public ShareFileWebAuthentication()

            _sfClient = new ShareFileClient("");
            _oauthService = new OAuthService(_sfClient, _oauthClientId, _oauthClientSecret);
            _authenticationHelper = new OAuth2AuthenticationHelper(_completionUri);
Пример #2
 private static JsonSerializer GetLoggingSerializer(ShareFileClient client)
     return(new JsonSerializer
         ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace,
         MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore,
         NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
         Converters = { new LoggingConverter(client), new StringEnumConverter(), new SafeEnumConverter() }
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Download all items recursively
        /// </summary>
        private void DownloadRecursive(ShareFileClient client, int downloadId, Models.Item source, DirectoryInfo target, ActionType actionType)
            if (source is Models.Folder)
                var subdir = CreateLocalFolder(target, source as Folder);

                var children = client.Items.GetChildren(source.url).Execute();

                if (children != null)
                    ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.Name);

                    foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                        if (child is Models.Folder && Recursive)
                            DownloadRecursive(client, downloadId, child, subdir, actionType);
                        else if (child is Models.File)
                            DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, downloadId, (Models.File)child, subdir, actionType);

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Start download process
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDownload(ShareFileClient client, PSDriveInfo driveInfo, ICollection<string> resolvedPaths, ActionType actionType)
            int transactionId = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

            ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, string.Empty);
            bool firstIteration = true;

            foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                var item = Utility.ResolveShareFilePath(driveInfo, path);

                if (item == null)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Source path '{0}' not found on ShareFile server.", path));

                var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);

                if (!target.Exists)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Destination '{0}' path not found on local drive.", LocalPath));

                // if create root folder flag is specified then create a container folder first
                if (firstIteration && CreateRoot)
                    Models.Folder parentFolder = client.Items.GetParent(item.url).Execute() as Folder;

                    target = CreateLocalFolder(target, parentFolder);
                    firstIteration = false;

                if (item is Models.Folder)
                    // if user downloading the root drive then download its root folders
                    if ((item as Folder).Info.IsAccountRoot == true)
                        var children = client.Items.GetChildren(item.url).Execute();
                        foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                            if (child is Models.Folder)
                                DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, child, target, actionType);
                        DownloadRecursive(client, transactionId, item, target, actionType);
                else if (item is Models.File)
                    DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, transactionId, (Models.File)item, target, actionType);


            // if strict flag is specified then also clean the target files which are not in source
            if (Strict)
                var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);
                var directories = target.GetDirectories();

                foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                    var item = Utility.ResolveShareFilePath(driveInfo, path);
                    if (item is Folder)
                        foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in directories)
                            if (directory.Name.Equals(item.Name))
                                DeleteLocalStrictRecursive(client, item, directory);

            // on move remove source files
            if (Move)
                foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                    var item = ShareFileProvider.GetShareFileItem((ShareFileDriveInfo)driveInfo, path, null, null);
                    var target = new DirectoryInfo(LocalPath);

                    DeleteShareFileItemRecursive(client, item, CreateRoot && Recursive);
Пример #5
        public static async Task<ShareFileClient> PasswordAuthentication(SampleUser user, string clientId, string clientSecret)
            // Initialize ShareFileClient.
            var configuration = Configuration.Default();
            configuration.Logger = new DefaultLoggingProvider();

            var sfClient = new ShareFileClient("", configuration);
            var oauthService = new OAuthService(sfClient, clientId, clientSecret);

            // Perform a password grant request.  Will give us an OAuthToken
            var oauthToken = await oauthService.PasswordGrantAsync(user.Username, user.Password, user.Subdomain, user.ControlPlane);

            // Add credentials and update sfClient with new BaseUri
            sfClient.BaseUri = oauthToken.GetUri();

            return sfClient;
Пример #6
        public static async Task ShareViaShareFileEmail(ShareFileClient sfClient, Item fileToShare, string recipientEmailAddress)
            var sendShare = new ShareSendParams
                Emails = new[] { recipientEmailAddress },
                Items = new[] {fileToShare.Id},
                Subject = "Sample SDK Share",
                // Allow unlimited downloads
                MaxDownloads = -1

            await sfClient.Shares.CreateSend(sendShare).ExecuteAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Sent email to: " + string.Join(", ", sendShare.Emails));
Пример #7
     public static async Task Download(ShareFileClient sfClient, Item itemToDownload)
         var downloadDirectory = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\DownloadFiles");
         if (!downloadDirectory.Exists)
         Console.WriteLine("Got Here 1");
         var downloader = sfClient.GetAsyncFileDownloader(itemToDownload);
         Console.WriteLine("Got Here 2");
         var file = System.IO.File.Open(Path.Combine(downloadDirectory.Name.ToString(), itemToDownload.Name), FileMode.Create);
         Console.WriteLine("Got Here 3");
         await downloader.DownloadToAsync(file);
         Console.WriteLine("Got Here 4");
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete sharefile contents on Strict flag to make exact copy of source
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteSharefileStrictRecursive(ShareFileClient client, DirectoryInfo source, Item target)
            var children = client.Items.GetChildren(target.url).Execute();
            var directories = source.GetDirectories();
            var files = source.GetFiles();

            foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                bool found = false;
                if (child is Models.Folder)
                    foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in directories)
                        if (directory.Name.Equals(child.Name))
                            DeleteSharefileStrictRecursive(client, directory, child);
                            found = true;
                else if (child is Models.File)
                    foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                        if (file.Name.Equals(child.Name))
                            found = true;

                if (!found)
                    RemoveShareFileItem(client, child);

            //foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in directories)
            //    foreach (var child in children.Feed)
            //    {
            //        if (child is Models.Folder && child.Name.Equals(directory.Name))
            //        {
            //            DeleteLocalStrictRecursive(client, child, directory);
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }

            //foreach (FileInfo file in files)
            //    bool found = false;
            //    foreach (var child in children.Feed)
            //    {
            //        if (child is Models.File && child.Name.Equals(file.Name))
            //        {
            //            found = true;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    if (!found)
            //    {
            //        RemoveLocalItem(file);
            //    }
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Start Upload to Sharefile location
        /// </summary>
        private void StartUpload(ShareFileClient client, int uploadId, Models.Item target, ICollection<string> resolvedPaths, ActionType actionType)
            int transactionId = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next();

            ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, string.Empty);
            bool firstIteration = true;

            foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                FileAttributes attr = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(path);
                FileSystemInfo source = ((attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) ? new DirectoryInfo(path) : source = new FileInfo(path);

                // create an extra parent folder if CreateRoot flag is specified on target location
                if (firstIteration && CreateRoot)
                    DirectoryInfo parentFolder = Directory.GetParent(path);
                    var newFolder = new Models.Folder() { Name = parentFolder.Name };
                    target = client.Items.CreateFolder(target.url, newFolder, OverWrite, false).Execute();
                    firstIteration = false;

                if (source is DirectoryInfo)
                    UploadRecursive(client, uploadId, source, target, actionType);
                    IAction uploadAction = new UploadAction(FileSupport, client, source, target, Details, actionType);


            if (Strict)
                foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                    FileAttributes attr = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(path);
                    if ((attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                        DirectoryInfo source = new DirectoryInfo(path);

                        var children = client.Items.GetChildren(target.url).Execute();
                        foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                            if (child is Models.Folder && child.Name.Equals(source.Name))
                                DeleteSharefileStrictRecursive(client, source as DirectoryInfo, child);

            if (Move)
                foreach (string path in resolvedPaths)
                    FileAttributes attr = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(path);
                    FileSystemInfo source = ((attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory) ? new DirectoryInfo(path) : source = new FileInfo(path);

                    DeleteLocalItemRecursive(source, Recursive);
Пример #10
        public static async Task Download(ShareFileClient sfClient, Item itemToDownload)
            var downloadDirectory = new DirectoryInfo("DownloadedFiles");
            if (!downloadDirectory.Exists)

            var downloader = sfClient.GetAsyncFileDownloader(itemToDownload);
            var file = System.IO.File.Open(Path.Combine(downloadDirectory.Name, itemToDownload.Name), FileMode.Create);
            await downloader.DownloadToAsync(file);
Пример #11
        public static async Task<string> Upload(ShareFileClient sfClient, Folder destinationFolder)
            var file = System.IO.File.Open("SampleFileUpload.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            var uploadRequest = new UploadSpecificationRequest
                FileName = "SampleFileUpload.txt",
                FileSize = file.Length,
                Details = "Sample details",
                Parent = destinationFolder.url

            var uploader = sfClient.GetAsyncFileUploader(uploadRequest,
                new PlatformFileStream(file, file.Length, "SampleFileUpload.txt"));

            var uploadResponse = await uploader.UploadAsync();

            return uploadResponse.First().Id;
Пример #12
        public static async Task<Folder> CreateFolder(ShareFileClient sfClient, Folder parentFolder)
            // Create instance of the new folder we want to create.  Only a few properties 
            // on folder can be defined, others will be ignored.
            var newFolder = new Folder
                Name = "Sample Folder",
                Description = "Created by SF Client SDK"

            return await sfClient.Items.CreateFolder(parentFolder.url, newFolder, overwrite: true).ExecuteAsync();
Пример #13
        private void RecursiveDownload(ShareFileClient client, int downloadId, Models.Item source, DirectoryInfo target)
            if (source is Models.Folder)
                var children = client.Items.GetChildren(source.url).Execute();
                var subdirCheck = new DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(target.FullName, source.FileName));
                if (subdirCheck.Exists && !Force && !ResumeSupport.IsPending) throw new IOException("Path " + subdirCheck.FullName + " already exists. Use -Force to ignore");
                var subdir = target.CreateSubdirectory(source.FileName);
                if (children != null)
                    ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.FileName);

                    foreach (var child in children.Feed)

                        if (child is Models.Folder)
                            RecursiveDownload(client, downloadId, child, subdir);
                        else if (child is Models.File)
                            if (!ResumeSupport.IsPending || !ResumeSupport.CheckFileStatus(child.FileName))
                                ActionType actionType = Force || ResumeSupport.IsPending ? ActionType.Force : ActionType.None;
                                DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, downloadId, (Models.File)child, subdir, actionType);

            else if (source is Models.File)
                ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.FileName);
                if (!ResumeSupport.IsPending || !ResumeSupport.CheckFileStatus(source.FileName))
                    ActionType actionType = Force || ResumeSupport.IsPending ? ActionType.Force : ActionType.None;
                    DownloadAction downloadAction = new DownloadAction(FileSupport, client, downloadId, (Models.File)source, target, actionType);
Пример #14
        private void RecursiveUpload(ShareFileClient client, int uploadId, FileSystemInfo source, Models.Item target)
            if (source is DirectoryInfo)
                var newFolder = new Models.Folder() { Name = source.Name };
                newFolder = client.Items.CreateFolder(target.url, newFolder, Force || ResumeSupport.IsPending, false).Execute();

                ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.Name);
                ActionType actionType = Force ? ActionType.Force : ActionType.None;

                foreach (var fsInfo in ((DirectoryInfo)source).EnumerateFileSystemInfos())
                    if (fsInfo is DirectoryInfo)
                        RecursiveUpload(client, uploadId, fsInfo, newFolder);
                    else if (fsInfo is FileInfo)
                        if (!ResumeSupport.IsPending || !ResumeSupport.CheckFileStatus(fsInfo.Name))
                            IAction uploadAction = new UploadAction(FileSupport, client, fsInfo, newFolder, Details, actionType);

            else if (source is FileInfo)
                ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.Name);
                if (!ResumeSupport.IsPending || !ResumeSupport.CheckFileStatus(source.Name))
                    ActionType actionType = Force || ResumeSupport.IsPending ? ActionType.Force : ActionType.None;
                    IAction uploadAction = new UploadAction(FileSupport, client, source, target, Details, actionType);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the Sharefile items if Move flag is used
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteShareFileItemRecursive(ShareFileClient client, Models.Item source, bool deleteFolder)
            if (source is Models.Folder)
                var children = client.Items.GetChildren(source.url).Execute();

                if (children != null)
                    foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                        if (child is Models.File || Recursive)
                            DeleteShareFileItemRecursive(client, child, !KeepFolders);

            if (source is Models.File || deleteFolder)
                RemoveShareFileItem(client, source);
Пример #16
 public static async Task StartSession(ShareFileClient sfClient)
     var session = await sfClient.Sessions.Login().Expand("Principal").ExecuteAsync();
     Console.WriteLine("Authenticated as " + session.Principal.Email);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Clean the target folders in case of Strict flag
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteLocalStrictRecursive(ShareFileClient client, Models.Item source, DirectoryInfo target)
            var directories = target.GetDirectories();
            var children = client.Items.GetChildren(source.url).Execute();

            foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in directories)
                bool found = false;

                foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                    if (child is Models.Folder && child.Name.Equals(directory.Name))
                        DeleteLocalStrictRecursive(client, child, directory);
                        found = true;

                if (!found)

            var files = target.GetFiles();

            foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                bool found = false;
                foreach (var child in children.Feed)
                    if (child is Models.File && child.Name.Equals(file.Name))
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
Пример #18
        public static async Task<Folder> LoadFolderAndChildren(ShareFileClient sfClient)
            var folder = (Folder)await sfClient.Items.Get().Expand("Children").ExecuteAsync();

            return folder;
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload contents recursively
        /// </summary>
        private void UploadRecursive(ShareFileClient client, int uploadId, FileSystemInfo source, Models.Item target, ActionType actionType)
            if (source is DirectoryInfo)
                var newFolder = new Models.Folder() { Name = source.Name };
                bool isExist = false;

                if (Synchronize)
                        string path = String.Format("/{0}", source.Name);
                        Item item = null;
                            item = client.Items.ByPath(target.url, path).Execute();
                        catch (ODataException e)
                            if (e.Code != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                                throw e;

                        if (item != null && item is Folder)
                            isExist = true;
                            newFolder = (Folder)item;
                    catch { }

                if (!isExist)
                    newFolder = client.Items.CreateFolder(target.url, newFolder, OverWrite, false).Execute();

                ActionManager actionManager = new ActionManager(this, source.Name);

                foreach (var fsInfo in ((DirectoryInfo)source).EnumerateFileSystemInfos())
                    if (fsInfo is DirectoryInfo && Recursive)
                        UploadRecursive(client, uploadId, fsInfo, newFolder, actionType);
                    else if (fsInfo is FileInfo)
                        IAction uploadAction = new UploadAction(FileSupport, client, fsInfo, newFolder, Details, actionType);

Пример #20
        public static async Task<Share> ShareViaLink(ShareFileClient sfClient, Item fileToShare)
            var share = new Share
                Items = new List<Item>

            return await sfClient.Shares.Create(share).ExecuteAsync();
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove sharefile item
        /// </summary>
        private bool RemoveShareFileItem(ShareFileClient client, Item item)
            Query<ODataObject> query = new Query<ODataObject>(client);

            query.HttpMethod = "DELETE";

                return false;

            return true;
 private ShareFileClient CreateClient(AuthenticationDomain domain)
     var client = new ShareFileClient(domain.Uri);
     if (domain.OAuthToken != null)
         client.AddOAuthCredentials(new Uri(domain.Uri), domain.OAuthToken);
     return client;