Пример #1
        public void DrawBar(FpsController fpsController, float barRadius)
            float barThickness            = fpsController.ammoBarThickness;
            float ammoBarOutlineThickness = fpsController.ammoBarOutlineThickness;
            float angRadMin = -fpsController.ammoBarAngularSpanRad / 2;
            float angRadMax = fpsController.ammoBarAngularSpanRad / 2;

            // draw bullets
            Draw.LineEndCaps = LineEndCap.Round;
            float innerRadius     = barRadius - barThickness / 2;
            float bulletThickness = (innerRadius * fpsController.ammoBarAngularSpanRad / totalBullets) * bulletThicknessScale;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalBullets; i++)
                float   t      = i / (totalBullets - 1f);
                float   angRad = Mathf.Lerp(angRadMin, angRadMax, t);
                Vector2 dir    = ShapesMath.AngToDir(angRad);
                Vector2 origin = dir * barRadius;
                Vector2 offset = dir * (barThickness / 2f - ammoBarOutlineThickness * 1.5f);

                float alpha        = 1;
                bool  hasBeenFired = i >= bullets;
                if (hasBeenFired && Application.isPlaying)
                    float timePassed = Time.time - bulletFireTimes[i];
                    float tFade      = Mathf.Clamp01(timePassed / bulletDisappearTime);
                    alpha  = 1f - tFade;
                    origin = GetBulletEjectPos(origin, tFade);
                    float angle = timePassed * (bulletEjectAngSpeed + Mathf.Cos(i * 92372.8f) * ejectRotSpeedVariance);
                    offset = ShapesMath.Rotate(offset, angle);

                Vector2 a = origin + offset;
                Vector2 b = origin - offset;
                Draw.Line(a, b, bulletThickness, new Color(1, 1, 1, alpha));

            FpsController.DrawRoundedArcOutline(Vector2.zero, barRadius, barThickness, ammoBarOutlineThickness, angRadMin, angRadMax);
Пример #2
        readonly Queue <Matrix4x4> mtxQueue = new Queue <Matrix4x4>();       // queue of pending branches to draw

        // Draws a line, moves forward, and then queues up new postions to draw from per new branch
        void BranchFrom(Matrix4x4 mtx)
            if (currentLineCount++ >= lineCount)
                return;                 // stop recursion if we hit our limit
            Draw.Matrix = mtx;
            float   lineLength = Mathf.Lerp(branchLengthMin, branchLengthMax, Random.value); // random branch length
            Vector3 offset     = new Vector3(0, lineLength, 0);                              // offset along the local Y axis

            Draw.Line(Vector3.zero, offset);
            Draw.Translate(offset);               // moves the drawing matrix in its local space

            // create a random number of branches from the current position
            int branchCount = Random.Range(branchesMin, branchesMax + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < branchCount; i++)
                using (Draw.MatrixScope) {                                                                           // saves the current matrix state, and restores it at the end of this scope
                    float angDeviation = Mathf.Lerp(-maxAngDeviation, maxAngDeviation, ShapesMath.RandomGaussian()); // random angular deviation
                    if (use3D)
                        Draw.Rotate(angDeviation, ShapesMath.GetRandomPerpendicularVector(Vector3.up));                             // rotates the current drawing matrix on a random axis
                        Draw.Rotate(angDeviation);                       // rotates the current drawing matrix on the Z axis
                    mtxQueue.Enqueue(Draw.Matrix);                       // save the drawing matrix to draw a branch with later

            while (mtxQueue.Count > 0)              // process all positions in the queue
                BranchFrom(mtxQueue.Dequeue());     // draw new branches at the positions saved in the queue
Пример #3
        void DrawShapes()
            Vector2 center    = position.size / 2;
            float   fitRadius = Mathf.Min(position.width, position.height) / 2 - 8;

            // set doot positions
            float t = (float)EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup / 2;

            foreach (Doot doot in doots)
                float   ang = doot.angSpeed * t * ShapesMath.TAU + doot.angOffset;
                Vector2 dir = ShapesMath.AngToDir(ang);
                doot.pos = dir * (fitRadius * doot.radialOffset);

            // mouse doot~
            Vector2 mouseRawPos    = Event.current.mousePosition - center;
            float   maxRadius      = fitRadius * DOOT_MAX_RADIUS;
            Vector2 mouseTargetPos = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(mouseRawPos, maxRadius);

            doots[0].pos = Vector2.Lerp(doots[0].pos, mouseTargetPos, mouseDootT);
            bool mouseOver = mouseOverWindow == this;

            mouseDootT = Mathf.Lerp(mouseDootT, mouseOver ? 1f : 0f, 0.05f);

            // save state
            Matrix4x4       prevMtx                = Draw.Matrix;
            ShapesBlendMode prevBlendMode          = Draw.BlendMode;
            ThicknessSpace  prevDiscRadiusSpace    = Draw.DiscRadiusSpace;
            ThicknessSpace  prevLineThicknessSpace = Draw.LineThicknessSpace;
            LineGeometry    prevLineGeometry       = Draw.LineGeometry;
            ThicknessSpace  prevRingThicknessSpace = Draw.RingThicknessSpace;

            // draw setup
            Draw.Matrix             = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(center.x, center.y, 1f), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
            Draw.BlendMode          = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
            Draw.DiscRadiusSpace    = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
            Draw.LineThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
            Draw.LineGeometry       = LineGeometry.Flat2D;
            Draw.RingThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Meters;

            // Drawing
            Draw.RingGradientRadial(Vector3.zero, fitRadius, fitRadius * 0.1f, Color.black, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            Draw.Disc(Vector3.zero, fitRadius, Color.black);

            // edge noodles
            const int noodCount = 64;

            for (int i = 0; i < noodCount; i++)
                float   tDir = i / ((float)noodCount);
                float   tAng = ShapesMath.TAU * tDir;
                Vector2 dir  = ShapesMath.AngToDir(tAng);
                if (Mathf.Abs(dir.y) > 0.75f)
                Vector2 root          = dir * fitRadius;
                float   distToNearest = float.MaxValue;
                for (int j = 0; j < doots.Length; j++)
                    distToNearest = Mathf.Min(distToNearest, Vector2.Distance(doots[j].pos, root));
                float distMod       = Mathf.InverseLerp(fitRadius * 0.5f, fitRadius * 0.1f, distToNearest);
                float noodMaxOffset = fitRadius * (1 + 0.1f * distMod);
                Draw.Line(root, dir * noodMaxOffset, fitRadius * Mathf.Lerp(0.07f, 0.04f, distMod));

            // ring
            Draw.Ring(Vector3.zero, fitRadius, fitRadius * 0.0125f, colMain);

            // connecting lines
            for (int i = 0; i < doots.Length; i++)
                Vector2 a = doots[i].pos;
                for (int j = i; j < doots.Length; j++)
                    Vector2 b          = doots[j].pos;
                    float   dist       = Vector2.Distance(a, b);
                    float   rangeValue = Mathf.InverseLerp(fitRadius * 1f, fitRadius * 0.02f, dist);
                    if (rangeValue > 0)
                        Color col = Color.Lerp(colFade, colMain, rangeValue);
                        Draw.Line(a, b, fitRadius * 0.015f * rangeValue, LineEndCap.Round, col);

            // doots~
            foreach (Doot doot in doots)
                Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
                Draw.Disc(doot.pos, fitRadius * 0.025f, Color.black);
                Draw.Disc(doot.pos, fitRadius * 0.015f, colMain);
                Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Additive;
                Color innerColor = colMain;
                innerColor.a = 0.25f;
                Color outerColor = Color.clear;
                Draw.DiscGradientRadial(doot.pos, fitRadius * 0.18f, innerColor, outerColor);

            Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Multiplicative;
            Draw.DiscGradientRadial(Vector3.zero, fitRadius * 0.5f, Color.black, Color.clear);

            // restore state
            Draw.Matrix             = prevMtx;
            Draw.BlendMode          = prevBlendMode;
            Draw.DiscRadiusSpace    = prevDiscRadiusSpace;
            Draw.LineThicknessSpace = prevLineThicknessSpace;
            Draw.LineGeometry       = prevLineGeometry;
            Draw.RingThicknessSpace = prevRingThicknessSpace;
Пример #4
        public void DrawCompass(Vector3 worldDir)
            Vector2 compArcOrigin = position + Vector2.down * bendRadius;

            float   angUiMin    = ShapesMath.TAU * 0.25f - (width / 2) / bendRadius;
            float   angUiMax    = ShapesMath.TAU * 0.25f + (width / 2) / bendRadius;
            Vector2 dirWorld    = new Vector2(worldDir.x, worldDir.z).normalized;
            float   lookAng     = ShapesMath.DirToAng(dirWorld);
            float   angWorldMin = lookAng + fieldOfView / 2;
            float   angWorldMax = lookAng - fieldOfView / 2;

            Draw.Arc(compArcOrigin, bendRadius, lineThickness, angUiMin, angUiMax, ArcEndCap.Round);

            void CompassArcNoot(float worldAng, float size, string label = null)
                float   tCompass = ShapesMath.InverseLerpAngleRad(angWorldMax, angWorldMin, worldAng);
                float   uiAng    = Mathf.Lerp(angUiMin, angUiMax, tCompass);
                Vector2 uiDir    = ShapesMath.AngToDir(uiAng);
                Vector2 a        = compArcOrigin + uiDir * bendRadius;
                Vector2 b        = compArcOrigin + uiDir * (bendRadius - size * tickSize);
                float   fade     = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, tickEdgeFadeFraction, (1f - Mathf.Abs(tCompass * 2 - 1)));

                Draw.Line(a, b, LineEndCap.None, new Color(1, 1, 1, fade));
                if (label != null)
                    Draw.FontSize = fontSizeTickLabel;
                    Draw.Text(b - uiDir * tickLabelOffset, uiAng - ShapesMath.TAU / 4f, label, TextAlign.Center, new Color(1, 1, 1, fade));

            Draw.LineEndCaps   = LineEndCap.Square;
            Draw.LineThickness = lineThickness;

            Vector2 trianglePos = compArcOrigin + Vector2.up * (bendRadius + 0.01f);
            Vector2 labelPos    = compArcOrigin + Vector2.up * (bendRadius) + lookAngLabelOffset * 0.1f;
            string  lookLabel   = Mathf.RoundToInt(-lookAng * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 180f) + "°";

            Draw.FontSize = fontSizeLookLabel;
            Draw.Text(labelPos, 0f, lookLabel, TextAlign.Center);
            Vector2 triA = trianglePos + ShapesMath.AngToDir(-ShapesMath.TAU / 4) * triangleNootSize;
            Vector2 triB = trianglePos + ShapesMath.AngToDir(-ShapesMath.TAU / 4 + ShapesMath.TAU / 3) * triangleNootSize;
            Vector2 triC = trianglePos + ShapesMath.AngToDir(-ShapesMath.TAU / 4 + 2 * ShapesMath.TAU / 3) * triangleNootSize;

            Draw.Triangle(triA, triB, triC);

            int tickCount = (ticksPerQuarterTurn - 1) * 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++)
                float t        = i / ((float)tickCount);
                float ang      = ShapesMath.TAU * t;
                bool  cardinal = i % (tickCount / 4) == 0;

                string label = null;
                if (cardinal)
                    int angInt = Mathf.RoundToInt((1f - t) * 4);
                    switch (angInt)
                    case 0:
                    case 4:
                        label = "S";

                    case 1:
                        label = "W";

                    case 2:
                        label = "N";

                    case 3:
                        label = "E";

                float tCompass = ShapesMath.InverseLerpAngleRad(angWorldMax, angWorldMin, ang);
                if (tCompass < 1f && tCompass > 0f)
                    CompassArcNoot(ang, cardinal ? 0.8f : 0.5f, label);
Пример #5
        public void DrawBar(FpsController fpsController, float barRadius)
            // get some data
            float barThickness            = fpsController.ammoBarThickness;
            float ammoBarOutlineThickness = fpsController.ammoBarOutlineThickness;
            float angRadMin     = -fpsController.ammoBarAngularSpanRad / 2;
            float angRadMax     = fpsController.ammoBarAngularSpanRad / 2;
            float angRadMinLeft = angRadMin + ShapesMath.TAU / 2;
            float angRadMaxLeft = angRadMax + ShapesMath.TAU / 2;
            float outerRadius   = barRadius + barThickness / 2;

            float chargeAnim = chargeFillCurve.Evaluate(charge);

            // charge bar shake:
            float   chargeMag    = animChargeShakeMagnitude.Evaluate(chargeAnim) * chargeShakeMagnitude;
            Vector2 origin       = fpsController.GetShake(chargeShakeSpeed, chargeMag);         // do shake here
            float   chargeAngRad = Mathf.Lerp(angRadMaxLeft, angRadMinLeft, chargeAnim);
            Color   chargeColor  = chargeFillGradient.Evaluate(chargeAnim);

            Draw.Arc(origin, fpsController.ammoBarRadius, barThickness, angRadMaxLeft, chargeAngRad, chargeColor);

            Vector2 movingLeftPos = origin + ShapesMath.AngToDir(chargeAngRad) * barRadius;
            Vector2 bottomLeftPos = origin + ShapesMath.AngToDir(angRadMaxLeft) * barRadius;

            // bottom fill
            Draw.Disc(bottomLeftPos, barThickness / 2f, chargeColor);

            // ticks
            const int tickCount = 7;

            Draw.LineEndCaps = LineEndCap.None;
            for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++)
                float   t      = i / (tickCount - 1f);
                float   angRad = Mathf.Lerp(angRadMaxLeft, angRadMinLeft, t);
                Vector2 dir    = ShapesMath.AngToDir(angRad);
                Vector2 a      = origin + dir * outerRadius;
                bool    lorge  = i % 3 == 0;
                Vector2 b      = a + dir * (lorge ? tickSizeLorge : tickSizeSmol);
                Draw.Line(a, b, tickTickness, tickColor);

                // scale based on distance to real value
                float chargeDelta = t - chargeAnim;
                float growRange   = chargeDelta < 0 ? fontGrowRangePrev : fontGrowRangeNext;
                float tFontScale  = 1f - ShapesMath.SmoothCos01(Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(chargeDelta) / growRange));
                float fontScale   = ShapesMath.Eerp(fontSize, fontSizeLorge, tFontScale);
                Draw.FontSize = fontScale;
                Vector2 labelPos = a + dir * percentLabelOffset;
                string  pct      = Mathf.RoundToInt(t * 100) + "%";
                Draw.Text(labelPos, angRad + ShapesMath.TAU / 2, pct, TextAlign.Right);

            // moving dot
            Draw.Disc(movingLeftPos, barThickness / 2f + ammoBarOutlineThickness / 2f);
            Draw.Disc(movingLeftPos, barThickness / 2f - ammoBarOutlineThickness / 2f, chargeColor);

            FpsController.DrawRoundedArcOutline(origin, barRadius, barThickness, ammoBarOutlineThickness, angRadMinLeft, angRadMaxLeft);

            Draw.LineEndCaps = LineEndCap.Round;

            // glow
            Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Additive;
            Draw.DiscGradientRadial(movingLeftPos, barThickness * 2, chargeColor, Color.clear);
            Draw.BlendMode = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
Пример #6
        public void DrawCompass(Vector3 worldDir)
            // prepare all variables
            Vector2 compArcOrigin = position + Vector2.down * bendRadius;
            float   angUiMin      = ShapesMath.TAU * 0.25f - (width / 2) / bendRadius;
            float   angUiMax      = ShapesMath.TAU * 0.25f + (width / 2) / bendRadius;
            Vector2 dirWorld      = new Vector2(worldDir.x, worldDir.z).normalized;
            float   lookAng       = ShapesMath.DirToAng(dirWorld);
            float   angWorldMin   = lookAng + fieldOfView / 2;
            float   angWorldMax   = lookAng - fieldOfView / 2;
            Vector2 labelPos      = compArcOrigin + Vector2.up * (bendRadius) + lookAngLabelOffset * 0.1f;
            string  lookLabel     = Mathf.RoundToInt(-lookAng * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 180f) + "°";

            // prepare draw state
            Draw.LineEndCaps = LineEndCap.Square;
            Draw.Thickness   = lineThickness;

            // draw the horizontal line/arc of the compass
            Draw.Arc(compArcOrigin, bendRadius, lineThickness, angUiMin, angUiMax, ArcEndCap.Round);

            // draw the look angle label
            Draw.FontSize = fontSizeLookLabel;
            Draw.Text(labelPos, 0f, lookLabel, TextAlign.Center);

            // triangle arrow
            Vector2 trianglePos = compArcOrigin + Vector2.up * (bendRadius + 0.01f);

            Draw.RegularPolygon(trianglePos, 3, triangleNootSize, -ShapesMath.TAU / 4);

            // draw ticks
            int tickCount = (ticksPerQuarterTurn - 1) * 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < tickCount; i++)
                float t        = i / ((float)tickCount);
                float ang      = ShapesMath.TAU * t;
                bool  cardinal = i % (tickCount / 4) == 0;

                string label = null;
                if (cardinal)
                    int angInt = Mathf.RoundToInt((1f - t) * 4);
                    label = directionLabels[angInt % 4];

                float tCompass = ShapesMath.InverseLerpAngleRad(angWorldMax, angWorldMin, ang);
                if (tCompass < 1f && tCompass > 0f)
                    DrawTick(ang, cardinal ? 0.8f : 0.5f, label);

            void DrawTick(float worldAng, float size, string label = null)
                float   tCompass = ShapesMath.InverseLerpAngleRad(angWorldMax, angWorldMin, worldAng);
                float   uiAng    = Mathf.Lerp(angUiMin, angUiMax, tCompass);
                Vector2 uiDir    = ShapesMath.AngToDir(uiAng);
                Vector2 a        = compArcOrigin + uiDir * bendRadius;
                Vector2 b        = compArcOrigin + uiDir * (bendRadius - size * tickSize);
                float   fade     = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, tickEdgeFadeFraction, (1f - Mathf.Abs(tCompass * 2 - 1)));

                Draw.Line(a, b, LineEndCap.None, new Color(1, 1, 1, fade));
                if (label != null)
                    Draw.FontSize = fontSizeTickLabel;
                    Draw.Text(b - uiDir * tickLabelOffset, uiAng - ShapesMath.TAU / 4f, label, TextAlign.Center, new Color(1, 1, 1, fade));