 2] );

            return	Result;
Пример #10
 public void FromEuler( float3 _EulerAngles )
     float3x3 MatX = new float3x3( INIT_TYPES.ROT_X, _EulerAngles.x ); float3x3 MatY = new float3x3( INIT_TYPES.ROT_Y, _EulerAngles.y ); float3x3 MatZ = new float3x3( INIT_TYPES.ROT_Z, _EulerAngles.z ); Set( MatX * MatY * MatZ );
Пример #11
 public float3x3( float3x3 _Source )
     Set( _Source );
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the rotation matrix to transform a source vector into a target vector
        /// (routine from Thomas Moller)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Source">The source vector</param>
        /// <param name="_Target">The target vector</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation matrix to apply that will transform</returns>
        public static float3x3 ComputeRotationMatrix( float3 _Source, float3 _Target )
            SharpMath.float3x3	Result = new float3x3();

            float	e = _Source | _Target;
            bool	bReverse = e < 0.0f;
            if ( bReverse )
            {	// Revert target
                _Target = -_Target;
                e = -e;

            if ( e > 1.0f - 0.000001f )
                if ( bReverse )
                {	// Reverse final matrix
             					Result.SetRow0( -Result.GetRow0() );
             					Result.SetRow1( -Result.GetRow1() );
             					Result.SetRow2( -Result.GetRow2() );

                return	Result;					// No rotation needed...

            float3	Ortho = _Source ^ _Target;

            float	h = 1.0f / (1.0f + e);      // Optimization by Gottfried Chen

            Result.SetRow0(	new float3( e + h * Ortho.x * Ortho.x,
                                        h * Ortho.x * Ortho.y + Ortho.z,
                                        h * Ortho.x * Ortho.z - Ortho.y ) );

            Result.SetRow1( new float3( h * Ortho.x * Ortho.y - Ortho.z,
                                        e + h * Ortho.y * Ortho.y,
                                        h * Ortho.y * Ortho.z + Ortho.x ) );

            Result.SetRow2(	new float3( h * Ortho.x * Ortho.z + Ortho.y,
                                        h * Ortho.y * Ortho.z - Ortho.x,
                                        e + h * Ortho.z * Ortho.z ) );

            if ( bReverse )
            {	// Reverse final matrix
             				Result.SetRow0( -Result.GetRow0() );
             				Result.SetRow1( -Result.GetRow1() );
             				Result.SetRow2( -Result.GetRow2() );

            return	Result;
Пример #13
 public static float3x3 operator /( float3x3 _Op0, float _s )
     float	Is = 1.0f / _s;
     float3x3	Ret = new float3x3();
     Ret.m[0, 0] = _Op0.m[0, 0] * Is;
     Ret.m[0, 1] = _Op0.m[0, 1] * Is;
     Ret.m[0, 2] = _Op0.m[0, 2] * Is;
     Ret.m[1, 0] = _Op0.m[1, 0] * Is;
     Ret.m[1, 1] = _Op0.m[1, 1] * Is;
     Ret.m[1, 2] = _Op0.m[1, 2] * Is;
     Ret.m[2, 0] = _Op0.m[2, 0] * Is;
     Ret.m[2, 1] = _Op0.m[2, 1] * Is;
     Ret.m[2, 2] = _Op0.m[2, 2] * Is;
     return	Ret;
Пример #14
 public static float3x3 operator -( float3x3 _Op0, float3x3 _Op1 )
     float3x3	Ret = new float3x3();
     Ret.m[0, 0] = _Op0.m[0, 0] - _Op1.m[0, 0];
     Ret.m[0, 1] = _Op0.m[0, 1] - _Op1.m[0, 1];
     Ret.m[0, 2] = _Op0.m[0, 2] - _Op1.m[0, 2];
     Ret.m[1, 0] = _Op0.m[1, 0] - _Op1.m[1, 0];
     Ret.m[1, 1] = _Op0.m[1, 1] - _Op1.m[1, 1];
     Ret.m[1, 2] = _Op0.m[1, 2] - _Op1.m[1, 2];
     Ret.m[2, 0] = _Op0.m[2, 0] - _Op1.m[2, 0];
     Ret.m[2, 1] = _Op0.m[2, 1] - _Op1.m[2, 1];
     Ret.m[2, 2] = _Op0.m[2, 2] - _Op1.m[2, 2];
     return	Ret;
Пример #15
 public static float3x3 operator *( float _s, float3x3 _Op0 )
     float3x3	Ret = new float3x3();
     Ret.m[0, 0] = _Op0.m[0, 0] * _s;
     Ret.m[0, 1] = _Op0.m[0, 1] * _s;
     Ret.m[0, 2] = _Op0.m[0, 2] * _s;
     Ret.m[1, 0] = _Op0.m[1, 0] * _s;
     Ret.m[1, 1] = _Op0.m[1, 1] * _s;
     Ret.m[1, 2] = _Op0.m[1, 2] * _s;
     Ret.m[2, 0] = _Op0.m[2, 0] * _s;
     Ret.m[2, 1] = _Op0.m[2, 1] * _s;
     Ret.m[2, 2] = _Op0.m[2, 2] * _s;
     return	Ret;