Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports playlist items as SongGridViewItems.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playlist">Playlist</param>
        public void ImportPlaylist(Playlist playlist)
            _mode = SongGridViewMode.Playlist;
            _items = new List<SongGridViewItem>();
            foreach (var playlistItem in playlist.Items)
                var item = new SongGridViewItem();
                item.AudioFile = playlistItem.AudioFile;
                item.PlaylistItemId = playlistItem.Id;

            // Reset scrollbar position
            VerticalScrollBar.Value = 0;
            _songCache = null;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a cache of values used for rendering the song grid view.
        /// Also sets scrollbar position, height, value, maximum, etc.
        /// </summary>
        public void InvalidateSongCache()
            // Check if columns have been created
            if (_columns == null || _columns.Count == 0 || _items == null)

            // Create cache
            _songCache = new SongGridViewCache();

            // Get active columns and order them
            _songCache.ActiveColumns = _columns.Where(x => x.Order >= 0).OrderBy(x => x.Order).ToList();

            //// Create temporary bitmap/graphics objects to measure a string (to determine line height)
            //Bitmap bmpTemp = new Bitmap(200, 100);
            //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpTemp);
            //SizeF sizeFont = g.MeasureString("QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!@#$%^&*()", fontDefaultBold);
            //g = null;
            //bmpTemp = null;

            string allChars = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!@#$%^&*()";
            //var rectText = context.MeasureText(allChars, new BasicRectangle(0, 0, 1000, 100), "Roboto", 12);
            var rectText = new BasicRectangle(0, 0, 100, 14);

            // Calculate the line height (try to measure the total possible height of characters using the custom or default font)
            _songCache.LineHeight = (int)rectText.Height + _theme.Padding;
            _songCache.TotalHeight = _songCache.LineHeight * _items.Count;

            // Check if the total active columns width exceed the width available in the control
            _songCache.TotalWidth = 0;
            for (int a = 0; a < _songCache.ActiveColumns.Count; a++)
                if (_songCache.ActiveColumns[a].Visible)
                    _songCache.TotalWidth += _songCache.ActiveColumns[a].Width;

            // Calculate the number of lines visible (count out the header, which is one line height)
            _songCache.NumberOfLinesFittingInControl = (int)Math.Floor((double)(Frame.Height) / (double)(_songCache.LineHeight));

            // Set vertical scrollbar dimensions
            //VerticalScrollBar.Top = _songCache.LineHeight;
            //VerticalScrollBar.Left = ClientRectangle.Width - VerticalScrollBar.Width;
            VerticalScrollBar.Minimum = 0;            

            // Scrollbar maximum is the number of lines fitting in the screen + the remaining line which might be cut
            // by the control height because it's not a multiple of line height (i.e. the last line is only partly visible)
            int lastLineHeight = (int) (Frame.Height - (_songCache.LineHeight * _songCache.NumberOfLinesFittingInControl));

            // Check width
            if (_songCache.TotalWidth > Frame.Width - VerticalScrollBar.Width)
                // Set scrollbar values
                HorizontalScrollBar.Maximum = _songCache.TotalWidth;
                HorizontalScrollBar.SmallChange = 5;
                HorizontalScrollBar.LargeChange = (int) Frame.Width;
                HorizontalScrollBar.Visible = true;

            // Check if the horizontal scrollbar needs to be turned off
            if (_songCache.TotalWidth <= Frame.Width - VerticalScrollBar.Width && HorizontalScrollBar.Visible)
                HorizontalScrollBar.Visible = false;

            // If there are less items than items fitting on screen...            
            if (((_songCache.NumberOfLinesFittingInControl - 1) * _songCache.LineHeight) - HorizontalScrollBar.Height >= _songCache.TotalHeight)
                // Disable the scrollbar
                VerticalScrollBar.Enabled = false;
                VerticalScrollBar.Value = 0;
                VerticalScrollBar.Enabled = true;

                // Calculate the vertical scrollbar maximum
                int vMax = _songCache.LineHeight * (_items.Count - _songCache.NumberOfLinesFittingInControl + 1) - lastLineHeight;

                // Add the horizontal scrollbar height if visible
                if (HorizontalScrollBar.Visible)
                    vMax += HorizontalScrollBar.Height;

                // Compensate for the header, and for the last line which might be truncated by the control height
                VerticalScrollBar.Maximum = vMax;
                VerticalScrollBar.SmallChange = _songCache.LineHeight;
                VerticalScrollBar.LargeChange = 1 + _songCache.LineHeight * 5;

            // Calculate the scrollbar offset Y
            _songCache.ScrollBarOffsetY = (_startLineNumber * _songCache.LineHeight) - VerticalScrollBar.Value;

            // If both scrollbars need to be visible, the width and height must be changed
            if (HorizontalScrollBar.Visible && VerticalScrollBar.Visible)
                // Cut 16 pixels
                HorizontalScrollBar.Width = (int) (Frame.Width - 16);
                VerticalScrollBar.Height = (int) (Frame.Height - (_songCache.LineHeight * 2) - 16);
                VerticalScrollBar.Height = (int) (Frame.Height - (_songCache.LineHeight * 2));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports audio files as SongGridViewItems.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioFiles">List of AudioFiles</param>
        public void ImportAudioFiles(List<AudioFile> audioFiles)
            _mode = SongGridViewMode.AudioFile;
            _items = new List<SongGridViewItem>();

            var albums = audioFiles.GroupBy(x => new { x.ArtistName, x.AlbumTitle });
            foreach (var album in albums)
                var songs = audioFiles.Where(x => x.ArtistName == album.Key.ArtistName && x.AlbumTitle == album.Key.AlbumTitle).ToArray();
                foreach (var song in songs)
                    var item = new SongGridViewItem();
                    item.AudioFile = song;
                    item.PlaylistItemId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    item.AlbumArtKey = album.Key.ArtistName + "_" + album.Key.AlbumTitle;
                if (songs.Length < MinimumRowsPerAlbum)
                    for (int a = 0; a < MinimumRowsPerAlbum - songs.Length; a++)
                        var item = new SongGridViewItem();
                        item.IsEmptyRow = true;
                        item.AlbumArtKey = album.Key.ArtistName + "_" + album.Key.AlbumTitle;

            VerticalScrollBar.Value = 0;
            _songCache = null;
Пример #4
        public void MouseClick(float x, float y, MouseButtonType button, KeysHeld keysHeld)
            bool controlNeedsToBeFullyInvalidated = false;
            bool controlNeedsToBePartiallyInvalidated = false;
            var partialRect = new BasicRectangle();

            if (_columns == null || _songCache == null)

            // Show context menu strip if the button click is right and not the album art column
            if (button == MouseButtonType.Right && x > _columns[0].Width && y > _songCache.LineHeight)
                OnDisplayContextMenu(ContextMenuType.Item, x, y);

            int albumArtCoverWidth = _columns[0].Visible ? _columns[0].Width : 0;
            var columnResizing = _columns.FirstOrDefault(col => col.IsUserResizingColumn == true);
            int scrollbarOffsetY = (_startLineNumber * _songCache.LineHeight) - VerticalScrollBar.Value;

            // Check if the user has clicked on the header (for orderBy)
            if (y >= 0 && y <= _songCache.LineHeight &&
                columnResizing == null && !IsColumnMoving)
                // Check on what column the user has clicked
                int offsetX = 0;
                for (int a = 0; a < _songCache.ActiveColumns.Count; a++)
                    var column = _songCache.ActiveColumns[a];
                    if (column.Visible)
                        // Check if the mouse pointer is over this column
                        if (x >= offsetX - HorizontalScrollBar.Value && x <= offsetX + column.Width - HorizontalScrollBar.Value)
                            if (button == MouseButtonType.Left && CanChangeOrderBy)
                                // Check if the column order was already set
                                if (_orderByFieldName == column.FieldName)
                                    // Reverse ascending/descending
                                    _orderByAscending = !_orderByAscending;
                                    // Set order by field name
                                    _orderByFieldName = column.FieldName;
                                    _orderByAscending = true;

                                //_items = null;
                                _songCache = null;

                                // Raise column click event (if an event is subscribed)
                                if (OnColumnClick != null)
                                    var data = new SongGridViewColumnClickData();
                                    data.ColumnIndex = a;

                            else if (button == MouseButtonType.Right)
                                //// Refresh column visibility in menu before opening
                                //foreach (ToolStripMenuItem menuItem in _menuColumns.Items)
                                //    SongGridViewColumn menuItemColumn = _columns.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Title == menuItem.Tag.ToString());
                                //    if (menuItemColumn != null)
                                //        menuItem.Checked = menuItemColumn.Visible;

                                OnDisplayContextMenu(ContextMenuType.Header, x, y);

                        offsetX += column.Width;

            // Loop through visible lines to find the original selected items
            var tuple = GetStartIndexAndEndIndexOfSelectedRows();
            int startIndex = tuple.Item1;
            int endIndex = tuple.Item2;

            // Make sure the indexes are set
            if (startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1)
                // Invalidate the original selected lines
                int startY = ((startIndex - _startLineNumber + 1) * _songCache.LineHeight) + scrollbarOffsetY;
                int endY = ((endIndex - _startLineNumber + 2) * _songCache.LineHeight) + scrollbarOffsetY;
                var newPartialRect = new BasicRectangle(albumArtCoverWidth - HorizontalScrollBar.Value, startY, Frame.Width - albumArtCoverWidth + HorizontalScrollBar.Value, endY - startY);
                controlNeedsToBePartiallyInvalidated = true;

            // Reset selection (make sure SHIFT or CTRL isn't held down)
            if (!keysHeld.IsShiftKeyHeld && !keysHeld.IsCtrlKeyHeld)
                // Make sure the mouse is over at least one item
                var mouseOverItem = _items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.IsMouseOverItem == true);
                if (mouseOverItem != null)

            // Loop through visible lines to update the new selected items
            bool invalidatedNewSelection = false;
            for (int a = _startLineNumber; a < _startLineNumber + _numberOfLinesToDraw; a++)
                // Check if mouse is over this item
                if (_items[a].IsMouseOverItem)
                    invalidatedNewSelection = true;

                    // Check if SHIFT is held
                    if (keysHeld.IsShiftKeyHeld)
                        // Find the start index of the selection
                        int startIndexSelection = _lastItemIndexClicked;
                        if (a < startIndexSelection)
                            startIndexSelection = a;
                        if (startIndexSelection < 0)
                            startIndexSelection = 0;

                        // Find the end index of the selection
                        int endIndexSelection = _lastItemIndexClicked;
                        if (a > endIndexSelection)
                            endIndexSelection = a + 1;

                        // Loop through items to selected
                        for (int b = startIndexSelection; b < endIndexSelection; b++)
                            _items [b].IsSelected = true;

                        controlNeedsToBeFullyInvalidated = true;
                    // Check if CTRL is held
                    else if(keysHeld.IsCtrlKeyHeld)
                        // Invert selection
                        _items[a].IsSelected = !_items[a].IsSelected;
                        var newPartialRect = new BasicRectangle(albumArtCoverWidth - HorizontalScrollBar.Value, ((a - _startLineNumber + 1) * _songCache.LineHeight) + scrollbarOffsetY, Frame.Width - albumArtCoverWidth + HorizontalScrollBar.Value, _songCache.LineHeight);
                        controlNeedsToBePartiallyInvalidated = true;
                        // Set this item as the new selected item
                        _items[a].IsSelected = true;
                        var newPartialRect = new BasicRectangle(albumArtCoverWidth - HorizontalScrollBar.Value, ((a - _startLineNumber + 1) * _songCache.LineHeight) + scrollbarOffsetY, Frame.Width - albumArtCoverWidth + HorizontalScrollBar.Value, _songCache.LineHeight);
                        controlNeedsToBePartiallyInvalidated = true;

                    // Set the last item clicked index
                    _lastItemIndexClicked = a;

            // Raise selected item changed event (if an event is subscribed)
            if (invalidatedNewSelection && OnSelectedIndexChanged != null)
                var data = new SongGridViewSelectedIndexChangedData();

            if (controlNeedsToBeFullyInvalidated)
            else if (controlNeedsToBePartiallyInvalidated)