Пример #1
        // Processes all headers from a shader file and compiles every permutation
        public void Compile(HeaderInfo inHeader, ShaderFile ioShaderFile)
            Console.WriteLine("HEADER:\t\t" + inHeader.GetDebugString());

            // Shader code as header file or binary file
            // TODO: Only header files for now
            bool   header_file   = true;
            string export_option = header_file ? "Fh" : "Fo";

            string cmd_input_file    = ioShaderFile.FullPath;
            string cmd_output_file   = CreateCommand(export_option, inHeader.GetGeneratedFileName(ioShaderFile));
            string cmd_variable_name = header_file ? CreateCommand("Vn", "g_" + inHeader.Name) : "";
            string cmd_entry_point   = CreateCommand("E", inHeader.EntryPoint);
            string cmd_profile       = CreateCommand("T", EnumUtils.ToDescription(inHeader.Type).ToLower() + "_" + EnumUtils.ToDescription(Config.ShaderModel));
            string cmd_optimization  = CreateCommand("Od");
            string cmd_debug_info    = Config.EnableDebugInformation ? CreateCommand("Zi") : "";
            string cmd_defines       = GenerateDefines(inHeader, Config.ShaderModel);
            string cmd_nologo        = CreateCommand("nologo");

            // Don't output to file in Test. This should just output the shader code in the console
            if (Arguments.Operation == Arguments.OperationType.Test)
                cmd_variable_name = "";
                cmd_output_file   = "";

            string args = CombineCommands(cmd_input_file, cmd_output_file, cmd_variable_name, cmd_entry_point, cmd_profile,
                                          cmd_optimization, cmd_debug_info, cmd_defines, cmd_nologo);

            string  compiler_exe = GetCompilerPath();
            Process process      = Process.Start(compiler_exe);

            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
            process.StartInfo.WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            process.StartInfo.Arguments = args;


            // To avoid deadlocks, use an asynchronous read operation on at least one of the streams.


            ioShaderFile.DidCompile = (process.ExitCode == 0);

            if (!ioShaderFile.DidCompile)
                string errorMessage = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() + "Failed with commandline:\n" + compiler_exe + " " + args + "\n\n";
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);
                //throw new Exception(process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd());

Пример #2
        public string GetGeneratedFileName(ShaderFile inShaderFile)
            // TODO: Only header files for now
            bool   header_file        = true;
            string output_extension   = header_file ? Config.GeneratedHeaderExtension : ".bin";
            string shader_name        = inShaderFile.GetFileName() + "_" + Name + "_" + EnumUtils.ToDescription(Type);
            string shader_output_file = Path.Combine(Config.GeneratedFolderPath, shader_name) + output_extension;
