Пример #1
        void ExecuteNonPrepare_A(Action nextAction)
            //abstract mysql packet
            // (4 bytes header)| ( user content)

            // 4 bytes header => 3 bytes for user content len (so max => (1 << 24) - 1 or 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
            //                => 1 byte for packet number, so this value is 0-255

            _writer.Reset();//*** packet number is reset to 0

            //If a MySQL client or server wants to send data, it:
            //Splits the data into packets of size (2^24)−1 bytes
            //Prepends to each chunk a packet header
            byte[] buffer = _writer.GetEncodeBytes(_sqlStrTemplate.BindValues(_cmdParams, false).ToCharArray());

            int totalLen = buffer.Length;
            //packet count
            int packetCount = ((totalLen + Connection.MAX_PACKET_CONTENT_LENGTH) / Connection.MAX_PACKET_CONTENT_LENGTH);

            if (packetCount >= 255)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (packetCount <= 1)
                //check SendIO buffer is large enough or not
                //if not, handle this by asking for more buffer
                //or throw error back to user
                if (!_conn.EnsureSendIOBufferSize(totalLen))
                    //how to handle exception
                    //TODO: review here,
                    //we should not throw exception on working thread
                    throw new NotSupportedException();
                //check if we can write data in 1 packet or not
                //var header = new PacketHeader(_writer.OnlyPacketContentLength, _writer.IncrementPacketNumber());
                _writer.WriteHeader(_writer.OnlyPacketContentLength, _writer.IncrementPacketNumber());
                SendAndRecv_A(_writer.ToArray(), nextAction);
                //we need to split to multiple packet
                //and we need max sendIO buffer
                //check SendIO buffer is large enough or not
                //if not, handle this by asking for more buffer
                //or throw error back to user

                if (!_conn.EnsureSendIOBufferSize(Connection.MAX_PACKET_CONTENT_LENGTH))
                    //how to handle exception
                    //TODO: review here,
                    //we should not throw exception on working thread
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

                int currentPacketContentSize = Connection.MAX_PACKET_CONTENT_LENGTH;
                int pos = 0;

                for (int packet_num = 0; packet_num < packetCount; ++packet_num)
                    //write each packet to stream
                    if (packet_num == 0)
                        //first packet
                        _writer.WriteBinaryString(buffer, pos, currentPacketContentSize - 1);//remove 1 query cmd
                        pos += (currentPacketContentSize - 1);
                    else if (packet_num == packetCount - 1)
                        //last packet
                        currentPacketContentSize = totalLen - pos;
                        _writer.WriteBinaryString(buffer, pos, currentPacketContentSize);
                        //in between
                        _writer.WriteBinaryString(buffer, pos, currentPacketContentSize);
                        pos += (currentPacketContentSize);

                    //check if we can write data in 1 packet or not
                    //var header = new PacketHeader((uint)currentPacketContentSize, (byte)packet_num);//***
                    _writer.WriteHeader((uint)currentPacketContentSize, (byte)packet_num); //***
                    _conn.EnqueueOutputData(_writer.ToArray());                            //enqueue output data

                _conn.StartSend(() =>
                    //when send complete then start recv result
Пример #2
 void SendPacket_A(byte[] packetBuffer, Action nextAction)
     //send all to
     _conn.StartSend(packetBuffer, 0, packetBuffer.Length, nextAction);