public static void CrawlUpdater(Object ticks, Object sC) { List <String> tickers = (List <string>)ticks; Console.WriteLine("Print Tickers"); foreach (string x in tickers) { Console.WriteLine(x); } Stock_Crawler y = (Stock_Crawler)sC; foreach (string x in tickers) { Stock dummy = y.CrawlStock(x); Console.WriteLine(dummy.ToString()); //Sleeping to meet API compliance Thread.Sleep(50); } }
public static void Connection(Object stockC) { Stock_Crawler crawl = (Stock_Crawler)stockC; //---listen at the specified IP and port no.--- IPAddress localAdd = IPAddress.Parse(SERVER_IP); TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(localAdd, PORT_NO); Console.WriteLine("Listening..."); listener.Start(); //Main form stuff string json; //---incoming client connected--- TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); while (true) { try { //---get the incoming data through a network stream--- NetworkStream nwStream = client.GetStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize]; //---read incoming stream--- int bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize); //---convert the data received into a string--- string dataReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); Console.WriteLine("Received : " + dataReceived); //Stock logic using (var web = new WebClient()) { var url = $""; //If batch, special URL used url = $"{dataReceived}/book/"; //Download the returned API call as a string json = web.DownloadString(url); Console.WriteLine(url); } json = json.Replace("//", ""); var v = JToken.Parse(json); var mainStuff = v.First.First; Stock stockShow = crawl.FillStock(mainStuff); //---write back the text to the client--- Console.WriteLine("End Received. Sending back : " + stockShow.ToString()); string toSend = stockShow.ToString(); switch (stockShow.Rating) { case float n when n >= 100: toSend += "\nRating of: Watch Carefully"; break; case float n when n < 100 && n >= 80: toSend += "\nRating of: Optimistic Look"; break; case float n when n < 80 && n >= 60: toSend += "\nRating of: Solid Choice"; break; case float n when n < 60 && n >= 40: toSend += "\nRating of: Decent Choice"; break; case float n when n < 40 && n >= 20: toSend += "\nRating of: Stable, but Stalled"; break; default: toSend += "\nRating of: Wary, Sell or Keep Eye On"; break; } byte[] bytesToSend = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toSend); nwStream.Write(bytesToSend, 0, bytesToSend.Length); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); break; } } client.Close(); listener.Stop(); Connection(crawl); }