Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Node Data to load</param>
        public AnimationSet(AnimationNode node)
            int stride = node.Output.Count / node.Input.Count;
            int count  = node.Input.Count;

            Ticks  = new List <float>(node.Input);
            Output = node.Output.Select(m => new AnimationData(m)).ToList();

            Tangent_In  = new List <AnimationData>();
            Tangent_Out = new List <AnimationData>();
            if (node.In_Tangent != null && node.In_Tangent.Count > 0)
                Tangent_In = node.In_Tangent.Select(m => new AnimationData(m)).ToList();
            if (node.Out_Tangent != null && node.Out_Tangent.Count > 0)
                Tangent_Out = node.Out_Tangent.Select(m => new AnimationData(m)).ToList();
            InterpolationMode = (InterpolationType)node.Interpolation;
            Target            = node.Target;
Пример #2
        private static AnimationNode CreateAnimationTrack(XElement animationData)
            AnimationNode track = new AnimationNode();

            //Get source, every source contain input and ouput data (input is time, output is matrix)
            var channel = animationData.GetChild("channel");
            //cerca eventuali sotto animazioni
            foreach (XElement elem in animationData.GetChildren("animation"))

            //search for valid channel
            if (channel == null)
                return track;

            //get all source
            XElement source = channel.GetSource();
            var input = source.GetChildren("input").Where(i => i.GetAttribute("semantic") == "INPUT").FirstOrDefault();
            var output = source.GetChildren("input").Where(i => i.GetAttribute("semantic") == "OUTPUT").FirstOrDefault();
            var in_tangent = source.GetChildren("input").Where(i => i.GetAttribute("semantic") == "IN_TANGENT").FirstOrDefault();
            var out_tangent = source.GetChildren("input").Where(i => i.GetAttribute("semantic") == "OUT_TANGENT").FirstOrDefault();
            var interpolation = source.GetChildren("input").Where(i => i.GetAttribute("semantic") == "INTERPOLATION").FirstOrDefault();

            //tangenti in_out
            if (in_tangent != null)
                in_tangent = in_tangent.GetSource();
            if (out_tangent != null)
                out_tangent = out_tangent.GetSource();

            //get target of animation
            string target = channel.GetAttribute("target");

            //get parameter of animations (example, name/transform)
            string[] targetParts = channel.GetAttribute("target").Split(new char[] { '/' });

            track.Target = targetParts[0];
            string animationType = targetParts[1].ToLower();
            animationType = animationType.Replace("(", " ").Replace(")", " ").Replace(".", " ");
            string[] parts = animationType.Split(' ').Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToArray();

            track.Output = GetKeyFrames(animationType, output);

            track.In_Tangent = GetKeyFrames(animationType, in_tangent);
            track.Out_Tangent = GetKeyFrames(animationType, out_tangent);

            //input key frame
            input = input.GetSource();
            interpolation = interpolation.GetSource();

            //get interpolation time
            string interpolationType = interpolation.Value.Replace('\n', ' ').Split(' ').Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (interpolationType == "LINEAR")
                track.Interpolation = Interpolation.Linear;
            else if (interpolationType == "BEZIER")
                track.Interpolation = Interpolation.Bezier;
                track.Interpolation = Interpolation.Undefined;

            //get key frame
            track.Input = GetFloatList(input.GetChild("float_array").Value);

            return track;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Node Data to load</param>
        public AnimationSet(AnimationNode node)
            int stride = node.Output.Count / node.Input.Count;
            int count = node.Input.Count;
            Ticks = new List<float>(node.Input);
            Output = node.Output.Select(m => new AnimationData(m)).ToList();

            Tangent_In = new List<AnimationData>();
            Tangent_Out = new List<AnimationData>();
            if (node.In_Tangent != null && node.In_Tangent.Count > 0)
                Tangent_In = node.In_Tangent.Select(m => new AnimationData(m)).ToList();
            if (node.Out_Tangent != null && node.Out_Tangent.Count > 0)
                Tangent_Out = node.Out_Tangent.Select(m => new AnimationData(m)).ToList();
            InterpolationMode = (InterpolationType)node.Interpolation;
            Target = node.Target;