Пример #1
        private void CreateOrTopupAllTables(bool topUp, List <string> selectedShares)
            //Prepare structures needed for the run
            //Ensure AlTables subfolder exists
            var alltablesPath = Helper.UserSettings().AllTablesFolder;

            if (!Directory.Exists(alltablesPath))

            //get the All-Shares list into array form
            string[] allShareArray;
            if (selectedShares == null)
                //usual case, we're doing ALL shares
                allShareArray = LocalStore.CreateShareArrayFromShareList();
                //selective shares (fixing suspect All-Tables)
                allShareArray = selectedShares.ToArray();

            if (allShareArray.Count() > 0)
                DateTime startDate   = calendarFrom.SelectionStart;
                DateTime endDate     = calendarTo.SelectionStart;
                int      tradingSpan = Helper.ComputeTradingSpanInclusive(startDate, endDate);

                string createOrTopup = topUp ? "OVERLAY" : "CREATE";
                var    msg           = $"{createOrTopup} All-tables for the {tradingSpan} trading days up to {endDate.ToShortDateString()} (inclusive)?";
                string preserveOrNew = topUp ? "Existing data in the range will be preserved, NEW data will be added." : "All-Table data will be created from scratch.";
                var    extraMsg      = $"\n\n{preserveOrNew}\n\nWarning: This may take time!";
                if ((MessageBox.Show(msg + extraMsg, $"{allShareArray.Count()} All-Tables will be effected",
                                     MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes))
                    //put some buttons on hold, make progress bar visible etc..
                    Helper.HoldWhileGeneratingNewAllTables(true, topUp);
                    Helper.Log("Info", Helper.Repeat("==========", 8));
                    Helper.Log("Info", msg);
                    LocalStore.RefreshNewAllTables(startDate, endDate, tradingSpan, allShareArray, topUp, ""); //will queue up a lot of tasks!
Пример #2
        internal void GenerateAllTableSummaryForGrid(Action <int> progress, List <AllTableSummary> summaries)
            var allTablesFolder = Helper.UserSettings().AllTablesFolder;
            var shareLines      = LocalStore.CreateShareArrayFromShareList();
            int shareCount      = 0;

            foreach (string line in shareLines)
                var    share            = Helper.CreateShareFromLine(line);
                string allTableFilename = allTablesFolder + $"\\alltable_{share.Number}.at";

                //determine First Day, Last Day and number of trading days by inspecting the All-Table file
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(allTableFilename, FileMode.Open))
                    //read in entire all-table
                    var atRows  = Helper.DeserializeAllTable <AllTable>(fs).Skip(2).ToArray();
                    var numRows = atRows.Count();

                    var shareSummary = new AllTableSummary(share);
                    shareSummary.FirstDay            = atRows[0].Date;
                    shareSummary.LastDay             = atRows[numRows - 1].Date;
                    shareSummary.LastPrice           = atRows[numRows - 1].FP;
                    shareSummary.TotalVolume         = (uint)atRows.Sum(x => x.FV);
                    shareSummary.AverageDailyVolume  = Convert.ToUInt32(104 * atRows.Average(x => x.FV));
                    shareSummary.LastDayVolume       = (uint)atRows.Skip(numRows - 104).Take(14).Sum(x => x.FV);
                    shareSummary.NumberOfTradingDays = (atRows.Count()) / 104;

                //if (shareCount == 10) break;
                if (progress != null)